16,168 research outputs found

    Sub-femtosecond electron bunches created by direct laser acceleration in a laser wakefield accelerator with ionization injection

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    In this work, we will show through three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations that direct laser acceleration in laser a wakefield accelerator can generate sub-femtosecond electron bunches. Two simulations were done with two laser pulse durations, such that the shortest laser pulse occupies only a fraction of the first bubble, whereas the longer pulse fills the entire first bubble. In the latter case, as the trapped electrons moved forward and interacted with the high intensity region of the laser pulse, micro-bunching occurred naturally, producing 0.5 fs electron bunches. This is not observed in the short pulse simulation.Comment: AAC 201

    Evidence that widespread star formation may be underway in G0.253+016, "The Brick"

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    Image cubes of differential column density as a function of dust temperature are constructed for Galactic Centre molecular cloud G0.253+0.016 ("The Brick") using the recently described PPMAP procedure. The input data consist of continuum images from the Herschel Space Telescope in the wavelength range 70-500 ÎŒ\mum, supplemented by previously published interferometric data at 1.3 mm wavelength. While the bulk of the dust in the molecular cloud is consistent with being heated externally by the local interstellar radiation field, our image cube shows the presence, near one edge of the cloud, of a filamentary structure whose temperature profile suggests internal heating. The structure appears as a cool (∌14\sim 14 K) tadpole-like feature, ∌6\sim 6 pc in length, in which is embedded a thin spine of much hotter (∌\sim 40-50 K) material. We interpret these findings in terms of a cool filament whose hot central region is undergoing gravitational collapse and fragmentation to form a line of protostars. If confirmed, this would represent the first evidence of widespread star formation having started within this cloud.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter


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    This paper introduces conjunctive optimal pest management and production decision rules applied to the floriculture industry. A grower is faced with optimally controlling multiple pests and applying cultural controls to maximize the expected net present value of benefits within a discrete time framework, subject to biological and marketing constraints.Crop Production/Industries,


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    We develop a conceptual bioeconomic model of floriculture production, wherein optimal decision rules depend on an intertemporal economic objective to maximize profits subject to economic and biological processes. The necessary conditions highlight intertemporal tradeoffs between aesthetic benefits and expected future net benefits of insect stocks, which have important policy implications.Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Conceptual design study of advanced acoustic-composite nacelles

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    Conceptual studies were conducted to assess the impact of incorporating advanced technologies in the nacelles of a current wide-bodied transport and an advanced technology transport. The improvement possible in the areas of fuel consumption, flyover noise levels, airplane weight, manufacturing costs, and airplane operating cost were evaluated for short and long-duct nacelles. Use of composite structures for acoustic duct linings in the fan inlet and exhaust ducts was considered as well as for other nacelle components. For the wide-bodied transport, the use of a long-duct nacelle with an internal mixer nozzle in the primary exhaust showed significant improvement in installed specific fuel consumption and airplane direct operating costs compared to the current short-duct nacelle. The long-duct mixed-flow nacelle is expected to achieve significant reductions in jet noise during takeoff and in turbo-machinery noise during landing approach. Recommendations were made of the technology development needed to achieve the potential fuel conservation and noise reduction benefits

    Orbital periods of the binary sdB stars PG0940+068 and PG1247+554

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    We have used the radial velocity variations of two sdB stars previously reported to be binaries to establish their orbital periods. They are PG0940+068, (P=8.33d) and PG1247+554 (P=0.599d). The minimum masses of the unseen companions, assuming a mass of 0.5 solar masses for the sdB stars, are 0.090 +/- 0.003 solar masses for PG1247+554 and 0.63 +/- 0.02 solar masses for PG0940+068. The nature of the companions is not constrained further by our data.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Alignment and Aperture Scan at the Fermilab Booster

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    The Fermilab booster has an intensity upgrade plan called the Proton Improvement plan (PIP). The flux throughput goal is 2E17 protons/hour, which is almost double the current operation at 1.1E17 protons/hour. The beam loss in the machine is going to be the source of issues. The booster accelerates beam from 400 MeV to 8 GeV and extracts to the Main Injector. Several percent of the beam is lost within 3 msec after the injection. The aperture at injection energy was measured and compared with the survey data. The magnets are going to be realigned in March 2012 in order to increase the aperture. The beam studies, analysis of the scan and alignment data, and the result of the magnet moves will be discussed in this paper.Comment: 3 pp. 3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2012) 20-25 May 2012, New Orleans, Louisian

    HiRes deconvolution of Spitzer infrared images

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    Spitzer provides unprecedented sensitivity in the infrared (IR), but the spatial resolution is limited by a relatively small aperture (0.85 m) of the primary mirror. In order to maximize the scientific return it is desirable to use processing techniques which make the optimal use of the spatial information in the observations. We have developed a deconvolution technique for Spitzer images. The algorithm, "HiRes" and its implementation has been discussed by Backus et al. in 2005. Here we present examples of Spitzer IR images from the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) and MIPS, reprocessed using this technique. Examples of HiRes processing include a variety of objects from point sources to complex extended regions. The examples include comparison of Spitzer deconvolved images with high-resolution Keck and Hubble Space Telescope images. HiRes deconvolution improves the visualization of spatial morphology by enhancing resolution (to sub-arcsecond levels in the IRAC bands) and removing the contaminating sidelobes from bright sources. The results thereby represent a significant improvement over previously-published Spitzer images. The benefits of HiRes include (a) sub-arcsec resolution (~0".6-0".8 for IRAC channels); (b) the ability to detect sources below the diffraction-limited confusion level; (c) the ability to separate blended sources, and thereby provide guidance to point-source extraction procedures; (d) an improved ability to show the spatial morphology of resolved sources. We suggest that it is a useful technique to identify features which are interesting enough for follow-up deeper analysis

    Development of colon cancer after liver transplantation for primary sclerosing cholangitis associated with ulcerative colitis

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    Between February 26, 1981, and July 30, 1987, 36 patients underwent orthotopic liver transplantation for primary sclerosing cholangitis associated with ulcerative colitis. Three of the 36 recipients died within 3 mo because of graft nonfunction or surgical complications. The other 33 (92%) lived for at least 1 yr. Two of the 33 died after 12 and 14 mo, respectively, of recurrent cholangiocarcinoma that was not diagnosed before transplantation. Four other patients died of recurrent liver failure (three cases) or immunoblastic sarcoma (one case) after 14, 21, 36 and 44 mo. Twenty‐seven (75%) of the patients are still alive 23 to 81 mo after transplantation. Two patients have been diagnosed as having colorectal cancer 11 and 21 mo respectively, after transplantation, for an overall incidence of 5.6% (2 of 36) and a corrected incidence of 6.5% (2 of 31) if the three early deaths and two later deaths caused by cholangiocarcinomas are excluded. It is not known whether colorectal malignancies were present but undetected at the time of transplantation or whether they developed afterward. It is clear that patients who undergo liver transplantation for primary sclerosing cholangitis associated with ulcerative colitis should have careful follow‐up of the colon, including colonoscopy and multiple biopsies of the colorectal mucosa. Whether proctocolectomy should be considered prophylactically after liver transplantation is an unresolved issue.(HEPATOLOGY 1990;11:477–480.) Copyright © 1990 American Association for the Study of Liver Disease
