14,692 research outputs found

    Acoustic oscillations in solar and stellar flaring loops

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    Evolution of a coronal loop in response to an impulsive energy release is numerically modelled. It is shown that the loop density evolution curves exhibit quasi-periodic perturbations with the periods given approximately by the ratio of the loop length to the average sound speed, associated with the second standing harmonics of an acoustic wave. The density perturbations have a maximum near the loop apex. The corresponding field-aligned flows have a node near the apex. We suggest that the quasi-periodic pulsations with periods in the range 10-300 s, frequently observed in flaring coronal loops in the radio, visible light and X-ray bands, may be produced by the second standing harmonic of the acoustic mode

    Temperature dependence of the energy dissipation in dynamic force microscopy

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    The dissipation of energy in dynamic force microscopy is usually described in terms of an adhesion hysteresis mechanism. This mechanism should become less efficient with increasing temperature. To verify this prediction we have measured topography and dissipation data with dynamic force microscopy in the temperature range from 100 K up to 300 K. We used 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic-dianhydride (PTCDA) grown on KBr(001), both materials exhibiting a strong dissipation signal at large frequency shifts. At room temperature, the energy dissipated into the sample (or tip) is 1.9 eV/cycle for PTCDA and 2.7 eV/cycle for KBr, respectively, and is in good agreement with an adhesion hysteresis mechanism. The energy dissipation over the PTCDA surface decreases with increasing temperature yielding a negative temperature coefficient. For the KBr substrate, we find the opposite behaviour: an increase of dissipated energy with increasing temperature. While the negative temperature coefficient in case of PTCDA agrees rather well with the adhesion hysteresis model, the positive slope found for KBr points to a hitherto unknown dissipation mechanism

    Random graph asymptotics on high-dimensional tori. II. Volume, diameter and mixing time

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    For critical bond-percolation on high-dimensional torus, this paper proves sharp lower bounds on the size of the largest cluster, removing a logarithmic correction in the lower bound in Heydenreich and van der Hofstad (2007). This improvement finally settles a conjecture by Aizenman (1997) about the role of boundary conditions in critical high-dimensional percolation, and it is a key step in deriving further properties of critical percolation on the torus. Indeed, a criterion of Nachmias and Peres (2008) implies appropriate bounds on diameter and mixing time of the largest clusters. We further prove that the volume bounds apply also to any finite number of the largest clusters. The main conclusion of the paper is that the behavior of critical percolation on the high-dimensional torus is the same as for critical Erdos-Renyi random graphs. In this updated version we incorporate an erratum to be published in a forthcoming issue of Probab. Theory Relat. Fields. This results in a modification of Theorem 1.2 as well as Proposition 3.1.Comment: 16 pages. v4 incorporates an erratum to be published in a forthcoming issue of Probab. Theory Relat. Field

    Cusps and shocks in the renormalized potential of glassy random manifolds: How Functional Renormalization Group and Replica Symmetry Breaking fit together

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    We compute the Functional Renormalization Group (FRG) disorder- correlator function R(v) for d-dimensional elastic manifolds pinned by a random potential in the limit of infinite embedding space dimension N. It measures the equilibrium response of the manifold in a quadratic potential well as the center of the well is varied from 0 to v. We find two distinct scaling regimes: (i) a "single shock" regime, v^2 ~ 1/L^d where L^d is the system volume and (ii) a "thermodynamic" regime, v^2 ~ N. In regime (i) all the equivalent replica symmetry breaking (RSB) saddle points within the Gaussian variational approximation contribute, while in regime (ii) the effect of RSB enters only through a single anomaly. When the RSB is continuous (e.g., for short-range disorder, in dimension 2 <= d <= 4), we prove that regime (ii) yields the large-N FRG function obtained previously. In that case, the disorder correlator exhibits a cusp in both regimes, though with different amplitudes and of different physical origin. When the RSB solution is 1-step and non- marginal (e.g., d < 2 for SR disorder), the correlator R(v) in regime (ii) is considerably reduced, and exhibits no cusp. Solutions of the FRG flow corresponding to non-equilibrium states are discussed as well. In all cases the regime (i) exhibits a cusp non-analyticity at T=0, whose form and thermal rounding at finite T is obtained exactly and interpreted in terms of shocks. The results are compared with previous work, and consequences for manifolds at finite N, as well as extensions to spin glasses and related models are discussed.Comment: v2: Note added in proo

    X-ray Spectral Signatures of the Photon Bubble Model for Ultraluminous X-ray Sources

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    The nature of ultraluminous X-ray sources in nearby galaxies is one of the major open questions in modern X-ray astrophysics. One possible explanation for these objects is an inhomogeneous, radiation dominated accretion disk around a 10M\sim 10 M_{\odot} black hole -- the so-called ``photon bubble'' model. While previous studies of this model have focused primarily on its radiation-hydrodynamics aspects, in this paper, we provide an analysis of its X-ray spectral (continuum and possible edge and line) characteristics. Compton reflection between high and low density regions in the disk may provide the key to distinguishing this model from others, such as accretion onto an intermediate mass black hole. We couple a Monte Carlo/Fokker-Planck radiation transport code with the XSTAR code for reflection to simulate the photon spectra produced in a photon bubble model for ULXs. We find that reflection components tend to be very weak and in most cases not observable, and make predictions for the shape of the high-energy Comptonizing spectra. In many cases the Comptonization dominates the spectra even down to \sim a few keV. In one simulation, a \sim 9 \kev feature was found, which may be considered a signature of photon bubbles in ULXs; furthermore, we make predictions of high energy power-laws which may be observed by future instruments.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Konzeption und prototypische Realisierung eines Informationssystems für das Prozeßmonitoring und -controlling

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    Durch die Überwachung der aktuellen Prozeßstatus (Prozeßmonitoring) sowie die Verdichtung und Gegenüberstellung dieser Istdaten mit Solldaten (Prozeßcontrolling) wird die Bewertung der Prozeßqualität möglich. Zur informationstechnischen Unterstützung dieser Aufgaben dienen Prozeßinformationssysteme. In diesem Arbeitsbericht werden nach einer Einordnung dieser Aufgaben in einem Vorgehensmodell des Prozeßmanagements Intention und Aufbau von Prozeßinformationssystemen beschrieben. Konkretisiert werden die Ausführungen durch die Vorstellung des Prototypen PISA, dessen Architektur und Funktionalität erläutert werden.<br/