38 research outputs found

    The Chinese challenge to the EU25

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    Internationaler Wettbewerb, Wirtschaftswachstum, Industrialisierung, Wirtschaftslage, Außenhandel, China, Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion, Global competition, Economic growth, Industrialization, Recent economic development, Foreign trade, European Economic and Monetary Union

    Squaring the circle of mitigation adequacy and equity : options and perspectives

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    The report surveys current proposals and positions on issues such as differentiated participation of countries in the new agreement, a differentiated spectrum of commitments, effort sharing and options for how to organise the negotiation process. The report finds that for the level of participation, the selection of commitment types, and choice of effort-sharing approaches there is no silver bullet. A portfolio approach that incorporates multiple options may be most suited to ensure environmental effectiveness, cost- effectiveness and political feasibility

    Design of the Compression System of a Geared Turbofan

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    The geared turbofan aircraft engine is an efficient type of aircraft engine. By using a gearbox, the fan can run at a different rotational speed in comparison to the shaft connecting low pressure compressor and turbine. To assess the in-house tools for preliminary design, a geared turbofan, with the same requirements as the Pratt&Whitney 1000G, is designed, including thermodynamic cycle, turbine, compressor, burner and structural mechanics. The goal of this study is the design of the compression system, composed of the low-pressure compressor, the inter-compressor duct and the high-pressure compressor. The following steps have been carried out to design the compression system: first, a preliminary design of both compressors is realized, following by a detailed design, conducted with throughflow calculations and the use of a database of optimal airfoils [1]. Three stages have been chosen for the low-pressure compressor and eight stages for the high-pressure compressor. In order to reach the target conditions for all operating points from the specifications, the schedule for the variable guide vanes has also been decided on. The final design is validated with 3D CFD calculations. Additionally, the interaction of the inter-compressor duct with the low-pressure and the highpressure compressor is investigated

    Emerging economies : potentials, pledges and fair shares of greenhouse gas reduction

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    In this report we assess how ambitious emission reduction pledges of emerging economies are compared to business as usual emissions, the countries' mitigation potential and respective efforts based on different equity principles

    Identification and expression regulation of symbiotically activated legume genes

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    KĂźster H, Vieweg MF, Manthey K, Baier M, Hohnjec N, Perlick AM. Identification and expression regulation of symbiotically activated legume genes. Phytochemistry. 2007;68(1):8-18.Legume plants are able to enter two different endosymbioses with soil prokaryotes and soil fungi, leading to nitrogen-fixing root nodules and to arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM), respectively. We applied in silico and microarray-based transcriptome profiling approaches to uncover the transcriptome of developing root nodules and AM roots of the model legume Medicago truncatula. Several hundred genes were found to be activated in different stages of either symbiosis, with almost 100 genes being co-induced during nodulation and in arbuscular mycorrhiza. These co-induced genes can be associated with different cellular functions required for symbiotic efficiency, such as the facilitation of transport processes across the perisymbiotic membranes that surround the endosymbiotic bacteroids in root nodules and the arbuscules in AM roots. To specify promoter elements required for gene expression in arbuscule-containing cells, reporter gene fusions of the promoter of the Vicia faba leghemoglobin gene VfLb29 were studied by loss-of-function and gain-of-function approaches in transgenic hairy roots. These analyses specified a 85-bp fragment that was necessary for gene expression in arbuscule-containing cells but was dispensible for gene activation in root nodules. In contrast to promoters mediating gene expression in the infected cells of root nodules, the activation of genes in AM appears to be governed by more complex regulatory systems requiring different promoter modules. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The signal peptide of the Medicago truncatula modular nodulin MtNOD25 operates as an address label for the specific targeting of proteins to nitrogen-fixing symbiosomes.

