106 research outputs found

    Modelo preditivo de recuperação da vegetação afetada por incêndios florestais

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia Informática e de ComputadoresNos últimos anos, a ocorrência de fogos florestais em Portugal tem causado danos patrimoniais, destruição de habitats e, tragicamente, a perda de vidas humanas. A estimativa da taxa de recuperação da vegetação numa área ardida é possível utilizando dados de deteção remota e, nomeadamente, o Índice de Diferenças Normalizadas de Vegetação (NDVI). Partindo de metodologias já definidas em trabalhos anteriores, propõe-se um procedimento que integre diversas fontes de dados cuja natureza permite melhorar os modelos preditivos existentes e não exige o conhecimento do histórico da vegetação no período anterior ao incêndio, usando em alternativa o comportamento de uma zona geometricamente adjacente como referencial o que se apresenta como uma importante vantagem no que se refere às necessidades de informação disponível. Foram utilizados dados recolhidos pela missão Sentinel 2 e o Google Earth Engine, como plataforma de desenvolvimento, na concretização da metodologia o que é, tanto quanto se conhece, uma técnica inovadora dada a escassez de trabalhos publicados nesta temática. Deste trabalho resulta também uma biblioteca de código Python reutilizável, que suporta a interação com o Google Earth Engine na extração de dados agregados. Como prova de conceito, o modelo é aplicado às áreas afetadas pelos incêndios de 2017 de Pedrogão Grande e Mata Nacional de Leiria.In recent years, wildfires in Portugal lead to property damage, natural habitat destruction and the loss human lives. The vegetation recovery rate can be estimated using remote sensing data, in particular the often-used Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Taking advantage of methodologies set in previous work, by other authors, the proposed model relies on the integration of several data sources that leverage the existing estimators and will not be constrained by the availability of historical knowledge of the vegetation normal behavior prior to the wildfire episode. Instead, it will use the behavior of a geometrically neighboring area as a baseline. The fact that this method does not depend on the existence of historical data presents itself as a major advantage. The model was implemented using Sentinel 2 mission data and the Google Earth Engine platform, which is, to the author’s knowledge, a novel technique given the shortage of publications citing their usage. This work also produced a Python reusable library, which supports interaction with Google Earth Engine while extracting aggregate data. As a proof-of-concept, the model implementation will be applied to two areas affected by the 2017 wildfires: Pedrogão Grande and Mata Nacional de Leiria.N/

    Las quintas como sistemas de estructuración del territorio en Portugal. El caso de la Quinta Do Señor Da Serra: Análisis arquitectónico y territorial

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es demostrar una hipótesis de partida: La determinación de los valores patrimoniales de un edificio que ha de transmitirse al futuro sólo es posible relacionando las aportaciones de las diversas disciplinas que habitualmente se interesan por el patrimonio; historiografía, arqueología, geografía, topografía, análisis arquitectónico, etc., y no desde ninguna de ellas exclusivamente. Para demostrar esta hipótesis se ha pretendido construir y desarrollar un método de trabajo que permita relacionar la mayor cantidad posible de la información existente sobre un edificio, con objeto de determinar sus valores históricos, artísticos, tecnológicos y culturales, como paso previo necesario para su recuperación y transmisión al futuro. Como elemento innovador se le ha dado una gran importancia al dibujo que solemos usar los arquitectos: plantas, alzados, secciones y perspectivas a diversas escalas, y la imagen gráfica que ellos generan, como instrumento para visualizar toda la información. Intentaremos hacer de ella un lugar común para las restantes disciplinas, hasta llegar a construir un discurso gráfico integrado al usual discurso literario. Para conseguir este propósito elegimos un conjunto arquitectónico con el que me sintiera cómodo, pues era mucho el trabajo a realizar y el camino a recorrer, siendo para mi importante en este momento inicial de mi trayectoria investigadora ese otro vínculo afectivo con el edificio, tal como se ha argumentado en el apartado anterior. Evidentemente este vínculo no estará en otros edificios futuros a los que me tendré que enfrentar, pero ahora es un apoyo que considero muy necesario. Finalmente se propone interpretar la realidad que ahora se conserva, analizando las razones que motivaron las distintas fases de la construcción de la Quinta del Señor da Serra, de su Palacio y de la villa de Belas, en base a los acontecimientos históricos, a los cambios de las variables religiosas y políticas presentes en cada época, y a las arquitecturas que las hicieron visibles

