13 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Potential of Brazilian Propolis against UV-Induced Oxidative Stress

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    This study investigated the potential use of topically and orally administered propolis extracts to prevent UV irradiation-induced oxidative stress in skin. The results illustrated that green propolis extract (GPE) contained greater amounts of polyphenols, coumaric acid, drupanin, baccharin and artepillin C than did brown propolis extract (BPE). GPE showed higher antioxidant activity than BPE when the IC50 (concentration that caused 50% inhibition) values were compared. Interesting, the oral treatment of hairless mice demonstrated a recovery of 30.0% for GPE and 22.8% for BPE with respect to UV irradiation-induced GSH depletion. The topical pretreatment of animals with both propolis extract solutions recovered around 14.0% of the depleted GSH. However, the employed treatments did not inhibit the increase of cutaneous proteinase secretion/activity caused by irradiation. These findings indicate that despite differences in composition and antioxidant properties, GPE and BPE both successfully prevent UV-induced GSH depletion in vivo and are both promising antioxidant systems against oxidative stress in skin. Based on these findings, complementary studies should be performed to enhance our understanding of the protective effects of propolis extracts in skin

    Functional Properties of Brazilian Propolis: From Chemical Composition Until the Market

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    Propolis is a product obtained from resins and exudates of different plants from different regions in order to protect the comb, with peculiar organoleptic, chemicals and biological properties. Considering this, this chapter presents the types of Brazilian propolis as the types available nowadays, their chemical compositions, as well as, some of their important biological properties enabling employing them as important health food, such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, and immunomodulation action. Various “in vivo” and clinical trial studies, conducted in different regions, on the safety and dosage of propolis, technologies used to obtain propolis extract, and several innovative presentations of this promising bee product are also presented in this chapter. Finally, this chapter aims to present the regulatory affairs, potential market for propolis around the world, and perspectives for a near future

    Fundamentals of Brazilian Honey Analysis: An Overview

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    Brazilian honey possesses large floral sources with various colors and flavors due to botanical and geographical differences and the large extension of the country. The absence of antibiotics and pesticides contamination positively differentiates Brazilian honey in the international market. Thus, the present chapter presents an overview of regulatory aspects for identity and quality evaluation of honey produced and commercialized in Brazil and international markets, as well as, it compares the production and consumption of honey with other countries. In addition, the chapter presents physicochemical and microbiological analysis commonly used in honey, as fundamentals of the technics and literature results with different kinds of honey obtained in Brazil. Physicochemical quality control and microbiological analysis of honey samples is of fundamental importance for assessing their quality, possible adulteration and storage conditions. In the literature, several methodologies exist to be used in the performance of honey quality control and each one complements the results in order to have an idea about the quality of the product, the absence of adulteration, deterioration, and environmental pollution and geographical area. Finally, we will present the market scenario nowadays with future perspectives and some recognition obtained for Brazilian bee products in international events

    Strong Electronic Identification: Survey & Scenario Planning

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    The deployment of more high-risk services such as online banking and government services on the Internet has meant that the need and demand for strong electronic identity is bigger today more than ever. Different stakeholders have different reasons for moving their services to the Internet, including cost savings, being closer to the customer or citizen, increasing volume and value of services among others. This means that traditional online identification schemes based on self-asserted identities are no longer sufficient to cope with the required level of assurance demanded by these services. Therefore, strong electronic identification methods that utilize identifiers rooted in real world identities must be provided to be used by customers and citizens alike on the Internet. This thesis focuses on studying state-of-the-art methods for providing reliable and mass market strong electronic identity in the world today. It looks at concrete real-world examples that enable real world identities to be transferred and used in the virtual world of the Internet. The thesis identifies crucial factors that determine what constitutes a strong electronic identity solution and through these factors evaluates and compares the example solutions surveyed in the thesis. As the Internet become more pervasive in our lives; mobile devices are becoming the primary devices for communication and accessing Internet services. This has thus, raised the question of what sort of strong electronic identity solutions could be implemented and how such solutions could adapt to the future. To help to understand the possible alternate futures, a scenario planning and analysis method was used to develop a series of scenarios from underlying key economic, political, technological and social trends and uncertainties. The resulting three future scenarios indicate how the future of strong electronic identity will shape up with the aim of helping stakeholders contemplate the future and develop policies and strategies to better position themselves for the future

