104 research outputs found

    Étude de cohorte rétrospective analytique et descriptive des résultats échocardiographiques et cliniques de la chirurgie valvulaire tricuspidienne

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    Résumé - Les données concernant la prise en charge chirurgicale de la maladie tricuspidienne reposent sur des études de cohortes à petite échelle et peu d’entre elles se sont intéressées aux résultats échocardiographiques et aux facteurs de risque de mortalité et de morbidité. Une étude de cohorte rétrospective descriptive et analytique fut effectuée pour analyser l’expérience de l’Institut de Cardiologie de Montréal concernant la chirurgie de la VT. Les données ont été récoltées à l’aide des dossiers médicaux. Durant la période 1977-2008, 792 PVT et 134 RVT furent effectués (âge médian : 62 ans). La mortalité opératoire était de 13,8%. Les taux de survie actuarielle à 5, à 10 et à 15 ans étaient respectivement de 67±2%, de 47±2% et de 29±2%. Au dernier suivi, de l’IT ≥3/4 était présente chez 31% des patients du groupe PVT et chez 12% des patients du groupe RVT (p<0,001). La classe fonctionnelle NYHA s’est améliorée significativement au dernier suivi par rapport à la période pré-opératoire (p<0,001). L’analyse de propension montre que par rapport à une PVT, un RVT est associé significativement à des taux de mortalité opératoire et tardive accrus, mais à moins d’IT ≥2/4 ou ≥3/4 lors du suivi. Cette étude montre que malgré le risque chirurgical substantiel associé à la chirurgie de la VT, les patients bénéficient d’une amélioration fonctionnelle significative. Les facteurs de risque de mortalité et de morbidité sont décrits et des études de sous-groupes sur la chirurgie tri-valvulaire et la chirurgie isolée de la VT sont exposées.Abstract - Data regarding surgical management of tricuspid valve disease are based on small cohort studies, and only few of them report echocardiographic results or risk factors for mortality and morbidity. A retrospective descriptive and analytic cohort study was performed in order to analyze the Montreal Heart Institute experience regarding tricuspid valve surgery. Data was extracted from the medical files of patients. During the 1977-2008 period, 792 tricuspid valve repairs and 134 tricuspid valve replacements were performed (median age of patients: 62 years). Operative mortality was 13.8%. Actuarial survival rates at 5, 10, and 15 years were 67±2%, 47±2%, and 29±2%, respectively. At last follow-up, 31% of patients who underwent repair and 12% of patients who underwent replacement had tricuspid regurgitation ≥3/4 (p<0,001). NYHA functional class improved significantly at last follow-up compared to baseline (p<0,001). Propensity score analysis showed that a replacement was associated with increased operative and late mortality rates compared to repair, but with less tricuspid regurgitation ≥2/4 or ≥3/4 at follow-up. The study shows that despite substantial mortality rates, patients experience a significant functional improvement following tricuspid valve surgery. Risk factors for mortality and morbidity are described, and sub-group analyses for triple valve surgery and for isolated tricuspid valve surgery are exposed

    L’excès et la saturation dans la dramaturgie québécoise contemporaine : Faire des enfants d’Éric Noël, Ainsi parlait d’Étienne Lepage et Nous voir nous de Guillaume Corbeil

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    Le présent mémoire part du constat qu’une thématisation redondante des motifs de l’excès et de la saturation constitue l’un des traits caractéristiques de la dramaturgie québécoise contemporaine. Si ces motifs figurent dans de nombreux textes, ils se déploient de manière singulière et originale dans plusieurs d’entre eux. Notre étude le démontre en prenant pour corpus trois pièces phares issues du théâtre québécois des cinq dernières années, Faire des enfants d’Éric Noël, Ainsi parlait d’Étienne Lepage et Nous voir nous de Guillaume Corbeil. Notre analyse sociocritique permet de mettre en exergue le fait que ces œuvres mobilisent, intègrent et transforment des sociolectes, des fragments discursifs, des programmes idéologiques, des manières de parler ou de penser qui essaiment dans le discours social contemporain. Par le travail qu’elles exercent sur ce déjà-là, chacune d’elles propose un regard critique inédit sur le vivre-ensemble et sur la manière d’être au monde à l’ère actuelle. Quelque différentes qu’elles soient dans leur procès esthétique, une lecture comparative conduit néanmoins à dégager qu’elles élaborent toutes trois une représentation oxymorique de l’individu, qui balance sans cesse entre le trop plein et le manque.This present master’s dissertation is based on the fact that excess and saturation are some of the recurring themes of Quebec’s contemporary drama. If these themes are present in a lot of plays, they extend uncannily in a unique way in some of them. This particularity is revealed by the analysis of three important and recent Quebec plays, which are Faire des enfants by Éric Noël, Ainsi parlait by Étienne Lepage and Nous voir nous by Guillaume Corbeil. Our sociocritic study of these plays allows to point out the fact that they mobilize, take over and transform different sociolects, discursive fragments, ideological programs, languages and ways of talking or thinking that are swarming in the contemporary social discourse. By the work they do on the “already there”, each of the plays offers a critical and original glance on the present living together. As different as their critical process may be, a comparative study of these texts however leads to show that they converge in an oxymoronic representation of the modern individual, always ambivalent between overfill and lack

