26 research outputs found

    New insights upon the reproductive biology of the sea cucumber Holothuria tubulosa (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea) in the Mediterranean: Implications for management and domestication

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    Holothuria tubulosa is one of the most common sea cucumber species inhabiting the Mediterranean Sea. Due to its commercial interest for the international market, it has been harvested without proper management causing the overexploitation of its stocks. Inadequate management is also caused by lack of information on basic biology and ecology not allowing the estimating of the species vulnerability and resilience to growing anthropogenic pressures. In this paper, we have investigated basic life-history traits of H. tubulosa (population structure and reproductive cycle) in a population of Central-Western Mediterranean (Sardinia, Italy). A macroscopic maturity scale for both sexes was defined through an instrumental colorimetric analysis of the gonads and the ramification level of the gonad’s tubules, subsequently confirmed by histological analysis. The seasonal trend of the Gonado Somatic Index, the changes in color of the gonads and tubules ramification indicated that the spawning period of H. tubulosa was concentrated in summer with a peak in late August, closely related to the increase in water temperature. A synchronous development of the gonads, with a unique and short reproductive event during the year, was also detected. In conclusion, this study provides new evidence on the biological and ecological features of H. tubulosa, essential data for developing a scientifically-based stock assessment as well as conservative management at a local scale. Finally, we provided basic information for the domestication of broodstock in a conservative hatchery

    Bio-Ecological Features Update on Eleven Rare Cartilaginous Fish in the Central-Western Mediterranean Sea as a Contribution for Their Conservation

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    Cartilaginous fish are commonly recognized as key species in marine ecosystems for their fundamental ecological role as top predators. Nevertheless, effective management plans for cartilagi- nous fish are still missing, due to the lack of knowledge on their abundance, distribution or even life-history. In this regard, this paper aims at providing new information on the life-history traits, such as age, maturity, reproductive period, in addition to diet characteristics of eleven rare cartilagi- nous fish inhabiting the Central-Western Mediterranean Sea belonging to the orders Chimaeriformes (Chimaera monstrosa), Hexanchiformes (Heptranchias perlo and Hexanchus griseus), Myliobatiformes (Aetomylaeus bovinus and Myliobatis aquila), Rajiformes (Dipturus nidarosiensis and Leucoraja circu- laris), Squaliformes (Centrophorus uyato, Dalatias licha and Oxynotus centrina) and Torpediniformes (Tetronarce nobiliana), useful for their assessment and for future management actions. Particularly, the present paper provides for the first time the age estimation of D. nidarosienis and L. circularis which were both found capable of becoming older than ten years. In addition, the present study updates the sizes of first maturity of C. uyato and D. licha, which appeared to be capable of reproducing earlier than what was previously hypothesized, representing very valuable information for a better understanding of these rare species populations status and, eventually, their conservation. On the basis of the stomach content analysis, it was possible to identify five different predator groups

    On the presence of the Endangered white skate Rostroraja alba in Sardinian waters

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    The white skate Rostroraja alba is assessed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as Endangered globally and is now considered rare in the Mediterranean. This species has never been recorded in Sardinian seas (central western Mediterranean), but an empty eggcase was collected on a sandy bottom off the western Sardinia coasts during the MEDiterranean International Trawl Survey (MEDITS) program in 2019. A morphometric and morphological description of the Sardinian eggcase, after a comparison with measurements from other Mediterranean and Atlantic specimens, showed it to be clearly ascribable to Rostroraja alba

    The Use of Reproductive Indicators for Conservation Purposes: The Case Study of Palinurus elephas in Two Fully Protected Areas and Their Surrounding Zones (Central-Western Mediterranean)