    Psychiatric manifestations of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease simulate depressive disorder with psychotic symptoms

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    Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) is a rare and fatal neurodegenerative disorder with a broad spectrum of early clinical manifestations, comprising neurological and psychiatric symptoms. The authors report the case of a patient admitted with a diagnosis of depressive disorder with psychotic symptoms, with post-mortem confirmation of CJD and discuss how CJD’s clinical heterogeneity can lead to misdiagnosis of the disease. Despite CJD’s unique pathogenesis, its kaleidoscopic presentation justifies the integrated investigation of patients with psychiatric symptoms, avoiding restrictive diagnosis

    Clean forest – project concept and preliminary results

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    The Clean Forest project aims to valorize forest biomass wastes (and then prevent their occurrence as a fuel source in forests), converting it to bioenergy, such as the production of 2nd generation synthetic biofuels, like bio-methanol, bio-DME, and biogas, depending on the process operating conditions. Valorization of potential forest waste biomass thus enhances the reduction of the probability of occurrence of forest fires and, therefore, presents a major value for local rural communities. The proposed process is easy to implement, and energetically, it shows significantly reduced costs than the conventional process of gasification. Additionally, the input of energy necessary to promote electrolysis can be achieved with solar energy, using photovoltaic panels. This paper refers to the actual progress of the project, as well as the further steps which consist of a set of measures aimed at the minimization of the occurrence of forest fires by the valorization of forest wastes into energy sources.The aim of this project is to valorize forest biomass wastes (and then prevent their occurrence as a fuel source in forests) into bioenergy, more precisely, production of 2nd generation synthetic biofuels, such as biogas, biomethanol, bio-DME, etc., depending on the process operating conditions, such as pressure, temperature, and type of solid catalyst used. The valorization of potential forest waste biomass enhances the reduction of the probability of occurrence of forest fires and presents a major value for local communities, especially, in rural populations. Biogas produced can be burned as biofuel to produce heat and/or electricity, for instance, in cogeneration engines applied for domestic/industrial purposes. After the removal of forest wastes from the forest territory, this biomass is dried, grounded to reduce its granulometry, and liquified at temperatures between 100-200 ºC. Then, using the electrocracking technology, this liquified biomass is mixed with an alkaline aqueous electrolyte located in an electrolyzer (electrochemical reactor which performs an electrolysis process), using a potential catalyst, in order to produce syngas (fuel gas, mainly composed of CO, H2, and CO2). In a second reaction step, the syngas produced can be valorized in the production of synthetic biofuels, in a tubular catalytic reactor. The whole process is easy to implement and energetically, shows significative fewer costs than the conventional process of syngas gasification, as the energy input in the conventional pyrolysis/gasification process is higher than 500 ºC, with higher pressures, while, in the electrochemical process, applied in this project, the temperatures are not higher than 70 ºC, with 4 bars of pressure, at maximum. Besides that, the input of energy necessary to promote the electrolysis process can be achieved with solar energy, using a photovoltaic panel. In the production of biogas in the catalytic reactor, there is another major value from this process, which is the co-production of water, as Sabatier reaction converts CO2 and H2 into biomethane (CH4) and steam water, at atmospheric pressure, with 300 ºC of temperature, maximum, with a high selective solid catalyst. Finally, it is expected to produce a new bio-oil from this kind of biomass, with properties closer to a fossil fuel than wood bio-oils, which can be used as a fuel or as a diolefins/olefins source and, also, to produce, from forest biomass wastes, pyrolytic bio-oils with complementary properties and valorized characteristics. This can be used in the wood treatment or as a phenol source, for several industrial applications. A new and valorized application can be found for forest biomass wastes, which can be incorporated into the biorefinery concept.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Flu at a central hospital in the 2018 epidemic peak

