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    AbstractVocabulary acquisition is a critical component of language learning and, as such, should hold a central place in every foreign language classroom. However, teaching vocabulary properly is both difficult and timeconsuming, and so is often taught using randomly selected lexical items, which are taught incrementally and without sufficient structuring and reinforcement. The result is that students become frustrated and lose motivation. Moreover, the crucial component of student confidence is diminished which does, in fact, directly affect other areas of language competency. To combat this, and to achieve excellence in vocabulary-building,it is essential that instructors apply appropriate techniques to facilitate students’ rapid acquisition of new lexical items while ensuring long-term retention. This includes systematically selecting vocabulary to be taught by considering the academic needs and competency levels of the students, as well as explicit instruction in strategies that promote learner autonomy. This article aims to demonstrate methods for choosing vocabulary items, and ways to organize and implement vocabulary curricula.語彙の獲得は語学学習の重要な要素であり、クラス内で中心的な役割を果たすべきだ。しかし、語彙を適切に教えるのは困難で時間がかかる。よって講師たちは戦略や理屈を考えず、適当に語彙を選んで教えることが多い。その結果、学習者は不満を持ち意欲を失くす。そして最も致命的なことに、自信も失ってしまう。自信の喪失は、すべての言語能力分野に直接影響を及ぼす。この問題を防ぎつつ語彙の迅速な獲得を達成するためには、講師が適切なテクニックを使用することが不可欠だ。それには、学習者の自律性を促進するような戦略的な指導と、学生のニーズやレベルを考慮して教えるべき語彙を体系的に選択することが含まれる。本論文の目的は、語彙を効果的に選択する方法と語彙カリキュラムを整理し適用する方法を示すことである

    リスニング教育におけるストラテジー指導: メタ認知ストラテジー、情緒的ストラテジー、社会的ストラテジーを使用し、リスニングスキルを向上させる

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    AbstractTeaching listening comprehension is central to all foreign language study programs. However, teaching listening in the classroom is insufficient. It is essential that language instructors train students in how to listen by teaching listening strategies. By incorporating metacognitive, affective, and social learning strategies into listening comprehension classrooms, instructors enable students to develop as independent language learners and to maximize opportunities for the development of listening comprehension in language learning. 概要リスニング教育は、すべての外国語教育プログラムの要だ。しかし、ただ単に教室内でリスニング教育を行うだけでは不十分である。語学講師は生徒たちにリスニングストラテジーを伝授し、「リスニングの方法」を学ばせなくてはいけない。メタ認知ストラテジー、情緒的ストラテジー、そして社会的ストラテジーを授業の中にうまく組み込むことで、講師は生徒たちを自立した語学学習者に育て、リスニング力発達の機会を最大化することができる


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    Since Meyer and Land (2003) first posited the idea of threshold concepts, it has been applied to many different disciplines from economics and physics to mathematics and engineering as an interdisciplinary tool for defining keys to learning. However, very little has been written to apply threshold concepts to the field of language learning, specifically in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). This is important because, unlike other disciplines, foreign-language learning and teaching requires ideas (grammatical concepts, culture, etc.) to be communicated through the language being learned, and the areas covered by threshold concepts can sometimes be tricky to see. Even very experienced ESOL instructors may fail to foresee students’ difficulties in learning certain key concepts. Moreover, these cannot simply be dropped from the curriculum nor skirted over blithely but must be identified and incorporated with considerable effort. Only through this process are language students able to make the cognitive leaps required to progress in English-language studies. While threshold concepts are certainly not the primary focus of our curriculum, identifying them and taking special care in the teaching of them remains pertinent to designing “developmentally-appropriate instruction” that assists learners in the “epistemological transformation” that is required in many aspects of English-language learning (Timmermans, 2010, p.16). This paper will explore ways in which the principle of threshold concepts may be applied to ESOL instruction in higher education to help teachers and learners overcome obstacles that are key to language acquisition. メイヤーとランドによって初めて提示された“ものの見方を変えるコンセプト(threshold concepts)” は、効果的な学習ツールとして、経済学や物理学、数学、工学など複数の異なる分野にまたがって適用されてきた。しかし、言語学習の領域、特にESOL(英語を母語としない人たちのための英語)の分野では、ほとんど用いられていない。“ ものの見方を変えるコンセプト” はESOL でこそ重要だ。なぜなら外国語の学習者は他の分野の学習者と違い、文法や文化などの概念を、言語を学ぶ過程の中で習得していくことを求められるからである。しかし、“ものの見方を変えるコンセプト”が適用可能な領域は分かりづらい。経験豊かなESOL 講師でも、生徒が理解に苦労する概念を予測できないことが多々あるが、簡単にカリキュラムに組み込むことなど不可能だ。注意深い観察により、鍵となる概念を識別することが必要なのである。そうすれば、生徒たちは英語学習の中で必要とされる認識能力を飛躍的に伸ばすことができる。現在のカリキュラムでは、“ものの見方を変えるコンセプト”は全く重要視されていない。しかしそれを特定し注意深く指導することで、学習者は英語学習の様々な側面で必要とされる“ 認識論的転換”を得ることができる。そして、それが“ 発達上適切な教育”のデザインに寄与することにつながる。今論文では、ESOL 高等教育に適用できるであろう“ ものの見方を変えるコンセプト” の原理を示し、学習者の言語習得を阻む障壁を超える助けとなるものを提示したい

    Distributed Cinema: Interactive, Networked Spectatorship In The Age Of Digital Media

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    Digital media has changed much of how people watch, consume and interact with digital media. The loss of indexicality, or the potential infidelity between an image and its source, contributes to a distrust of images. The ubiquity of interactive media changes aesthetics of images, as viewers begin to expect interactivity. Networked media changes not only the ways in which viewers access media, but also how they communicate with each other about this media. The Tulse Luper Suitcases encapsulates all of these phenomena

