31 research outputs found

    Convenient broad-host-range unstable vectors for studying stabilization cassettes in diverse bacteria

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    Background: Low-copy-number vectors of potential wide application in biotechnology need to encode stabilization modules ensuring their stable inheritance. The efficiency of stabilization may vary depending on the plasmid host so a thorough analysis of stabilization functions is required before use. Results: To facilitate such analysis highly unstable, mobilizable, broad-host-range (BHR) vectors based on RK2 replicon were constructed. The vectors are suitable for testing of various stabilization functions, including plasmid and chromosomal partitioning cassettes encoding ParB homologues capable of spreading on DNA. The xylE or lacZ reporter systems facilitate easy monitoring of plasmid segregation. Conclusion: The range of BHR vectors with different reporter cassettes and alternative mobilization systems expands their application in diverse bacterial species

    Deciphering the Regulatory Circuits of RA3 Replication Module - Mechanisms of the Copy Number Control

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    The RA3 plasmid, the archetype of IncU incompatibility group, represents a mosaic- modular genome of 45.9 kb. The replication module encompasses repA and repB (initiator) surrounded by two long repetitive sequences DR1 and DR2 of unknown function. Here, we mapped the origin of replication oriV to the 3′ end of repB and showed that oriV was activated by the transcription coming from orf02revp in the adjacent stability module. Using various in vivo and in vitro methods we demonstrated that the repB expression proceeded either from repBp located in the intergenic repA- repB region or from the upstream strong repAp that was autoregulated by RepA. Additionally, the repBp activity was modulated by the transcription from the overlapping, divergently oriented repXp. Both repXmRNA (antisense for repAmRNA) and its small polypeptide product, RepX, were strong incompatibility determinants. Hence, we showed that the sophisticated RA3 copy number control combined the multivalent regulation of repB expression, RepB titration by DR1, and transcriptional activation of oriV, dependent on the RA3 global regulatory network. Similarly organized replicons have been found in diverse bacterial species confirming the significance of these mechanisms in establishing the IncU plasmids in a broad spectrum of host

    Low-carbon after-life : Sustainable use of flooded coal mine voids as a thermal energy source : a baseline activity for minimising post-closure environmental risks (LoCAL) : final report

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    The LoCAL project aimed at facilitating wider use of thermal energy from mine water for both heating and cooling purposes. In order to achieve that, LoCAL project have developed new technical tools and have tested them on pilot implementations in 3 countries. In particular, the project have provided bespoke tools for investigating flow and heat transfer in flooded mine workings. New tools for quantifying and modelling heat transfer in networks of flooded mine workings have been also developed . Another aspect of LoCAL project was to overcome the hydrochemical barriers to effective heat transfer from raw and treated mine waters. Ochre clogging is a well-known phenomenon which affects a lot of mine water heating and cooling systems. LoCAL project not only covered technical and engineering issues, but also provided economic and management models for efficient energy extraction and distribution. Technical, legal, managerial and cost-benefit analyses of various types of decentralised and centralised heat pump systems have been carried out. Project activities were simultaneously undertaken in mining areas of UK, Spain and Poland by research organizations in partnership with industrial enterprises. University of Glasgow in partnership with Alkane Energy Ltd. have implemented pilot applications in UK: Caphouse Colliery, Overton, near Wakefield, Yorkshire and Markham Colliery, Bolsover, Derbyshire. In Spain University of Oviedo and industrial partner HUNOSA have performed pilot implementation at Barredo shaft in Mieres, Asturias, while in Poland Central Mining Institute in partnership with Armada Development have performed pilot application in former Szombierki mine at Bytom, Upper Silesian Coal Basin

    Safety assessment of new potential UV filters from xanthone-derivatives on in vitro cell models

