1,557 research outputs found

    Alvin instrumentation

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    Also published as: 1967 NEREM record : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 9 (1967): 196-197THIS PAPER DESCRIBES the equipments used to establish the relative position of ALVIN from her mother ship, the R/V LULU. Operating procedures used at sea are also discussed. A recent review within the Deep Submergence Research Vehicle Program at WHOI established a set of conclusions and guidelines, for internal use, governing the ALVIN locating equipments and procedures.The Office of Naval Research under Contract Nonr- 3484(00)

    Gaps between jets in double-Pomeron-exchange processes at the LHC

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    The possibility to measure jet-gap-jet final states in double-Pomeron-exchange events at the LHC is presented. In the context of the ATLAS experiment with additional forward physics detectors, cross sections for different experimental settings and gap definitions are estimated. This is done in the framework of the Forward Physics Monte Carlo interfaced with a perturbative QCD model that successfully reproduces standard jet-gap-jet cross sections at the Tevatron. The extrapolation to LHC energies follows from the Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov dynamics, implemented in the model at next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, version to appear in PR

    Universality of multi-particle production in QCD at high energies

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    By studying the color structure of multi-particle production processes in p+A-type (dilute-dense) collisions, we find that higher-point functions beyond typical dipoles and quadrupoles, e.g., sextupoles, octupoles, etc., naturally appear in the cross sections, but are explicitly suppressed in the large-N_c limit. We evaluate the sextupole in the McLerran-Venugopalan model and find that, in general, its analytical form cannot be written as combination of dipoles and quadrupoles. Within the Color Glass Condensate framework, we present a proof that in the large-N_c limit, all multi-particle production processes in the collision of a dilute system off a dense can, up to all orders in \alpha_s, be described in terms of only dipoles and quadrupoles.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures, Published in Phys.Rev.

    Specimen Catalog

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    Heavy-quark energy loss and thermalization in a strongly coupled SYM plasma

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    Using the AdS/CFT correspondence, we compute the radiative energy loss of a slowly decelerating heavy quark with mass M moving through a supersymmetric Yang Mills (SYM) plasma at temperature T at large t'Hooft coupling \lambda. The calculation is carried out in terms of perturbation in \sqrt{\lambda}T/M, and the rate of the energy loss is computed up to second order. We explain the physical meaning of each correction and estimate the thermalization time of a heavy quark moving in a strongly-coupled plasma.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Stratigraphy of an Early-Middle Miocene sequence near Antwerp in northern Belgium (southern North Sea Basin)

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    The lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of a temporary outcrop in the Antwerp area is described. The deposits can be attributed to the Kiel Sands and the Antwerpen Sands members, both belonging to the Lower and Middle Miocene Berchem Formation. Invertebrate and vertebrate macrofossils are abundantly present. The molluscan fauna compares well to former findings in the Antwerpen Sands Member. It can be concluded that the studied sequence is continuously present in the Antwerp area, and thickens in a northward direction. The study of the marine mammal fauna shows that eurhinodelphinids are the most common fossil odontocete (toothed-bearing cetaceans) in the Antwerpen Sands Member, associated here with kentriodontine, physeteroid, squalodontid, mysticete (baleen whales) and pinniped (seals) fragmentary remains. Both the molluscan fauna and the organic-walled palynomorphs indicate for the Antwerpen Sands Member deposition in a neritic, energetic environment, which shallowed upwards. The dinoflagellate cysts indicate that the Antwerpen Sands Member was deposited during late Burdigalian to Langhian times

    America Unbound: The Bush Revolution in Foreign Policy

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    Next-to-leading BFKL phenomenology of forward-jet cross sections at HERA

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    We show that the forward-jet measurements performed at HERA allow for a detailed study of corrections due to next-to-leading logarithms (NLL) in the Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov (BFKL) approach. While the description of the d\sigma/dx data shows small sensitivity to NLL-BFKL corrections, these can be tested by the triple differential cross section d\sigma/dxdk_T^2dQ^2 recently measured. These data can be successfully described using a renormalization-group improved NLL kernel while the standard next-to-leading-order QCD or leading-logarithm BFKL approaches fail to describe the same data in the whole kinematic range. We present a detailed analysis of the NLL scheme and renormalization-scale dependences and also discuss the photon impact factors.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, new title, NLL-BFKL saddle-point approximation replaced by exact integratio

    Twenty-four (24) man-hour test of Alvin's environmental system

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    ALVIN's specifications call for a 48 man-hour environmental system capability. To check this, a 24 man-hour test was run as follows: Two successive test periods of six (6) hours each with a two (2) man crew inside the pressure hull. The break after six {6) hours was solely to change the crew. It was felt that this 24 man-hour exercise would be adequate to judge the system's 48 man-hour capability, particularly since one cannister of LiOH was used, and the submarine will normally carry two {2)
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