10 research outputs found

    CO2-eq-emissions of organic and conventional foodstuffs in Austria

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    To date 74 products (in each case KONV, Bio-ZZU and, in part Bio-EU) have been evaluated: dairy products (47 products), fruit and vegetables (currently 15 products), bread products (currently 12 products). This summary only presents the results of selected products in the KONV and Bio-ZZU categories

    Biodiversity performance of organic farms in Austria - results from eight years of biodiversity assessment

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    Assessing the biodiversity performance of agricultural farms has gained importance in recent years since conserving and promoting biodiversity and associated ecosystem functions in cultural landscapes is a key aspect in making agriculture more sustainable – a demand expressed in science, politics and society. This contribution presents results from eight years of biodiversity assessments on organic farms in Austria applying a method developed at FiBL that estimates the biodiversity potential of agricultural farms (Schader et al. 2014)

    Product-Carbon-Footprint von Lebensmitteln in Österreich: biologisch und konventionell im Vergleich

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    The aim of this broad conceived study was to analyse greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) of more than 130 foodstuffs from two organic agricultural production methods (Organic premium brand and Organic EU-standard) as compared to conventional farming in Austria. The system boundaries of the life-cycle study ranged from agriculture and its upstream supply chain to the retailer, including changes in soil organic carbon (humus) and land use change. In conclusion, all organic products in both organic methods showed lower GHGE per hectare but also per kg of foodstuff than comparable, conventional products. Therefore, the product carbon footprint (PCF) of organic products was lower throughout the implemented study. Organic dairy products resulted in 10 to 21 % lower CO2-eq per kg of product than conventional foodstuffs, organic wheat bread showed 22 to 25 %, bread products 34 to 42% and organic vegetables 10 to 35 % lower CO2-eq per kg of product. Furthermore, this detailed calculation throughout the whole value chain pointed out “hot spots” of CO2-eq-emissions for producers and retailers with existing GHG reducing potentials

    Investigating the ranges of (meta)stable phase formation in (In<sub>x</sub>Ga<sub>1−x</sub>)<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>: Impact of the cation coordination

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    We investigate the phase diagram of the heterostructural solid solution (InxGa1−x)2O3 both computationally, by combining cluster expansion and density functional theory, and experimentally, by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements of pulsed laser deposited (PLD) heteroepitaxial thin films. The shapes of the Gibbs free energy curves for the monoclinic, hexagonal, and cubic bixbyite alloy as a function of composition can be explained in terms of the preferred cation coordination environments of indium and gallium. We show by atomically resolved scanning TEM that the strong preference of indium for sixfold coordination results in ordered monoclinic and hexagonal lattices. This ordering impacts the configurational entropy in the solid solution and thereby the (InxGa1−x)2O3 phase diagram. The resulting phase diagram is characterized by very limited solubilities of gallium and indium in the monoclinic, hexagonal, and cubic ground state phases, respectively, but exhibits wide metastable ranges at realistic growth temperatures. On the indium rich side of the phase diagram a wide miscibility gap up to temperatures higher than 1400 K is found, which results in phase separated layers. The experimentally observed indium solubilities in the PLD samples are in the range of x=0.45 and x=0.55 for monoclinic and hexagonal single-phase films, while for phase separated films we find x=0.5 for the monoclinic phase, x=0.65–0.7 for the hexagonal phase and x≥0.9 for the cubic phase. These values are consistent with the computed metastable ranges for each phase

    Farm- and product-level biodiversity assessment of conventional and organic dairy production in Austria

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    The novel method developed for this study evaluates the impact of farming practices on farmland biodiversity, allowing for the assessment of the biodiversity potential of dairy farms at farm and product levels. We linked farming practices as pressure indicators to the species number and abundance of 11 indicator species groups (ISGs), evaluated semi-quantitatively by expert judgements. We calculated biodiversity potential based on food–web relationships between the ISGs, using Monte Carlo simulations for the analysis of uncertainty of expert assessments. We applied the assessment model to 8925 dairy farms from seven different Austrian regions, using official statistical data sets at farm level and interviews with farmers and experts. The results show that the approach can be used to identify differences in the biodiversity potential of farms and milk. Milk from organic farms received 4–79% higher biodiversity scores than milk from conventional farms in all regions. The application showed that in the case of Austrian dairy production, the approach can be used for assessments of both farms and products. However, the approach needs validation and, for product-level assessment, further development to cope with longer supply chains or compound products from different bio-geographic regions

    Чи завжди слід використовувати антибактеріальні засоби після уродинамічних досліджень у пацієнток з групи високого ризику?

