381 research outputs found

    Reproduction of the Lyman α irradiance variability from analysis of full-disk images in the CaII K-line

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    We have compared three years of daily CaII K-line images from the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) with HI Lymanα irradiance data from the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS). The daily full-disk CaII K-line images are reduced to a new index of integrated excess emission, which reproduces both the 27 day rotational modulation and the solar cycle decrease in Lyα irradiance. Our analysis shows that while plages reproduce the 27-day variation quite well, the total K-line emission excess above the quiet background is needed to reproduce the secular solar cycle trend in the Lyα irradiance. The resulting K-line index exhibits a high degree of correlation (0.9) with the time series of measured Lyα flux

    Gray Whale Distribution and Catch by Alaskan Eskimos: A Replacement for the Bowhead Whale?

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    The catch of gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus, by Alaskan Eskimos from 1925 to 1980 has been documented to the extent possible by a search of the literature and personal communications with knowledgeable sources. During the period 1950-1980, 47 gray whales were landed by hunters at 12 villages. During this same period, 505 bowhead whales, Balaena mysticetus, were landed at nine coastal whaling villages. Alaskan Eskimos traditionally have been bowhead whalers, principally because of the predictive nature of the bowheads' migration. Gray whaling has never been an important subsistence activity. Because the bowhead population is thought to be depleted, gray whales have been suggested as a possible substitute for subsistence. The distribution of gray whales in Alaskan coastal waters is such that reliable annual whaling for this species is possible only at villages on the shores of the northern Bering Sea; it is unlikely for villages north of Bering Strait to Cape Lisburne, and more unlikely for villages north of Cape Lisburne and east of Point Barrow. Based on cultural and biological grounds, substituting gray whales for bowheads does not appear to be a reliable alternative for the residents of four to six of the nine Eskimo villages that currently participate in bowhead whaling.Key words: gray whale, Eschrichitus robustus; bowhead whale, Balaena mysticetus; Eskimos; subsistence whaling; AlaskaMots clés: baleine grise de Californie, Eschrichtius robustus; balaine boréale, Balaena mysticetus; Esquimaux, chasse à la baleine comme activité de subsistance, Alask

    Third order superintegrable systems separating in polar coordinates

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    A complete classification is presented of quantum and classical superintegrable systems in E2E_2 that allow the separation of variables in polar coordinates and admit an additional integral of motion of order three in the momentum. New quantum superintegrable systems are discovered for which the potential is expressed in terms of the sixth Painlev\'e transcendent or in terms of the Weierstrass elliptic function

    An infinite family of superintegrable systems from higher order ladder operators and supersymmetry

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    We will discuss how we can obtain new quantum superintegrable Hamiltonians allowing the separation of variables in Cartesian coordinates with higher order integrals of motion from ladder operators. We will discuss also how higher order supersymmetric quantum mechanics can be used to obtain systems with higher order ladder operators and their polynomial Heisenberg algebra. We will present a new family of superintegrable systems involving the fifth Painleve transcendent which possess fourth order ladder operators constructed from second order supersymmetric quantum mechanics. We present the polynomial algebra of this family of superintegrable systems.Comment: 8 pages, presented at ICGTMP 28, accepted for j.conf.serie

    Synoptic Hα Full-Disk Observations of the Sun from Big Bear Solar Observatory – I. Instrumentation, Image Processing, Data Products, and First Results

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    The Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) has a long tradition of synoptic full-disk observations. Synoptic observations of contrast enhanced full-disk images in the Ca ii K-line have been used with great success to reproduce the H i Lα irradiance variability observed with the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS). Recent improvements in data calibration procedures and image- processing techniques enable us now to provide contrast enhanced Hα full-disk images with a spatial resolution of approximately 2′′ and a temporal resolution of up to 3 frames min−1. In this first paper in a series, we describe the instruments, the data calibration procedures, and the image-processing techniques used to obtain our daily Hα full-disk observations. We also present the final data products such as low- and high-contrast images, and Carrington rotation charts. A time series of an erupting mini-filament further illustrates the quality of our Hα full-disk observations and motivate one of the future research projects. This lays a solid foundation for our subsequent studies of solar activity and chromospheric fine structures. The high quality and the sunrise- to-sunset operation of the Hα full-disk observations presented in this paper make them an ideal choice to study statistical properties of mini-filament eruptions, chromospheric differential rotation, and meridional flows within the chromosphere, as well as the evolution of active regions, filaments, flares, and prominences

