44 research outputs found

    The prevalence of hereditary dental abnormalities in school children

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    Ovim radom utvrđena je učestalost pojedinih dentalnih anomalija u populaciji školske djece celjske regije, koja varira u različitim populacijama, etničkim skupinama i znači specifičnost određene populacije. Pregledano je 513 djece, a ispitivane su abnormalnosti broja, oblika i veličine zubi kao što su: hipodoncija, mikrodoncija, hiperdencija, Carabellijevo svojstvo, invaginacije zubi, lopatasti sjekutići, paramolame kvržice i anomalije u položaju zubi: diastema mediana. Najzastupljenija anomalija u ovoj populaciji je Carabellijeva osobitost s učestalošću od 25,9% zatim invaginacije zubi s 14,8% i diastema mediana s 12,6\u27%. Hipodoncija je prisutna u 2,9%, a mikrodoncija u 3,3% populacije. Ostale anomalije pojavljuju se vrlo rijetko, u manje od 1% populacija. Značajnih razlika u učestalosti prema spolu nema.The aim of this study was to find the prevalence of particular dental anomalies in a population of school children from the area of Celje. This parameter has been found to vary among various population and ethnic groups, thus representing a population-specific feature. A group of 513 children were examined for abnormalities in the number, form and size of teeth, such as hypodontia, microdontia, hyperdontia, Caraibelli’s trait, dental invagination, shovel-shaped incisors, paramolar nodules and position anomalies, e. g. diastema mediana. In our study population, Caraibelli’s trait was found to be most frequent (25.9%), followed by tooth invagination (14.8%) and diastema mediana (12.6%), whereas hypodontia and microdontia were recorded in 2.9\u27% and 3.3% of the population, respectively. Other anomalies were quite infrequently observed, i.e. in less than 1% of the population under study. No significant sex-related difference in the prevalance of anomalies were detected

    Pengaruh aspek kecerdasan emosi terhadap tingkah laku kepimpinan transformasi dalam kalangan pemimpin pendidik sekolah

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    Tujuan kajian adalah untuk mengkaji pengaruh faktor kecerdasan emosi (skala pengurusan perhubungan, pengurusan diri, kesedaran diri dan kesedaran sosial) ke atas tingkah laku kepimpinan transformasi dalam kalangan pemimpin pendidik sekolah menengah di Malaysia. Kaedah kajian ini menggunakan dua alat instrumen iaitu Emotional Competence Inventory (ECI) untuk mengukur kecekapan kecerdasan emosi manakala Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ5x) pula digunakan bagi mengukur kepimpinan transformasi. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan kecerdasan emosi pemimpin pendidik secara keseluruhannya adalah berada pada tahap tinggi iaitu 78.8%. Hasil kajian juga menunjukkan kecerdasan emosi bagi sub-skala pengurusan perhubungan menjelaskan sebanyak 51.6% varians; (Beta = .388, t = 4.738, k < 0.05) manakala pengurusan diri pula menerangkan sebanyak 54.1% varians; (Beta = .225, t = 3.285, k < 0.05) dan akhir sekali, kombinasi ketiga-tiga pemboleh ubah peramal merangkumi kesedaran sosial menyumbang sebanyak 54.9% (Beta = .174, t = 2.268, k < 0.05) varians secara positif terhadap kepimpinan transformasi. Dapatan ini memperlihatkan ketiga-tiga sub-skala pembolehubah ini adalah peramal yang signifikan ke atas kepimpinan transformasi. Implikasi kajian menunjukkan bahawa penyediaan latihan dan modul penghayatan kemahiran EI perlu diperkasa dan diperkukuhan seterusnya melestarikan pemilikan kecekapan tersebut secara holistik di semua peringkat khususnya dalam kalangan pemimpin

    Health Information Seeking Behavior Among Perinatal Women: A Systematic Review

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    The health of perinatal women is critical to maternal well-being and infant development. Understanding how perinatal women seek health information is essential for providing effective antenatal and postnatal care. However, there is a lack of systematic reviews on this topic. This study aimed to conduct a comprehensive literature review of existing research following the PRISMA-SCR guidelines. The results showed that perinatal women commonly seek pregnancy-related health information. Interpersonal sources were identified as the primary and most trusted sources of information. The study also identified various factors and barriers that influence health information seeking, including individual, socio-cultural, structural, and information-related factors, with personal responsibility for health being an influential factor that has not been emphasized previously. It provides valuable insights into the health information seeking behavior of perinatal women. The influence of personal health responsibility, social power dynamics and socio-cultural norms on health information seeking needs to be further investigated

