791 research outputs found

    Retirement provision for New Zealand women: The relative role of demographic influence

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    This research contributes to our knowledge of retirement provision by clarifying the obstacles that women face in relation to old age provision. By using multivariate analysis and therefore by controlling for confounding effects, this study has isolated the particular influence of important socio-economic factors. Through continued participation in the labour market, despite their childbearing roles, and the goal of enhancing the quality of their employment, women have an opportunity to strengthen their ability to provide sufficiently themselves for their own old age but this is still even today not a certainty or a source of unlimited support

    Run-Based Semantics for RPQs

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    The formalism of RPQs (regular path queries) is an important building block of most query languages for graph databases. RPQs are generally evaluated under homomorphism semantics; in particular only the endpoints of the matched walks are returned. Practical applications often need the full matched walks to compute aggregate values. In those cases, homomorphism semantics are not suitable since the number of matched walks can be infinite. Hence, graph-database engines adapt the semantics of RPQs, often neglecting theoretical red flags. For instance, the popular query language Cypher uses trail semantics, which ensures the result to be finite at the cost of making computational problems intractable. We propose a new kind of semantics for RPQs, including in particular simple-run and binding-trail semantics, as a candidate to reconcile theoretical considerations with practical aspirations. Both ensure the output to be finite in a way that is compatible with homomorphism semantics: projection on endpoints coincides with homomorphism semantics. Hence, testing the emptiness of result is tractable, and known methods readily apply. Moreover, simple-run and binding-trail semantics support bag semantics, and enumeration of the bag of results is tractableComment: 35 page

    Stochastic precession of the polarization in a polariton laser

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    Microcavity polaritons in the lasing regime undergo a spontaneous symmetry breaking transition resulting in coherent emission with a well defined polarization. The order parameter is thus a vector describing both the laser global phase and polarization. Using an ultrafast single-shot detection technique we show that polariton lasing in GaAs-based microcavities presents a high degree of second order coherence (g(2)(τ=0)≈1g^{(2)}(\tau=0) \approx 1) above threshold, and that the initial polarization is stochastic, taking any possible direction in the Poincar\'e sphere (linear, elliptical or circular). Once the polarization direction is established, subsequent oscillations of the emission probability witness the presence of an intrinsic polarization splitting. Our results show the negligible role of polariton interactions in the total emission statistics and in the establishment of the initial polarization.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Un modÚle de lubrification en régime mixte du laminage : Frottement et lubrification en mise en forme = A mixed lubrication model of the cold strip rolling process

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    Free access articleInternational audienceLe rĂ©gime de lubrification mixte est le plus frĂ©quemment rencontrĂ© en laminage Ă  froid. Sa modĂ©lisation est le but de cet article. La lubrification, phĂ©nomĂšne interfacial, est fortement couplĂ©e Ă  la mĂ©canique de l'opĂ©ration de laminage. C'est pourquoi le modĂšle prĂ©sentĂ© assemble un modĂšle macroscopique de laminage (mĂ©thode des tranches Ă©lasto-plastique) et un modĂšle microscopique de lubrification en rĂ©gime mixte, lui-mĂȘme composĂ© d'une Ă©quation de Reynolds entre surfaces rugueuses (formation du film lubrifiant) et d'une Ă©quation d'Ă©volution de la rugositĂ©, par conformation de la tĂŽle au cylindre. Les principes du modĂšle sont prĂ©sentĂ©s, comparĂ©s Ă  ceux de la bibliographie, ses hypothĂšses et ses rĂ©sultats sont discutĂ©s, et quelques applications sont Ă©voquĂ©es = The mixed regime of lubrication is most frequently encountered in cold strip rolling processes. A model is presented hereafter. The lubrication at the interface is closely coupled with the mechanics of the rolling process. Therefore, the proposed model combines a macroscopic model of rolling (elastic-plastic slab method) with a microscopic mixed lubrication model, consisting of a Reynolds equation for rough surfaces (describing the formation of the lubricant film) and an equation for the evolution of roughness, describing the conformation of the strip surface to the roll. The bases of the model are presented and compared to models in the literature; its hypotheses and results are discussed, a few applications are given

    ÉlĂ©ments d’« anthropologie punk » sur l’espace des Wagenburgen berlinoises

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    Les espaces insurrectionnels des Wagenburgen berlinoises, sont des lieux de dĂ©libĂ©rations conflictuelles et Ă©puisantes, en quĂȘte de dĂ©mocratie dans les conditions de l’expĂ©rience. Leurs acteur.trice.s expriment des ressentis complexes de dĂ©pit/exaltation que l’anthropologie cherche Ă  restituer. Construisant un diagramme non hiĂ©rarchique de confrontations, entre les rĂ©actions des habitant(e)s, l’écrit du chercheur et la performativitĂ© d’images rĂ©alisĂ©es en commun, on ouvre l’espace incertain d’une anthropologie punk. On suggĂšre ici que, par son silence et son indĂ©termination, il serait un devenir permettant l’accĂšs Ă  une perception interne des questionnements.Insurrectional spaces in origin, the Berlin Wagenburgen are squatted places where the search for democratic conditions of living is a conflictual and exhausting process. Their inhabitants express complex feelings of rancor/exaltation that anthropology seeks to reconstruct. The non‑hierarchical diagram of the confrontations between the inhabitants’ accounts, the researcher’s analysis, and jointly created performative images opens up the uncertain space of a punk anthropology. Here we suggest that, in its silence and imprecision, this space could be a becoming that allows access to an internal perception of the questions at stake
