46 research outputs found

    Techno-economic, Social and Environmental Assessment of Biomass Based District Heating in a Bioenergy Village

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    Bioenergy villages can be defined as villages, municipalities, settlements or communities, which produce and use most of their energy from local bioenergy and other renewable energy sources. A bioenergy village approach has not been applied in Macedonia yet, and it is at a nascent stage of implementation in other South-Eastern European countries. This work aims to integrate a techno-economic, social and environmental assessment and an implementation strategy into a bioenergy village concept, which is not often seen in works dedicated to bioenergy villages and biomass based heating systems. The assessment was conducted by means of energy audit and project-related tools, whilst the strategy was composed by bioenergy working group meetings. Results show that a biomass based district heating system is a more attractive solution for heating several public buildings instead of a fossil fuelled system, with numerous associated benefits. Such concepts can be replicated with variety of renewables, thus contributing to sustainable development pathways of small communities

    An Integrated Approach for Analysis of Higher Penetration of Variable Renewable Energy: Coupling of the Long-Term Energy Planning Tools and Power Transmission Network Models

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    Many studies and scientific papers have been published that consider the integration of renewable sources in energy systems, using the least-cost optimization models as a long-term generation expansion planning tool. Supplementary to these analyses, this paper focuses on the transmission network capacity for acceptance of variable renewable energy. The hypothesis is that the simplified electric power transmissions system in the long-term planning modelling tools does not reflect properly the capacity for integration of the variable renewable energy. An integrated approach is applied with aim to incorporate the grid expansion needs and costs (using direct current load flow analysis), necessary for increased renewable electricity penetration. The already developed MARKAL-Macedonia model will be used as a case study. After several iterations and feedback loops between the MARKAL-Macedonia and the network model, the expected outcome is to achieve a new cost-effective solution for deployment of variable energy on a larger scale

    Editorial: SDEWES science - The path to a sustainable carbon neutral world

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    In 2021, the 16th SDEWES (Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems) Conference was held in Dubrovnik (Croatia), October 10th – 15th and delivered more than 690 contributions, presented in regular and 13 special sessions, with 7 invited lectures devoted to various sustainability topics. The Energy journal has continued its cooperation with SDEWES launching a special issue dedicated to this SDEWES Conference. The 29 selected papers cover a wide variety of issues in the fields of energy, water and environment, and all of them propose novel approaches or remarkable advances in well established research lines already explored in past SDEWES Conferences

    An Atypical Presentation of Lateral Periodontal Cyst Associated with an Impacted Mandibular Third Molar

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    A lateral periodontal cyst (LPC) is a relatively rare benign intra-osseous epithelial developmental odontogenic cyst that accounts for 0.7% to 1.5% of all jaw cysts. LPCs are usually asymptomatic and are discovered incidentally during routine radiological examination. In some cases, a LPC can also be detected by swelling on the vestibular side of the alveolar process. The typical radiological presentation of LPC is a well-defined, round, ovoid teardrop shape or an radiolucency of an inverted pear less than one centimeter in diameter and surrounded by a sclerotic ring. The aim of this paper is to present a case of LPC associated with an impacted tooth and to emphasize the differential diagnosis as well as to provide new insights regarding etiopathogenesis. Case report: A 40-year-old man checks himself in to the Oral Surgery Clinic with pain in the lower jaw on the left side in the region of the third molar, with the presence of a lateral periodontal cyst. Surgical intervention was performed with the extraction of tooth 38 and enucleation of the lateral periodontal cyst. . The material was sent for histopathological examination. The pathohistological and immunohistochemical analysis confirmed the diagnosis of a radicular-lateral periodontal cyst in the mandible with the presence of a multi-layered squamous epithelium under which there is an inflammatory infiltrate with granulation tissue and precipitated cholesterol crystals in the wall. With the use of pathohistological and immunohistochemical analyses, the presence of the cellular and humoral immune responses and their role in the etiopathogenesis and development of the lateral periodontal cyst were proven. Key words: lateral periodontal cyst, pathohistological, immunohistochemical analysis, surgical intervention, immune respons

    Final report on Assessment of the candidate Projects of Energy Community Interest (PECI) and Projects for Mutual Interest (PMI)

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    A REKK és a DNV GL konzorciuma a 2013-as első PECI lista kiválasztásában nyújtott tanácsadó munkája után 2016-ban is támogatást nyújtott a második PECI lista kiválasztáshoz. A konzorcium kialakított egy projekt értékelési módszertant, majd az elfogadott módszertan alapján értékelte a benyújtott infrastruktúra projekteket. Az értékelés egy előzetes vizsgálatból és egy modellezési és indikátor számítási szakaszból állt. Az előzetes értékelés során megvizsgáltuk, hogy a benyújtott projektek megfelelnek-e a 347/2013 EU rendelet Energy Community által adoptált változatában szereplő általános és specifikus kritériumoknak, illetve a benyújtott projektadatokat verifikáltuk. Az előzetes kritériumoknak megfelelt 31 projektet (12 villamos energia hálózati és 17 gázhálózati és 1 olaj infrastruktúra) értékeltük. A villamosenergia és gázhálózati infrastruktúra projektek esetében a módszertan két lépésen alapult. Első lépésben a modellezésen alapuló költség haszon vizsgálatát végeztük el a projekteknek és kiszámítottuk a társadalmi nettó jelenértékét. Ez az indikátor szerepelt az elemzésben a legnagyobb súllyal (60%). Második lépésben a nem monetizálható hasznok esetében további indikátorok (a rendszerbiztonság, a projektek előrehaladottsága, a piaci versenyhez elősegítése, stb.) kerültek kialakításra, az indikátorok 1-5 skálán pontokat kaptak és a súlyokkal beszorozva megkaptuk minden egyes projekt összpontszámát. Az ily módon sorrendbe állítható projektlista és a részletes érzékenységvizsgálatok eredménye alapján hozta meg a tagállamok képviselőiből álló csoport a döntését az előzetes PECI/PMI listáról