    Leadership behavior : structural relationship of emotional intelligence (self awareness, self management, social awareness and relationship management) among public school personnel in Malaysia

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    Various changes in the educational system have evolved for educator leaders recently. However, negative impacts on leader’s emotional intelligence due to leadership behavior that arise problems in producing good quality of work can have significant effect on their performance. This study investigates the impact of an emotional intelligence on leadership behaviour aswell as fitness of the suggested hypothetical model and the observed data. Using a structured questionnaire derived from the literature, data were collected from 306 (89%) subjects from a 15 SBT (High Performance Schools) in Malaysia which were chosen by cluster sampling procedur. the data were then analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM); an acceptable level of model fit was found. Two sets of questionnaire to measure emotional intelligence (Emotional Competence Inventory) (ECI) and leadership behavior (Multi-factor leadership questionnaires (MLQ) were administered. The inclusion criteria consisted of leaders in a school setting. Results: Three and-six educator leaders from fifteen SBT schools in Malaysia were recruited into the study. Respondents were on average 41 years old (range= 26-60 years). The Majority were female (n=174), education level (degree; n=255), and working experience (range=11-20 years; n=107. In examining the relationship between emotional intelligence with leadership behavior, EQ was positively related to transformational leadership, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.61, and transactional leadership, p< 0.001, R2 = 0.77. The result shows that the model fit indices demonstrates TLI (Tucker Index), NFI (Normed Fit), RFI (Relative Fit Index), IFI (Incremental Fit Index) and CFI (Comparative Fit Index) are more than .90 (from .932 until .975), RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation) also shows 0.055 (RMSEA <. 08) (Byrne, 2001). These values indicate an adequate fit and it’s obviously met the basic requirment of model fit. The values of the Chi-Squared Roots Goodness of Fit also show 1.87, below 3. Therefore, the model is significantly fit and support to the data. On a practical note, the assessment of psychological constructs in school setting eg; EQ and leadership could possibly assist in enhancing the work performances in delivering huge benefits to the society especially in the educational contexts

    A quantitative survey of water management issues in rural Sindh

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    Agriculture and water management are of the important tools to poverty reduction among farming communities that helps to provide individual and collective benefits, and enhance quality of life. But in real, the farmers of Sindh province are largely dissatisfied with what they have, indicated by the current situation. Therefore, the researcher focused on the background of farming communities to reveal the facts and figures of rural people connected with water management. In this regard, the crosssectional data were collected on a structured scale through personal interview method, using multi-stage cluster sampling from 457 farmers in Sindh province of Pakistan, and analysis was performed by means of SPSS-20. The results regarding the background of the farmers illustrate that the majority of the farmers aged 36 to 56 were involved in water management activities. In connection with the marital status, an overwhelming majority (98%) of the respondents were married, showing the picture of common rural values, about three fourth (75%) of the respondents are habituated in an extended/joint family system, and a little less than half (47%) of the respondents were illiterate or do not have any formal education. A simple majority (50.5%) of the respondents were landlord-cum-farmers (owner-cultivator), however, an unfair distribution of agricultural land is frequently observed among the farmers in Sindh province of Pakistan. Water logging and salinity was found to be a major issue in the study area as reported by the respondents. Simultaneously, an overwhelming majority of the farmers in Sindh province of Pakistan showed their concern over existing irrigation and drainage system and of the opinion that the institutional corruption and bad governance are hurdled behind the issue

    19F NMR spectroscopy monitors ligand binding to recombinantly fluorine-labelled b'x from human protein disulphide isomerase (hPDI)

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    We report a protein-observe (19)F NMR-based ligand titration binding study of human PDI b'x with ?-somatostatin that also emphasises the need to optimise recombinant protein fluorination when using 5- or 6-fluoroindole. This study highlights a recombinant preference for 5-fluoroindole over 6-fluoroindole; most likely due to the influence of fluorine atomic packing within the folded protein structure. Fluorination affords a single (19)F resonance probe to follow displacement of the protein x-linker as ligand is titrated and provides a dissociation constant of 23 ± 4 ?M

