10 research outputs found

    Assessment of Policy Instruments Toward a Sustainable Traffic System -A backcasting approach for Stockhom 2030

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    Finding strategies for preventing the process of global warming is growing urgent. Our intention is to highlight the future requirements and expectations on transport related sustainability measures (e.g. mobility management services, road tolls, CO2-taxes and renewable fuel systems) assisting the reaching of a long-term sustainability target of greenhouse gas emissions at the year 2030. We will employ the transport demand model SAMPERS and the traffic assignment model EMME/2 in order to investigate the effect from specific changes to the traffic network of Stockholm 2030, e.g. the environmental and socioeconomic impact from reduced number of commute trips, reduced car ownership, and new price structures and restrictions on private vehicle travel. In connection to this, we also quantify negative side effects (so-called rebound effects) coupled to efficiencies in the traffic network. We use an appraisal framework, influenced by backcasting, in order to assess the impact from the specific policies in relation to the United Nation’s (IPCC) requirements for a sustainable level of CO2-emissions. The findings from this study point at the inevitable need for at least a 50% renewable fuel mix in the traffic system if reaching the target 2030. Single-handedly, travel demand measures are insufficient to accomplish the CO2-emission target for 2030. Nevertheless, reducing traffic volumes by just a few percent might contribute to savings in emission costs, accident costs and aggregate travel time costs in the traffic system. Such measures are needed in order to mitigate the transition from fossil- to renewable fuels.

    Assessment of Policy Instruments Toward a Sustainable Traffic System -A backcasting approach for Stockhom 2030

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    Finding strategies for preventing the process of global warming is growing urgent. Our intention is to highlight the future requirements and expectations on transport related sustainability measures (e.g. mobility management services, road tolls, CO2-taxes and renewable fuel systems) assisting the reaching of a long-term sustainability target of greenhouse gas emissions at the year 2030. We will employ the transport demand model SAMPERS and the traffic assignment model EMME/2 in order to investigate the effect from specific changes to the traffic network of Stockholm 2030, e.g. the environmental and socioeconomic impact from reduced number of commute trips, reduced car ownership, and new price structures and restrictions on private vehicle travel. In connection to this, we also quantify negative side effects (so-called rebound effects) coupled to efficiencies in the traffic network. We use an appraisal framework, influenced by backcasting, in order to assess the impact from the specific policies in relation to the United Nation's (IPCC) requirements for a sustainable level of CO2-emissions. The findings from this study point at the inevitable need for at least a 50% renewable fuel mix in the traffic system if reaching the target 2030. Single-handedly, travel demand measures are insufficient to accomplish the CO2-emission target for 2030. Nevertheless, reducing traffic volumes by just a few percent might contribute to savings in emission costs, accident costs and aggregate travel time costs in the traffic system. Such measures are needed in order to mitigate the transition from fossil- to renewable fuels

    Utveckling av metod och verktyg för mÄlorienterade ÄtgÀrdsvalsstudier i transportsystemet

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    ÅtgĂ€rdsvalsstudier Ă€r ett koncept som vuxit fram med syfte att skapa genomtĂ€nkta beslut och konsensus kring alternativa effektiviseringar och förbĂ€ttringar av tillgĂ€nglighet i transportsystemet genom en dialogprocess mellan Trafikverket, kollektivtrafiken, kommuner, och andra trafikhuvudmĂ€n. Denna studie syftar till att skapa ett mer strukturerat arbetssĂ€tt för en tydligare koppling mellan Ă„tgĂ€rdsvalsstudier och de nationella transportpolitiska utslĂ€ppsmĂ„len som Trafikverket och Transportstyrelsen ansvarar att rapportera för. I dagslĂ€get levererar landsting och kommuner statusrapporteringar pĂ„ tre indikatorer för sitt regionala/lokala omrĂ„de. Dessa utgörs av vĂ€xthusgasutslĂ€pp, trafikarbete och antal resor med alternativa fĂ€rdslag. UtgĂ„ngslĂ€get för denna studie Ă€r att skapa tydligt kvantifierbara mĂ„lscenarier, baserade pĂ„ dessa tre indikatorer för att redan i trafikplaneringsprocessens initiala skede utgĂ„ frĂ„n dessa som prioriteringsunderlag. Den sĂ„ kallade CERO-metodiken (www.cero.nu) som framstĂ€llts genom en doktorsavhandling pĂ„ KTH, har utvecklat system för denna typ av mĂ„lorienterad transportplanering pĂ„ organisatorisk nivĂ„ (företag, kommuner, landsting, andra organisationer). Genom detta genom detta forskningsprojekt vidareutvecklas CERO-metodiken till att hantera scenariogenerering och framstĂ€llning av handlingsplaner pĂ„ regional och lokal nivĂ„. Ett simulatorverktyg för generering av transportvolymer till mĂ„lpunkter vidareutvecklas Ă€ven genom projektet för att stödja de kvantitativa prioriteringsunderlagen vid utformning av mĂ„lscenarierna.Utveckling av process och verktyg för Ă„tgĂ€rdsvalsstudier samt tillĂ€gg MĂ„lorienterat processtöd för Ă„tgĂ€rdsvalsstudie

