25 research outputs found

    "Vicino a....Ragazzi,famiglie ed operatori" SESSUALITA' NELLA DISABILITA' Progetto di sostegno nei centri diurni del territorio pisano

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    Fino ad alcuni anni fa il solo toccare argomenti come la DisabilitĂ  o come la SessualitĂ  era una prova assai ardua,immaginiamoci poi l'affrontare entrambi i temi assieme quali muri ideologici potevano sollevare; ma da un pĂČ di tempo ,vuoi per la caduta di tabĂč sessuali,vuoi per la rinnovata sensibilitĂ  nei confronti delle persone disabili, Ăš cresciuto l'interesse per tale tematica ,il che ha giovato e non poco anche alla letteratura scientifica. Questa trasformazione culturale ha spinto le persone ad interessarsi al problema, e spinto i genitori e gli educatori che si occupano di ragazzi diversabili a trovare una via per gestire l'affettivitĂ  e la sessualitĂ  di questi ragazzi. Il presente lavoro rappresenta un connubio fra una personale curiositĂ  del mondo sopra descritto e una contemporanea richiesta d'aiuto che direttamente o indirettamente i soggetti disabili,le famiglie,gli operatori insieme hanno mandato al Laboratorio di Comunicazione in Medicina del Professor Basile Fasolo. La presa in carico di questa problematica ha dato origine alla creazione di un progetto d'intervento della durata iniziale di un anno (ma con risvolti importanti per l'anno a venire),che emerge in questo elaborato. PartirĂČ col descrivere nel primo capitolo i vari concetti di disabilitĂ  ,evidenziando la difficoltĂ  storica nella sua definizione,ed elencando qualche dato epidemiologico e sociodemografico italiano; successivamente affronterĂČ il tema della sessualitĂ ,con una visione piĂč ampia sottolineando gli aspetti psicologici. Nel terzo capitolo verrĂ  affrontato l'argomento prĂŹncipe dell'elaborato - la sessualitĂ  nel disabile – spostandosi da vari punti di vista,quali quello del soggetto stesso,quello dei familiari ,fino agli educatori ; inoltre verrĂ  citato un tema caldo di questo momento storico ,soprattutto in Italia : l'Assistenza Sessuale per disabili . Infine nel quarto capitolo,dopo il percorso teorico, verrĂ  presentato il progetto vero e proprio che ha avuto luogo lungo tutto il 2013 ,con la descrizione dettagliata delle metodologie adoperate,la proposizione delle esperienze dei partecipanti e soprattutto le considerazioni e i giudizi personali

    The Significance of Landscape in a Sicilian Food Market

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    Basé sur un travail ethnographique approfondi sur le marché local de Catagne en Sicile, cet article a pour but de s'interroger sur la reprĂ©sentation locale du rapport au lieu. En observant comment le marché reflĂšte le paysage local, je veux souligner deux points: la perception de l'espace qui ressort du dialogue entre vendeurs et clients d’une part, les maniĂšres dont sont prĂ©sentĂ©s et classifiĂ©s les produits alimentaires de l’autre. En mettant en avant les contradictions apparentes dans ce systĂšme complexe de significations, j’utilise la mĂ©taphore du contrepoint qui permet d’établir des catĂ©gories capables de comprendre les reprĂ©sentations associĂ©es au paysage. L'utilisation de l'espace dans le marché donne Ă  voir une cosmologie distincte, dans laquelle le paysage constitue le principal moyen d'organisation locale. Le paysage est apprĂ©hendé comme un processus culturel, constamment re-nĂ©gocié et re-contextualisĂ©. Les principales catĂ©gories de classification de nourritures ("naturelles", "locales" et "Ă©trangĂšres") renseignent sur la relation entre les habitants, l’alimentation et l’espace. L'agencement des étalages ainsi que la classification des produits engagent une discussion sur le paysage et sa dimension “naturelle” ou “domestiquĂ©e”.Based on an in-depth ethnographic study within a food and fish market in Catania, Sicily, this paper aims to investigate how place and identity are represented through performances and displays within the market. The market derives its identity from a complex relationship to place. I aim to depict the meanings attached to landscape (paesaggio) by a specific community, i.e. the local market traders and buyers. I regard the concept of landscape as a useful framework through which to explore the relationship between people and the environment. Looking at how the market embodies the landscape, I examine two main aspects: the market's display and its system of food classification and the perception of the landscape through the narratives of market vendors and buyers. The principal categories of food classification ‘wild’, ‘local’, and ‘foreign’ are explanatory notions of a specific relationship between people, food and locality. The stalls' layout and the goods’ classification, therefore, provoke a discussion about landscape, wilderness and domestication. To address the apparent contradictions in this complex system of meanings, the use of space within the market informs a distinctive cosmology, in which the landscape constitutes the main local organising principle. I focus on how the landscape is constantly renegotiated and recontextualised