    Development of photochemoprotective topical formulations containing propolis extract: in vitro stability, permeation and retention and in vivo efficacy studies

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    A exposição à radiação ultravioleta (RUV) pode levar a um desequilíbrio no balanço oxidante/antioxidante da pele causando prejuízos à sua integridade e levando a diversas alterações, entre as quais o envelhecimento precoce e o câncer de pele. Na tentativa de diminuir os efeitos biológicos mediados pelos radicais livres gerados pela RUV na pele, tem sido proposto a fotoquimioproteção com a utilização de antioxidantes tópicos. Dentre a gama de compostos disponíveis para serem empregados na fotoquimioproteção, a própolis, por sua pronunciada atividade antioxidante, entre suas inúmeras atividades biológicas, é uma matéria-prima com promissora ação tópica. Desta forma, extratos de própolis alcoólico e glicólico (EPA e EPG) foram caracterizados quanto à sua composição polifenólica e quanto à sua capacidade antioxidante frente a diversos radicais livres. Formulações adicionadas destes extratos foram desenvolvidas e submetidas a estudos de estabilidade física e funcional, estudos de liberação, permeação e retenção cutânea in vitro, bem como estudos preliminares de eficácia in vivo. Os resultados demonstraram que os extratos de própolis são capazes de seqüestrar eficientemente diversos radicais livres, principalmente radicais superóxido. Quando estes extratos foram adicionados em formulações de produtos para uso tópico, a atividade antioxidante foi mantida. Nos estudos prévios de estabilidade física foi observado que as formulações mais estáveis foram desenvolvidas com Hostacerin® SAF (menor conteúdo graxo) e Polawax® (maior conteúdo graxo). No entanto, somente a formulação desenvolvida com Polawax® apresentou estabilidade satisfatória por 1 ano quando armazenada à temperatura ambiente e a 40º.C 2º.C/70%UR 5%. Nos estudos de liberação, permeação e retenção cutânea foi observado a influência do conteúdo graxo na performance das formulações. A cinética de liberação das formulações tanto do ácido p-cumárico (utilizado como marcador), como dos compostos equivalentes ao extrato de própolis (EEP) demonstraram seguir o modelo de Higuchi. A formulação desenvolvida com Polawax® apresentou a melhor retenção cutânea, com retenção de 0,013 e 0,030 µL de EEP.cm-2 para as peles de camundongo e de porco, respectivamente. Em adição, esta formulação apresentou baixos níveis de permeação cutânea, sendo adequada para aplicação tópica fotoquimioprotetora. Nos estudos in vivo, esta formulação adicionada de EPA, foi capaz de diminuir o eritema, inibir o edema e aumentar a cicatrização de camundongos sem pêlo expostos à radiação UVB. Além disso, também foi observado a proteção da depleção da glutationa endógena (GSH). Os resultados preliminares de eficácia in vivo sugerem que formulações contendo o extrato de própolis apresentam boas perspectivas para serem utilizadas para prevenir e tratar os danos causados na pele pela radiação UV.The ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposition may lead to the skin oxidant/antioxidant imbalance injuring its integrity and leading to several disorders, such as ageing and skin cancer. In order to improve the biological effects caused by free radicals generated by UVR in skin, it has been suggested the photochemoprotection by using topical antioxidants. Among the available compounds to be employed in hotochemoprotection, propolis, due to its important antioxidant activity, among its innumerous biological activities, is a promising topical raw-material. Next, ethanolic and glycolic propolis extracts (EPE, GPE) were characterized in relation to their polyphenolic composition, and in relation to their antioxidant activity against several free-radicals. Formulations added with these extracts were developed and undergone to physical and functional stability studies, in vitro release and skin permeation and retention studies, as well as in vivo preliminary efficacy studies. The results showed that the propolis extracts are able to scavenge several free radicals efficiently, mainly superoxide radicals. When these extracts were added to formulations of topical products, their antioxidant activity were maintained. In the physical stability studies, it was observed that the most stable formulations were developed with Hostacerin® SAF (lower fat content) and Polawax® (higher fat content). However, only the formulation developed with Polawax® showed satisfactory stability for 1 year stored at room temperature and at 40º.C 2º.C/70%UR 5%UR. In the release, permeation and retention studies, it was observed the fat content influence in the formulation performance. The release profile of p-coumaric acid (used as marker compound) and the compounds equivalent to propolis extract (EPE) followed the Higuchi model. The formulation developed with Polawax® showed the best skin retention, retaining 0,013 and 0,030 L EPE.cm-2 in hairless mouse skin and in pig skin, respectively. In addition, this formulation presented low permeation, which is desired for photochemoprotective topical employment. In the in vivo studies, this formulation added with EPE was able to diminish erithema, inhibit oedema and increase cicatrisation in hairless mice exposed to UVB radiation. In addition, it was also observed the protection of the endogenous glutathione (GSH) depletion. The in vivo preliminary efficacy results suggest that formulations added with propolis extract present good perspectives to be employed to prevent and treat the injuries caused in skin by UV radiation

