690 research outputs found

    iPod touch vs. TI-Nspire

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    Im Rahmen eines Unterrichtsprojekts in der zehnten Jahrgangsstufe konnten Schüler zunächst für drei Monate mit einem iPod Touch (mit Mathematik-Apps) und später über mehrere Monate mit dem TI Nspire CAS arbeiten. Im Anschluss erfolgten Beurteilung und Vergleich beider Geräte durch die Schüler hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für den Mathematikunterricht

    Effective complexity of stationary process realizations

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    The concept of effective complexity of an object as the minimal description length of its regularities has been initiated by Gell-Mann and Lloyd. The regularities are modeled by means of ensembles, that is probability distributions on finite binary strings. In our previous paper we propose a definition of effective complexity in precise terms of algorithmic information theory. Here we investigate the effective complexity of binary strings generated by stationary, in general not computable, processes. We show that under not too strong conditions long typical process realizations are effectively simple. Our results become most transparent in the context of coarse effective complexity which is a modification of the original notion of effective complexity that uses less parameters in its definition. A similar modification of the related concept of sophistication has been suggested by Antunes and Fortnow.Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    Randomised prospective study for the effect of therapy on residual beta cell function in type-1 diabetes mellitus [ISRCTN70703138]

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    BACKGROUND: Newly diagnosed insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is characterised by a temporary recovery of endogeneous insulin ("remission") after the beginning of medical treatment with subcutaneous insulin injections. Although most diabetologists think, that insulin reserve is related to reduced occurrence of diabetic long-term complications, such as eye, nerve and kidney disease, there is only one prospective controlled clinical study (the DCCT) addressing this question, however as secondary hypothesis. METHODS/DESIGN: Therefore, we composed a trial consisting of two cohorts with two therapeutic options within each cohort (conventional versus intensive therapy) and a three-year follow-up. In one group the patients are randomly assigned to the treatment regimes to test the statistical alternative hypothesis if variable insulin dosage is superior to fixed insulin injection in preserving insulin reserve measured by C-peptide in serum. Another group includes patients who prefer one of the two therapies, decline randomisation, but consent to follow-up. Apart from the determination of insulin reserve as a biological parameter a second primary endpoint was defined as 'therapeutic failure' according to the criteria of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes. Patients pass a training program to help them self-manage diabetes. A standardised protocol is being set up to minimize centre effects and bias of health care providers. Potential patient dependent bias will be investigated by questionnaires measuring psychic coping processes of people with diabetes. Management of visit dates is directly navigated by the database. Automated visit-reminders are mailed to patients and caregivers to optimise the number of visits on schedule. Data quality is regularly monitored and centres are informed on the results of continuous data management

    First Results of the PixelGEM Central Tracking System for COMPASS

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    For its physics program with a high-intensity hadron beam of up to 2e7 particles/s, the COMPASS experiment at CERN requires tracking of charged particles scattered by very small angles with respect to the incident beam direction. While good resolution in time and space is mandatory, the challenge is imposed by the high beam intensity, requiring radiation-hard detectors which add very little material to the beam path in order to minimize secondary interactions. To this end, a set of triple-GEM detectors with a hybrid readout structure consisting of pixels in the beam region and 2-D strips in the periphery was designed and built. Successful prototype tests proved the performance of this new detector type, showing both extraordinary high rate capability and detection efficiency. The amplitude information allowed to achieve spatial resolutions about a factor of 10 smaller than the pitch and a time resolution close to the theoretical limit imposed by the layout. The PixelGEM central tracking system consisting of five detectors, slightly improved with respect to the prototype, was completely installed in the COMPASS spectrometer in spring 2008

