165 research outputs found

    Polymetallic mineralization in Ediacaran sedimentsin the Żarki-Kotowice area, Poland

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    In one small mineral vein in core from borehole 144-Ż in the Żarki-Kotowice area, almost all of the ore minerals known from related deposits in the vicinity occur. Some of the minerals in the vein described in this paper, namely, nickeline, hessite, native silver and minerals of the cobaltite-gersdorffite group, have not previously been reported from elsewhere in the Kraków-Lubliniec tectonic zone. The identified minerals are chalcopyrite, pyrite, marcasite, sphalerite, Co-rich pyrite, tennantite, tetrahedrite, bornite, galena, magnetite, hematite, cassiterite, pyrrhotite, wolframite (ferberite), scheelite, molybdenite, nickeline, minerals of the cobaltitegersdorffite group, carrollite, hessite and native silver. Moreover, native bismuth, bismuthinite, a Cu- and Ag-rich sulfosalt of Bi (cuprobismutite) and Ni-rich pyrite also occur in the vein. We suggest that, the ore mineralization from the borehole probably reflects post-magmatic hydrothermal activity related to an unseen granitic intrusion located under the Mesozoic sediments in the Żarki-Pilica area

    Narrative comprehension in Kindergarten: an analysis of talk about narratives by children differing in early literacy development

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    Literacy skills include expressive language, oral and written, and receptive language, comprehension. This study explores both aspects of language in six Kindergarten children differing in early literacy development-three judged by teacher assessment to be 'at risk', and three acquiring Kindergarten literacy skills as expected. Oral retellings of a familiar narrative and an unfamiliar story just heard, and a personal recount were taped and analysed using Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar. Comprehension responses to individually shared narratives were also collected and analysed. The children's use of language and comprehension responses varied significantly. Those 'at risk' were unable to retell narratives, needed high levels of support to comprehend texts and produced less cohesive personal recounts. The linguistic analysis revealed vocabulary and rhetorical organisation affected the reconstruction of oral narratives. These children also seemed to find comprehending difficult when questions or recall involved following reference, negotiating marked Theme or drawing inferences. The study was designed as a series of one to one literacy experiences. A listening comprehension test showed that all children except one benefitted from the experience. The findings underline the importance of oral language development and the value of interactive teaching experiences to the attainment of sophisticated literacy skills

    Carboniferous–Permian magmatism and Mo–Cu (W) mineralization in the contact zone between the Małopolska and Upper Silesia Blocks (south Poland): an echo of the Baltica–Gondwana collision

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    The Kraków–Lubliniec tectonic zone (KLFZ) in southern Poland, which divides the Małopolska Block (MB) from the Upper Silesia Block (USB), is a portion of the SW margin of the Trans-European Suture Zone. Zircon U–Pb dating of a variety of igneous rocks (granodiorites, dacites, lamprophyre and diabase) from the subsurface Kraków–Lubliniec igneous belt along the KLFZ shows that magmatism spanned within a narrow time period (ca. 10 Ma) between 303.8 ± 2.2 and 292.7 ± 4.9 Ma. The earlier magmatism (303.8 ± 2.2–294.7 ± 2.3 Ma) was felsic calc-alkaline, and the contemporaneous or/and slightly later alkaline volcanism (294.4 ± 4.9–292.7 ± 4.9 Ma) was of mafic–intermediate composition. The felsic rocks (granitoids and dacitoids) are weakly peraluminous, medium to high K, moderate Mg# (0.39–0.46), weakly evolved and I-type rocks. Due to the intensive development of hydrothermal alteration, these rocks are commonly strongly altered and locally mineralized by porphyry and other types of Mo–Cu (W) ores that are closely related to the felsic magmatism in space and time. The zircon U–Pb dating yielded ages which are similar to the previously measured Re–Os ages of molybdenites from the KLFZ. Felsic magmatism at the Myszków Mo–Cu–W deposit yielded ages in the range 301.0 ± 2.1–295.9 ± 2.9 Ma. The youngest rocks dated are from the Mysłów area in the USB—volcanic alkaline rocks (lamprophyre and diabase) of shoshonitic character, with low Mg# (0.49 and 0.69, respectively) and Ni contents (< 62 ppm), indicative of a relatively juvenile magma composition. Inherited zircon cores, remnant detrital zircon from a sediment component in the source rocks, were dated to be ranging from ca. 2775 to 575 Ma. Inheritance of ca. 600 Ma (Cadomian basement) and ca. 1.40 Ga (Mesoproterozoic) is common in the rocks from both blocks, but those from the MB contain additional inheritance with dates of 2.78–2.67 and 2.05–1.92 Ga, both ages characteristic of zircon from the Svecofennian of northern Europe (Baltica). The inherited zircon from the youngest alkaline rocks provided evidence for Mesoproterozoic (ca. 1.55–1.44 and 1.09 Ga) and Palaeoproterozoic (1.96 Ga) thermal events in the USB, and its possible affinity to Avalonian cratonic crust as a source for its igneous protolith. U–Pb isotopic studies of zircons from KL igneous belt indicate its inherited signatures from the crustal sources and magma emplacements during the KLFZ wrenching which allowed channels and room for magma emplacement along the MB and USB in upper Carboniferous–lower Permian on SW margin of the East-European Craton. Mo–Cu (W) ore mineralization, associated with the ~ 300 Ma felsic magmatism, represents rather the product of decompression melting induced in the areas of decreased pressure, undergone in the regional wrench fault zones than the classic Mo–Cu porphyry-style mineralization.The analytical work was supported by the National Committee for Scientifc Research, Grant no. N N525 393739 for S. Mikulski

