7 research outputs found

    Development and validation of a microbiological assay for determination of chlorhexidine digluconate in aqueous solution

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    Chlorhexidine (CHX) is a broad-spectrum antiseptic that is used in many topical pharmaceutical formulations. Because there is no official microbiological assay reported in the literature that is used to quantify CHX, this paper reports the development and validation of a simple, sensitive, accurate and reproducible agar diffusion method for the dosage of chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX-D) in an aqueous solution. The assay is based on the inhibitory effect of CHX-D upon the strain of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, which is used as the test microorganism. The design 3x3 parallel-line model was used. The results were treated statistically by analysis of variance (ANOVA), and they were excellent in terms of linearity (r = 0.9999), presenting a significant regression between the zone diameter of growth inhibition and the logarithm of the concentration within the range of 0.5 to 4.5%. The results obtained were precise, having relative standard deviations (RSD) for intra-day and inter-day precision of 2.03% and 2.94%, respectively. The accuracy was 99.03%. The method proved to be very useful and appropriate for the microbiological dosage of CHX-D in pharmaceutical formulations; it might also be used for routine drug analysis during quality control in pharmaceutical industries

    Influência da administração de extratos de duas plantas calcinogênicas sobre a fertilidade de ratos Effect of calcinogenic plant extracts on rat fertility

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    Investigou-se o efeito de extratos aquosos de Solanum malacoxylon (Sendter) Solanaceae (SM) (sin.: S. glaucophyllum) e Nierembergia veitchii (Hook) Solanaceae (NV), plantas calcinogênicas encontradas no Brasil, sobre a reprodução de ratos e sobre suas progênies. No experimento 1, ratos e ratas Wistar, em número variável conforme o grupo, receberam por via oral, durante os 40 dias anteriores ao acasalamento, extrato aquoso de ambas as plantas em dosagem equivalente à administração diária de 10,9g×kg-1 de planta seca. Os resultados foram comparados com os de um grupo tratado diariamente com vitamina D3 (3,0mg×kg-1) e com os de um grupo-controle (salina). No experimento 2, ratas prenhes receberam, por via oral, três diferentes doses dos extratos de ambas as plantas (equivalente à administração diária de 5,4; 10,9 e 21,7g×kg-1 de planta seca), durante toda a gestação. Os resultados foram comparados com três grupos tratados com vitamina D3 (0,75; 2,25 e 3,75mg×kg-1) e um grupo-controle (salina). Quando administradas antes da gestação, o ganho de peso das fêmeas e a fertilidade foram reduzidos nos grupos tratados com SM (11%) e vitamina D3 (11%). No grupo tratado com NV, a fertilidade também foi reduzida (25%), mas o desenvolvimento ponderal durante o tratamento não foi afetado. Nos grupos tratados com SM e vitamina D3 anterior à gestação, o número de filhotes por ninhada foi reduzido, assim como o seu peso ao nascer. Características de desenvolvimento e desempenho físico dos filhotes não foram afetados em nenhum dos grupos. O tratamento das fêmeas com extrato aquoso de SM durante a gestação causou redução significativa e dose-dependente nas características reprodutivas estudadas. O mesmo foi observado com as fêmeas tratadas com vitamina D3. Com o extrato aquoso de NV não foram observadas reduções nas taxas reprodutivas, quando as fêmeas foram tratadas durante a gestação. Com as doses 10,9 e 21,7g×kg-1 de NV foram observadas anomalias morfológicas fetais (2,3 e 0,1%, respectivamente), também presentes nos filhotes de fêmeas tratadas com vitamina D3 (2,25mg×kg-1). A presença de vitamina D3 e seus metabólitos nas plantas calcinogênicas provavelmente é responsável pela infertilidade observada, não somente devido à toxicidade sistêmica, mas também devido aos seus efeitos específicos sobre o aparelho reprodutor.<br>The effect of aqueous extract of Solanum malacoxylon (Sendter) Solanaceae (SM) (sin.: S. glaucophyllum) and Nierembergia veitchii (Hook) Solanaceae (NV), common calcinogenic plants in Brazil, on the reproduction of rats and on their offsprings was investigated. In one set of experiments, male and female Wistar rats were treated per os with aqueous extract of each plant at a dose corresponding to the daily administration of 10g×kg-1 of dried plant for 40 days before mating. In another set of experiments, pregnant rats were daily treated with three different doses of aqueous extracts of both plants (5.4; 10.9 and 21.7g×kg-1, equivalent to the administration of dried plants) from the first until the last day of pregnancy. Saline and vitamin D3 treated male, female and pregnant rats were used as control in both experimental procedures. When administered before the pregnancy, the weight gain and the fertility were reduced in groups treated with SM (11%) and vitamin D3 (11%). In the NV group, fertility was reduced (25%) but the weight gain was not affected. The number of pups per litter and their weight were reduced in groups SM and vitamin D3, but in all groups the body development of the offsprings was not adversely affected. The treatment of the dams with SM during pregnancy causes significant and dose-related reduction of the fertility, as well as with vitamin D3. With an aqueous extract from NV it was not observed a significant reduction of the fertility, but the pups (2.3% in group treated with NV 10.9g×kg-1 and 0,1% in group treated with NV 21.7g×kg-1) presented morphological abnormalities, that were also observed with vitamin D3 (2.25mg×kg-1) treatment. The presence of vitamin D3 and metabolites in the calcinogenic plants is probably responsible for the infertility, not only because their systemic toxicity, but also because of the direct effects on the reproductive system