26 research outputs found
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An application of mathematical terms for dividing a given line at a given scale is suggested in the paper. Besides this, it is theoretically shown that a conditional adjustment is present in these simple formulae.U radu se predlaže primena matematičkih izraza pomoću kojih se data duž deli u datoj srazmeri. Pri tome se teorijski prikazuje da je u osnovi ovih jednostavnih formula prisutno uslovno izravnanje
A framework for the evaluation of land consolidation systems
Komasacija je danas veoma značajna i predstavlja provereni instrument za razvoj
poljoprivrede i seoskih područja.
Glavni cilj komasacije oduvek je bio ukrupnjavanje poljoprivrednih poseda u što manji
broj bolje oblikovanih parcela, kako bi se poboljšala primarna poljoprivredna
proizvodnja i unapredio njen razvoj. Naime, razvoj poljoprivrede je jedan od suštinskih
faktora razvoja i unapređenja života na selu. U razvijenim zemljama se već dugo na selo
ne gleda kao na poligon namenjen isključivo poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Zbog toga u
zemljama Zapadne Evrope komasacija služi i kao sredstvo za sveobuhvatni razvoj sela.
Novi koncept ruralnog razvoja tretira komasaciju kao složeni projekat koji, između
ostalog, ima za cilj i trajnu obnovu i unapređenje seoske zajednice. Uspešno izvršena
komasacija dovodi do opšteg unapređenja poljoprivrede, povećanja produktivnosti,
efikasnosti i konkurentnosti kompletnog poljoprivrednog sektora. Ona takođe vodi i
boljem planiranju i upravljanju zemljištem, otvara nova radna mesta u poljoprivrednim
regionima, olakšava priliv privatnih i javnih investicija u ovoj oblasti, doprinosi
unapređenju zaštite životne sredine i omogućava upravljanje prirodnim resursima na
efikasan način.
U mnogim državama Centralne i Istočne Evrope uslovi života na selu su se pogoršali
tokom tranzicionog perioda. Velika nezaposlenost i loša infrastruktura dovele su do toga
da su sela postala manje atraktivna mesta za život. Radi poboljšanja situacije realizovan
je veliki broj pilot-projekata komasacije sa namerom da se zemljama u tranziciji
omogući pokretanje komasacije u sopstvenim uslovima i unapredi poljoprivredna
proizvodnja i kvalitet života na selu.
Prevashodni cilj ovog rada je razvoj metodologije za ocenu zemljišnih komasacionih
sistema koja bi na najoptimalniji način doprinela uspostavljanju efikasnog sistema
komasacije u datim uslovima...Land consolidation is still very important today and represents a proven instrument of
development of agriculture and rural regions.
The main objective of land consolidation has always been the consolidation (reallocation)
of the agricultural holdings into the fewest number of better designed
parcels, in order to improve the primary agricultural production and promote its
development. Namely, the development of agriculture is one of the essential factors of
development and improvement of rural living. In the developed countries for quite some
time village has not been perceived as the training ground intended solely for
agricultural production. For that reason in West European countries land consolidation
also serves as the means for comprehensive rural development. The new rural
development concept treats land consolidation as a complex project which, among other
things, aims at continual renewal and promotion of the rural community. Successfully
implemented land consolidation leads to overall upgrading of agriculture, increase in
productivity, efficiency and competitiveness of the entire agricultural sector. It also
leads to a better planning and land management, creates new jobs in agricultural
regions, facilitating the flow of private and public investments into this field, contributes
to promotion of the environment protection and enables efficient natural resources
The primary objective of this research is development of methodology for valuation of
land consolidation systems which would contribute in the most optimal way to
establishing the efficient system of land consolidation in the circumstances.