    Mobility Management and Climate Change Policies

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    Globally, the transport system faces a paradigmatic shift where, in addition to increased local traffic problems, climate change and depletion of fossil oil reserves will foster a successive transition to renewable fuels and a need for more resource-efficient mobility management and communication alternatives. Foresighted countries, cities or companies taking the lead in adapting to these tougher conditions might well not only solve those problems, but also turn the problems into business advantages. This thesis is based on six studies that attempt to develop future strategies based on rigorous principled emission and energy efficiency targets and to modulate the impact of travel policies, technical components and behaviours in economically advantageous ways. The modelling frameworks developed throughout the thesis build on a target-orientated approach called backcasting, where the following general components are applied: (1) target description at a conceptual level i.e. the potential for sustainable energy systems, emissions, costs, behavioural patterns, preferences, etc.; (2) mapping of the current situation in relation to target description; and (3) modelling of alternative sets of policies, technologies, behaviours and economic prerequisites to arrive at target achievement. Sustainable travel strategies are analysed from two main viewpoints. The first four studies focus on company travel planning, where behavioural modelling proved to be an important tool for deriving targetorientated travel policies consistent with employee preferences. The latter two studies focus on strategies and preconditions to meet future emission targets and energy efficiency requirements at a macroscopic regional level by 2030. Backcasting’s role as a generic methodology for effective strategic planning is discussed.QC 2010081

    Company incentives and individual preferences towards sustainable travel alternatives

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    Since the acceptance of changing travel habits is a matterof subjective preferences and individual values, the questionof how to make individuals voluntarily choose new travelalternatives is not straightforward. In this study we focus onan office district called Nacka Strand outside Stockholm, wherecompanies tried to implement new and more efficientalternatives to personal travel. The aim is to reduce bothemissions and costs from personal travel, in parallel with anincreased utility among the employees. The idea is that theemployees shall be encouraged, not enforced to change travelpatterns. We start out from the research question of what factorsaffect individual preferences due to various incentives in thechoice between present and new alternatives. From thisperspective we derive secondary environmental and monetarygains possible to obtain. Examples of such incentives would bee.g. attractive IT-conveniences or monetary bonuses stimulatingthe use of the more efficient alternatives. To analyticallyanalyse the impact from incentives on individual behaviour weuse the toolbox of micro econometric modelling, in which theaim is to test the employees\u92criteria for changingbehaviour, as dependent on certain explicit conditions. Themodels provide information of ways to reach environmental andeconomical goals without deteriorating the employees\u92working conditions


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    Stockholm has set a target for greenhouse gas emissions in the year 2030, based on the United Nation's (IPCC) recommendations for an acceptable CO2 level in the atmosphere. In this study we use a backcasting framework to analyze a range of specific transport policies and fuel technology related developments with respect to the emission target. Our study employs a transport modelling system, traditionally used for forecasts, to quantify the impacts of various travel demand measures (TDM). Our study shows that the change in travel demand, induced by various travel policies, will not suffice on its own to reach the target. Even if fuel price is tripled, a substantial share of renewable fuels is required for target achievement. While our study shows that travel demand measures have a fairly small effect on CO2 emissions, it also hints at other compelling reasons for introducing such measures. Constructive strategies for the transport system would not only contribute to reduce risks with climate change. Even small reductions of transport volumes might imply large socio economic savings in traffic related costs, reduced emissions of substances with health impacts, fewer accidents, shorter travel times and higher travel time reliability. These aspects are arguably all part of a sustainable transport development.Mobility management, travel demand management, CO2 emission target, policy appraisal, backcasting

    Alternativa resepraktiker? : Potentiella beteendeförÀndringar ispÄren av COVID-19

