128 research outputs found


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    In process-driven organizations, process models are the basis on which their supporting processaware information systems are built. Process modeling today is a highly complex, time consuming and error-prone task. In this paper, we define the abstraction levels of process modeling and extract the business knowledge required for modeling a process. Further, we present a processoriented enterprise ontology framework for capturing all relevant aspects of process models. Finally, we provide a set of application scenarios to illustrate the usage of the ontology framework. In this way, we reduce the complexity of process modeling, enable improved enterprise transparency and help ensuring the quality of designed process models

    Application of Statistical Indicators for Digital Image Analysis and Segmentation in Sorting of Agriculture Products

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    Food processing industry is moving forward to a full automation of all processes, especially in technological line segments which represent critical control points of food safety. One of these points is color sorting by using machine vision, where inappropriate products are removed. Most important product appearance attributes are color and texture. During food processing, the product is captured by optical devices, mostly color cameras and lasers. The aim of this paper is to investigate new eligibility criteria for digital image segmentation by using only image from the camera. The goal is to describe the texture of the product, based on chosen mathematical measures, and to allow for recognition and then classification according to the predefined range of values in an appropriate class. Images of frozen raspberry were used. Image analysis of color parameters in RGB color space and statistical tests to examine normality of data were carried out. Thereafter, one-way Anova and correlation analysis was performed. Statistically significant difference was found for the values of two indicators: entropy and new criteria were derived from standard deviation, as well as mean values of pixels for every channel, and marked as L. After determining the range of these criteria, a new algorithm was developed for image segmentation written in Matlab. One of the results of applying this algorithm is that more than 80% of good products were recognized

    Razvoj aktivnih i pasivnih metoda za akviziciju značajnih vrednosti u niskonaponskim električnim mrežama

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    This paper presents the modern methods for determination of failure location in high voltage electrical networks with computer aided design technology. Also is performed comparison of passive and active methods for acquisition, transmission and processing of important data from electrical low voltage networks which can be used in agricultural engineering.U radu su prikazani savremeni pasivni i aktivni metodi za određivanje mesta kvara na električnim mrežama uz pomoć računarske tehnologije. Izvedena je i komparacija pasivnih i aktivnih metoda za akviziciju, prenos i obradu značajnih podataka iz niskonaponskih električnih mreža koje se koriste i u poljoprivrednoj tehnici

    Uređaji sa simetričnim komponentama za smanjenje nesimetrije faznih napona u niskonaponskim električnim mrežama

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    In this paper here are discussed possibilities for reduction of phase voltage asymmetrical by transversally connected shunt symmetric components with reactive elements, which influence the currents of zero order and improve the symmetry of phase voltages in low voltage electrical network’s.U radu su razmotrene mogućnosti smanjenja nesimetrije faznih napona pomoću poprečno uključenih šantiranih simetričnih komponenti sa reaktivnim elementima čime se ustvari deluje na struje nultog redosleda i poboljšava simetrija faznih napona u niskonaponskim električnim mrežama

    Model optimiacije ribočuvarske službe u cilju zaštite vodenih sistema

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    Važan segment svakog upravljačkog sistema su ljudski resursi i pronalaženje modaliteta da se isti koriste racionalno i ekonomično. Cilj rada je da se na konkretnom primeru određivanja parametara koji utiču na optimalan broj ribočuvara po prvi put prikaže mogućnost primene skalarnog metoda ocenjivanja (SMO) u praktičnom upravljanju ribolovnim vodama. Kombinovanjem metoda SMO sa metodom analitičko hijerarhijskog procesa, moguće je upravljačke odluke na objektivan način valorizovati i učiniti metodološki primenljivim prilikom određivanja optimalnog broja ribočuvarske službe. Objektivnost definisanja kriterijuma i izbor alternativa u odnosu na postavljeni cilj zavise od dostupnih inicijalnih informacija i iskustva donosioca odluka, ali je ovaj nedostatak moguće otkloniti donošenjem alternativnih rešenja zasnovanim na principima višekriterijumske analize i matematičkog modelovanja. U ovom radu SMO metod je prezentovan na primeru organizovanja ribočuvarske službe i daje mogućnost da se ciljni parametri odrede u kvalitativnom i kvantitativnom pogledu, kroz optimalizaciju broja potrebnih ribočuvara. Rezultati ovog rada ukazuju na potrebu inoviranja postojećih metoda pri donošenju upravljačkih odluka po pitanju organizovanja ribočuvarske službe. Iako na prvi pogled ovaj metod izgleda komplikovan, primenom odgovarajućeg softvera i korišćenjem tabelarnih kalkulatora, ovaj metod postaje izuzetno primenljiv i efikasan u donošenju pravilnih i realnih zaključaka