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    Aim. The aim of this observational study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a phytotherapic drug (Canephron N) in preventing urinary tract infection (UTI) in high-risk women undergoing urodynamic studies (UDS).Methods. The study protocol was approved by the local institutional ethical committee. Adult women with at least one risk factor for acquiring UTI (defined as: age over 70, elevated postvoid residual urine&gt;100 ml, recurrent UTI, pelvic organ prolapse (POP) ≥II in POP-Q scale, and neurogenic bladder) had received after UDS either a single oral dose of fosfomycin trometamol (FT) (3 grams) or a phytodrug containing centaury herb, lovage root, and rosemary leaves (5 ml taken orally three times daily for one week). All patients included in the study had no pyuria according to urine dipstick (nitrite and/or blood and/or leukocyte esterase) and negative urine culture (CFU &lt; 103/ml) before UDS. Urine samples were also tested 7 days after UDS.Results. Seventy-two high-risk participants completed the study. Seven days after urodynamic studies UTI symptoms, pyuria (nitrite and/or blood and/or leukocyte esterase) and bacteriuria with E. coli occurred in two patients (one (2.8 %) in the FT and one (2.7 %) in the phytodrug group, respectively). No statistical differences in UTI incidence were found between both treatment groups.We did not observe any additional adverse events in both groups. The major disadvantage of prophylaxis with the phytodrug as compared to FT was the necessity of continuing therapy for 7 days.Conclusion. Prophylaxis of UTI with a phytodrug (Canephron N) may be considered a good alternative to antibiotic prophylaxis use after UDS in high-risk female patients.Цель исследования: оценить эффективность фитотерапевтического препарата (Канефрон® Н) в предотвращении инфекции мочевыводящих путей (ИМП) у женщин из группы высокого риска, принимавших участие в уродинамических исследованиях (УДИ).Материалы и методы. Протокол исследования был утвержден местным комитетом по этике медицинского учреждения. Взрослые женщины с хотя бы одним фактором риска развития ИМП (возраст старше 70 лет, увеличен остаточный объем мочи после мочеиспускания &gt;100 мл, рецидивирующие ИМП, опущение тазовых органов (POP) ≥ІІ по шкале POP-Q и нейрогенный мочевой пузырь), после УДИ получали или одноразовую пероральную дозу фосфомицина трометамола (ФТ) (3 г), или фитопрепарат, содержащий траву золототысячника, корень любистка и листья розмарина (5 мл принимают перорально три раза в сутки в течение одной недели). У пациенток, которые были включены в исследование, до начала УДИ не фиксировали пиурию по результатам пробы мочи (нитрита и/или крови и/или лейкоцитарной эстеразы) и отмечали отрицательный результат бактериального посева мочи (КОЕ&lt;103/мл). Образцы мочи также проверяли через 7 дней после УДИ.Результаты. Исследование завершили семьдесят две участницы с высоким риском развития ИМП. Через семь дней после проведения уродинамических исследований симптомы ИМП, пиурии (нитрит и/или кровь и/или лейкоцитарная эстераза), а также бактериурия с E. coli наблюдали у двух пациенток (у одной (2,8 %) в группе применения ФТ и одной (2,7 %) в группе применения фитопрепарата соответственно). Между обеими группами лечения не выявлено статистических различий по заболеваемости ИМП. Дополнительных побочных реакций в обеих группах не наблюдалось. Основным недостатком профилактики фитопрепаратами по сравнению с ФТ была необходимость продолжения терапии в течение 7 дней.Заключение. Профилактика ИМП с помощью фитопрепаратов (Канефрон® Н) может считаться хорошей альтернативой профилактике антибактериальными средствами после проведения УДИ у пациенток из группы высокого риска.Мета дослідження: оцінити ефективність фітотерапевтичного препарату (Канефрон® Н) у запобіганні інфекції сечовивідних шляхів (ІСШ) у жінок з групи високого ризику, які брали участь в уродинамічних дослідженнях (УДД).Матеріали та методи. Протокол дослідження був затверджений місцевим комітетом з етики медичного закладу. Дорослі жінки, що мають хоча б один фактор ризику розвитку ІСШ (вік старше 70 років, збільшений залишковий об’єм сечі після сечовипускання &gt;100 мл, рецидивуючі ІСШ, опущення тазових органів (POP) ≥ІІ за шкалою POP-Q та нейрогенний сечовий міхур), після УДД отримували або одноразову пероральну дозу фосфоміцину трометамолу (ФТ) (3 г), або фітопрепарат, що містить траву золототисячника, корінь любистку та листя розмарину (5 мл приймають перорально три рази на добу протягом одного тижня). У пацієнток, що були включені в дослідження, до початку УДД не фіксували піурії за результатами проби сечі (нітриту та/або крові та/або лейкоцитарної естерази) та відзначали негативний результат бактеріального посіву сечі (КУО&lt;103/мл). Зразки сечі також перевіряли через 7 днів після УДД.Результати. Дослідження завершили сімдесят дві учасниці з високим ризиком розвитку ІСШ. Через сім днів після проведення уродинамічних досліджень симптоми ІСШ, піурії (нітрит та/або кров та/або лейкоцитарна естераза), а також бактеріурія з E. coli спостерігалися у двох пацієнток (в однієї (2,8 %) в групі застосування ФТ та однієї (2,7 %) у групі застосування фітопрепарату відповідно). Між обома групами лікування не виявлено статистичних відмінностей щодо захворюваності на ІСШ. Додаткові побічні реакції в обох групах не спостерігалися. Основним недоліком профілактики фітопрепаратами порівняно з ФТ була необхідність продовження терапії протягом 7 днів.Заключення. Профілактика ІСШ за допомогою фітопрепаратів (Канефрон® Н) може вважатися хорошою альтернативою профілактиці антибактеріальними засобами після проведення УДД у пацієнток з групи високого ризику

