21 research outputs found
Economical Valuation Of The Erosion Effect In Soil Managemnet Systems Employing The Replacement Cost Method [valoração Econômica Do Efeito Da Erosão Em Sistemas De Manejo Do Solo Empregando O Método Custo De Reposição]
The accelerate soil erosion constitutes an important process of agricultural land quality degradation. Often, only the physical soil losses are assessed, neglecting the economical effects of those losses, which could be estimated by applying methods of economical valuation. This work intended to apply the Replacement Cost method to evaluate economically the nutrient losses by erosion from a Rhodic Hapludox. Data concerning soil and nutrient losses were analyzed from two experiments performed in Campinas (SP. In Experiment I (1990-1996), eight treatments were tested, one for each experimental parcel, and the repetitions were the years. In Experiment II (2003-2005), two treatments were tested with four replications, for two growing seasons. In Experiment I, significant differences between treatments occurred in relation to soil and nutrient losses. The "no-tillage" was the best treatment to control the soil erosion losses, whereas the "plowing downhill" was the worst treatment. Apparently, the soil erosion losses didn't affect the corn yields, because differences between treatments were not statistically significant. Also, no significant differences were found between treatments in relation to the costs of nutrient replacement. The differences between treatments of Experiment II were not significant for any analyzed attribute, maybe due to a residual effect from treatments of Experiment I (previous). The Replacement Cost method can be applied as an indicator on the evaluation of the sustainability of soil management systems. However, in long-term experiments, the annual variation of prices of fertilizers and labor could mask the effects of the treatment themselves.701113121Blevins, R.L., Frye, W.W., Conservation tillage: An ecological approach to soil management (1993) Advances in Agronomy, 51, pp. 33-78Cassol, E.A., de Lima, V.S., Erosão em entressulcos sob diferentes tipos de preparo e manejo do solo (2003) Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 38, pp. 117-124Castro, O.M., Lombardi, N.F., Vieira, S.R., Dechen, S.C.F., Sistemas convencionais e reduzidos de preparo do solo e as perdas por erosão (1986) Revista Brasileira De Ciência Do Solo, 10, pp. 167-171Dixon, J.A., Hufschmidt, M.M., (1986) Economic Valuation for the Environment: A Case Study Workbook, p. 203. , Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University PressEltz, F.L.F., Mehl, H.U., Reichert, J.M., Perdas de solo e água em entressulcos em um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo submetido a quatro padrões de chuva (2001) Revista Brasileira De Ciência Do Solo, 25, pp. 485-494Gardner, K., Barrows, R., The impact of soil conservation investments on land prices (1985) American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 67, pp. 943-947Hertzler, G., Ibanez-Meier, C.A., Jolly, R.W., User costs of soil erosion and their effect on agricultural land prices: Costate variables and capitalized Hamiltonians (1985) American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 67, pp. 948-953Hufschmidt, M.M., James, E., Meister, A.D., Bower, B.T., Dixon, J.A., (1983) Environment, Natural Systems and Development: An Economic Valuation Guide, p. 338. , Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University PressKing, D.A., Sinden, J.A., Influence of soil conservation on farm land values (1988) Land Economics, 64, pp. 242-255Kitamura, P.C., Lanzer, E.A., Adams, R.I., Avaliação econômica de sistemas conservacionistas no uso de solos agrícolas: O caso do binômio trigo-soja no Rio Grande do Sul (1982) Revista De Economia E Sociologia Rural, 20, pp. 104-124Kooten, G.C., Weisensel, W.P., Chilanthammit, D., Valuing trade-offs between net returns and stewardship practices: The case of soil conservation in Saskatchewan (1990) American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 72, pp. 104-113Lal, R., Soil erosion and land degradation: The global risks (1990) Advances in Soil Science, 11, pp. 129-172Marques, J.F., Custos da erosão do solo em razão dos seus efeitos internos e externos à área de produção agrícola (1998) Revista De Economia E Sociologia Rural, 36, pp. 61-79Melo Filho, J.F., Silva, J.R.C., Erosão, teor de água no Solo e produtividade do milho em plantio direto e preparo convencional de um Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo no Ceará (1993) Revista Brasileira De Ciência Do Solo, 17, pp. 291-297Mutchler, C.K., Murphree, C.E., McGregor, K.C., (1994) Laboratory and Field Plots for Erosion Research, pp. 1-9. , In: LAL, R. 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