42 research outputs found

    Rites And Representations Of The Paleolithic: A Semiotic Reading [ritos E Representações Do Paleolítico: Uma Leitura Semiótica]

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    The present paper analyzes evidences found on caves of the Paleolithic Era and their possible relation to initiation rites. The analysis is oriented by a semiotic reading, which seeks to perceive a minimal narrative structure within the pictorial representations. These representations unveil a whole universe related to hunting and to horn and phallic references, which establishes a complementary relation with the feminine/cavern and represents an opposition between life and death. For the purposes of this article, elements of the represented scenes were analyzed, such as geographical localization, the colors that were used, and the intention of the representations.161154180Funari, P.P.A., Jones, S., Hall, M., Introduction: Archaeology in history (1999) Historical Archaeology, Back from the Edge, pp. 1-20. , Londres: RoutledgeFunari, P.P.A., (2003) Antigüidade Clássica: A História e a Cultura a Partir Dos Documentos, , 2. ed. Campinas: Editora da UnicampFunari, P.P.A., Silva, G.J., (2010) Teoria Da História, 1 A. , reimpressão 2010. 1. ed. São Paulo: BrasilienseFunari, P.P.A., Lingüística e Arqueologia (1999) DELTA. Documentação de Estudos Em Linguística Teórica e Aplicada, 15 (1), pp. 161-176. , PUCSP. Impresso, São PauloGamble, C., (2007) Origins and Revolutions, Human Identity in Earliest Prehistory, , Cambridge: Cambridge University PressLagopoulos, A.P., Subjectivism, postmodernism, and social space (2011) Semiotica, pp. 129-183Leroi-Gourhan, A., (1970) Les Religions de la Préhistoire-paléolithique, p. 124. , 3. ed. Paris: PUFMauduit, J.A., (1959) Quarenta Mil Anos de Arte Moderna, pp. 134-135. , Tradução Pierre Santos e Jorge A. R. R. Alves. Belo Horizonte: ItatiaiaBégouen, M.M., Casteret, N., La Caverne de Montespan (Haute-Garonne) Revùe de Antropologique, ,, F.R., Funari, P.P.A., Os Feiticeiros e a Cena do Poço: Ensaio sobre a religiosidade no Paleolítico Alétheia - Revista de Estudos Sobre Antigüidade e Medievo, (7)Marquetti, F.R., (2011) Da Sedução e Outros Perigos. O Mito Da Deusa Mãe, , São Paulo: EDUNESP, cap. 1. No preloKlee, P., (1971) Theorie de l'Art Moderne, , Genéve: Gonthier, cap. 8-IAssis Silva, I., (1995) Figurativização e Metamorfose. O Mito de Narciso, , São Paulo: EDUNESPFloch, J.-M., (1985) Petites Mythologies de l'Oeil et de l'Esprit. Pour Une Sémiotique Plastique, , Amsterdam: Hadès-benjaminsGreimas, A.J., (1985) Des Dieux et des Hommes, , Paris: PUFLes Grands Sites Archèologiques, , http://www.grands-sites-archeologiques.culture.frhttp://www.culture.gouv.fr/culture/arcnat/chauvet/en/(2001) INORA Lettre Internationale d'Information Sur l'Art Rupestre, (29)Bazin, H., Galet inscrit d'Antibes. Offrande phallique a Aphodite (1885) Etude d'Archéologie Religieuse Grèco-Orientale, , Paris: Ernest Leroux, EditeurTriomphe, R., (1989) Le Lion, la Vierge et Le Miel, , Paris: Les Belles Lettres, passimhttp://www.auladeanatomia.com/osteologia/craniocomoumtodo.ht

    Re: comparison of vasovasostomy with conventional microsurgical suture and fibrin adhesive in rats

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    OBJECTIVE: Microsurgical procedures are currently the gold standard for vasovasostomy with excellent results, but it takes an increased operative time demanding special training and experience in microsurgery. The objective of this study is to reach the same results with reduced operative time. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Male adults Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: I) 20 rats in control group, II) 20 with conventional one-layer microsuture and III) 20 with fibrin glue. After four weeks each rat was left for two weeks with two female rats. RESULTS: The fertility rates were 80% in group I, 70% in group II and 65% in group III (p > 0.05). In group II granuloma was found in 75% of the rats, while in group III in 85% (p < 0.05). Anastomosis was considered with patency in 75% and 80% of the rats in groups II and III (p > 0.05). Overall operative time was 41.7 &plusmn; 2.49 and 28.55 &plusmn; 1.14 minutes in groups II and III (p < 0.05) and the time to anastomosis of 24.6 &plusmn; 1.8 and 9.35 &plusmn; 0.78 minutes (p < 0.05), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: We can conclude that vasovasostomy with fibrin adhesive has the same results of the conventional microsurgery technique but with a reduced operative time and a simplified procedure