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    Baier M, Hohnjec N, Lenz F, et al. The signal peptide of the Medicago truncatula modular nodulin MtNOD25 operates as an address label for the specific targeting of proteins to nitrogen-fixing symbiosomes. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions. 2009;22(1):63-72

    Collaborative Aircraft Engine Preliminary Design using a Virtual Engine Platform, Part B: Application

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    Digitalization is of growing importance for industries and research institutions as it simplifies and accelerates product development. By that it also offers the ability to reduce risks and costs. Among others, also the aircraft engine sector is facing such a shift of paradigm, entailing a huge potential to support the preliminary design workflow of projected next generation engine concepts. For that purpose the German Aerospace Center (DLR) has started the development of the virtual engine platform GTlab (Gas Turbine Laboratory). It offers a high degree of usability and flexibility with its modular architecture comprising standardized interfaces and thus allows a simple integration of arbitrary user-defined tools. At the heart of the present paper is the application of GTlab in a realistic example of an ultra high bypass-ratio (BPR ≈16\approx 16) aircraft engine with an anticipated state of the art technology of 2028. The design workflow starts with a 0D thermodynamic performance model and continues with 1D and 2D mid-fidelity preliminary aerodynamic and structural design tools. In this context, challenges are highlighted that were encountered in the course of the process chains and during data handling processes between different fidelity-levels. The mid-fidelity preliminary component designs are carried out by various departments of the DLR and comprise the turbo-components as well as the combustor and structural parts. By that, also the iterative procedure is highlighted, since the initial performance model is updated everytime variations are encountered in the aerodynamic component designs. Also the assessment of fan noise is integrated into the preliminary engine design procedure summing up the multi-disciplinary design loop for the evaluation of future engine concepts

    Entwurf und Bewertung einer lärmarmen Kurzstreckenkonfiguration im Vorentwurf: Erkenntnisse aus dem DLR-Projekt KonTeKst

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    In dem DLR-Projekt KonTeKst, Konfigurationen und Technologien für Kurzstreckenflugzeuge wurden Ideen für emissions- und lärmarme Kurzstreckenflugzeuge entwickelt und analysiert. Ziel des ersten Hauptarbeitspakets war die Entwicklung und Bewertung einer potenziell lärmarmen Flugzeugkonfiguration im Vergleich zu einem Referenzflugzeug sowie die Bewertung der Konfiguration hinsichtlich Leistung und Lärm. Dazu wurden zwei Derivative der aus Lärmperspektive vielversprechenden Flugzeugkonfiguration entwickelt und im Anschluss unter den Aspekten Leistungsfähigkeit, Emissionen und Immission von Schall bewertet. Auch der Boarding-Prozess und die Klimawirkung wurden betrachtet. Die wesentlichen Aspekte dieser Arbeiten werden in diesem Konferenzbeitrag vorgestellt. Bei vergleichbarer flugphysikalischer Stabilität der Entwürfe, im Rahmen der erforderlichen Vereinfachungen im Flugzeugentwurf und mit vergleichbarem Technologiestand 2030 lassen sich die zusätzlichen Treibstoffkosten auf der extremen Kurzstrecke den akustischen Vorteilen gegenüberstellen. Für die Bewertung der akustischen Eigenschaften wurde hier ein über mehrere Immissionsorte arithmetisch gemittelter Pegelwert verwendet. Eine Reduktion der Lärmimmission kann mit einer Verkleinerung der 65 dB SEL Isokonturfläche des Referenzflugzeugs um 26.8 % (Start) bzw. 10.1 % (Landung) veranschaulicht werden. Dieser Wert ergibt sich für das Derivativ mit konventionellem Rumpf. Die Reduktion geht mit einer Erhöhung des Treibstoffverbrauchs auf der Referenzmission um 4.4 % einher. Eine Verkleinerung der 65 dB Isokonurfläche um 35.0 % (Start) bzw. 10.0 % (Landung) kann durch weitere konfigurative Änderungen (Derivativ mit breitem Rumpf) erreicht werden, führt jedoch zu einer Erhöhung des Verbrauchs um 8.6 %