7 research outputs found
a complete medical record reflects the quality of good documentation, the complete of diagnosis writing reduces incorrect and inaccurate code and appropriate reporting to support decision makers. this study aims to measure the completeness and accuracy of the death code and the basic cause of death of patients. This study uses a quantitative descriptive design using a completeness checklist instrument. researchers used secondary data from the medical records of patients who died in 2021, the total sample was 199 using the slovin formula. secondary data analyzed with STATA, presented with tabulations and descriptive narratives. the basic cause of the basic cause of death was highest in code J80 at 33 (17%), J12.8 at 21 (11%) and the third being E11.9 . Based on the category of completeness of filling out of the 199 medical records analyzed, there were 37% (75) death forms that were not filled in completelyrekam medis yang lengkap mencerminkan kualitas pendokumentasian, kelengkapan penulisan diagnosis meminimalisir kesalah dan kode tidak akurat, dan juga berpengaruh pada kualitas pelaporan guna mendukung pemangku kebijakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur kelengkapan dan kealuratan kode penyebab pasien meninggal. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan deskriptif kualitatif, instrumennya dengan checklist kelengkapan. Peneliti menggunakan data sekunder dari rekam medis pasien meninggal tahun 2021, total samplenya sebesar 199 diukur dengan rumus slovin. Data dianalisis dengan STATA, disajikan dalam bentuk tabulasi dan narasi deskriptif. Hasil asesmen diagnosis tertinggi pada kode J80 sebesar 33 (17%), tertinggi kedua yaitu J96.8 yaitu 21 kasus (11%). Untuk penyebab dasar penyebab dasar pasien meninggal tertinggi pada kode J80 atau Adult respiratory distress syndrome sebesar 33 (17%), J12.8 sebesar 21 (11%) dan ketiga yaitu E11.9 atau diabetes mellitus unspecified. Berdasarkan kategori kelengkapan pengisiannya dari 199 rekam medis yang dianalisis, terdapat 37% (75) formulir kematian yang tidak terisi lengkap. Apabila di asesmen secara rinci, terdapat terdapat 15% (30 kode) kode terisi lengkap namun akurat tidak akurat, meskipun prosesntase kelengkapan dan keakuratan kode hingga karakter ke 4 mencapai 80% (161 kasus)
Background : Accreditation aims to improve the quality of health care, which is
needed by the people of Indonesia are increasingly selective and deserve quality
services . As a basic start of construction on the hospital system , which is a
regulatory document required in the hospital . Preparation of documents as a key
point in the regulation of hospital accreditation , as a reference for the hospital
services . With the provision of written policies , guidelines and procedures so
that the interests of public health services can be satisfied with the best . The
implementation of hospital accreditation survey conducted by the 2012 version
KARS will be emphasized on the implementation of the hospital , which was done
by interviewing the patient and his or her family , as well as to the Chairman and
the hospital or hospital staff , also by means of On-site observations of service
activities , as well as to see the physical evidence , either in the form of
documents and hospital facilities . In line with the increasing demands of society
and the Government of the information and communication needs of the health
services provided , the department of the hospital Dr . Sardjito need to perform
compliance assessment elements in Management Communication and
Information in 2012 KARS accreditation standards to facilitate access to services
and access to information on patient care services .
Objective : To identify the document Standards Compliance Management
Communication and Information in 2012 KARS Accreditation at Dr . Sardjito
Research methods : The study was a descriptive study with a qualitative
approach , and cross-sectional study design . Subjects were examined in this
study is Team Management Communication and Information Working Group .
While the object of this study of MKI standard is a document , there are form of
policies, , guidelines and medical record form.