    Antiplatelet therapy for atherothrombotic disease in 2022 : from population to patient-centered approaches

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    Antiplatelet agents, with aspirin and P2Y12 receptor antagonists as major key molecules, are currently the cornerstone of pharmacological treatment of atherothrombotic events including a variety of cardio- and cerebro-vascular as well as peripheral artery diseases. Over the last decades, significant changes have been made to antiplatelet therapeutic and prophylactic strategies. The shift from a population-based approach to patient-centered precision medicine requires greater awareness of individual risks and benefits associated with the different antiplatelet strategies, so that the right patient gets the right therapy at the right time. In this review, we present the currently available antiplatelet agents, outline different management strategies, particularly in case of bleeding or in perioperative setting, and develop the concept of high on-treatment platelet reactivity and the steps toward person-centered precision medicine aiming to optimize patient care

    Antiplatelet therapy in atherothrombotic diseases : similarities and differences across guidelines

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    Antiplatelet therapy, mainly consisting of aspirin and P2Y12 receptor antagonists, is the cornerstone of the pharmacological treatment and prevention of atherothrombotic diseases. Its use, especially in secondary cardiovascular prevention, has significantly improved patient clinical outcomes in the last decades. Primary safety endpoint (i.e., bleeding complications) remain a major drawback of antiplatelet drugs. National and international societies have published and regularly updated guidelines for antiplatelet therapy aiming to provide clinicians with practical recommendations for a better handling of these drugs in various clinical settings. Many recommendations find common ground between international guidelines, but certain strategies vary across the countries, particularly with regard to the choice of molecules, dosage, and treatment duration. In this review, we detail and discuss the main antiplatelet therapy indications in the light of the different published guidelines and the significant number of recently published clinical trials and meta-analyses and highlight the areas that deserve further investigation in order to improve antiplatelet therapy in patients with atherothrombotic diseases

    Implications of the antiplatelet therapy gap left with discontinuation of prasugrel in Canada

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    Background The current Canadian Cardiovascular Society antiplatelet therapy guidelines recommend the use of ticagrelor or prasugrel over clopidogrel as first-line platelet P2Y12 receptor antagonists for treatment of moderate- to high-risk acute coronary syndromes. Recently, Effient (prasugrel [Eli Lilly Canada Inc, Toronto, Canada]) was discontinued by its distributor in Canada. Methods Five members of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society antiplatelet therapy 2018 guidelines committee undertook an independent, evidence-based review to outline patients for whom prasugrel should be the optimal P2Y12 agent and discuss alternative strategies to consider without prasugrel. Results Several clinical scenarios where prasugrel should be indicated are identified and discussed. Considerations to be undertaken for alternative therapies are summarized, including a review of national and international guidelines for de-escalation of P2Y12 receptor antagonists. Conclusions The discontinuation of prasugrel poses a challenge for clinicians. Clinicians must consider key factors in determining the best alternate therapy.Introduction Dans ses lignes directrices actuelles sur la thérapie antiplaquettaire, la Société canadienne de cardiologie recommande l’utilisation du ticagrélor ou du prasugrel plutôt que l’utilisation du clopidogrel comme antagonistes des récepteurs plaquettaires P2Y12 de première intention dans le traitement des patients qui présentent un risque modéré à élevé de syndromes coronariens aigus. Depuis peu, le distributeur a cessé la distribution d’Effient (prasugrel) au Canada. Méthodes Cinq membres du comité des lignes directrices 2018 sur la thérapie antiplaquettaire de la Société canadienne de cardiologie ont entrepris une revue indépendante fondée sur les données probantes pour dresser le profil des patients pour lesquels le prasugrel devrait être la meilleure option parmi les antagonistes des récepteurs P2Y12 et se pencher sur les traitements alternatifs en l'absence de prasugrel. Résultats Plusieurs scénarios cliniques où le prasugrel devrait être indiqué sont recensés et abordés. Les réflexions sur les solutions de rechange au traitement, notamment une revue des lignes directrices nationales et internationales en matière de désescalade des antagonistes des récepteurs P2Y12, sont présentées. Conclusions La cessation de la distribution du prasugrel pose problème aux cliniciens. Les cliniciens doivent tenir compte des facteurs clés pour déterminer le meilleur traitement de remplacement

    Dual Antiplatelet Therapy after PCI: When Could We Go Shorter?

