13,115 research outputs found

    Inverse Scattering and Acousto-Optic Imaging

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    We propose a tomographic method to reconstruct the optical properties of a highly-scattering medium from incoherent acousto-optic measurements. The method is based on the solution to an inverse problem for the diffusion equation and makes use of the principle of interior control of boundary measurements by an external wave field.Comment: 10 page

    How much do students’ scores in PISA reflect general intelligence and how much do they reflect specific abilities?

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    International Large-Scale Assessments (LSA) allow comparisons of education systems’ effectiveness in promoting student learning in specific domains, such as reading, mathematics, and science. However, it has been argued that students’ scores in International LSAs mostly reflect general cognitive ability (g). This study examines the extent to which students’ scores in reading, mathematics, science, and a Raven’s Progressive Matrices test reflect general ability g and domain-specific abilities with data from 3,472 Polish students who participated in the OECD’s 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and who were retested with the same PISA instruments, but with a different item set, in 2010. Variance in students’ responses to test items is explained better by with a bifactor Item Response Theory (IRT) model than by the multidimensional IRT model routinely used to scale PISA and other LSAs. The bifactor IRT model assumes that non-g factors (reading, math, science, and Raven’s test) are uncorrelated with g and with each other. The bifactor model generates specific ability factors with more theoretically credible relationships with criterion variables than the multidimensional standard model. Further analyses of the bifactor model indicate that the domain-specific factors are not reliable enough to be interpreted meaningfully. They lie somewhere between unreliable measures of domain-specific abilities and nuisance factors reflecting measurement error. The finding that PISA achievement scores reflect mostly g, which may arise because PISA aims to test broad abilities in a variety of contexts or may be a general characteristic of LSAs and national achievement tests. Educational Impact and Implications Statement: This study analyzes Programme for International Student Assessment data from Poland to establish how much the achievement of secondary school students in reading, mathematics, science and in a Raven’s Progressive Matrices test reflects general ability and how much it reflects domain-specific abilities. Findings indicate that a scaling model that accounts for general ability, fit the data better than models typically employed in large scale assessments that ignore the influence of general ability on student achievement. The finding that students’ responses to PISA test items reflect general ability rather than domain-specific abilities, if replicated to other countries, could have important implications for the design of large-scale assessments and the interpretation of analyses of large-scale assessment data

    YF-12 Lockalloy ventral fin program, volume 1

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    Results are presented of the YF-12 Lockalloy Ventral Fin Program which was carried out by Lockheed Aircraft Corporation - Advanced Development Projects for the joint NASA/USAF YF-12 Project. The primary purpose of the program was to redesign and fabricate the ventral fin of the YF-12 research airplane (to reduce flutter) using Lockalloy, and alloy of beryllium and aluminum, as a major structural material. A secondary purpose, was to make a material characterization study (thermodynamic properties, corrosion; fatigue tests, mechanical properties) of Lockalloy to validate the design of the ventral fin and expand the existing data base on this material. All significant information pertinent to the design and fabrication of the ventral fin is covered. Emphasis throughout is given to Lockalloy fabrication and machining techniques and attendant personnel safety precautions. Costs are also examined. Photographs of tested alloy specimens are shown along with the test equipment used

    Traps of multi-level governance. Lessons from the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Italy

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    During recent decades, different patterns of multi-level governance (MLG) have spread across Europe as a consequence of Europeanisation of public policies, which have increasingly adopted decentralized and participatory procedures conceived as a tool of more effective and accountable policy-making. It appears, however, that the implementation of operational designs based on MLG may be rather problematic and it does not necessarily bring to the expected performance improvements. Referring to the case of the EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), which conceives the creation of new multi-level institutional settings as a key tool for enacting a new holistic approach to water management and protection, this article explores the difficulties that the implementation of such settings has brought in Italy, despite some favorable pre-conditions existing in the country. Evidence is provided that along with institutional and agency variables, the implementation effectiveness of MLG arrangements promoted by the EU can be challenged by their inherent characteristics

