69 research outputs found

    Thermoplastic Composites in Space

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    Locational and Directional Dependencies of Smooth Muscle Properties in Pig Urinary Bladder

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    The urinary bladder is a distensible hollow muscular organ, which allows huge changes in size during absorption, storage and micturition. Pathological alterations of biomechanical properties can lead to bladder dysfunction and loss in quality of life. To understand and treat bladder diseases, the mechanisms of the healthy urinary bladder need to be determined. Thus, a series of studies focused on the detrusor muscle, a layer of urinary bladder made of smooth muscle fibers arranged in longitudinal and circumferential orientation. However, little is known about whether its active muscle properties differ depending on location and direction. This study aimed to investigate the porcine bladder for heterogeneous (six different locations) and anisotropic (longitudinal vs. circumferential) contractile properties including the force-length-(FLR) and force-velocity-relationship (FVR). Therefore, smooth muscle tissue strips with longitudinal and circumferential direction have been prepared from different bladder locations (apex dorsal, apex ventral, body dorsal, body ventral, trigone dorsal, trigone ventral). FLR and FVR have been determined by a series of isometric and isotonic contractions. Additionally, histological analyses were conducted to determine smooth muscle content and fiber orientation. Mechanical and histological examinations were carried out on 94 and 36 samples, respectively. The results showed that maximum active stress (pact) of the bladder strips was higher in the longitudinal compared to the circumferential direction. This is in line with our histological investigation showing a higher smooth muscle content in the bladder strips in the longitudinal direction. However, normalization of maximum strip force by the cross-sectional area (CSA) of smooth muscle fibers yielded similar smooth muscle maximum stresses (165.4 ± 29.6 kPa), independent of strip direction. Active muscle properties (FLR, FVR) showed no locational differences. The trigone exhibited higher passive stress (ppass) than the body. Moreover, the bladder exhibited greater ppass in the longitudinal than circumferential direction which might be attributed to its microstructure (more longitudinal arrangement of muscle fibers). This study provides a valuable dataset for the development of constitutive computational models of the healthy urinary bladder. These models are relevant from a medical standpoint, as they contribute to the basic understanding of the function of the bladder in health and disease

    Three-dimensional muscle architecture and comprehensive dynamic properties of rabbit gastrocnemius, plantaris and soleus: input for simulation studies

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    The vastly increasing number of neuro-muscular simulation studies (with increasing numbers of muscles used per simulation) is in sharp contrast to a narrow database of necessary muscle parameters. Simulation results depend heavily on rough parameter estimates often obtained by scaling of one muscle parameter set. However, in vivo muscles differ in their individual properties and architecture. Here we provide a comprehensive dataset of dynamic (n=6 per muscle) and geometric (three-dimensional architecture, n=3 per muscle) muscle properties of the rabbit calf muscles gastrocnemius, plantaris, and soleus. For completeness we provide the dynamic muscle properties for further important shank muscles (flexor digitorum longus, extensor digitorum longus, and tibialis anterior; n=1 per muscle). Maximum shortening velocity (normalized to optimal fiber length) of the gastrocnemius is about twice that of soleus, while plantaris showed an intermediate value. The force-velocity relation is similar for gastrocnemius and plantaris but is much more bent for the soleus. Although the muscles vary greatly in their three-dimensional architecture their mean pennation angle and normalized force-length relationships are almost similar. Forces of the muscles were enhanced in the isometric phase following stretching and were depressed following shortening compared to the corresponding isometric forces. While the enhancement was independent of the ramp velocity, the depression was inversely related to the ramp velocity. The lowest effect strength for soleus supports the idea that these effects adapt to muscle function. The careful acquisition of typical dynamical parameters (e.g. force-length and force-velocity relations, force elongation relations of passive components), enhancement and depression effects, and 3D muscle architecture of calf muscles provides valuable comprehensive datasets for e.g. simulations with neuro-muscular models, development of more realistic muscle models, or simulation of muscle packages

    Numerische Simulation von Polymernetzwerken mit Hilfe der Finite-Elemente-Methode

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    In der Arbeit werden Finite-Elemente-Simulationen basierend auf der Mikrostruktur von Polymeren benutzt, um materielle sowie geometrische Informationen von der Mikroebene auf die Makroebene zu transferieren. Basierend auf der statistischen Mechanik wird eine Methode vorgestellt, die es ermöglicht, nichtaffines Materialverhalten, willkürliche Kettenverteilung sowie das Reißen und das Wiederverbinden einzelner Ketten von gefüllten und ungefüllten Polymernetzwerken zu berücksichtigen. Grundprinzip dieses Ansatzes ist eine so genannte Einheitszelle, mit der es möglich ist, Polymerstrukturen, wie beispielsweise Schutzdichtungen, zu diskretisieren. Vergleiche mit Experimenten zeigen, dass es mit dem hier vorgestellten Ansatz möglich ist, das makromechanische Materialverhalten von Polymernetzwerken in zufriedenstellender Weise wiederzugeben. Diese Art von Informationen ist besonders für die Polymerindustrie von Interesse

    A new approach for the simulation of skeletal muscles using the tool of statistical mechanics

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