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    The optimal duration of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) remains an important clinical question in interventional cardiology. Several clinical and angiographic variables are associated with an increased risk for thrombotic events, and prolonged DAPT duration may improve long term clinical outcome. However, some patients also present high bleeding risk (HBR) characteristics and may require a shorter DAPT duration. The guidelines recommendations consider the data from randomized clinical trials, however numerous exclusion criteria may create gaps in the evidence leading to uncertainties, the need for expert opinion and patient level decision making. Furthermore, the stent platforms have evolved in such way that opportunities now exist to shorten duration of DAPT. This chapter will review the variables associated with ischemic and bleeding risks as well as different stent platforms to help clinicians optimize DAPT duration in patients undergoing PCI

    Intake of dietary flavonoids and incidence of ischemic heart disease in the Danish diet, cancer, and health cohort

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    Background/Objectives: Few studies have investigated the association between dietary flavonoid intake, including all major subclasses, and the long-term risk of ischemic heart disease (IHD). We examined whether dietary flavonoid intake associated with IHD incidence, assessing the possible modifying role of sex and smoking, in participants from the Danish Diet, Cancer, and Health study. Subjects/Methods: In a cohort study design, 54,496 adults (46.8 % male), aged 50 – 64 years, without a history of IHD, were followed for up to 23 years. Habitual dietary flavonoid intake was estimated from food frequency questionnaires using Phenol-Explorer. Incident cases of IHD were identified within Danish nationwide health registries. Restricted cubic splines in Cox proportional hazards models were used to examine associations between flavonoid intake and IHD risk. Results: During follow-up, 5560 IHD events were recorded. No overall association was seen between total flavonoid intake, nor any subclass, and IHD, following adjustment for demographics, lifestyle, and dietary confounders. Stratified by sex and smoking status, higher intakes of specific subclasses associated with lower IHD risk among ever-smokers [Q5 vs. Q1 flavonols HR (95 % CI): 0.90 (0.82, 0.99); flavanol oligo+polymers: 0.88 (0.80, 0.97)], but not among never-smokers, nor either sex specifically. Conclusions: While we did not find clear evidence that higher habitual dietary flavonoid intake was associated with lower IHD risk, these results do not exclude the possibility that certain subclasses may have a protective role in prevention of IHD among population sub-groups; this was evident among smokers, who are at a higher risk of atherosclerosis

    Pragmatic randomized controlled trials: strengthening the concept through a robust international collaborative network: PRIME-9-pragmatic research and innovation through multinational experimentation.

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    In an era focused on value-based healthcare, the quality of healthcare and resource allocation should be underpinned by empirical evidence. Pragmatic clinical trials (pRCTs) are essential in this endeavor, providing randomized controlled trial (RCT) insights that encapsulate real-world effects of interventions. The rising popularity of pRCTs can be attributed to their ability to mirror real-world practices, accommodate larger sample sizes, and provide cost advantages over traditional RCTs. By harmonizing efficacy with effectiveness, pRCTs assist decision-makers in prioritizing interventions that have a substantial public health impact and align with the tenets of value-based health care. An international network for pRCT provides several advantages, including larger and diverse patient populations, access to a broader range of healthcare settings, sharing knowledge and expertise, and overcoming ethical and regulatory barriers. The hypothesis and study design of pRCT answers the decision-maker's questions. pRCT compares clinically relevant alternative interventions, recruits participants from diverse practice settings, and collects data on various health outcomes. They are scarce because the medical products industry typically does not fund pRCT. Prioritizing these studies by expanding the infrastructure to conduct clinical research within the healthcare delivery system and increasing public and private funding for these studies will be necessary to facilitate pRCTs. These changes require more clinical and health policy decision-makers in clinical research priority setting, infrastructure development, and funding. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of pRCTs, emphasizing their importance in evidence-based medicine and the advantages of an international collaborative network for their execution. It details the development of PRIME-9, an international initiative across nine countries to advance pRCTs, and explores various statistical approaches for these trials. The paper underscores the need to overcome current challenges, such as funding limitations and infrastructural constraints, to leverage the full potential of pRCTs in optimizing healthcare quality and resource utilization
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