114 research outputs found

    Wearing colored glasses can influence the exercise performance and testosterone concentration

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    Perception of red color is associated with higher testosterone concentration and better human performance. Thus, we evaluated the acute effects of wearing colored-lens glasses on the YoYo intermittent endurance exercise test 2 (YoYoIE2) performance indicators and testosterone concentration. Ten soccer players performed three YoYoIE2 (counterbalanced crossover) wearing colorless (control), blue- or red-lensed glasses (2–4 days of rest in between). YoYoIE2 performance did not differ among the trials (p>0.05), but blood testosterone increased post-exercise in red compared to red baseline (red=14%, effect size=0.75). Analysis showed faster heart rate recovery (p0.05) among the trials. Wearing red-colored lenses during high-intensity intermittent exercise increased testosterone concentration, but do not influence performance

    Acute ischemic preconditioning does not influence high-intensity intermittent exercise performance

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    This study evaluated the acute effect of ischemic preconditioning (IPC) on a high-intensity intermittent exercise performance and physiological indicators in amateur soccer players. Thirteen players (21.5 ± 2 yrs) attended three trials separated by 3–5 days in a counterbalanced randomized cross-over design: IPC (4 × 5-min occlusion 220 mmHg/reperfusion 0 mmHg) in each thigh; SHAM (similar to the IPC protocol but “occlusion” at 20 mmHg) and control (seated during the same time of IPC). After 6-min of each trial (IPC, SHAM or control), the players performed the YoYo Intermittent Endurance Test level 2 (YoYoIE2). The distance covered in the YoYoIE2 (IPC 867 ± 205 m; SHAM 873 ± 212 m; control 921 ± 206 m) was not different among trials (p = 0.10), furthermore, lactate concentration and rate of perceived exertion did not differ (P > 0.05) among protocols. There were also no significant differences in either mean heart rate (HR) or peak HR (p > 0.05) for both IPC and SHAM compared to control. Therefore, we conclude that acute IPC does not influence high-intensity intermittent exercise performance in amateur soccer players and that rate of perceived exertion, heart rate and lactate do not differ between the intervention IPC, SHAM and control

    Estudo da influência do tipo de vidro na temperatura interna em modelos reduzidos em Brasília

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    As fachadas envidraçadas são preferência nos empreendimentos brasilienses, mas a variação de temperatura não torna os ambientes internos confortáveis. Pensando neste fato, o estudo desenvolvido a seguir tem como foco estudar a influência dos tipos de vidro na temperatura interna em modelos reduzidos. Para isso foi necessário monitorar a temperatura interna em corpos de prova com diferentes tipos de vidro refletivo, durante alguns dias. Os dados coletados ao longo do ensaio possibilitaram avaliar e concluir que o melhor desempenho foi gerado pela combinação de duas peças de Neutral 14, atingindo temperatura média máximas de 48°C, e a pior combinação também inclui o mesmo vidro, mas combinado com uma peça de vidro incolor comum, chegando a 63ºC

    Ischemic preconditioning and acute recovery of performance in rugby union players

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    Ischemic preconditioning has been used as a training and/or pre-competition strategy; however its use for post-exercise recovery is still unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of ischemic preconditioning on performance and recovery ratings following a simulated match in sub-elite rugby players. Following baseline measures, male players (n = 8) performed a 40 min, rugby-specific exercise protocol followed by an intervention: 21 min of ischemic preconditioning (3 × 5 min occlusion at 220 mmHg with 2 min reperfusion at 0 mmHg) or passive rest (control) on 2 separate days. An agility T-test, a single vertical countermovement jump and 30 s of continuous vertical jumps were performed at baseline (–24 h), immediately after exercise, and immediately after the intervention. The rugby-specific exercise protocol induced similar mean heartrates (158.3 ± 18.0 vs. 158.7 ± 16.0 bpm) and perceived exertion levels (8.2 ± 0.9 vs. 8.0 ± 1.0) for both trials with all recovery performance measures and rating of recovery (13.9 ± 1.4 vs. 13.6 ± 1.6) similar between ischemic preconditioning and control trials (best p = 0.385). We conclude that the use of ischemic preconditioning does not improve recovery acutely (~1 h) including specific variables related to rugby performance in amateur rugby union players

    Compression Stockings Used During Two Soccer Matches Improve Perceived Muscle Soreness and High-Intensity Performance.