    Effectiveness of botulinum toxin injection in the treatment of de novo OAB symptoms following midurethral sling surgery

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    Introduction and hypothesis Intravesical onabotulinumtoxinA (Botox®) is effective for idiopathic overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms. Our primary objective was to compare the efficacy of onabotulinumtoxinA for women with de novo OAB after midurethral sling (MUS) surgery and women with idiopathic OAB. Methods Women enrolled in this prospective study had idiopathic (n=53) or de novo (n=49) OAB symptoms after MUS, with at least one episode of urgency urine incontinence per day. OnabotulinumtoxinA (100 U) was administered in 20 intradetrusor injections. Postvoid residual volumes were checked at 2, 4 and 12 weeks. Participants completed a 3- day bladder diary and the King’s Health Questionnaire (KHQ) before and 12 weeks after treatment. Results After 12 weeks, 22 patients (41.5 %) in the idiopathic OAB and 19 patients (38.8 %) in the de novo OAB groups were completely dry. OnabotulinumtoxinA injections had a significant benefit within both groups (p 90 ml in both groups. Urinary retention was observed in four patients. Conclusions We observed similar improvement in OAB symptoms after intravesical onabotulinumtoxinA injections within both groups. The rates of retention and requirement for catheterization even for women with a prior MUS were acceptable. These observational data provide evidence that onabotulinumtoxinA can effectively treat patients with OAB following stress urinary incontinence surger

    Greenhouse gas emissions from selected Austrian dairy production systems-model calculations considering the effects of land use change

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    The aim of this study was to analyze various Austrian dairy production systems (PS) concerning their greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) in a life-cycle chain, including effects of land-use change (LUC). Models of eight PS that differ, on the one hand, in their regional location (alpine, uplands and lowlands) and, on the other hand, in their production method (conventional versus organic, including traditional and recently emerging pasture-based dairy farming) were designed. In general, the GHGE-reducing effect of a higher milk yield per cow and year in conventional dairy farming cannot compensate for the advantages of organic dairy production which requires lower inputs. This is shown both for GHGE per kg of milk and GHGE per ha and year of farmland. Especially when (imported) concentrates were fed, which had been grown on former forests or grassland, e.g. soybean meal and rapeseed cake, GHGE of conventional dairy farming rose due to the effects of LUC. GHGE per kg milk varied from 0.90 to 1.17 kg CO2-eq for conventional PS, while organic PS on average emitted 11% less greenhouse gases (GHGs), the values ranging from 0.81 to 1.02CO2-eq per kg milk. Within each production method, PS with a higher milk output generally showed better results for GHGE per kg of milk produced than PS with a lower milk output. Nevertheless the latter showed clearly better results for GHGE per ha of land used, ranging from 5.2 to 7.6Mg CO2-eq per ha and year for conventional PS and from 4.2 to 6.2MgCO2-eq per ha and year for organic PS. The results of this study emphasize the importance of a complete life-cycle assessment in the evaluation of impacts that dairy PS have on the climate

    Escalating immunotherapy of multiple sclerosis--new aspects and practical application

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    Recent clinical studies in multiple sclerosis (MS) provide new data on the treatment of clinically isolated syndromes, on secondary progression, on direct comparison of immunomodulatory treatments and on dosing issues. All these studies have important implications for the optimized care of MS patients. The multiple sclerosis therapy consensus group (MSTCG) critically evaluated the available data and provides recommendations for the application of immunoprophylactic therapies. Initiation of treatment after the first relapse may be indicated if there is clear evidence on MRI for subclinical dissemination of disease. Recent trials show that the efficacy of interferon beta treatment is more likely if patients in the secondary progressive phase of the disease still have superimposed bouts or other indicators of inflammatory disease activity than without having them. There are now data available, which suggest a possible dose-effect relation for recombinant beta-interferons. These studies have to be interpreted with caution, as some potentially important issues in the design of these studies (e. g. maintenance of blinding in the clinical part of the study) were not adequately addressed. A meta-analysis of selected interferon trials has been published challenging the value of recombinant IFN beta in MS. The pitfalls of that report are discussed in the present review as are other issues relevant to treatment including the new definition of MS, the problem of treatment failure and the impact of cost-effectiveness analyses. The MSTCG panel recommends that the new diagnostic criteria proposed by McDonald et al. should be applied if immunoprophylactic treatment is being considered. The use of standardized clinical documentation is now generally proposed to facilitate the systematic evaluation of individual patients over time and to allow retrospective evaluations in different patient cohorts. This in turn may help in formulating recommendations for the application of innovative products to patients and to health care providers. Moreover, in long-term treated patients, secondary treatment failure should be identified by pre-planned follow-up examinations, and other treatment options should then be considered