    Pengaruh aspek kecerdasan emosi terhadap tingkah laku kepimpinan transformasi dalam kalangan pemimpin pendidik sekolah

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    Tujuan kajian adalah untuk mengkaji pengaruh faktor kecerdasan emosi (skala pengurusan perhubungan, pengurusan diri, kesedaran diri dan kesedaran sosial) ke atas tingkah laku kepimpinan transformasi dalam kalangan pemimpin pendidik sekolah menengah di Malaysia. Kaedah kajian ini menggunakan dua alat instrumen iaitu Emotional Competence Inventory (ECI) untuk mengukur kecekapan kecerdasan emosi manakala Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ5x) pula digunakan bagi mengukur kepimpinan transformasi. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan kecerdasan emosi pemimpin pendidik secara keseluruhannya adalah berada pada tahap tinggi iaitu 78.8%. Hasil kajian juga menunjukkan kecerdasan emosi bagi sub-skala pengurusan perhubungan menjelaskan sebanyak 51.6% varians; (Beta = .388, t = 4.738, k < 0.05) manakala pengurusan diri pula menerangkan sebanyak 54.1% varians; (Beta = .225, t = 3.285, k < 0.05) dan akhir sekali, kombinasi ketiga-tiga pemboleh ubah peramal merangkumi kesedaran sosial menyumbang sebanyak 54.9% (Beta = .174, t = 2.268, k < 0.05) varians secara positif terhadap kepimpinan transformasi. Dapatan ini memperlihatkan ketiga-tiga sub-skala pembolehubah ini adalah peramal yang signifikan ke atas kepimpinan transformasi. Implikasi kajian menunjukkan bahawa penyediaan latihan dan modul penghayatan kemahiran EI perlu diperkasa dan diperkukuhan seterusnya melestarikan pemilikan kecekapan tersebut secara holistik di semua peringkat khususnya dalam kalangan pemimpin

    Anticancer Molecules from Catharanthus roseus

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    Catharanthus roseus is an important medicinal plant found in various parts of the world and the bioactive compound has been extracted and used as anti-cancer agent to treat the cancer over decades. However, the extraction of bioactive compound also results in the generation of large quantities of pollution with wasted solvents. Toxic pollution occurs when synthetic chemicals are discharged or natural chemicals accumulate to toxic levels in the environment, causing reductions in wildlife numbers, degrading ecosystem functions and threatening human health. This review covers the extraction and phytochemical obtained leading to chemical compounds related to anti-cancer property of C. roseus. Additionally, recent advances of using biological cell cultures were also addressed. Thus, this work can be used for further investigation of C. roseus to be undertaken in future for its anti-cancer property further development and efficient production in drug industr

    Memory a mediator between test-anxiety and academic achievement in high school students.

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    The purpose of study was to investigate the relationship between test-anxiety and GPA through memory in high school students. The sample was 400 students (200 male and 200 female) in the age range of 15-19 years. The instrument used for data collection was the Test-Anxiety Inventory (TAI). An analysis of the data obtained from the current study showed that, for the respondents, test-anxiety had a significant impact on grade point average (GPA) through memory (z=1.93, p== 0.02). Given the results of the study, it is recommended that academic achievement and mental health be developed in school settings, through the use of support strategies such as educational guidance and counseling, teaching life skill programs and psychotherapy

    The effects of personality traits and psychological well-being among Iranian adolescent migrants in Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships between personality traits and psychological well-being among Iranian adolescent migrants in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The participants were 300 high schools adolescents who comprise(143 males,and 157 females)in the age range of 13 to be 16 years old. The instrument used to measurement personality traits was Five Factor Inventory (FFI-NEO) Iranian version by Costa and McCrae, (1992)and psychological well-being Scale by Ryff, and keys,(1995).The results from the study showed that there was negative statistical significant relationship between neuroticism trait and adolescent's psychological well-being, while extroversion and agreeableness traits have positive correlation with psychological well-being. However, the results also indicated that openness to experience and conscientiousness traits do not have statistical significance relationships with psychological well-being