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    Introdução: A gripe constitui uma ameaça global para a saúde pública agravada pelo aumento da esperança de vida. É responsável por inúmeras hospitalizações, mortes e gastos no setor da saúde todos os anos. Objetivos: Caracterizar e determinar o perfil analítico da amostra com diagnóstico de gripe num Hospital Central, durante o mês de janeiro de 2018. Analisaram-se as seguintes variáveis: idade, género, diagnóstico na alta, tempo de internamento e alterações analíticas. Material e métodos: Estudo observacional, retrospetivo, com recolha de informação do processo clínico (ALERT e SClinico) e tratamento de dados em Microsoft Excel®. Foram selecionados 131 pacientes como Kit Xpert FLU (GeneXpert®) positivo com idade ≥18 anos. Resultados: 58,8% dos pacientes pertenciam ao sexo feminino e a média de idades foi de 67,1 anos. 20.6% eram Gripe do tipo A, destes 9% são H1N1 e 79,4% Gripe do tipo B. A nível analítico: 63,6% dos doentes não apresentavam alterações dos leucócitos na admissão (mas destes 62,8% apresentavam neutrofilia e 65,1% linfopenias relativas) e 46,5% trombocitopenia. Discussão: O presente estudo permitiu também avaliar a abordagem diagnóstica da gripe e estabelecer um perfil analítico de suspeição do doente com gripe. Conclusão: O perfil analítico permite juntamente com a clínica, uma orientação de suspeição para gestão dos recursos de diagnósticos virológico rápido, importante para o início de terapia antiviral, implementação de medidas de controle de infeção e prevenção para pacientes com gripe. A positividade implicou um elevado número de internamentos em isolamentoIntroduction: Influenza constitutes a global threat to public health aggravated by increased life expectancy. It is responsible for countless hospitalizations, deaths and expenditures in the health sector every year. Objectives: To characterize and determine the analytical profile of the sample diagnosed with influenza in a Central Hospital during the month of January, 2018. The following variables were analyzed: age, gender, discharge diagnosis, hospitalization time and analytical alterations. Material and methods: Retrospective observational study with clinical data collection (ALERT and SClinico) and data processing in Microsoft Excel®. A total of 131 patients were selected as a positive Xpert FLU Kit (GeneXpert®) aged ≥18 years. Results: 58.8% of the patients were female and the mean age was 67.1 years. 20.6% were type A flu, of which 9% were H1N1 and 79.4% were type B flu. At the analytical level: 63.6% of the patients had no changes in leukocytes at admission (of these 62.8% they had neutrophilia and 65.1% relative lymphopenia) and 46.5% thrombocytopenia. Discussion: The present study also allowed to evaluate the diagnostic approach to influenza and establish an analytical profile of the suspicion of the patient with influenza. Conclusion: The analytical profile allows, together with the clinic, a suspicious orientation for the management of rapid virological diagnostic resources, important for the initiation of antiviral therapy, implementation of infection control and prevention measures for flu patients. Positivity implied a high number of hospitalizations in isolation that merited reflection on hospital, clinical and economic management

    Eficácia e tolerância da azitromicina versus claritromicina no tratamento das infecções do tracto respiratório inferior