The first difficulty encountered in development of the methodology was the lack of a
clear definition of land consolidation as a system. In Chapter 3 for the first time the
optimal land consolidation system has been defined which best logically connects all the
elements of the system. The optimal model also presents an example of a good model
which was necessary to define in order to compare the concrete land consolidation
Aktivnosti na unapređenju procesa komasacije u Srbiji
Small size of agricultural parcels, great dispersion and uneconomically shaped parcels are some of the main structural problems of Serbian agriculture. Bearing the fact that Serbia is one of the most rural jurisdictions in Europe, that is a big problem. Unlike most transition countries Serbia has a long tradition of land consolidation and there is an existing legal framework. However, there are difficulties with the current processes for land consolidation, and in practice, land consolidation exercises virtually ceased in the early 1990s. Modern times require more effective approaches to land consolidation in order to increase productivity and efficiency in the agricultural sector, and to bring the quality of living to higher level. The Government of Republic of Serbia, represented by the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management requested technical assistance from FAO considering the Organization’s expertise and experience with land consolidation in Central and Eastern Europe. As the result we have now the TCP project which started in April 2006. The main outputs of this project are: Preparation of a proposal for a national strategy for land consolidation; Design and implementation of a small land consolidation pilot component; Capacity building in land consolidation.Usitnjenost i rasutost parcela kao i oblik parcela nepovoljan za poljoprivrednu proizvodnju predstavljaju glavnu kočnicu razvoja srpske poljoprivrede. To predstavlja veliki problem s obzirom na činjenicu da je Srbija većinski ruralna zemlja. Za razliku od drugih zemalja u tranziciji, Srbija ima veliku tradiciju u oblasti komasacije kao i odgovarajući pravni okvir. Ipak, postoje određene poteškoće u primeni postojećeg načina komasacije što je imalo za posledicu prestanak rada na komasaciji tokom devedesetih godina prošlog veka. Moderno vreme zahteva efikasniji pristup komasaciji u cilju povećanja produktivnosti u poljoprivrednom sektoru, kao i podizanja kvaliteta života na viši nivo. Vlada Republike Srbije koju predstavlja Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, vodoprivrede i šumarstva, zatražila je tehničku pomoć od organizacije FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of United Nations), imajući u vidu njihovu stručnost i iskustvo u komasaciju u istočnoj i centralnoj Evropi. Kao rezultat nastao je TCP projekat koji je startovao u aprilu 2006. godine. Ovaj projekat ima tri glavna cilja: Pripremu predloga nacionalne strategije za komasaciju; Izradu pilot projekta komasacije; Izgradnja kapaciteta za sprovođenje komasacije
Podela duži u datoj srazmeri primenjena na digitalizaciju koordinata tačaka
An application of mathematical terms for dividing a given line at a given scale is suggested in the paper. Besides this, it is theoretically shown that a conditional adjustment is present in these simple formulae.U radu se predlaže primena matematičkih izraza pomoću kojih se data duž deli u datoj srazmeri. Pri tome se teorijski prikazuje da je u osnovi ovih jednostavnih formula prisutno uslovno izravnanje
The possibility of applying land readjustment in Serbia
Basic principles of land readjustment as tool for urban planning from the aspect of its usage considering current circumstances in Serbia are explained in the paper. The most common issues that urbanization in Serbia is dealing with and potential usage of land readjustment in solving those issues are analyzed in the paper. The potential benefits of applying land readjustment are represented on both, government and its structures and on land owners. Potential difficulties which may be expected while introducing land readjustment and possibilities of their exceeding have been identified
Aktivnosti na unapređenju procesa komasacije u Srbiji
Small size of agricultural parcels, great dispersion and uneconomically shaped parcels are some of the main structural problems of Serbian agriculture. Bearing the fact that Serbia is one of the most rural jurisdictions in Europe, that is a big problem. Unlike most transition countries Serbia has a long tradition of land consolidation and there is an existing legal framework. However, there are difficulties with the current processes for land consolidation, and in practice, land consolidation exercises virtually ceased in the early 1990s. Modern times require more effective approaches to land consolidation in order to increase productivity and efficiency in the agricultural sector, and to bring the quality of living to higher level. The Government of Republic of Serbia, represented by the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management requested technical assistance from FAO considering the Organization’s expertise and experience with land consolidation in Central and Eastern Europe. As the result we have now the TCP project which started in April 2006. The main outputs of this project are: Preparation of a proposal for a national strategy for land consolidation; Design and implementation of a small land consolidation pilot component; Capacity building in land consolidation.Usitnjenost i