    Retrospektive Analyse von Computertomographiebefunden bei Patienten mit geplantem, kathetergestütztem, perkutanem Aortenklappenersatz

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    Hintergrund: Präoperative Computertomographie (CT)-Aufnahmen für eine Transkatheter-Aortenklappenimplantation (TAVI) werden routinemäßig durchgeführt. Bei älteren Hochrisikopatienten wird häufig über zufällige Röntgenbefunde berichtet. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, den Einfluss von thorakalen Zufallsbefunden auf das Überleben sowie auf den Behandlungsverlauf der Patienten zu untersuchen.. Methoden: Zwischen März 2011 und April 2016 wurden alle radiologischen Berichte von kontrastmittelverstärkten CT-Aufnahmen von 976 Patienten, die für eine TAVI-Studie vorgesehen waren, retrospektiv auf zufällige Thoraxbefunde einschließlich solitärer pulmonaler Rundherde und einer thorakalen Lymphadenopathie analysiert. Der Nachbeobachtungszeitraum betrug mindestens 1 Jahr nach TAVI. Ergebnisse: Das mediane Alter aller Patienten betrug 79 Jahre; 51,9% (n = 507) waren Frauen. Ungefähr 37% (n = 361) der Patienten zeigten einen der definierten, pathologischen Befunde. Ein pulmonaler Rundherd ≥5 mm wurde bei 16,4% (n = 160) der Patienten diagnostiziert. Vier von ihnen erkrankten an Lungenkrebs, und 2 Herde wurden bei der Nachbeobachtung als Metastasen identifiziert. Darüber hinaus hatten 12% (n = 117) der Patienten eine thorakale Lymphadenopathie. Während die pulmonalen Rundherde keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf das Gesamtüberleben hatte, erwies sich der Nachweis einer Lymphadenopathie als statistisch signifikanter Faktor bezüglich der 4-Jahres-Überlebensrate (P = 0,001; Hazard Ratio 1,66; 95% Konfidenzintervall 1,19-2,31). Schlussfolgerung: Pulmonale Rundherde ≥5 mm wurden bei 16,4% der für TAVI vorgesehenen Patienten festgestellt. Dennoch war die Inzidenz von Lungenkrebs gering und der Effekt auf das Überleben in dieser Hochrisikogruppe von Patienten statistisch nicht signifikant. Im Gegensatz dazu hatte die thorakale Lymphadenopathie einen signifikanten negativen Effekt auf das Überleben. Es muss nachgewiesen werden, ob das Ergebnis dieser Kohorte durch weitere Diagnostik und Therapie verbessert werden kann

    Skuteczność działań ukierunkowanych na pracowników w ramach społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu.