    Development of photochemoprotective topical formulations containing propolis extract: in vitro stability, permeation and retention and in vivo efficacy studies

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    A exposição à radiação ultravioleta (RUV) pode levar a um desequilíbrio no balanço oxidante/antioxidante da pele causando prejuízos à sua integridade e levando a diversas alterações, entre as quais o envelhecimento precoce e o câncer de pele. Na tentativa de diminuir os efeitos biológicos mediados pelos radicais livres gerados pela RUV na pele, tem sido proposto a fotoquimioproteção com a utilização de antioxidantes tópicos. Dentre a gama de compostos disponíveis para serem empregados na fotoquimioproteção, a própolis, por sua pronunciada atividade antioxidante, entre suas inúmeras atividades biológicas, é uma matéria-prima com promissora ação tópica. Desta forma, extratos de própolis alcoólico e glicólico (EPA e EPG) foram caracterizados quanto à sua composição polifenólica e quanto à sua capacidade antioxidante frente a diversos radicais livres. Formulações adicionadas destes extratos foram desenvolvidas e submetidas a estudos de estabilidade física e funcional, estudos de liberação, permeação e retenção cutânea in vitro, bem como estudos preliminares de eficácia in vivo. Os resultados demonstraram que os extratos de própolis são capazes de seqüestrar eficientemente diversos radicais livres, principalmente radicais superóxido. Quando estes extratos foram adicionados em formulações de produtos para uso tópico, a atividade antioxidante foi mantida. Nos estudos prévios de estabilidade física foi observado que as formulações mais estáveis foram desenvolvidas com Hostacerin® SAF (menor conteúdo graxo) e Polawax® (maior conteúdo graxo). No entanto, somente a formulação desenvolvida com Polawax® apresentou estabilidade satisfatória por 1 ano quando armazenada à temperatura ambiente e a 40º.C 2º.C/70%UR 5%. Nos estudos de liberação, permeação e retenção cutânea foi observado a influência do conteúdo graxo na performance das formulações. A cinética de liberação das formulações tanto do ácido p-cumárico (utilizado como marcador), como dos compostos equivalentes ao extrato de própolis (EEP) demonstraram seguir o modelo de Higuchi. A formulação desenvolvida com Polawax® apresentou a melhor retenção cutânea, com retenção de 0,013 e 0,030 µL de EEP.cm-2 para as peles de camundongo e de porco, respectivamente. Em adição, esta formulação apresentou baixos níveis de permeação cutânea, sendo adequada para aplicação tópica fotoquimioprotetora. Nos estudos in vivo, esta formulação adicionada de EPA, foi capaz de diminuir o eritema, inibir o edema e aumentar a cicatrização de camundongos sem pêlo expostos à radiação UVB. Além disso, também foi observado a proteção da depleção da glutationa endógena (GSH). Os resultados preliminares de eficácia in vivo sugerem que formulações contendo o extrato de própolis apresentam boas perspectivas para serem utilizadas para prevenir e tratar os danos causados na pele pela radiação UV.The ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposition may lead to the skin oxidant/antioxidant imbalance injuring its integrity and leading to several disorders, such as ageing and skin cancer. In order to improve the biological effects caused by free radicals generated by UVR in skin, it has been suggested the photochemoprotection by using topical antioxidants. Among the available compounds to be employed in hotochemoprotection, propolis, due to its important antioxidant activity, among its innumerous biological activities, is a promising topical raw-material. Next, ethanolic and glycolic propolis extracts (EPE, GPE) were characterized in relation to their polyphenolic composition, and in relation to their antioxidant activity against several free-radicals. Formulations added with these extracts were developed and undergone to physical and functional stability studies, in vitro release and skin permeation and retention studies, as well as in vivo preliminary efficacy studies. The results showed that the propolis extracts are able to scavenge several free radicals efficiently, mainly superoxide radicals. When these extracts were added to formulations of topical products, their antioxidant activity were maintained. In the physical stability studies, it was observed that the most stable formulations were developed with Hostacerin® SAF (lower fat content) and Polawax® (higher fat content). However, only the formulation developed with Polawax® showed satisfactory stability for 1 year stored at room temperature and at 40º.C 2º.C/70%UR 5%UR. In the release, permeation and retention studies, it was observed the fat content influence in the formulation performance. The release profile of p-coumaric acid (used as marker compound) and the compounds equivalent to propolis extract (EPE) followed the Higuchi model. The formulation developed with Polawax® showed the best skin retention, retaining 0,013 and 0,030 L EPE.cm-2 in hairless mouse skin and in pig skin, respectively. In addition, this formulation presented low permeation, which is desired for photochemoprotective topical employment. In the in vivo studies, this formulation added with EPE was able to diminish erithema, inhibit oedema and increase cicatrisation in hairless mice exposed to UVB radiation. In addition, it was also observed the protection of the endogenous glutathione (GSH) depletion. The in vivo preliminary efficacy results suggest that formulations added with propolis extract present good perspectives to be employed to prevent and treat the injuries caused in skin by UV radiation