rasutost parcela kao i oblik parcela nepovoljan za poljoprivrednu proizvodnju predstavljaju glavnu kočnicu razvoja srpske poljoprivrede. To predstavlja veliki problem s obzirom na činjenicu da je Srbija većinski ruralna zemlja. Za razliku od drugih zemalja u tranziciji, Srbija ima veliku tradiciju u oblasti komasacije kao i odgovarajući pravni okvir. Ipak, postoje određene poteškoće u primeni postojećeg načina komasacije što je imalo za posledicu prestanak rada na komasaciji tokom devedesetih godina prošlog veka. Moderno vreme zahteva efikasniji pristup komasaciji u cilju povećanja produktivnosti u poljoprivrednom sektoru, kao i podizanja kvaliteta života na viši nivo. Vlada Republike Srbije koju predstavlja Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, vodoprivrede i šumarstva, zatražila je tehničku pomoć od organizacije FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of United Nations), imajući u vidu njihovu stručnost i iskustvo u komasaciju u istočnoj i centralnoj Evropi. Kao rezultat nastao je TCP projekat koji je startovao u aprilu 2006. godine. Ovaj projekat ima tri glavna cilja: Pripremu predloga nacionalne strategije za komasaciju; Izradu pilot projekta komasacije; Izgradnja kapaciteta za sprovođenje komasacije
Critical stages for successful implementation of land readjustment in Serbia
The subject of the study in this paper is the use of land readjustment as an instrument for the implementation of urban plans in Serbia. The possibility of successful implementation of land readjustment depends on many factors that are specific to a particular society and a country: the current state of urban development, socio-economic relations, history, tradition, law, the legal system, economy, needs, natural characteristics, demographic characteristics, etc. Therefore, with the aim of the successful implementation of land readjustment in Serbia, it is necessary to perform a detailed analysis of all mentioned factors and identify the critical stages in the process which will provide proper decision-making in respect of the implementation of land readjustment. As critical phases, we identified: The analysis of urban plan adequacy, consideration of distribution criteria, consideration of the distribution of benefits from increased land value and public areas structure analysis. Each of these stages is further processed. The decisions that need to be made in order to achieve the best possible results of the implementation of land readjustment are presented
Komasacija zemljišta u zemljama centralne i istočne Evrope i zajednice nezavisnih država
Each country in transition must find out its own solution for land fragmentation, thus taking already acquired experience and main common principles of the countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Land consolidation is a proven instrument for agricultural and rural development in western European countries. The Munich Statement on land consolidation was presented the paper for the mechanism of agrarian development in the countries CEE/CIS.Komasacija zemljišta je proveren instrument za razvoj poljoprivrede i ruralnih područja u Zapadnoevropskim zemljama. Stoga i svaka država u tranziciji mora naći svoje rešenje problema usitnjavanja zemljišta, koristeći pri tome već stečena iskustva i zajedničke glavne principe država Centralne i Istočne Evrope (Central and Eastern Europe - CEE) i Zajednice nezavisnih država (Commonwealth of Independent States - CIS). U radu je predstavljen minhenski izveštaj o komasaciji zemljišta kao mehanizmu razvoja agrara u zemljama Centralne i Istočne Evrope (CEE) i zajednice nezavisnih država (CIS)
Početak implementacije TEMPUS projekta na Građevinskom fakultetu u Beogradu - Odsek za geodeziju i geoinformatiku
The paper shows the contents of the TEMPUS project which was established in order to propose new master program in Land administration at the Department of geodesy and geoinformatics on the Faculty of civil engineering.U radu su prikazani ciljevi, zadaci i sadržaj TEMPUS projekta za unapređenje nastavnog procesa i uspostavljanje novog master programa u oblasti administriranja zemljištem (land law and economy) na Odseku za geodeziju i geoinformatiku Građevinskog fakulteta u Beogradu
Developing Serbian 3D Cadastre System - Challenges and Directions
The real estate cadastre in the Republic of Serbia is based on 2D cadastral maps and procedures that do not support unequivocal registration and visualization of complex 3D property situations or complex objects located on/below several parcels, especially in urban areas. Within this study, we analyzed and documented specific situations concerning registration challenges for the current cadastral system in the Republic of Serbia.Furthermore, the analysis of additional functionalities which will enable overcoming the limitations of the current cadastre in the short to the medium-termtime period is represented. Themain objective is to use the current cadastral data and procedures as far as possible in order to keep the transition smoother and economicallyfeasible. Having in mindthis objective,thevariation ofthe hybridapproach as the solution for Serbian 3D real estate cadastrewas analyzed. One of the preliminary assumptions of this research is that it is possible to develop a systemthat is simple enoughforimplementationand maintenance,but at the same comprehensive enough to overcome the difficulties ofthe current real estate cadastre.Within the case study,3D objects based ondata currently provided by licensed surveying agenciesare presented