38 research outputs found

    Diagnostic Accuracy of a New Antigen Test for SARS-CoV-2 Detection

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    Background and aims: Quick and reliable diagnostic tools play an important role in controlling the spread of the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of a new cyto-salivary antigen test aimed at detecting the presence of antigens for SARS-CoV-2, as compared by the gold standard RT-PCR and a lateral flow test. Methods: A total of 433 healthy volunteers were enrolled in the study and the sensitivity and specificity of the new cyto-salivary antigen test were calculated, as compared to the RT-PCR nasopharyngeal swab and to the lateral flow test. Results: A total of 433 samples were collected and tested at the Mediterranean Fair in Palermo from February 2021 until April 2021. The new cyto-salivary antigen had a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 94.2%. The sensitivity and the specificity of the lateral flow test were 55% and 100%, respectively. Conclusions: The new cyto-salivary antigen test detected more positive cases than the RT-PCR in a sample of asymptomatic subjects, demonstrating to be a promising tool for a more sensitive diagnosis of COVID-19. Further studies are warranted to better characterize its diagnostic accuracy

    Opinion, knowledge, and clinical experience with functional neurological disorders among Italian neurologists: results from an online survey

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    Background: Functional neurological disorders (FND) are disabling medical conditions commonly seen in neurological practice. Neurologists play an essential role in managing FND, from establishing a diagnosis to coordination of multidisciplinary team-based treatment for patients. With this study, we investigated the knowledge and the clinical experience of Italian neurologists in managing patients with FND. Methods: Members of the Italian Society of Neurology were invited via e-mail to participate in this ad hoc online survey; 492 questionnaires were returned completed. Results: The term "Functional neurological disorders" in reference to FND was used more frequently than other psychological (e.g., psychogenic or conversion), or descriptive terms (e.g., non-organic or stress-related). When speaking with patients, the respondents stated that they preferred explaining symptoms based on abnormal functioning of the nervous system than discussing mental illness and that they would refer their patient to a psychologist rather than to a psychiatrist. Few considered that physiotherapy and psychiatric interventions are useful approaches to treating FND. Some believed that patients simulate their symptoms. Conclusions: Overall, the responses suggest that knowledge about scientific advances in FND is somewhat sparse. A psychiatric-centered view of FND opens the way to an approach in which neurobiological and psychological aspects constitute essential factors of the condition. In this context, professional education could improve understanding of FND and optimize patient management

    Hemispheric modulations of the attentional networks

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    Although several recent studies investigated the hemispheric contributions to the attentional networks using the Attention Network Test (ANT), the role of the cerebral hemispheres in modulating the interac- tion among them remains unclear. In this study, two lateralized versions of this test (LANT) were used to investigate theal effects on the attentional networks under different conflict conditions. One version, the LANTI-A, presented arrows as target and flankers, while the other version, the LANTI-F, had fruits as target and flankers. Data collected from forty-seven participants confirmed well-known results on the efficiency and interactions among the attentional networks. Further, a left visual field advantage was found when a target occurred in an unattended location (e.g. invalid trials), only with the LANTI-F, but not with LANTI-A. The present study adds more evidence to the hemispheric asymmetry of the orienting of attention, and further reveals patterns of interactions between the attentional networks and the visual fields across different conflicting conditions, underlying the dynamic control of attention in complex environments

    Green Society and Sustainable Development: a no dumping pathway

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    A radical change in our society now seems an universally recognized imperative and evidenced by the numerous initiatives that, at various territorial levels, promote a movement towards a development that is sustainable not solely and exclusively environmentally. Themes or rather issues such as unemployment, scarcity of resources, climate change, pollution of air, soil and water, food insecurity and unsafe feeding, injustice or health, often, so are embedded together in a more structured theoretical framework that, from different areas of well-being, relocates them in the field of its sustainability: precisely a sustainability you haven't to imagine as exclusively environmental. The main challenge of our times then it is precisely to ensure a development in which all these issues, within the ecological limitations of our planet, are addressed and resolved managing to guarantee prosperity and well-being, individually and collectively, in a sustainable manner

    Come la valenza emotiva delle immagini interferisce con l’abilità di ricerca visiva

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    Introduzione: Il fenomeno Change Blindness (CB) evidenzia il fallimento in cui le persone incorrono quando devono rilevare un cambiamento in una scena visiva. Il CB è determinato dalla presenza di un’interruzione del segnale visivo che impedisce il rilevamento dell’avvenuto cambiamento. Il Flicker Task riproduce tale condizione, presentando due immagini, una originale A e una modificata A’, in successione, intervallate da una schermata grigia di 80 ms. Le immagini sono ripetute ciclicamente finché non viene rilevato il cambiamento. Durante la ricerca visiva (RV), l’osservatore rivolge la propria attenzione prima verso alcune zone di “interesse centrale” e poi verso altre, definite a “interesse marginale”. Tale paradigma è un compito di RV che permette di utilizzare immagini complesse, consentendo di valutare l’influenza della valenza emotiva delle immagini esplorate sulla prestazione attenzionale. Metodo: 124 bambini di 7-14 anni e 22 adulti dovevano osservare attentamente le immagini e premere un tasto appena rilevavano il cambiamento. Venivano presentate 24 prove, metà con cambiamento centrale/marginale; 4 per ciascuna valenza emotiva (positiva, negativa e neutra). Le immagini duravano 240 ms e la schermata grigia 80 ms. Le immagini sono state selezionate dall’International Affective Picture System. Risultati: L’ANOVA sui tempi di risposta ha evidenziato un effetto principale dell’Età (F4,141=23,38;p<.001), del Cambiamento (F1,141=401,42;p<.001) e della Valenza (F2,282=24,07;p<.001). È risulta significativa anche l’interazione Età x Cambiamento x Valenza. Conclusioni: La valenza delle immagini interferisce con la prestazione di RV in tutti i gruppi di bambini, ma non negli adulti. I soggetti impiegano meno tempo a rilevare il cambiamento nelle immagini con valenza neutra rispetto a quelle a valenza emotiva. La maggior attrattività delle immagini emotive sembra interferire e quindi rallentare lo svolgimento del compito

    Allerta, Orientamento e Sistema Esecutivo: può l’orientamento endogeno modulare la relazione tra i sistemi attenzionali

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    Questo studio si propone di valutare la modulazione emisfericadell’efficienza e dell’interazione dei sistemi attenzionali: orientamento, allertae funzioni esecutive. A tal scopo sono state manipolate le componenti volontariedell’attenzione mediante una versione modificata dell’AttentionalNetwork Test (ANT). I risultati hanno confermato la sensibilità del compitonel valutare l’orientamento attenzionale e il sistema esecutivo e hanno evidenziatouna modulazione emisferica dell’allerta