2,140 research outputs found

    Endogenous endophthalmitis secondary to erysipelas

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    A 64-year-old woman with chronic right arm lymphoedema presented with progressive and painful vision loss in the right eye following diagnosis of erysipelas in the ipsilateral arm. Visual acuity was light perception. Biomicroscopy revealed marked conjunctival injection, decreased corneal transparency and an inflammatory mass in the anterior chamber, which precluded fundoscopy. The ocular ultrasonography features were consistent with acute endophthalmitis, and the patient was admitted to the hospital. A systemic evaluation, including complete physical examination, echocardiography and blood tests, ruled out other sources of infection besides the cutaneous site. Blood cultures were positive for group A Streptococcus. A diagnosis of unilateral acute endophthalmitis due to group A Streptococcus bacteraemia secondary to erysipelas was made and successfully treated with optimal medical care, including prompt intravitreal and systemic antibiotic administration. Despite resolution of the infectious process, visual acuity did not improve.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Systemic Vasculitis with Coronary Arteries Involvement in a Female Adolescent. Wich One?

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    As vasculites sistémicas são raras na idade pediátrica. Apresenta-se o caso de uma adolescente de 14 anos com febre, mialgias, púrpura e edema dos membros, que apresentava leucocitose, velocidade de sedimentação e PCR elevadas. O ecocardiograma mostrou insuficiência mitral, dilatação e aneurisma da artéria coronária esquerda e posteriormente insuficiência cardíaca com hipertensão e pancardite. Detectaram-se também enfartes renais e cerebrais. As biópsias cutâneas foram inconclusivas, e a serologia para Influenza A foi positiva. A investigação para doenças auto-imunes foi inconclusiva, incluindo ANCAc e p negativos. Foi administrada imunoglobulina endovenosa com evolução favorável, mantendo aneurisma cardíaco. O diagnóstico diferencial entre poliarterite nodosa e doença de Kawasaki (DK) na adolescência pode ser difícil. Apesar de não se poder excluir DK atípica, pela sua raridade nesta idade, a vigilância desta doente a longo prazo é mandatória

    Aggregation patterns of macroendoparasites in phylogenetically related fish hosts

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    doi:10.1017/ S0031182010000491Macroparasites are generally aggregated within their hosts with infection and aggregation levels resulting from a continuous arms race between maintaining high mating probability and host mortality low for which host and environmentally related factors contribute to some extent. Here, infection and aggregation patterns of the macroendoparasites infecting the flatfish Citharus linguatula, Arnoglossus laterna, Lepidorhombus boscii, Scophthalmus rhombus and Platichthys flesus in 3 areas along the Portuguese coast were analysed. Of the 21 macroendoparasite species found only 1 infected all hosts and most were host or area exclusive. For each host-parasite system, values of the indices varied between areas and macroendoparasites were not always aggregated; in fact, some macroendoparasites were generally uniformly distributed, which can be related to specific density-dependent regulation mechanisms. No general pattern was found for infection or aggregation levels of the 3 species infecting more than 2 hosts along the Portuguese coast, i.e. Lecithochirium rufoviride, Nybelinia lingualis and Anisakis simplex s.l., suggesting that regulation mechanisms are not species specific but are locally determined, with host ecology playing a significant role

    Ten-year follow-up of a giant prolactinoma

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    Giant prolactinomas are rare pituitary tumours of which management can be a challenge. A 28-year-old man presented with headaches, visual impairment and behavioural changes. Clinically, the patient was found to have hypogonadism and bitemporal hemianopsia. A MRI demonstrated a pituitary tumour 76 mm in diameter and blood tests revealed a serum prolactin of 158 700 µU/mL (reference range 58-254). Initially, a craniotomy was performed. Immunohistochemistry of the tumour identified a prolactinoma with a high proliferative index and the patient was started on treatment with a dopamine agonist. A year later, neurological symptoms worsened due to regrowth of the lesion's cystic component, and so further surgery was performed. After 10 years of treatment with dopamine agonists, the prolactin levels decreased by 96.8%, there was an effective reduction in tumour size, and the neurological signs and symptoms resolved

    Use of CPAP to Reduce Arterial Stiffness in Moderate-to-Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, Without Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (STIFFSLEEP): an Observational Cohort Study Protocol

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    INTRODUCTION: Sleepiness is a cardinal symptom in obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) but most patients have unspecific symptoms. Arterial stiffness, evaluated by pulse wave velocity (PWV), is related to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular (CV) risk. Arterial stiffness was reported to be higher in patients with OSA, improving after treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). This study aims to assess whether the same effect occurs in patients with OSA and without sleepiness. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This observational study assesses the CV effect of CPAP therapy on a cohort of patients with moderate-to-severe OSA; the effect on the subcohorts of sleepy and non-sleepy patients will be compared. A systematic and consecutive sample of patients advised CPAP therapy will be recruited from a single outpatient sleep clinic (Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central-CHLC, Portugal). Eligible patients are male, younger than 65 years, with confirmed moderate-to-severe OSA and apnoea-hypopnea index (AHI) above 15/hour. Other sleep disorders, diabetes or any CV disease other than hypertension are exclusion criteria. Clinical evaluation at baseline includes Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), and sleepiness is defined as ESS above 10. OSA will be confirmed by polygraphic study (cardiorespiratory, level 3). Participants are advised to undertake an assessment of carotid-femoral PWV (cf-PWV) and 24 hours evaluation of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), at baseline and after 4 months of CPAP therapy. Compliance and effectiveness of CPAP will be assessed. The main outcome is the variation of cf-PWV over time

    Autism Spectrum Disorder Secondary to Enterovirus Encephalitis

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    Millions of children are infected by enteroviruses each year, usually exhibiting only mild symptoms. Nevertheless, these viruses are also associated with severe and life-threatening infections, such as meningitis and encephalitis. We describe a 32-month-old patient with enteroviral encephalitis confirmed by polymerase chain reaction in cerebrospinal fluid, with unfavorable clinical course with marked developmental regression, autistic features, persistent stereotypes and aphasia. She experienced slow clinical improvement, with mild residual neurologic and developmental deficits at follow-up. Viral central nervous system infections in early childhood have been associated with autism spectrum disorders but the underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. This case report is significant in presenting a case of developmental regression with autistic features and loss of language improving on follow-up. To our knowledge, this is the first published report of enterovirus encephalitis leading to an autism spectrum disorder

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