120 research outputs found
The location of diapycnal mixing and the meridional overturning circulation
The large-scale consequences of diapycnal mixing location are explored using an idealized threedimensional model of buoyancy-forced flow in a single hemisphere. Diapycnal mixing is most effective in supporting a strong meridional overturning circulation (MOC) if mixing occurs in regions of strong stratification, that is, in the low-latitude thermocline where diffusion causes strong vertical buoyancy fluxes. Where stratification is weak, such as at high latitudes, diapycnal mixing plays little role in determining MOC strength, consistent with weak diffusive buoyancy fluxes at these latitudes. Boundary mixing is more efficient than interior mixing at driving the MOC; with interior mixing the planetary vorticity constraint inhibits the communication of interior water mass properties and the eastern boundary. Mixing below the thermocline affects the abyssal stratification and upwelling profile, but does not contribute significantly to the MOC through the thermocline or the ocean’s meridional heat transport. The abyssal heat budget is
dominated by the downward mass transport of buoyant water versus the spread of denser water tied to the properties of deep convection, with mixing of minor importance. These results are in contrast to the widespread expectation that the observed enhanced abyssal mixing can maintain the MOC; rather, they suggest that enhanced boundary mixing in the thermocline needs to be identified in observations
Impact of geothermal heating on the global ocean circulation
The response of a global circulation model to a uniform geothermal heat flux of 50 mW m-2 through the sea floor is examined. If the geothermal heat input were transported upward purely by diffusion, the deep ocean would warm by 1.2°C. However, geothermal heating induces a substantial change in the deep circulation which is larger than previously assumed and subsequently the warming of the deep ocean is only a quarter of that suggested by the diffusive limit. The numerical ocean model responds most strongly in the Indo-Pacific with an increase in meridional overturning of 1.8 Sv, enhancing the existing overturning by approximately 25%
Instabilities and multiple equilibria of the thermohaline circulation
SIGLECopy held by FIZ Karlsruhe; available from UB/TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman
Geothermal Heating and its Influence on the Meridional Overturning Circulation
The effect of geothermal heating on the meridional overturning circulation is examined using an idealized, coarse-resolution ocean general circulation model. This heating is parameterized as a spatially uniform heat flux of 50 mW m-2 through the (flat) ocean floor, in contrast with previous studies that have considered an isolated hotspot or a series of plumes along the mid-Atlantic ridge. The equilibrated response is largely advective: a deep perturbation of the meridional overturning cell on the order of several Sv is produced, connecting with an upper-level circulation at high latitudes, allowing the additional heat to be released to the atmosphere. Risingmotion in the perturbation deep cell is concentrated near the equator. The upward penetration of this cell is limited by the thermocline, analogous to the role of the stratosphere in limiting the upward penetration of convective plumes in the atmosphere. The magnitude of the advective response is inversely proportional to the deep stratification; with a weaker background meridional overturning circulation and a less stratified abyss, the overturning maximum of the perturbation deep cell is increased. This advective response also cools the low-latitude thermocline. The qualitative behavior is similar in both a single hemisphere and double hemisphere configuration.The anomalous circulation driven by geothermal fluxes is more substantial than previously thought. We are able to understand the structure and strength of the response in the idealized geometry and further extend these ideas to explain the results of Adcroft et al. [2001], where the impact of geothermal heating was examined using a global configuration
Monitoring the meridional overturning circulation in the North Atlantic: A model-based array design study
A monitoring system for the meridional overturning circulation (MOC) is deployed into an eddy-permitting numerical model (FLAME) at three different latitudes in the North Atlantic Ocean. The MOC is estimated by adding contributions related to Ekman transports to those associated with the zonally integrated vertical velocity shear. Ekman transports are inferred from surface wind stress, whereas the velocity shear is derived from continuous density observations, principally near the eastern and western boundaries, employing thermal wind balance. The objective is to test the method and array setups for possible real observation in the ocean at the chosen latitudes and to guide similar tests at different latitudes. Different mooring placements are tested, ranging from a minimal setup to the theoretical maximum number of measurements. A relatively small number of vertical density profiles (about 10, the exact number depending on the latitude) can achieve a reconstruction of the MOC similar to one achieved by any larger number of profiles. However, the main characteristics of the MOC can only be reproduced at latitudes where bottom velocities are small, here at 26N and 36N. For high bottom velocities, in FLAME at 53N, the array fails to reproduce the strength and variability of the MOC because the depth-averaged flow cannot be reconstructed accurately. In FLAME, knowledge of the complete bottom velocity field could substitute for the knowledge of the depth-averaged velocity field
Two AMOC States in Response to Decreasing Greenhouse Gas Concentrations in the Coupled Climate Model MPI-ESM