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    ABSTRACTSeventy one patients were enrolled to an opened, comparative and randomized study to evalute the safety and efficacy of azitbromycin administered during 3 days versus clarithromycin during 10 days in the out treatment of lower respiratory tract infections. Azithromycin was given 500mg once daily and clarithromycin 250mg twice daily. A total of 51 patients (25 to azithromycin and 26 to clarythromycin) were eligible for efficacy assessment. Mean age was 42.3years (19-25), 29 (57%) patients were male and diagnosis were the following:40 (78%) exacerbations of COPD and 11 (22%) pneumonia. Both groups were similar in terms obasic details. Clinical success or improvement on final evaluation was noted in 92% of patients in the azithromycin group and in 85% in the claritbromycin group. There were no clinical failures on the azithromycin group and there were 3 on the clarithromycin group (on one of these patients there was a superinfection with E. coil). Safety was assessed in all patients randomized to the treatment groups (71 patients; 40 received azitbromycin and 31 received clarythromycin). One azitbromycin treated patient with lung cancer died with fulminating haemoptysis on the second day of treatment which was norelated to the study drug. Adverse events were reported in 3 patients all treated with clarythromycin. Regarding laboratory values there was an hematologic change related with infection resolution (leucocytes and neutrophils reduction and limphocytes increase) and there was no significant chemistry changes. Thirteen patients (8 of azithromycin group and 5 of clarithromycin group) showed laboratory abnormalities with no attributable clinical significance. In conclusion, Ibis study showed a high effectiveness of both azithromycin and clarithromycin in the treatment of lower respiratory tract infections. The study was inconclusive about the superiority of one drug over the other.REV PORT PNEUMOL 1999; V (2): 216-22

    Effect of different intervals recuperative in responses on muscle, blood and hemodynamic

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    Weight training is a strategy of controlling the natural processes which occur with aging and the interval period between sets can determine the total workload of a training session. The objective of this study was to analyze the muscle performance, level of blood lactate and hemodynamic variables at different intervals of recovery after exercise on an isokinetic dynamometer. The study was conducted with eleven middle-aged individuals (57.00 ± 7.2 years) who practiced weight training for more than six months. The volunteers performed two visits to the Laboratory of Physical Evaluation of the University, where performed three sets of 10 repetitions with 60º/second (power) in the movement of knee extension and flexion on a Biodex isokinetic dynamometer brand 4.0. In the first visit, 60 seconds of rest between sets were made and, in the second visit, 90 seconds between sets. The variables analyzed were peak torque (Nm), total work (J), fatigue index (%), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) and blood lactate concentration (mmol / L). To compare the data, we used analysis of variance (p <0.05). After the analysis, it was possible to verify that there were no significant differences between recovery interval of 60 and 90 seconds in relation to muscle strength, fatigue index and blood lactate concentration. Therefore, it is concluded that for individuals who are in the process of aging, apparently 60 or 90 seconds of rest between sets cause the same answers. This discovery may be important for physical education professional in exercise prescription.O treinamento com pesos é uma estratégia para controle de processos ocorridos com o envelhecimento e o período de intervalo entre as séries pode determinar a carga total de treinamento. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o desempenho muscular, lactato sanguíneo, índice de fadiga e variáveis hemodinâmicas em diferentes intervalos de recuperação após exercício isocinético. O estudo foi realizado com 11 indivíduos de meia idade (57.00 ± 7.2 anos) que praticavam treinamento com pesos a mais de seis meses. Os voluntários realizaram duas visitas ao Laboratório de Avaliação Física da Universidade, onde realizaram três séries de 10 repetições concêntricas com 60º/segundo na extensão e flexão de joelho em dinamômetro isocinético. Na primeira visita 60 segundos de descanso entre as séries foram realizados e na segunda visita 90 segundos. As variáveis analisadas foram pico de torque (Nm), Trabalho Total (J), Índice de Fadiga (%), Frequência Cardíaca (bpm), Pressão Arterial Sistólica e Diastólica (mmHg) e Concentração de Lactato Sanguíneo (mmol/L). Para comparação entre os dados foi utilizado a Análise de Variância (p<0.05). Após análise pode-se verificar que não houve diferenças significativas entre intervalo de recuperação de 60 e 90 segundos na força muscular, índice de fadiga, concentração de lactato sanguíneo e variáveis hemodinâmicas. Conclui-se que para indivíduos que estão em processo de envelhecimento, aparentemente 60 ou 90 segundos de intervalo entre as séries ocasionam as mesmas respostas. Esse achado pode ser importante para profissionais da educação física na prescrição de exercícios