Results : Of the documents that have been identified , Dr . Sardjito Hospital lis
able to support working group based standards for accreditation KARS has
largely complete the appropriate standards document of Management
Communication and Information
The Background of Problem: The hospital is a health care facility for all the
community, the main purpose of the hospital is to produce a favorable outcome,
the outcome obtained depends on the quality of services provided. To take the
necessary decisions with accurate information and timely to be a report. Indexing
activity is one activity of a series of activities if the data reporting, ie the index is a
list of important words or terms that have the same keywords, the indexing
activities at the hospital include the index patient, disease index, and the index
physician. In the disease index performed using manual coding of ICD-10. Based
on the results of the study are documentation-recapitulation recapitulation daily
census outpatients who have not been in the code and input into computer for
indexing activities and materials reporting morbidity outpatient basis.
The Aim of Research: To know the process of implementing the index coding of
outpatient illness include charging diagnosis, inputting code outpatient disease,
treatment and study data. To determine the factors causing delays in inputting
coding of outpatient illness index at Bethesda Hospital and determine the impact
of the delay in inputting coding of outpatient illness index at Bethesda Hospital.
The Methodology of Research : Type of research used is descriptive research
with a qualitative approach to data collection in the study of documentation,
interviews, and observations. The study design is case study research. For the
validation data using triangulation sumber.penentuan subject and object using
purposive sampling. This research was conducted at Bethesda Hospital
The Result of Research: Based on interviews, the process of filling the
diagnosis on the medical record file is done by physicians who care for patients,
charging diagnostics on the computer for recapitulation daily census is an
outpatient clinic nurse. Inputting a code of disease carried by medical records
personnel morbidity outpatient coding part. processing and presentation of data
processing that include: coding, indexing, and then processed into outpatient
morbidity report, presenting data that has been processed by the results of the
interview are reported net patient morbidity (RL4B). Based on interviews the
causes of the lack of human resources in terms of man to the census section, in
terms of machines already support, there are constraints in terms of material but
can be addressed independently by a clinical nurse, method discrepancy
between the written standard operating procedures at Bethesda Hospital with
officers in the field conditions . Based on interviews the impact of input delay
codefication disease index was RL4B delayed delivery report (a report of
outpatient morbidity) and incompleteness of data RL4B (outpatient morbidity
Background: The hospital requires quite a lot of people with different skills, and
people who are competent to carry out the mission of the hospital and meet the
needs of patients. Hospital administrators worked together to determine the
number and type of staff needed based on the recommendations of the working
unit and the service director.
Recruitment, evaluation and assignment of staff to do their best through a
process coordinated, efficient and uniform. Also it is important to document the
skills, knowledge, education, and previous experience of the applicant.
Particularly important to carefully reviewing/ doing the credentials of medical staff
and nurses, because they are involved in the clinical care process and work
directly with patients. Hospitals should provide opportunities for staff to learn and
develop personality and professionalism. Therefore, in-service education and
other learning opportunities should be offered to staff.
The author has conduct eda preliminary study in Dr.Sardjito Hospital on
December 24, 2013. Researchers conducted a preliminary study in the
department of Dr.Sardjito because the hospitalis in the processof accreditation. In
addition, the department has established long Dr.Sardjito even before the
legislation related to medical records and medical recorder
existinginstitutions.Therefore, RSUP Dr.Sardjito has medical records staff who
have worked and served long over there. That means that there are some
medical records staff at DrSardjito who have the educational background of non
medical recorder. Based on the background and the preliminary study, the
authors are interested in studying and reviewing more about the accreditation
standards that the group II chapter 5 Qualifications and Education staff in the
department of medical records in particular RSUP Dr.Sardjito
Objective: This study aims to determine the fulfillment of qualification and
education of medical records staffin the face of hospital accreditation and
accreditation in the department RSUP Dr.Sardjito.
Research Methods: This type of researchis adescriptive study with a qualitative
approach, and cross-sectional study design. Subjects examined in this design is
the Chief Medical Record, and medical record sclerk. The object of research his
the personnel file, the data kredensialing, document verification and STR diploma
from the original source, and document review staff when there is an indication of
the findings related to hospital quality improvement efforts.