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    Filtry UV stanowią jedne z istotniejszych składników kosmetycznych. Ich powszechne stosowanie związane jest z rosnącym ryzykiem uszkodzeń i chorób skóry wywołanych przez promieniowanie słoneczne. Niestety część z obecnie wykorzystywanych filtrów może mieć niekorzystny wpływ zarówno na organizm ludzki jak i na środowisko naturalne. Dlatego też należy poszukiwać nowych substancji promieniochronnych o jak najmniejszej szkodliwości. Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie działania neurotoksycznego i hepatotoksycznego in vitro dwóch nowo zsyntezowanych związków z grupy pochodnych ksantonu: (Z)-3-(3,4-dimetoksyfenylo)-2-(9-okso-9H-ksanten-4-yl) akrylonitryl (JH4) i (Z)-3-(2,4-dimetoksyfenylo)-2-(9-okso-9H-ksanten-4-yl) akrylonitryl (JH5). Oceny bezpieczeństwa dokonano w modelu dwóch linii komórkowych: ludzkiego raka wątroby (HepG2) i ludzkiej neuroblastomy (SHSY-5Y), za pomocą testu MTT. Grupę kontrolną w badaniach stanowiły dwa powszechnie stosowane filtry chemiczne: oktokrylen i oktinoksat. Wyniki badań wykazały, że cytotoksyczność związków JH4 i JH5 wobec komórek ludzkiej neuroblastomy była zauważalnie niższa niż pod wpływem działania aktualnie używanych w przemyśle kosmetycznym filtrów UV. Natomiast badania przeprowadzone na komórkach ludzkiego raka wątroby wykazały zbliżoną heaptotoksyczność związków JH4 i JH5 względem oktinoksatu i nieco niższą względem oktokrylenu. Zgromadzone dane pozwalają przypuszczać, że obydwa badane związki, JH4 i JH5 mogą stanowić dobrą alternatywę dla obecnie używanych filtrów UV. Otrzymane wyniki powinny stanowić jednak punkt wyjściowy do dalszej kontynuacji badań nad bezpieczeństwem stosowania nowych pochodnych ksantonu.UV filters are one of the most important ingredients of cosmetics. Their growing popularity is connected to increasing risk of skin diseases caused by sunlight. Unfortunately some of the commonly used UV filters might have adverse impact on health and environment. Therefore it is so important to continue research in this field to find non-toxic compounds with good sunscreaning properties. The aim of this work was in vitro neurotoxicity and hepatotoxicity assessment of two xanthone-derivatives: (Z)-3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-(9-oxo-9H-xanthen-4-yl) acrylonitrile (JH4) and (Z)-3-(2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-(9-oxo-9H-xanthen-4-yl) acrylonitrile (JH5). Cytotoxicity assessment was performed on two cell lines: human hepatocarcinoma (HepG2) and human neuroblastoma (SHSY-5Y) via MTT assay. The control group consisted of two frequently used sunscreening compounds: octocrylene and octinoxate. Results of this research showed that neurotoxicity of JH4 and JH5 was significantly lower comparing to commonly used UV filters. However tests conducted on human hepatocarcinoma cells showed that JH4 and JH5 have comparable cytotoxicity to octinoxate and slightly lower than octocrylene. Basing on results of conducted research and information gathered from scientific literature indicate that both JH4 and JH5 compounds may be a good alternative for commonly used compounds. Results of this research should be treated as a starting point. Further research is needed to fully assess the impact of xanthone-derivatives on health and environment

    Microglia and Stem Cells for Ischemic Stroke Treatment—Mechanisms, Current Status, and Therapeutic Challenges

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    Ischemic stroke is one of the major causes of death and disability. Since the currently used treatment option of reperfusion therapy has several limitations, ongoing research is focusing on the neuroprotective effects of microglia and stem cells. By exerting the bystander effect, secreting exosomes and forming biobridges, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), neural stem cells (NSCs), induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), and multilineage-differentiating stress-enduring cells (Muse cells) have been shown to stimulate neurogenesis, angiogenesis, cell migration, and reduce neuroinflammation. Exosome-based therapy is now being extensively researched due to its many advantageous properties over cell therapy, such as lower immunogenicity, no risk of blood vessel occlusion, and ease of storage and modification. However, although preclinical studies have shown promising therapeutic outcomes, clinical trials have been associated with several translational challenges. This review explores the therapeutic effects of preconditioned microglia as well as various factors secreted in stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles with their mechanisms of action explained. Furthermore, an overview of preclinical and clinical studies is presented, explaining the main challenges of microglia and stem cell therapies, and providing potential solutions. In particular, a highlight is the use of novel stem cell therapy of Muse cells, which bypasses many of the conventional stem cell limitations. The paper concludes with suggestions for directions in future neuroprotective research

