6,810 research outputs found

    MATS: Inference for potentially Singular and Heteroscedastic MANOVA

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    In many experiments in the life sciences, several endpoints are recorded per subject. The analysis of such multivariate data is usually based on MANOVA models assuming multivariate normality and covariance homogeneity. These assumptions, however, are often not met in practice. Furthermore, test statistics should be invariant under scale transformations of the data, since the endpoints may be measured on different scales. In the context of high-dimensional data, Srivastava and Kubokawa (2013) proposed such a test statistic for a specific one-way model, which, however, relies on the assumption of a common non-singular covariance matrix. We modify and extend this test statistic to factorial MANOVA designs, incorporating general heteroscedastic models. In particular, our only distributional assumption is the existence of the group-wise covariance matrices, which may even be singular. We base inference on quantiles of resampling distributions, and derive confidence regions and ellipsoids based on these quantiles. In a simulation study, we extensively analyze the behavior of these procedures. Finally, the methods are applied to a data set containing information on the 2016 presidential elections in the USA with unequal and singular empirical covariance matrices

    Applicability of subcortical EEG metrics of synaptopathy to older listeners with impaired audiograms

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    Emerging evidence suggests that cochlear synaptopathy is a common feature of sensorineural hearing loss, but it is not known to what extent electrophysiological metrics targeting synaptopathy in animals can be applied to people, such as those with impaired audiograms. This study investigates the applicability of subcortical electrophysiological measures associated with synaptopathy, i.e., auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) and envelope following responses (EFRs), to older participants with high-frequency sloping audiograms. The outcomes of this study are important for the development of reliable and sensitive synaptopathy diagnostics in people with normal or impaired outer-hair-cell function. Click-ABRs at different sound pressure levels and EFRs to amplitude-modulated stimuli were recorded, as well as relative EFR and ABR metrics which reduce the influence of individual factors such as head size and noise floor level on the measures. Most tested metrics showed significant differences between the groups and did not always follow the trends expected from synaptopathy. Age was not a reliable predictor for the electrophysiological metrics in the older hearing-impaired group or young normal-hearing control group. This study contributes to a better understanding of how electrophysiological synaptopathy metrics differ in ears with healthy and impaired audiograms, which is an important first step towards unravelling the perceptual consequences of synaptopathy.(C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Acquisition of subcortical auditory potentials with around-the-Ear cEEGrid technology in normal and hearing impaired listeners

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    Even though the principles of recording brain electrical activity remain unchanged since their discovery, their acquisition has seen major improvements. The cEEGrid, a recently developed flex-printed multi-channel sensory array, can be placed around the ear and successfully record well-known cortical electrophysiological potentials such as late auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) or the P300. Due to its fast and easy application as well as its long-lasting signal recording window, the cEEGrid technology offers great potential as a flexible and 'wearable' solution for the acquisition of neural correlates of hearing. Early potentials of auditory processing such as the auditory brainstem response (ABR) are already used in clinical assessment of sensorineural hearing disorders and envelope following responses (EFR) have shown promising results in the diagnosis of suprathreshold hearing deficits. This study evaluates the suitability of the cEEGrid electrode configuration to capture these AEPs. cEEGrid potentials were recorded and compared to cap-EEG potentials for young normal-hearing listeners and older listeners with high-frequency sloping audiograms to assess whether the recordings are adequately sensitive for hearing diagnostics. ABRs were elicited by presenting clicks (70 and 100-dB peSPL) and stimulation for the EFRs consisted of 120 Hz amplitudemodulated white noise carriers presented at 70-dB SPL. Data from nine bipolar cEEGrid channels and one classical cap-EEG montage (earlobes to vertex) were analysed and outcome measures were compared. Results show that the cEEGrid is able to record ABRs and EFRs with comparable shape to those recorded using a conventional capEEG recording montage and the same amplifier. Signal strength is lower but can still produce responses above the individual neural electrophysiological noise floor. This study shows that the application of the cEEGrid can be extended to the acquisition of early auditory evoked potentials

    Graph Representations for Higher-Order Logic and Theorem Proving

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    This paper presents the first use of graph neural networks (GNNs) for higher-order proof search and demonstrates that GNNs can improve upon state-of-the-art results in this domain. Interactive, higher-order theorem provers allow for the formalization of most mathematical theories and have been shown to pose a significant challenge for deep learning. Higher-order logic is highly expressive and, even though it is well-structured with a clearly defined grammar and semantics, there still remains no well-established method to convert formulas into graph-based representations. In this paper, we consider several graphical representations of higher-order logic and evaluate them against the HOList benchmark for higher-order theorem proving
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