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    Red. nauk. Wydziału Zarządzania i Inżynierii Produkcji: Lewandowski, Jerzy.W obecnej sytuacji na rynku, charakteryzującej się dynamicznymi zmianami, wysoką konkurencyjnością i wzrostem oczekiwań interesariuszy, tworzą się wielkie wyzwania, którym muszą sprostać zarządy współczesnych organizacji. Tym samym wymagana jest zmiana podejścia do sposobu prowadzenia działalności. Współczesne organizacje nastawiające się jedynie na wysoką jakość, sprostanie oczekiwaniom klientów oraz bycie liderem w danej branży nie zapewnią przetrwania przedsiębiorstwu. W dzisiejszych czasach ważne jest to, jak firma produkuje, w jaki sposób współpracuje ze swoimi interesariuszami oraz czy zwraca uwagę na potrzeby pracowników i społeczności, w obrębie której działa organizacja. Celem referatu jest ocena skuteczności działań Społecznej Odpowiedzialności Bimesu (CSR) ukierunkowanych na pracowników. Miarą skuteczności jest osiąganie założonych celów. Poniżej została przedstawiona analiza literatury przedmiotu oraz analiza materiałów wtórnych, czyli dobrych praktyk wybranych firm farmaceutycznych w odniesieniu do celów,jakie założyła dana organizacja

    The St. Anne’s Mountain Geopark : "The King Wanderer" is back on his throne!

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    Due to numerous geological phenomena on a virtually small territory, the St. Anne's Mountain and its areas has an excellent chance to become one of the most significant geotouristic regions in Poland. The designed geopark, apart from its main goal which is to promote the earth education, will also affect the tourism and economy growth within the region. The area will enable us to look into the future of our planet through the prism of processes, which created its environment in the past. Discovering the earth mysteries, acquainting oneself with the contents of drafted plates, and close contact to geology will encourage people, especially the younger generation, to explore the adjacent surroundings and the whole world. The St. Anne's Mountain was given national status by the Ministry of the Environment on the basis of the review, made by the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute Upper Silesian Branch in Sosnowiec, entitled: The St. Anne's Mountain Geopark - the documentation and suggestions on its protection. Research along with observation results on the field and laboratory works between 2008 and 2010 were included in the above mentioned review

    Video-assisted pulmonary metastectomy is equivalent to thoracotomy regarding resection status and survival

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    Background Surgical resection of pulmonary metastases leads to prolonged survival if strictly indicated. Usually, thoracotomy with manual palpation of the entire lung with lymph node dissection or sampling is performed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) in pulmonary metastectomy with curative intent. Methods In this study, all patients with suspected pulmonary metastasis (n = 483) who visited the Center for Thoracic Surgery in Regensburg, between January 2009 and December 2017 were analysed retrospectively. Results A total of 251 patients underwent metastectomy with curative intent. VATS was performed in 63 (25.1%) patients, 54 (85.7%) of whom had a solitary metastasis. Wedge resection was the most performed procedure in patients treated with VATS (82.5%, n = 52) and thoracotomy (72.3%, n = 136). Postoperative revisions were necessary in nine patients (4.8%), and one patient died of pulmonary embolism after thoracotomy (0.5%). Patients were discharged significantly faster after VATS than after thoracotomy (p < 0.001). Complete (R0) resection was achieved in 89% of patients. The median recurrence-free survival was 11 months (95% confidence interval 7.9–14.1). During follow-up, eight (12.7%) patients in the VATS group and 42 (22.3%) patients in the thoracotomy group experienced recurrence (p = 0.98). The median overall survival was 61 months (95% confidence interval 46.1–75.9), and there was no significant difference with regard to the surgical method used (p = 0.34). Conclusions VATS metastasectomy can be considered in patients with a solitary lung metastasis. An open surgical approach with palpation of the lung showed no advantage in terms of surgical outcome or survival

    Adequate nephroprotection reduces renal complications after hyperthermic intrathoracic chemotherapy