    Insights into ultrafast demagnetization in pseudo-gap half metals

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    Interest in femtosecond demagnetization experiments was sparked by Bigot's discovery in 1995. These experiments unveil the elementary mechanisms coupling the electrons' temperature to their spin order. Even though first quantitative models describing ultrafast demagnetization have just been published within the past year, new calculations also suggest alternative mechanisms. Simultaneously, the application of fast demagnetization experiments has been demonstrated to provide key insight into technologically important systems such as high spin polarization metals, and consequently there is broad interest in further understanding the physics of these phenomena. To gain new and relevant insights, we perform ultrafast optical pump-probe experiments to characterize the demagnetization processes of highly spin-polarized magnetic thin films on a femtosecond time scale. Previous studies have suggested shifting the Fermi energy into the center of the gap by tuning the number of electrons and thereby to study its influence on spin-flip processes. Here we show that choosing isoelectronic Heusler compounds (Co2MnSi, Co2MnGe and Co2FeAl) allows us to vary the degree of spin polarization between 60% and 86%. We explain this behavior by considering the robustness of the gap against structural disorder. Moreover, we observe that Co-Fe-based pseudo gap materials, such as partially ordered Co-Fe-Ge alloys and also the well-known Co-Fe-B alloys, can reach similar values of the spin polarization. By using the unique features of these metals we vary the number of possible spin-flip channels, which allows us to pinpoint and control the half metals electronic structure and its influence onto the elementary mechanisms of ultrafast demagnetization.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, plus Supplementary Informatio

    Baryon Masses at Second Order in Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    We analyze the baryon mass differences up to second order in chiral perturbation theory, including the effects of decuplet intermediate states. We show that the Coleman--Glashow relation has computable corrections of order (mdmu)ms(m_d - m_u) m_s. These corrections are numerically small, and in agreement with the data. We also show that corrections to the Σ\Sigma equal-spacing rule are dominated by electromagnetic contributions, and that the Gell-Mann--Okubo formula has non-analytic corrections of order ms2lnmsm_s^2 \ln m_s which cannot be computed from known matrix elements. We also show that the baryon masses cannot be used to extract model-independent information about the current quark masses.Comment: 11 pages, 1 uu-encoded figure, LBL-34779, UCB-PTH-93/2

    Decay of a Yukawa fermion at finite temperature and applications to leptogenesis

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    We calculate the decay rate of a Yukawa fermion in a thermal bath using finite temperature cutting rules and effective Green's functions according to the hard thermal loop resummation technique. We apply this result to the decay of a heavy Majorana neutrino in leptogenesis. Compared to the usual approach where thermal masses are inserted into the kinematics of final states, we find that deviations arise through two different leptonic dispersion relations. The decay rate differs from the usual approach by more than one order of magnitude in the temperature range which is interesting for the weak washout regime. We discuss how to arrive at consistent finite temperature treatments of leptogenesis.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Comparison of Boltzmann Kinetics with Quantum Dynamics for a Chiral Yukawa Model Far From Equilibrium

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    Boltzmann equations are often used to describe the non-equilibrium time-evolution of many-body systems in particle physics. Prominent examples are the computation of the baryon asymmetry of the universe and the evolution of the quark-gluon plasma after a relativistic heavy ion collision. However, Boltzmann equations are only a classical approximation of the quantum thermalization process, which is described by so-called Kadanoff-Baym equations. This raises the question how reliable Boltzmann equations are as approximations to the complete Kadanoff-Baym equations. Therefore, we present in this article a detailed comparison of Boltzmann and Kadanoff-Baym equations in the framework of a chirally invariant Yukawa-type quantum field theory including fermions and scalars. The obtained numerical results reveal significant differences between both types of equations. Apart from quantitative differences, on a qualitative level the late-time universality respected by Kadanoff-Baym equations is severely restricted in the case of Boltzmann equations. Furthermore, Kadanoff-Baym equations strongly separate the time scales between kinetic and chemical equilibration. In contrast to this standard Boltzmann equations cannot describe the process of quantum-chemical equilibration, and consequently also cannot feature the above separation of time scales.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, REVTeX