    Evaluation of the antioxidant activity as an additional parameter to attain the functional quality of natural extracts

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    Debido a las diferencias en la calidad funcional de extractos naturales, nosotros hemos advertido también diferencias en su efectividad, por lo que se pretende estimar la actividad antioxidante de extractos naturales para lograr su calidad funcional . Fue observado que todos los extractos (propolis marrón y verde, Ginkgo biloba e Isoflavin Beta®) y el patrón usado (quercetina) mostraron actividad antioxidante de una manera dosis-dependiente con valores de IC que van de 0,21 a 155,28 al µg mL (inhibición de la peroxidación lipídioca y captación de radicales libres del DPPH ). Se observó una alta correlación (r = 0,9913) entre los métodos antioxidantes y por otro lado la actividad antioxidante no estuvo relacionada con el contenido del polifenoles ni de flavonoides. Como el análisis del DPPH es un método rápido, presenta costos bajos e incluso tiene una correlación alta con otros métodos antioxidantes, este método podría utilizarse como un parámetro adicional en el control de calidad de extractos naturales.Due to differences in the functional quality of natural extracts, we have also faced differences in their effectiveness. So, it was intended to assess the antioxidant activity of natural extracts in order to attain their functional quality. It was observed that all the extracts (brown and green propolis, Ginkgo biloba and Isoflavin Beta®) and the standard used (quercetin) showed antioxidant activity in a dose-dependent manner with IC values ranging from 0.21 to 155.28 µg mL (inhibition of lipid peroxidation and scavenging of the DPPH assays). We observed a high correlation (r = 0.9913) among the antioxidant methods; on the other hand, the antioxidant activity was not related to the polyphenol and flavonoid content. As the DPPH assay is a fast method, presents low costs and even has a high correlation with other antioxidant methods, it could be applied as an additional parameter in the quality control of natural extracts.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Eco-Friendly Extraction of Green Coffee Oil for Industrial Applications: Its Antioxidant, Cytotoxic, Clonogenic, and Wound Healing Properties

