22 research outputs found

    Are There Place Cells in the Avian Hippocampus?

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    Birds possess a hippocampus that serves many of the same spatial and mnemonic functions as the mammalian hippocampus but achieves these outcomes with a dramatically different neuroanatomical organization. The properties of spatially responsive neurons in birds and mammals are also different. Much of the contemporary interest in the role of the mammalian hippocampus in spatial representation dates to the discovery of place cells in the rat hippocampus. Since that time, cells that respond to head direction and cells that encode a grid-like representation of space have been described in the rat brain. Research with homing pigeons has discovered hippocampal cells, including location cells, path cells, and pattern cells, that share some but not all properties of spatially responsive neurons in the rodent brain. We have recently used patterns of immediate-early gene expression, visualized by the catFISH method, to investigate how neurons in the hippocampus of brood-parasitic brown-headed cowbirds respond to spatial context. We have found cells that discriminate between different spatial environments and are re-activated when the same spatial environment is re-experienced. Given the differences in habitat and behaviour between birds and rodents, it is not surprising that spatially responsive cells in their hippocampus and other brain regions differ. The enormous diversity of avian habitats and behaviour offers the potential for understanding the general principles of neuronal representation of space

    Context-Dependent Egr1 Expression in the Avian Hippocampus.

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    In mammals, episodic memory and spatial cognition involve context-specific recruitment of unique ensembles in the hippocampal formation (HF). Despite their capacity for sophisticated spatial (e.g., for migration) and episodic-like (e.g., for food-caching) memory, the mechanisms underlying contextual representation in birds is not well understood. Here we demonstrate environment-specific Egr1 expression as male brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) navigate environments for food reward, showing that the avian HF, like its mammalian counterpart, recruits distinct neuronal ensembles to represent different contexts

    The immediate early gene Egr3 Is required for hippocampal induction of Bdnf by electroconvulsive stimulation

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    Early growth response 3 (Egr3) is an immediate early gene (IEG) that is regulated downstream of a cascade of genes associated with risk for psychiatric disorders, and dysfunction of Egr3 itself has been implicated in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression. As an activity-dependent transcription factor, EGR3 is poised to regulate the neuronal expression of target genes in response to environmental events. In the current study, we sought to identify a downstream target of EGR3 with the goal of further elucidating genes in this biological pathway relevant for psychiatric illness risk. We used electroconvulsive stimulation (ECS) to induce high-level expression of IEGs in the brain, and conducted expression microarray to identify genes differentially regulated in the hippocampus of Egr3-deficient (-/-) mice compared to their wildtype (WT) littermates. Our results replicated previous work showing that ECS induces high-level expression of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf) in the hippocampus of WT mice. However, we found that this induction is absent in Egr3-/- mice. Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) validated the microarray results (performed in males) and replicated the findings in two separate cohorts of female mice. Follow-up studies of activity-dependent Bdnf exons demonstrated that ECS-induced expression of both exons IV and VI requires Egr3. In situ hybridization demonstrated high-level cellular expression of Bdnf in the hippocampal dentate gyrus following ECS in WT, but not Egr3-/-, mice. Bdnf promoter analysis revealed eight putative EGR3 binding sites in the Bdnf promoter, suggesting a mechanism through which EGR3 may directly regulate Bdnf gene expression. These findings do not appear to result from a defect in the development of hippocampal neurons in Egr3-/- mice, as cell counts in tissue sections stained with anti-NeuN antibodies, a neuron-specific marker, did not differ between Egr3-/- and WT mice. In addition, Sholl analysis and counts of dendritic spines in golgi-stained hippocampal sections revealed no difference in dendritic morphology or synaptic spine density in Egr3-/-, compared to WT, mice. These findings indicate that Egr3 is required for ECS-induced expression of Bdnf in the hippocampus and suggest that Bdnf may be a downstream gene in our previously identified biologically pathway for psychiatric illness susceptibility.US National Institute of Mental Health [R01MH097803, R21MH113154]; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of CanadaOpen access journal.This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Experience-dependent persistent expression of zif268 during rest is preserved in the aged dentate gyrus

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    BACKGROUND: Aging is typically accompanied by memory decline and changes in hippocampal function. Among these changes is a decline in the activity of the dentate gyrus (DG) during behavior. Lasting memory, however, is thought to also require recapitulation of recent memory traces during subsequent rest – a phenomenon, termed memory trace reactivation, which is compromised in hippocampal CA1 with progressive age. This process has yet to be assessed in the aged DG, despite its prominent role in age-related memory impairment. Using zif268 transcription to measure granule cell recruitment, DG activity in adult and aged animals was assessed both during spatial exploration and as animals remained at rest in the home cage in order to detect potential memory-related replay. RESULTS: Consistent with the observation of memory trace reactivation in DG, the probability that an individual granule cell transcribes zif268 during rest in the animal’s home cage is increased by recent experience in a novel environment. Surprisingly, a comparable increase was observed in the probability of granule cells in the aged DG expressing zif268 during rest. Moreover, no significant age-related difference was observed in the number of granule cells expressing zif268 during rest. Thus, the number and pattern of granule cell expression of zif268 during rest is preserved in aged animals, despite a significant decline in exploration-related zif268 expression. CONCLUSIONS: These data lead to the hypothesis that the input the aged DG receives from backprojections from CA3 (the region widely hypothesized to mediate reactivation) remains functionally intact despite loss of innervation from the perforant path