    The Riddim Method: Aesthetics, Practice, and Ownership in Jamaican Dancehall

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    The Jamaican system of recording and performance, from the 1950s to the present, constitutes a distinctive approach to notions of composition, originality and ownership. Emerging from a tradition of live performance practice mediated by (and informing) sound recordings, the relative autonomy of riddims and voicings in the Jamaican system challenges conventional ideas about the integrity of a song and the degree to which international copyright law applies to local conceptions, as enshrined in decades of practice, of musical materials as public domain. With the spread of the ‘riddim method’ to the sites of Jamaican mass migration, as evidenced by similar approaches in hip hop, reggaeton, drum\u27n\u27bass and bhangra, reggae\u27s aesthetic system has found adherents among artists and audiences outside of Jamaica. This paper maps out, through historical description, ethnographic data, and musical analysis, the Jamaican system as a unique and increasingly influential approach to music-making in the digital age

    Granular Activated Carbons from Agricultural By-products: Preparation, Properties, and Application in Cane Sugar Refining (Bulletin #869)

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    The objectives of this investigation were to convert select Louisiana agricultural by-products to GAC and to characterize these carbons in terms of those physical (surface area, pore structure) and chemical (surface charge, functional groups) properties directly related to adsorption of raw sugar colorants.https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/agcenter_bulletins/1038/thumbnail.jp

    The Cognitive Moral Reasoning of Salespeople

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    This study revealed whether training programs designed to improve the moral reasoning of business-to-business salespeople in large company settings have an effect. It also revealed whether there were differences in the moral reasoning of two categories of those salespeople: marketers of products (tangible; produced, then sold) and services (intangible, perishable; can be produced, sold, and consumed simultaneously). Finally, it assessed salespeople\u27s perceptions of company-provided ethics training programs. Representing 21 different Fortune-1000 companies scattered across the Mid-Atlantic, Northwestern, and South-Central United States, 100 salespeople agreed to serve as study participants. Approximately half the participants were products marketers and half were services marketers. The study utilized a multi-method design. To assess marketers\u27 moral reasoning as well as potential differences in their scores, the researcher had four groups of approximately 25 salespeople each self-administer the Defining Issues Test-2. Comparisons of scores were made in both salesperson categories between those who had participated in company-provided ethics training and those who had not. Data revealed no significant differences between any of the four groups of salespeople at the postconventional, or principled level, of moral reasoning. However, at the preconventional and conventional levels of moral reasoning, data revealed differences between salespeople\u27s scores and those of the DIT-2 population. Salespeople found test descriptors used in those levels to be far less salient than the population as a whole. To understand salespeople\u27s perceptions of company-provided ethics training programs, the researcher, utilizing the phenomenonological tradition of inquiry, conducted in-depth interviews with nine of the 100 DIT-2 participants. Three broad themes, representative of all nine interviewees, emerged from the data. Salespeople shared their views of their profession\u27s, and their own, ethicality. Describing company ethics programs to which they had been exposed, salespeople revealed their views of their employers\u27 rationale for the training as well as their own estimation of its relevance and value. These emerged against a backdrop the researcher named The Sales Ethos. Salespeople revealed aspects of their values and character which helped explain their views of ethical issues in the sales profession. The researcher drew five broad observations from the interview data and closed with recommendations for human resource development practice and further research

    Experimental Investigation of a Liquid Film on a Horizontal Flat Plate in a Supersonic Gas Stream

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    Mechanical Engineerin

    La méthode du riddim : esthétique, pratique et propriété dans le dancehall jamaïcain

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    La scène et l’industrie du disque jamaïcaines, des années 1950 jusqu’à nos jours, ont une manière bien particulière d’aborder les notions de composition, d’œuvre originale et de propriété. Prolongeant une tradition où la performance live implique l’utilisation de disques (et influence en retour leur production), la relative autonomie, dans ce système, des riddims et des parties vocales [voicings] remet en cause les idées habituelles sur ce qui constitue l’identité d’une chanson. Cette autonomie pose aussi la question de la façon dont le droit international en matière de copyright peut s’appliquer là où des décennies de pratique musicale vont de pair avec l’idée que le matériau musical fait partie du domaine public. Avec la propagation de la « méthode du riddim » dans les aires d’immigration jamaïcaine, l’esthétique propre au reggae a pu toucher hors de Jamaïque d’autres publics et d’autres artistes – comme le montrent des genres voisins comme le hip-hop, le reggaeton, le drum‘n’bass ou encore le bhangra. L’article conjugue ainsi récit historique, données ethnographiques et analyse musicologique en vue de montrer comment le système jamaïcain constitue une manière à la fois unique et de plus en en plus influente d’aborder la création musicale à l’ère numérique.The Jamaican system of recording and performance, from the 1950s to the present, constitutes a distinctive approach to notions of composition, originality and ownership. Emerging from a tradition of live performance practice mediated by (and informing) sound recordings, the relative autonomy of riddims and voicings in the Jamaican system challenges conventional ideas about the integrity of a song and the degree to which international copyright law applies to local conceptions, as enshrined in decades of practice, of musical materials as public domain. With the spread of the ‘riddim method’ to the sites of Jamaican mass migration, as evidenced by similar approaches in hip hop, reggaeton, drum‘n’bass and bhangra, reggae’s aesthetic system has found adherents among artists and audiences outside of Jamaica. This paper maps out, through historical description, ethnographic data, and musical analysis, the Jamaican system as a unique and increasingly influential approach to music-making in the digital age