    Single photon emission computed tomography, invasive coronary angiography and cardiac computed tomography angiography

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    Introduction: Diagnostic tests that use ionizing radiation play a central role in cardiology and their use has grown in recent years, leading to increasing concerns about their potential stochas-tic effects. The aims of this study were to compare the radiation dose of three diagnostic tests: single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), invasive coronary angiography (ICA) and cardiac computed tomography (cardiac CT) and their evolution over time, and to assess the influence of body mass index on radiation dose. Methods: We assessed consecutive patients included in three prospective registries (SPECT, ICA and cardiac CT) over a period of two years. Radiation dose was converted to mSv and compared between the three registries. Differences over time were evaluated by comparing the first with the fourth semester. Results: A total of 6196 exams were evaluated: 35% SPECT, 53% ICA and 22% cardiac CT. Mean radiation dose was 10.7±1.2 mSv for SPECT, 8.1±6.4 mSv for ICA, and 5.4±3.8 mSv for cardiac CT (p<0.001 for all). With regard to the radiation dose over time, there was a very small reduction in SPECT (10.7 to 10.5 mSv, p=0.004), a significant increase (25%) in ICA (7.0 to 8.8mSv; p<0.001), and a significant reduction (29%) in cardiac CT (6.5 to 4.6 mSv, p<0.001). Obesity was associated with a significantly higher radiation dose in all three exams. Conclusions: Cardiac CT had a lower mean effective radiation dose than invasive coronary angiography, which in turn had a lower mean effective dose than SPECT. There was a significant increase in radiation doses in the ICA registry and a significant decrease in the cardiac CT registry over time.publishersversionpublishe

    Efeito de séries de alongamento sobre força e potência muscular avaliadas por dinamômetro isocinético em adolescentes

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    Ainda há controvérsias sobre a real influência do alongamento sobre a força e potência muscular, principalmente tratando-se de adolescentes. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar por meio do teste em dinamômetro isocinético, os efeitos de séries de alongamento sobre a força e potência muscular, dos extensores e flexores de joelho do membro inferior dominante. O estudo foi realizado com 11 adolescentes do sexo masculino (14,36±1,36 anos) sem experiência em treinamento com pesos. Foi realizado avaliações antropométricas de peso, estatura, IMC, dobras cutâneas e avaliação maturacional com utilização de placa de Tanner. Os participantes foram submetidos ao teste de força e potência muscular (60 e 300°/segundo, respectivamente), no dinamômetro isocinético. Na primeira visita, antes do teste os voluntários realizaram apenas um aquecimento em uma bicicleta ergométrica. Na segunda visita os participantes realizaram um protocolo de alongamento estático, composto por três séries de 40 segundos, com intervalo de 30 segundos entre as séries para cada grupo muscular envolvido. As variáveis analisadas foram pico de torque (Nm) e trabalho total (J). Foi verificada diferença significativa em apenas uma das variáveis analisadas, o pico de torque (Nm) na flexão de joelho a 60°/segundo (p=0,001), sendo maior, o valor encontrado para a condição com alongamento. Em relação ao trabalho total (J) na extensão e flexão do joelho, não foi verificada diferença significativa em nenhuma das variáveis analisadas quando comparadas as condições sem e com alongamento (p&gt;0,05). Dessa forma conclui-se, que para adolescentes do sexo masculino a realização de alongamento possivelmente não influencia no desempenho da força e potência muscular.There are still controversies about the real influence of stretching on muscle strength and power, especially in the case of adolescents. The objective of the study was to verify, through the test in an isokinetic dynamometer, the effects of stretching series on muscle strength and power, of the knee extensors and flexors of the dominant lower limb. The study was carried out with 11 male adolescents (14.36±1.36 years) with no experience in weight training. Anthropometric assessments of weight, height, BMI, skinfolds and maturation assessment were performed using a Tanner plate. The participants were submitted to the muscular strength and power test (60 and 300°/second, respectively), in the isokinetic dynamometer. On the first visit, before the test, the volunteers performed only a warm-up on an exercise bike. On the second visit, participants performed a static stretching protocol, consisting of three sets of 40 seconds, with a 30-second interval between sets for each muscle group involved. The variables analyzed were peak torque (Nm) and total work (J). A significant difference was found in only one of the analyzed variables, the peak torque (Nm) in knee flexion at 60°/second (p=0.001), the value found for the condition with stretching being higher. Regarding the total work (J) in knee extension and flexion, no significant difference was observed in any of the analyzed variables when comparing the conditions without and with stretching (p&gt;0.05). Thus, it is concluded that for male adolescents, stretching may not influence the performance of muscle strength and power