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    Gimenes, SV, Marocolo, M, Pavin, LN, Pagoto Spigolon, LM, Neto, OB, Côrrea da Silva, BV, Duffield, R, and Ribeiro da Mota, G. Compression stockings used during two soccer matches improve perceived muscle soreness and high-intensity performance. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2018-Evidence on the use of compression stockings (CS) during soccer matches is limited. Thus, we evaluated the acute effects of CS on match-based physical performance indicators and perceptual responses during 2 consecutive soccer matches with 72-hour recovery. Twenty outfield players were randomly allocated to the CS group (20-30 mm Hg) or control group (non-CS) and performed 2 matches (5 players using CS or regular socks per team/match). Match loads {rating of perceived exertion × minutes; CS ∼830 vs. control 843 (arbitrary units [AU])} and heart rate (HR) responses (both CS and control ∼86% HRpeak) did not differ (p > 0.05) between CS and control groups. Although total distance covered did not differ (p > 0.05) between groups, CS increased distances (effect size [ES] = 0.9-1.32) in higher-speed zones (>19 km·h CS ∼550 m vs. control ∼373 m) alongside an increased number of accelerations (-50.0 to -3.0 m·s) than control (CS: 33.7 ± 11.2 vs. control: 23.8 ± 7.9; p = 0.003; ES = 1.04). Perceived recovery did not differ (p > 0.05) between groups for either match but was worse in the second match for both groups. Perceived muscle soreness increased in control after match 2 (from 3.1 ± 1.9 to 6.3 ± 1.6 AU; p < 0.0010) but did not in CS (from 2.8 ± 1.4 to 4.1 ± 1.9 AU; p = 0.6275; ES = 1.24 CS vs. control after match). Accordingly, CS use during 2 soccer matches with 72-hour recovery reduces perceived muscle soreness in the second match and increases higher-speed match running performance

    Interval Sentinel Lymph Nodes: An Unusual Localization in Patients with Cutaneous Melanoma

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    Background. Recent studies have demonstrated that there exists a great variation in the lymphatic drainage in patients with malignant melanoma. Some patients have drainage to lymph nodes outside of conventional nodal basins. The lymph nodes that exist between a primary melanoma and its regional nodal basin are defined “interval nodes”. Interval node occurs in a small minority of patients with forearm melanoma. We report our experience of the Melanoma Unit of University Hospital Spedali Civili Brescia, Italy. Methods. Lymphatic mapping using cutaneous lymphoscintigraphy (LS) has become a standard preoperative diagnostic procedure to locate the sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) in cutaneous melanoma. We used LS to identify sentinel lymph nodes biopsy (SLNB) in 480 patients. Results. From over 2100 patients affected by cutaneous melanoma, we identified 2 interval nodes in 480 patients with SLNB . The melanomas were both located in the left forearm. The interval nodes were also both located in the left arm. Conclusion. The combination of preoperative LS and intraoperative hand-held gamma detecting probe plays a remarkable role in identifying these uncommon lymph node locations. Knowledge of the unusual drainage patterns will help to ensure the accuracy and the completeness of sentinel nodes identification

    Ischemia–Reperfusion Intervention: From Enhancements in Exercise Performance to Accelerated Performance Recovery—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    It has been demonstrated that brief cycles of ischemia followed by reperfusion (IR) applied before exercise can improve performance and, IR intervention, applied immediately after exercise (post-exercise ischemic conditioning—PEIC) exerts a potential ergogenic effect to accelerate recovery. Thus, the purpose of this systematic review with meta-analysis was to identify the effects of PEIC on exercise performance, recovery and the responses of associated physiological parameters, such as creatine kinase, perceived recovery and muscle soreness, over 24 h after its application. From 3281 studies, six involving 106 subjects fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Compared to sham (cuff administration with low pressure) and control interventions (no cuff administration), PEIC led to faster performance recovery (p = 0.004; ES = −0.49) and lower increase in creatine kinase (p &lt; 0.001; effect size (ES) = −0.74) and muscle soreness (p &lt; 0.001; ES = −0.88) over 24 h. The effectiveness of this intervention is more pronounced in subjects with low/moderate fitness level and at least a total time of 10 min of ischemia (e.g., two cycles of 5 min) is necessary to promote positive effects