    Modulation of presynaptic plasticity and learning by the H-ras/extracellular signal-regulated kinase/synapsin I signaling pathway

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    Molecular and cellular studies of the mechanisms underlying mammalian learning and memory have focused almost exclusively on postsynaptic function. We now reveal an experience-dependent presynaptic mechanism that modulates learning and synaptic plasticity in mice. Consistent with a presynapticfunctionfor endogenous H-ras/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling, we observed that, under normal physiologic conditions in wild-type mice, hippocampus-dependent learning stimulated the ERK-dependent phosphorylation of synapsin I, and MEK (MAP kinase kinase)/ERK inhibition selectively decreased the frequency of miniature EPSCs. By generating transgenic mice expressing a constitutively active form of H-ras (H-rasG12V), which is abundantly localized in axon terminals, we were able to increase the ERK-dependent phosphorylation of synapsin I. This resulted in several presynaptic changes, including a higher density of docked neurotransmitter vesiclesin glutamatergicterminals, anincreasedfrequency of miniature EPSCs, andincreased paired-pulse facilitation. In addition, we observed facilitated neurotransmitter release selectively during high-frequency activity with consequent increases in long-term potentiation. Moreover, these mice showed dramatic enhancements in hippocampus-dependent learning. Importantly, deletion of synapsin I, an exclusively presynaptic protein, blocked the enhancements of learning, presynaptic plasticity, and long-term potentiation. Together with previous invertebrate studies, these results demonstrate that presynaptic plasticity represents an important evolutionarily conserved mechanism for modulating learning and memory

    Age-Related Deficits in Conjunctive Representation of Complex Objects

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    Scared Sick

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    The factors that determne the health and well-being of older populations are increasingly recognized as critical public health issues. The focus of this review article is to provide evidence for the role of fear of crime in determining the mental health of older populations. The fear of crime is a complex construct, as the vast majority of fear is not related to actual rates of victimization. Here, we synthesize the literature on fear of crime and how the physical and social environment can profoundly affect mental health outcomes. The review presents some plausible physiological mechanisms by which fear of crime may directly or indirectly affect the life span development of the brain to modulate mental health in an effort to aid further development of research in this area

    CA1 pyramidal cells have diverse biophysical properties, affected by development, experience, and aging

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    <p><i>This is a preprint. Feedback is welcome!</i></p><p><b>Abstract</b></p><p>Neuron types (e.g., pyramidal cells) within one area of the brain are often considered homogenous, despite variability in their biophysical properties. Here we review literature demonstrating variability in the electrical activity of CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells (PCs), including responses to somatic current injection, synaptic stimulation, and spontaneous network-related activity. In addition, we describe how responses of CA1 PCs vary with development, experience, and aging, and some of the underlying ionic currents responsible. Finally, we suggest directions that may be the most impactful in expanding this knowledge, including the use of text and data mining to systematically study cellular heterogeneity in more depth; dynamical systems theory to understand and potentially classify neuron firing patterns; and mathematical modeling to study the interaction between cellular properties and network output. Our goals are to provide a synthesis of the literature for experimentalists studying CA1 PCs, to give theorists an idea of the rich diversity of behaviors models may need to reproduce to accurately represent these cells, and to provide suggestions for future research.</p

    Scared Sick: Relating Fear of Crime to Mental Health in Older Adults

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    Publisher's version/PDFThe factors that determne the health and well-being of older populations are increasingly recognized as critical public health issues. The focus of this review article is to provide evidence for the role of fear of crime in determining the mental health of older populations. The fear of crime is a complex construct, as the vast majority of fear is not related to actual rates of victimization. Here, we synthesize the literature on fear of crime and how the physical and social environment can profoundly affect mental health outcomes. The review presents some plausible physiological mechanisms by which fear of crime may directly or indirectly affect the life span development of the brain to modulate mental health in an effort to aid further development of research in this area

    Altered pattern separation in Goto-Kakizaki rats

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus has steadily increased in prevalence over the past five decades. Among the health risks associated with this disorder are cognitive decline and are increased risk of developing dementia. To further investigate the link between diabetes and cognition, here we test memory performance and hippocampal function in the Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rat, a robust model of diabetes. Relative to age-matched Wistar rats, GK rats show impairments in a conjunctive memory task that requires discriminating objects not only on the basis of their physical characteristics, but also on the basis of where and when they were last seen. Concomitant to these deficits are changes in the pattern of expression of Egr1 (an immediate-early gene critical for memory) in dentate gyrus granule cells, consistent with dentate hypoactivity leading to unstable hippocampal representations. These data support the hypothesis that diabetes confers a phenotype of accelerated senescence on the hippocampus, and help to link this disorder with changes in hippocampal circuits