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    The development of natural oil-based cosmetic and pharmaceutical products presents great scientific and commercial interest. Herein, we aimed to extract green coffee oil from Arabic coffee by a sustainable cold-pressing method. Furthermore, this work aimed to characterize the obtained green coffee oil by Fourier-Transform Infrared (FT–IR) and ultraviolet–visible spectroscopies (UV–Vis), peroxide analysis, and fatty acids profile by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Moreover, the functional and biological properties of the obtained green coffee oil and a green-coffee oil-based commercial product (Energy up®, Dermociencia) were investigated. The green coffee oil presented linoleic and palmitic acids as the major fatty acids showing 44.8% and 35.4%, respectively. Moreover, this green coffee oil presented an antioxidant activity (EC50 7.64 mg/mL) and an absence of cytotoxic effects in keratinocyte cultures treated with up to 20 mg/mL. The obtained green coffee oil showed wound healing properties as well as clonogenic efficiency, a biological potential to induce the proliferative and migratory capacity of cells of human skin keratinocytes at 2.5 mg/mL. The samples presented high antioxidant activity and the absence of a cytotoxic effect, suggesting that green coffee oil is a promising natural product for cosmetic applications with wound healing properties. These results open new ways for the use of green coffee oil for the development of cosmetic and pharmaceutics natural-based products

    Development of nitrosyl ruthenium complex-loaded lipid carriers for topical administration: improvement in skin stability and in nitric oxide release by visible light irradiation

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    The prominent nitric oxide (NO) donor [Ru(terpy)(bdqi)NO](PF(6))(3) has been synthesized and evaluated with respect to noteworthy biological effects due to its NO photorelease, including vascular relaxation and melanoma cell culture toxicity. The potential for delivering NO in therapeutic quantities is tenable since the nitrosyl ruthenium complex (NRC) must first reach the ""target tissue"" and then release the NO upon stimulus. In this context. NRC-loaded lipid carriers were developed and characterized to further explore its topical administration for applications such as skin cancer treatment. NRC-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) and nanostructured lipid carriers were prepared via the microemulsification method, with average diameters of 275 +/- 15 nm and 211 +/- 31 nm and zeta potentials of -40.7 +/- 10.4 mV and -50.0 +/- 7.5 mV, respectively. In vitro kinetic studies of NRC release from nanoparticles showed sustained release of NRC from the lipid carriers and illustrated the influence of the release medium and the lyophilization process. Stability studies showed that NO is released from NRC as a function of temperature and time and due to skin contact. The encapsulation of NRC in SLN followed by its lyophilization, significantly improved the complex stability. Furthermore, of particular interest was the fact that in the NO photorelease study, the NO release from the NRC-loaded SLN was approximately twice that of just NRC in solution. NRC-loaded SLN performs well enough at releasing and protecting NO degradation in vitro that it is a promising carrier for topical delivery of NO. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP

    Toxicogenetic studies of an antileishmania nanomedicine based on Ocotea fasciculata, a plant of the Brazilian flora

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    Abstract The lignoid fraction (LF) of Ocotea fasciculata, which is rich in yangambin and its epimer, epi-yangambin, showed promising activity against Leishmania sp. Subsequently, LF was incorporated into a solid lipid nanoparticle (SLN) in order to increase its pharmacological efficacy and decrease toxicity. In this regard, the present study was carried out to evaluate the cytotoxic and toxicogenetic potential of LF and LF-SLN in mammalian cells in vitro and in vivo. The cytotoxic activity was evaluated in a non-tumor human cell line (GM07492A) and the toxicogenetic potential was assessed in vitro in a Chinese hamster lung fibroblast cell line (V79) and in Swiss mice. LF-SLN showed no cytotoxic effect at the highest concentration tested (5,000 µg/mL), while LF exhibited an IC50 equivalent to 1,047 ± 4.50 µg/mL. The frequencies of micronuclei observed in vitro and in vivo in mammalian cells treated with different concentrations of LF and LF-SLN did not differ significantly from the negative control group. Therefore, LF and LF-SLN did not show genotoxic or cytotoxic effects under the experimental conditions used. These results contribute to the development of a drug for the treatment of leishmaniasis that is more effective and safer for human health