    Neurodifferentiation and neuroprotection potential of mesenchymal stromal cell-derived secretome produced in different dynamic systems

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder and is characterized by the degeneration of the dopamine (DA) neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta, leading to a loss of DA in the basal ganglia. The presence of aggregates of alpha-synuclein (α-synuclein) is seen as the main contributor to the pathogenesis and progression of PD. Evidence suggests that the secretome of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) could be a potential cell-free therapy for PD. However, to accelerate the integration of this therapy in the clinical setting, there is still the need to develop a protocol for the large-scale production of secretome under good manufacturing practices (GMP) guidelines. Bioreactors have the capacity to produce large quantities of secretomes in a scalable manner, surpassing the limitations of planar static culture systems. However, few studies focused on the influence of the culture system used to expand MSC, on the secretome composition. In this work, we studied the capacity of the secretome produced by bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BMSC) expanded in a spinner flask (SP) and in a Vertical-Wheel™ bioreactor (VWBR) system, to induce neurodifferentiation of human neural progenitor cells (hNPCs) and to prevent dopaminergic neuron degeneration caused by the overexpression of α-synuclein in one Caenorhabditis elegans model of PD. Results showed that secretomes from both systems were able to induce neurodifferentiation, though the secretome produced in the SP system had a greater effect. Additionally, in the conditions of our study, only the secretome produced in SP had a neuroprotective potential. Lastly, the secretomes had different profiles regarding the presence and/or specific intensity of different molecules, namely, interleukin (IL)-6, IL-4, matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP2), and 3 (MMP3), tumor necrosis factor-beta (TNF-β), osteopontin, nerve growth factor beta (NGFβ), granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF), heparin-binding (HB) epithelial growth factor (EGF)-like growth factor (HB-EGF), and IL-13. Overall, our results suggest that the culture conditions might have influenced the secretory profiles of cultured cells and, consequently, the observed effects. Additional studies should further explore the effects that different culture systems have on the secretome potential of PD.This work has been funded by la Caixa Foundation and Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the agreement LCF/PR/HP20/52300001; ICVS Scientific Microscopy Platform, member of the national infrastructure PPBI—Portuguese Platform of Bioimaging (PPBI-POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022122); by National funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)—project UIDB/50026/2020 and UIDP/50026/2020. CRM was supported by a Ph.D. scholarship from FCT and the company Stemmatters, Biotecnologia e Medicina Regenerativa SA (PD/BDE/127833/2016). Funding received by iBB-Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences from FCT (UID/BIO/04565/2020) and through the project PTDC/EQU-EQU/31651/2017 is acknowledged. MAF was supported by a Ph.D. scholarship from FCT (SFRH/PD/BD/128328/2017). RC was supported by the EXOpro project (PTDC/EQU-QUE/31651/2017). JPS was supported by a Ph.D. scholarship from FCT and the company Bn’ML—Behavioral & Molecular Lab (PD/BDE/127834/2016). DS was supported by a Ph.D. scholarship from FCT and the company Stemmatters, Biotecnologia e Medicina Regenerativa S.A. (PD/BDE/135567/2018) JC was supported by a Ph.D. scholarship from FCT (SFRH/BD/5813/2020)