    Families of superintegrable Hamiltonians constructed from exceptional polynomials

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    We introduce a family of exactly-solvable two-dimensional Hamiltonians whose wave functions are given in terms of Laguerre and exceptional Jacobi polynomials. The Hamiltonians contain purely quantum terms which vanish in the classical limit leaving only a previously known family of superintegrable systems. Additional, higher-order integrals of motion are constructed from ladder operators for the considered orthogonal polynomials proving the quantum system to be superintegrable

    Superintegrability and higher order polynomial algebras II

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    In an earlier article, we presented a method to obtain integrals of motion and polynomial algebras for a class of two-dimensional superintegrable systems from creation and annihilation operators. We discuss the general case and present its polynomial algebra. We will show how this polynomial algebra can be directly realized as a deformed oscillator algebra. This particular algebraic structure allows to find the unitary representations and the corresponding energy spectrum. We apply this construction to a family of caged anisotropic oscillators. The method can be used to generate new superintegrable systems with higher order integrals. We obtain new superintegrable systems involving the fourth Painleve transcendent and present their integrals of motion and polynomial algebras.Comment: 11 page

    The Baade-Wesselink p-factor applicable to LMC Cepheids

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    Context. Recent observations of LMC Cepheids bring new constraints on the slope of the period-projection factor relation (hereafter Pp relation) that is currently used in the Baade-Wesselink (hereafter BW) method of distance determination. The discrepancy between observations and theoretical analysis is particularly significant for short period Cepheids Aims. We investigate three physical effects that might possibly explain this discrepancy: (1) the spectroscopic S/N that is systematically lower for LMC Cepheids (around 10) compared to Galactic ones (up to 300), (2) the impact of the metallicity on the dynamical structure of LMC Cepheids, and (3) the combination of infrared photometry/interferometry with optical spectroscopy. Methods. To study the S/N we use a very simple toy model of Cepheids. The impact of metallicity on the projection factor is based on the hydrodynamical model of delta Cep already described in previous studies. This model is also used to derive the position of the optical versus infrared photospheric layers. Results. We find no significant effect of S/N, metallicity, and optical-versus-infrared observations on the Pp relation. Conclusions. The Pp relation of Cepheids in the LMC does not differ from the Galactic relation. This allows its universal application to determine distances to extragalactic Cepheids via BW analysis.Comment: accepted in A&A LETTER

    Higher Order Quantum Superintegrability: a new "Painlev\'e conjecture"

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    We review recent results on superintegrable quantum systems in a two-dimensional Euclidean space with the following properties. They are integrable because they allow the separation of variables in Cartesian coordinates and hence allow a specific integral of motion that is a second order polynomial in the momenta. Moreover, they are superintegrable because they allow an additional integral of order N>2N>2. Two types of such superintegrable potentials exist. The first type consists of "standard potentials" that satisfy linear differential equations. The second type consists of "exotic potentials" that satisfy nonlinear equations. For N=3N= 3, 4 and 5 these equations have the Painlev\'e property. We conjecture that this is true for all N3N\geq3. The two integrals X and Y commute with the Hamiltonian, but not with each other. Together they generate a polynomial algebra (for any NN) of integrals of motion. We show how this algebra can be used to calculate the energy spectrum and the wave functions.Comment: 23 pages, submitted as a contribution to the monographic volume "Integrability, Supersymmetry and Coherent States", a volume in honour of Professor V\'eronique Hussin. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1703.0975