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    Simple Summary The European spiny lobster Palinurus elephas is a species with a high commercial value that inhabits the Mediterranean Sea and the adjacent Atlantic waters and is classified by IUCN as vulnerable due to its continuous overfishing. In this study, we analyse the reproductive parameters of P. elephas populations in two different fully protected areas, including their surrounding commercial zones, in Sardinia (Italy, central-western Mediterranean), where a restocking programme was carried out. Here, data on fecundity, size at maturity, vitellogenin concentration and temporal trends of egg production of P. elephas was provided, and the relevance of this information for fisheries management and conservation planning is discussed. In 1990s, the European spiny lobster Palinurus elephas, one of the most commercially important species in the Mediterranean, exhibited a population decline. For this reason, fully protected areas (FPAs) appeared effective in re-establishing natural populations and supporting fishery-management objectives. Here, the reproductive parameters of P. elephas populations in two different FPAs (Su Pallosu and Buggerru, central-western Mediterranean), where a restocking programme was carried out, and in their surrounding commercial zones, were investigated from quantitative and qualitative perspectives. The comparison of fecundity between females collected inside and outside FPAs did not show statistical differences as well as the vitellogenin concentration, which did not vary among eggs of different size classes of females caught inside and outside the FPAs, indicating the same reproductive potential. The study demonstrated a benefit of overexploited populations in terms of enhancement of egg production overtime (15 years for Su Pallosu and 6 years for Buggerru) with a mean egg production 4.25-5.5 times higher at the end of the study than that observed at the beginning of the study. The main driver of eggs production appeared to be size, with larger lobsters more present inside the FPAs than outside. Given these results, the dominant contribution of the two studied FPAs to the regional lobster reproduction is remarkable

    Editorial: Sharks and Skates-Ecology, Distribution and Conservation

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    : The class Chondrichthyes (sharks, rays and chimeras) is one of the three lineages of fishes and the most evolutionary distinct radiation of vertebrates [...]

    Validation of oviparous and viviparous ICES maturity scales through histological analysis

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    One of the main Tor’s of the WKSSEL2 workshop was to perform histological analyses from different structures of elasmobranchs to better confirm the validation of the macro scales per-formed in the previous WKSSEL workshop. With the intent to give a contribution to this term of reference, a description of the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of each stage of oviparous and viviparous scales have been presented. With regard to the oviparous scales, the main features of macroscopic and histological images of the shark Galeus melastomus and the skate Dipturus oxyrinchus have been shown. Concerning the viviparous, the characteristics of two species (Etmopterus spinax and Squalus blainville) have been shown. A suggestion to amplify the description of the stage 3 (b,c,d) of viviparous scales also to the ovaries was given. This advice derives from the fact that the two species analyzed present at 3 stages a different ovaries activity: the former shows inactive gonads while the latter active ones

    Finding of two Loliginidae egg masses in the Sardinian waters

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    Data of two egg masses of Loliginidae collected in Sardinian waters are reported. The depths of finding, the differences in appearance of the capsules and in the egg size between the two masses, have suggested that they belong to the two species, Loligo forbesii and Loligo vulgaris

    Oviducal gland microstructure of Raja miraletus and Dipturus oxyrinchus (Elasmobranchii, Rajidae)

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    We studied the morphology and histology of the oviducal gland (OG) in the brown ray (Raja miraletus) and the long-nosed skate (Dipturus oxyrinchus) to understand its functional role in the reproductive strategy of these species. The external morphology of the gland was similar in both species, with lateral extensions like those found in other members of the Rajidae. Microscopic analysis showed a similar internal organization in both species. Immature and developing glands did not react to histochemical techniques. On reaching maturity, the OG had the largest width due to an increase in the production of secretory materials. In both species, the club zone of the gland showed a strong reaction to Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and alcian blue (AB) stains, indicating production of neutral and sulfated acid mucins. The secretory material produced by the papillary zone varied greatly between the two species. Both displayed tubular glands similar to those observed in the club zone, but in D. oxyrinchus the region near the lumen was intensely PAS+, whereas the last row of tubules of the brown ray stained intensely for a mixture of neutral and sulfated mucins. The baffle zone was the most conspicuous and extensive segment of all OGs, and it did not react to PAS/AB. The terminal zone, which is responsible for production of hair filaments, differed between the two species in terms of composition and organization of serous and mucous glands. This difference probably is related to the different substrates in which they release the egg capsules. Individual sperm detected in the brown ray baffle lamellae could be the result of a recent mating, whereas their presence in the deep recesses of the baffle and in the terminal zone of the long-nosed skate might indicate sperm storag