Results: Dr.Sardjito Hospital has implemented a hospital accreditation and JCI
accreditation in 2014. The entire staf fof medical records are generally involved in
the preparation of hospital accreditation and accreditation JCI, but only 3 teams
that go into Standard Team. From a total of 101 medical record staffs, there are
22 staffs with education past high school when registering as RSUP Dr.Sardjito
Hospital staf fand 20 staffs who do not have STR and SIK. In addition, the
medical records staff credentials already done so in 2012
Background: The medical records used in patient care management, quality
review, financial reimbusement, legal affairs, education, research, public health
planning and marketing. Surely reports from the medical record installation has
important uses for the hospital. Based on initial observations, researchers found
that in the RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul have made various types of reports
regularly. But the benefits of any report made in the medical record installation for
RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul not yet known. Therefore, researchers need to
know whether the report made by the medical records official utilized by RSU
PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul to make management decisions.
Goals: To determine the benefits of a report from the Medical Record Installation
for decision making management in RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul.
Methods: This type of research is a descriptive study using a qualitative
approach with a cross-sectional design. The technique of collecting data using
interviews, observation and documentation studies. The subjects were reporting
officer and the management of RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul. Object of this
study is the report of the Installation Medical Record.
Results: Reports made by the reporting officer served in a board meeting in
three month period and includes an outpatient clinic patient visits per month
grouped by the type of patient is new or old, a number of hospitalizations of
patients per ward per month, Hospital Efficiency (BOR, LOS , TOI, BTO, GDR,
and NDR), Report on surgery, obstetrics care unit report, 10 Major Diseases
(Inpatient, Outpatient, ER, cause of death), patient mortality rate (ER and
Inpatient), laboratory examination activities, radiology activities, medical
rehabilitation services, prescription writing and services, and number of patient
visits per sub districts in Bantul. Medical Record Officer assigned to recapitalize
the report of each unit of service to be presented to management. Reports are
presented in graphical form as a board meeting, and submitted to management in
the form of summary reports in tabular form. The report presented by medical
records officers have been able to simplify the management to analyze and make
decisions. However, there is still a delay in the presentation of a report due to
SIRS is not optimal. And not every unit has a summary report made by medical
records officers
Background: Inpatient daily census in RSUD Yogyakarta done by a nurse in a
treatment room manually. Although the menu daily inpatient census was found in
SIMRS but not optimally utilized for the implementation constraints are found, that
is daily inpatient census mismatch manual with daily inpatient census is in SIMRS.
This is possible due to the human factor. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the
human resources as the user in the implementation of Hospital Management
Information System related hospital inpatient daily census in Local Government
General Hospital Yogyakarta.
Goal: To knowing the user perception in implementing management information
system-related hospital inpatient daily census in Local Government General
Hospital Yogyakarta.
Method: This type of research is descriptive qualitative approach. The study
design was cross-sectional. Data collection techniques in this study were
interviews, observation, and study documentation.
Result: Daily census of inpatient treatment in Yogyakarta in-RSUD first input by
the staff in computerized inpatient register through SIMRS, then the nurses make
SHRI manually and then submitted to the Installation Medical Record to be
processed. Daily census of inpatient treatment not in accordance with the
procedures contained in the SOP job or Procedures RSUD Yogyakarta. SIMRS
related SHRI in RSUD Yogyakarta useful to users because make work more
quickly, useful, enchance effectiveness, improve job performance, and makes job
easier. However, for productivity and employment hasn�t increased due to the
relatively fixed data quality doesn�t match the quality of real data so it can�t be a
reference data. SIMRS related SHRI in RSUD Yogyakarta makes it easy for users
because it is easy to learn, easy to use, easy to become skillful, and flexible.
However, for the indicator clear and understandable controllable and can�t be
fulfilled because of the absence of a policy regarding the return flow inpatients
correct. The attitude of the user of the Hospital Management Information System
in Yogyakarta City Hospital has been rated good and the users want to use. But
the Hospital Management Information System related inpatient daily census has
not been enough to satisfy users. Interest in user behavior Hospital Management
Information System related daily census of inpatient hospital Yogyakarta that want
to follow training on SIMRS