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    Background and Objectives Hyperthermic intrathoracic chemotherapy (HITOC) is used for the treatment of malignant pleural tumors. Although HITOC proved to be safe, postoperative renal failure due to nephrotoxicity of intrapleural cisplatin remains a concern. Methods This single-center study was performed retrospectively in patients who underwent pleural tumor resection and HITOC between September 2008 and December 2018. Results A total of 84 patients (female n = 33; 39.3%) with malignant pleural tumors underwent surgical cytoreduction with subsequent HITOC (60 minutes; 42 degrees C). During the study period, we gradually increased the dosage of cisplatin (100-150 mg/m(2) BSA n = 36; 175 mg/m(2) BSA n = 2) and finally added doxorubicin (cisplatin 175 mg/m(2) BSA/doxorubicin 65 mg; n = 46). All patients had perioperative fluid balancing. The last 54 (64.3%) patients also received perioperative cytoprotection. Overall 29 patients (34.5%) experienced renal insufficiency. Despite higher cisplatin concentrations, patients with cytoprotection showed significantly lower postoperative serum creatinine levels after 1 week (P = .006) and at discharge (P = .020). Also, they showed less intermediate and severe renal insufficiencies (5.6% vs 13.3%). Conclusions Adequate perioperative fluid management and cytoprotection seem to be effective in protecting renal function. This allows the administration of higher intracavitary cisplatin doses without raising the rate of renal insufficiencies

    Evaluation of Surgical Therapy in Advanced Thymic Tumors

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    A complete resection of thymic tumors is known to be the most important prognostic factor, but it is often difficult to perform, especially in advanced stages. In this study, 73 patients with advanced thymic tumors of UICC stages III and IV who underwent radical resection were examined retrospectively. The primary endpoint was defined as the postoperative resection status. Secondary endpoints included postoperative morbidity, mortality, recurrence/progression-free, and overall survival. In total, 31.5% of patients were assigned to stage IIIa, 9.6% to stage IIIb, 47.9% to stage IVa, and 11% to stage IVb. In stages III a R0 resection was achieved in 53.3% of patients. In stages IV a R0/R1 resection was documented in 76.7% of patients. Surgical revision was necessary in 17.8% of patients. In-hospital mortality was 2.7%. Median recurrence/progression-free interval was 43 months (p = 0.19) with an overall survival of 79 months. The 5-year survival rate was 61.3%, respectively. Median survival after R2 resection was 25 months, significantly shorter than after R0 or R1 resection (115 months; p = 0.004). Advanced thymic tumors can be resected with an acceptable risk of complications and low mortality. In stage III as well as in stage IV the promising survival rates are dependent on the resection-status

    Hyperthermic Intrathoracic Chemotherapy (HITOC) after Cytoreductive Surgery for Pleural Malignancies—A Retrospective, Multicentre Study

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    In the context of quality assurance, the objectives were to describe the surgical treatment and postoperative morbidity (particularly renal insufficiency). A retrospective, multicentre study of patients who underwent cytoreductive surgery (CRS) with cisplatin-based HITOC was performed. The study was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation (GZ: RI 2905/3-1)). Patients (n = 350) with malignant pleural mesothelioma (n = 261; 75%) and thymic tumours with pleural spread (n = 58; 17%) or pleural metastases (n = 31; 9%) were analyzed. CRS was accomplished by pleurectomy/decortication (P/D: n = 77; 22%), extended P/D (eP/D: n = 263; 75%) or extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP: n = 10; 3%). Patients received cisplatin alone (n = 212; 61%) or cisplatin plus doxorubicin (n = 138; 39%). Low-dose cisplatin (≤125 mg/m2 BSA) was given in 67% of patients (n = 234), and high-dose cisplatin (>125 mg/m2 BSA) was given in 33% of patients (n = 116). Postoperative renal insufficiency appeared in 12% of the patients (n = 41), and 1.4% (n = 5) required temporary dialysis. Surgical revision was necessary in 51 patients (15%). In-hospital mortality was 3.7% (n = 13). Patients receiving high-dose cisplatin were 2.7 times more likely to suffer from renal insufficiency than patients receiving low-dose cisplatin (p = 0.006). The risk for postoperative renal failure is dependent on the intrathoracic cisplatin dosage but was within an acceptable range