This study analyzes the response of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) to different CO2 concentrations and two ice sheet configurations in simulations with the coupled climate model MPI-ESM. With preindustrial (PI) ice sheets, there are two different AMOC states within the studied CO2 range: one state with a strong and deep upper overturning cell at high CO2 concentrations and one state with a weak and shallow upper cell at low CO2 concentrations. Changes in AMOC variability with decreasing CO2 indicate two stability thresholds. The strong state is stable above the first threshold near 217 ppm, and the weak state is stable below the second threshold near 190 ppm. Between the two thresholds, both states are marginally unstable, and the AMOC oscillates between them on millennial time scales. The weak AMOC state is stable when Antarctic Bottom Water becomes dense and salty enough to replace North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) in the deep North Atlantic and when the density gain over the North Atlantic becomes too weak to sustain continuous NADW formation. With Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) ice sheets, the density gain over the North Atlantic and the northward salt transport are enhanced with respect to the PI ice sheet case. This enables active NADW formation and a strong AMOC for the entire range of studied CO2 concentrations. The AMOC variability indicates that the simulated AMOC is far away from a stability threshold with LGM ice sheets. The nonlinear relationship among AMOC, CO2, and prescribed ice sheets provides an explanation for the large intermodel spread of AMOC states found in previous coupled LGM simulations
The effect of greenhouse gas concentrations and ice sheets on the glacial AMOC in a coupled climate model
Simulations with the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM) are used to study the sensitivity of the AMOC and the deep-ocean water masses during the Last Glacial Maximum to different sets of forcings. Analysing the individual contributions of the glacial forcings reveals that the ice sheets cause an increase in the overturning strength and a deepening of the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) cell, while the low greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations cause a decrease in overturning strength and a shoaling of the NADW cell. The effect of the orbital configuration is negligible. The effects of the ice sheets and the GHG reduction balance each other in the deep ocean so that no shoaling of the NADW cell is simulated in the full glacial state. Experiments in which different GHG concentrations with linearly decreasing radiative forcing are applied to a setup with glacial ice sheets and orbital configuration show that GHG concentrations below the glacial level are necessary to cause a shoaling of the NADW cell with respect to the pre-industrial state in MPI-ESM. For a pCO2 of 149 ppm, the simulated overturning state and the deep-ocean water masses are in best agreement with the glacial state inferred from proxy data. Sensitivity studies confirm that brine release and shelf convection in the Southern Ocean are key processes for the shoaling of the NADW cell. Shoaling occurs only when Southern Ocean shelf water contributes significantly to the formation of Antarctic Bottom Water
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Partitioning climate projection uncertainty with multiple large ensembles and CMIP5/6
Partitioning uncertainty in projections of future climate change into contributions from internal variability, model response uncertainty and emissions scenarios has historically relied on making assumptions about forced changes in the mean and variability. With the advent of multiple single-model initial-condition large ensembles (SMILEs), these assumptions can be scrutinized, as they allow a more robust separation between sources of uncertainty. Here, the framework from Hawkins and Sutton (2009) for uncertainty partitioning is revisited for temperature and precipitation projections using seven SMILEs and the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project CMIP5 and CMIP6 archives. The original approach is shown to work well at global scales (potential method bias < 20 %), while at local to regional scales such as British Isles temperature or Sahel precipitation, there is a notable potential method bias (up to 50 %), and more accurate partitioning of uncertainty is achieved through the use of SMILEs. Whenever internal variability and forced changes therein are important, the need to evaluate and improve the representation of variability in models is evident. The available SMILEs are shown to be a good representation of the CMIP5 model diversity in many situations, making them a useful tool for interpreting CMIP5. CMIP6 often shows larger absolute and relative model uncertainty than CMIP5, although part of this difference can be reconciled with the higher average transient climate response in CMIP6. This study demonstrates the added value of a collection of SMILEs for quantifying and diagnosing uncertainty in climate projections
Globale Modellierung des Klimawandels
Bereits 1972 stellte die Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen über die Umwelt des Menschen in Stockholm fest,
dass zur Lösung der Schlüsselprobleme, mit denen die
Menschheit auf der Erde in den nächsten Jahrzehnten
konfrontiert sein wird, wesentliche Beiträge aus
Wissenschaft und Technik unabdingbar sind (UNEP
1972). In der Folge wurden internationale Forschungsprogramme aufgesetzt, die zu einer Mobilisierung und
Neuausrichtung der Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft führten. Durch intensive wissenschaftliche Arbeit konnte
mit inzwischen deutlicher Sicherheit dargestellt werden, dass das industrielle Wirtschaften des Menschen
auf dem Planeten zu einer Veränderung des Klimas, zu
einer Minderung der biologischen Vielfalt, aber auch
zur Zunahme der Wasser- und Luftverschmutzung
sowie zu einer Abnahme des stratosphärischen Ozons
führt. Als langfristige Folge dieser Entwicklung wurde
schon frühzeitig die Gefährdung der natürlichen
Lebensgrundlagen und damit des Wohlergehens der
Weltgemeinschaft vorausgesehen (Vogler 2014; Heinrichs und Grunenberg 2009)
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