    When to Cast a Love Spell: Unsecure Attachment and Relational Distress as an Interactive Determinants of a Tendency to Magical Thinking

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    Threat of important resources of any individual may be accompanied by thinking based on the laws of magic (Keinan, 1994; Rozin, Millman and Nemeroff, 1986). The aim of three studies was to examine how different sorts of distress occurring in a romantic context such as insecure attachment style and situationally manipulated bonds deprivation versus connection are associated with a tendency to magical thinking (MT) about the loved one. As expected, attachment anxiety was a positive predictor of MT especially among people who were not in a romantic relationship or those experiencing deprivation of romantic bonds. Individuals with high attachment anxiety were characterized by greater levels of magical thinking at the beginning of the relationship than in the later stages. Avoidant attachment allowed the negative prediction of magical thinking but only among those who presently were in romantic relationships or those experiencing increased situational closeness to the partner. The regulatory function of MT is being discussed

    When to Cast a Love Spell: Unsecure Attachment and Relational Distress as an Interactive Determinants of a Tendency to Magical Thinking

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    Threat of important resources of any individual may be accompanied by thinking based on the laws of magic (Keinan, 1994; Rozin, Millman and Nemeroff, 1986). The aim of three studies was to examine how different sorts of distress occurring in a romantic context such as insecure attachment style and situationally manipulated bonds deprivation versus connection are associated with a tendency to magical thinking (MT) about the loved one. As expected, attachment anxiety was a positive predictor of MT especially among people who were not in a romantic relationship or those experiencing deprivation of romantic bonds. Individuals with high attachment anxiety were characterized by greater levels of magical thinking at the beginning of the relationship than in the later stages. Avoidant attachment allowed the negative prediction of magical thinking but only among those who presently were in romantic relationships or those experiencing increased situational closeness to the partner. The regulatory function of MT is being discussed

    Teaching Social Studies Online. Insights from a Preliminary Quantitative Study in Poland in the COVID-19 Era

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    The COVID-19 situation has made higher education institutions face the unprecedented challenge of transition into distance learning. As a result, students had to acquire some skills and knowledge remotely, including the experience of learning social research. The article presents the results of research on students’ attitudes and perceptions regarding online teaching, learning, their digital skills, and the presence of subjects connected with social research in their diverse study programmes. The study was conducted to investigate how social research is taught at the university level. Using an online survey distributed in May and June 2021, data were collected from 103 students enrolled in bachelor (BA) and master (MA) studies at Polish higher education institutions. Findings from the study show a broad spectrum of students’ diverse experiences connected with their participation in online education

    Contact with the Other in the “different” time of the pandemic. Reflections on the inclusive school culture

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    The concept of an inclusive school culture indicates the need for a multifaceted opening to different Others and their diverse educational needs. In this context, strategies oriented towards virtual contact and online relations with Others in a “different” world from the one were familiar with become particularly important. This article addresses the issue of (e)inclusive school culture in times of the COVID-19 disruptions. It presents selected illustrations of empirical research showing that despite the fact that the implementation of the idea of inclusion in the school learning environment is not easy during the pandemic, it is still possible, to provide various opportunities for students to build relations with Others in the spirit of the integration education and justice for all.Koncepcja inkluzyjnej kultury szkoły wskazuje na potrzebę wieloaspektowego otwarcia się na różnorodnych Innych i ich zróżnicowane potrzeby edukacyjne. Szczególnego znaczenia nabierają w niej strategie nakierowane na wirtualny kontakt i relacje online z Innymi w „innym” niż dotychczasowy, znany nam świat. W artykule poruszono zagadnienie (e-)inkluzyjnej kultury szkoły w czasie pandemicznych zakłóceń COVID-19. Przedstawiono wybrane egzemplifikacje badań empirycznych, które pokazują, że choć czas pandemii jest niełatwy dla implementacji idei inkluzji w szkolnym środowisku uczenia się, to jednak, nawet w tak trudnych warunkach, możliwe jest tworzenie uczniom różnorodnych okazji do budowania relacji z Innymi w duchu idei edukacji integracyjnej i sprawiedliwej dla wszystkich