    The Significance of Landscape in a Sicilian Food Market

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    Based on an in-depth ethnographic study within a food and fish market in Catania, Sicily, this paper aims to investigate how place and identity are represented through performances and displays within the market. The market derives its identity from a complex relationship to place. I aim to depict the meanings attached to landscape (paesaggio) by a specific community, i.e. the local market traders and buyers. I regard the concept of landscape as a useful framework through which to explore the relationship between people and the environment. Looking at how the market embodies the landscape, I examine two main aspects: the market's display and its system of food classification and the perception of the landscape through the narratives of market vendors and buyers. The principal categories of food classification ‘wild’, ‘local’, and ‘foreign’ are explanatory notions of a specific relationship between people, food and locality. The stalls' layout and the goods’ classification, therefore, provoke a discussion about landscape, wilderness and domestication. To address the apparent contradictions in this complex system of meanings, the use of space within the market informs a distinctive cosmology, in which the landscape constitutes the main local organising principle. I focus on how the landscape is constantly renegotiated and recontextualised

    The social practices of hosting P2P social dining events: insights for sustainable tourism

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    In many ways, the expansion of commercial for-profit, P2P social dining platforms has mirrored those within mobility and accommodation sectors. However its dynamics and impacts have received less consideration to date, with a notable paucity of attention to the hosts of social dining events. The aim of this paper is to address this research lacuna. Through its exploration of the social dining platforms VizEat in Athens and Eatwith in Barcelona, this paper identifies, analyses and compares the social practices of hosts around their social dining events in two key tourist destinations in Europe. Data is gathered through multiple methods from participating in and observing social dining events in each city to interviews with key stakeholders in the P2P social dining process (such as hosts, platform employees and ambassadors). The research reveals how dynamic rules, tools, skills and understandings shape and reshape the performance of hosting social dining events. It exposes tensions and ongoing negotiations between hosts and guests regarding matters of authenticity and privacy, an uneven risk burden between hosts and platforms with regards liability and scant regard for matters of sustainability. As a result there is little alignment between P2P social dining and the goals of sustainable tourism

    The social practices of hosting P2P social dining events. Insights for sustainable tourism

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    In many ways, the expansion of commercial for-profit, P2P social dining platforms has mirrored those within mobility and accommodation sectors. However its dynamics and impacts have received less consideration to date, with a notable paucity of attention to the hosts of social dining events. The aim of this paper is to address this research lacuna. Through its exploration of the social dining platforms VizEat in Athens and Eatwith in Barcelona, this paper identifies, analyses and compares the social practices of hosts around their social dining events in two key tourist destinations in Europe. Data is gathered through multiple methods from participating in and observing social dining events in each city to interviews with key stakeholders in the P2P social dining process (such as hosts, platform employees and ambassadors). The research reveals how dynamic rules, tools, skills and understandings shape and reshape the performance of hosting social dining events. It exposes tensions and ongoing negotiations between hosts and guests regarding matters of authenticity and privacy, an uneven risk burden between hosts and platforms with regards liability and scant regard for matters of sustainability. As a result there is little alignment between P2P social dining and the goals of sustainable tourism

    Analysis of stresses in a rock disk subjected to peripheral thermal shock /

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    Bibliography: p. 36-37.Mode of access: Internet