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    COVID-19-pandemin har förĂ€ndrat resandet. Trots pandemins negativa aspekter i form av allvarlig sjukdom, dödsfall och arbetslöshet kan minskat resande bidra till att de globala hĂ„llbarhetsmĂ„len uppnĂ„s. I arbetet mot dessa betonas behovet av att involvera olika aktörer och mĂ„nga organisationer har redan faststĂ€llt mĂ„l för minskad klimatpĂ„verkan. Trots detta var substitutionen frĂ„n exempelvis flygtrafik till digitala möten modest innan COVID-19. För att förstĂ„ mer om pĂ„gĂ„ende resebeteendeförĂ€ndringar vad gĂ€ller affĂ€rsresor och arbetspendling och dra lĂ€rdomar om möjligheten att vidmakthĂ„lla positiva förĂ€ndringar utifrĂ„n ett miljö- och organisationsperspektiv genomfördes projektet “Potential for alternative travel practices? – Behavioural changes due to viruses in the short and longer-term” som den 29 april 2020 beviljade bidrag frĂ„n Mistra enligt VD-beslut nr 2020-15. Syftet med projektet var att utforska, kvantitativt och kvalitativt, resebeteendeförĂ€ndringar inom svenska organisationer vad gĂ€ller affĂ€rsresor och arbetspendling som följd av COVID 19-pandemiutbrottet. Samtidigt ville vi dra lĂ€rdomar om möjligheten att vidmakthĂ„lla positiva förĂ€ndringar utifrĂ„n ett miljö och organisationsperspektiv och undvika negativa förĂ€ndringar för framtida mer hĂ„llbara resvanor. Studien visar att resande till och frĂ„n arbetet och i tjĂ€nsten förĂ€ndrats markant under pandemin. Det blev tydligt att restriktionerna för fysiska resor inneburit att medarbetarna (beroende pĂ„ arbetsplats och arbetsuppgift) i högre grad tillĂ€mpat flexibla arbetsformer och digitala mötesvanor och en stor andel av medarbetarna upplevde en ökad kunskapsnivĂ„ kring hantering av digitala möten. För att befĂ€sta de positiva förĂ€ndringarna bör mĂ„lorienterade handlingsplaner implementeras nu, annars finns en risk att pendeln svĂ€nger tillbaka till ett Ă€n mer ohĂ„llbart resande post COVID-19 eftersom pandemin inte bara inneburit en mĂ€ngd digitala möten, utan ocksĂ„ ett bilberoende. QC 20210422</p

    Alternativa resepraktiker? : Potentiella beteendeförÀndringar ispÄren av COVID-19

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    COVID-19-pandemin har förĂ€ndrat resandet. Trots pandemins negativa aspekter i form av allvarlig sjukdom, dödsfall och arbetslöshet kan minskat resande bidra till att de globala hĂ„llbarhetsmĂ„len uppnĂ„s. I arbetet mot dessa betonas behovet av att involvera olika aktörer och mĂ„nga organisationer har redan faststĂ€llt mĂ„l för minskad klimatpĂ„verkan. Trots detta var substitutionen frĂ„n exempelvis flygtrafik till digitala möten modest innan COVID-19. För att förstĂ„ mer om pĂ„gĂ„ende resebeteendeförĂ€ndringar vad gĂ€ller affĂ€rsresor och arbetspendling och dra lĂ€rdomar om möjligheten att vidmakthĂ„lla positiva förĂ€ndringar utifrĂ„n ett miljö- och organisationsperspektiv genomfördes projektet “Potential for alternative travel practices? – Behavioural changes due to viruses in the short and longer-term” som den 29 april 2020 beviljade bidrag frĂ„n Mistra enligt VD-beslut nr 2020-15. Syftet med projektet var att utforska, kvantitativt och kvalitativt, resebeteendeförĂ€ndringar inom svenska organisationer vad gĂ€ller affĂ€rsresor och arbetspendling som följd av COVID 19-pandemiutbrottet. Samtidigt ville vi dra lĂ€rdomar om möjligheten att vidmakthĂ„lla positiva förĂ€ndringar utifrĂ„n ett miljö och organisationsperspektiv och undvika negativa förĂ€ndringar för framtida mer hĂ„llbara resvanor. Studien visar att resande till och frĂ„n arbetet och i tjĂ€nsten förĂ€ndrats markant under pandemin. Det blev tydligt att restriktionerna för fysiska resor inneburit att medarbetarna (beroende pĂ„ arbetsplats och arbetsuppgift) i högre grad tillĂ€mpat flexibla arbetsformer och digitala mötesvanor och en stor andel av medarbetarna upplevde en ökad kunskapsnivĂ„ kring hantering av digitala möten. För att befĂ€sta de positiva förĂ€ndringarna bör mĂ„lorienterade handlingsplaner implementeras nu, annars finns en risk att pendeln svĂ€nger tillbaka till ett Ă€n mer ohĂ„llbart resande post COVID-19 eftersom pandemin inte bara inneburit en mĂ€ngd digitala möten, utan ocksĂ„ ett bilberoende. QC 20210422</p