    Medical data processing and analysis for remote health and activities monitoring

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    Recent developments in sensor technology, wearable computing, Internet of Things (IoT), and wireless communication have given rise to research in ubiquitous healthcare and remote monitoring of human\u2019s health and activities. Health monitoring systems involve processing and analysis of data retrieved from smartphones, smart watches, smart bracelets, as well as various sensors and wearable devices. Such systems enable continuous monitoring of patients psychological and health conditions by sensing and transmitting measurements such as heart rate, electrocardiogram, body temperature, respiratory rate, chest sounds, or blood pressure. Pervasive healthcare, as a relevant application domain in this context, aims at revolutionizing the delivery of medical services through a medical assistive environment and facilitates the independent living of patients. In this chapter, we discuss (1) data collection, fusion, ownership and privacy issues; (2) models, technologies and solutions for medical data processing and analysis; (3) big medical data analytics for remote health monitoring; (4) research challenges and opportunities in medical data analytics; (5) examples of case studies and practical solutions

    Linear models of activation cascades: analytical solutions and coarse-graining of delayed signal transduction

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    Cellular signal transduction usually involves activation cascades, the sequential activation of a series of proteins following the reception of an input signal. Here we study the classic model of weakly activated cascades and obtain analytical solutions for a variety of inputs. We show that in the special but important case of optimal-gain cascades (i.e., when the deactivation rates are identical) the downstream output of the cascade can be represented exactly as a lumped nonlinear module containing an incomplete gamma function with real parameters that depend on the rates and length of the cascade, as well as parameters of the input signal. The expressions obtained can be applied to the non-identical case when the deactivation rates are random to capture the variability in the cascade outputs. We also show that cascades can be rearranged so that blocks with similar rates can be lumped and represented through our nonlinear modules. Our results can be used both to represent cascades in computational models of differential equations and to fit data efficiently, by reducing the number of equations and parameters involved. In particular, the length of the cascade appears as a real-valued parameter and can thus be fitted in the same manner as Hill coefficients. Finally, we show how the obtained nonlinear modules can be used instead of delay differential equations to model delays in signal transduction.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Flat ring epimorphisms and universal localizations of commutative rings

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    We study different types of localizations of a commutative noetherian ring. More precisely, we provide criteria to decide: (a) if a given flat ring epimorphism is a universal localization in the sense of Cohn and Schofield; and (b) when such universal localizations are classical rings of fractions. In order to find such criteria, we use the theory of support and we analyse the specialization closed subset associated to a flat ring epimorphism. In case the underlying ring is locally factorial or of Krull dimension one, we show that all flat ring epimorphisms are universal localizations. Moreover, it turns out that an answer to the question of when universal localizations are classical depends on the structure of the Picard group. We furthermore discuss the case of normal rings, for which the divisor class group plays an essential role to decide if a given flat ring epimorphism is a universal localization. Finally, we explore several (counter)examples which highlight the necessity of our assumptions

    Molecular dynamics simulations of lead clusters

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    Molecular dynamics simulations of nanometer-sized lead clusters have been performed using the Lim, Ong and Ercolessi glue potential (Surf. Sci. {\bf 269/270}, 1109 (1992)). The binding energies of clusters forming crystalline (fcc), decahedron and icosahedron structures are compared, showing that fcc cuboctahedra are the most energetically favoured of these polyhedral model structures. However, simulations of the freezing of liquid droplets produced a characteristic form of ``shaved'' icosahedron, in which atoms are absent at the edges and apexes of the polyhedron. This arrangement is energetically favoured for 600-4000 atom clusters. Larger clusters favour crystalline structures. Indeed, simulated freezing of a 6525-atom liquid droplet produced an imperfect fcc Wulff particle, containing a number of parallel stacking faults. The effects of temperature on the preferred structure of crystalline clusters below the melting point have been considered. The implications of these results for the interpretation of experimental data is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 18 figues, new section added and one figure added, other minor changes for publicatio
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