    Factorial and construct validity of sit-up test of different durations to assess muscular endurance of police students

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    Background: The number of completed sit-ups in a given period of time is a commonly used assessment to measure trunk endurance in tactical populations. This study investigated factorial and construct validity of three different durations of a sit-up test—30 s, 60 s, and 120 s; Methods: Anthropometric characteristics and sit-ups performed for 30, 60, and 120 s by101 (♂: n = 62 and ♀: n = 39) police students were assessed. A factorial analysis was used to determine if three test durations group together in one factor, correlation analysis determined whether the sit-up tests were associated with anthropometric measures and whether the three variations in the test duration correlated between each other, and the Fisher’s transformation determined whether these correlations differed significantly; Results: All three sit-up variations loaded together into one factor in both sexes, providing factorial validity for all three test durations. Anthropometrics were associated with sit-up tests lasting 30 s in males and 120 s in females. A sit-up test lasting 60 s correlated significantly stronger to 120 s than to the 30 s sit-up test; Conclusions: The 60 s sit-up test seems to have the highest construct validity, as it was not affected by anthropometrics, and it may be an optimal choice for its lower risk of lower back injuries. By applying the results of this study, agencies could reduce the bias that may occur during the sit-up test and reduce the risk of injury during physical fitness assessment

    Vibrations of composite steel-concrete floors induced by human activities

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    The latest demands in construction design towards slender structures with large spans, large open interiors, unconventional shapes and constructional solutions are leading to the extensive problems related to the serviceability limit state. Slender structures with large spans have lower natural frequencies and lower natural damping, considerably influencing the dynamic response of the structure. Annoying vibrations induced by human activities can significantly affect the structure's functionality, comfort of people and quality of life. Design recommendations for composite steel-concrete floor vibrations can be found in different standards. This paper presents a short overview of design procedures for vibrations of composite steel-concrete beams and design recommendations of floor vibrations induced by human activities, through two design criteria.Najnovije tendencije u građevinarstvu u pogledu projektovanja vitkih konstrukcija s velikim rasponima, velikim otvorenim unutrašnjim prostorima, nekonvencionalnim oblicima i konstrukcijskim rešenjima, često uzrokuju izražene probleme u pogledu graničnih stanja upotrebljivosti. Vitke konstrukcije velikih raspona - s niskim sopstvenim frekvencijama oscilovanja i sopstvenim koeficijentom prigušenja - značajno utiču na dinamički odgovor konstrukcije. Izražene vibracije međuspratnih konstrukcija, izazvane ljudskim aktivnostima, mogu veoma da utiču na funkcionalnost objekta, komfor ljudi i kvalitet života unutar objekta. Preporuke za projektovanje spregnutih konstrukcija, s ciljem zadovoljenja kriterijuma vibracija, mogu se naći u različitim standardima. U ovom radu dat je kratak prikaz proračuna spregnutih nosača na dejstvo vibracija, kao i preporuke za proračun vibracija izazvanih ljudskim aktivnostima, putem prikaza dva proračunska kriterijuma

    A giant exulcerated phyllodes breast tumor a case report

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    © 2020, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science. All rights reserved. Phyllodes tumors of the breast can be benign, malignant, or borderline. Benign and borderline tumors are rare tumor types that have a positive outlook and high survival rate, while the risk of recurrence is typical for malignant breast tumors. Giant phyllodes tumors are larger than 10 cm in diameter and demand a serious diagnostic and treatment approach. In this study we present a case of a female patient treated for an exulcerated breast carcinoma-a giant borderline phyllodes tumor of the breast. The patient presented to the department for the right breast lump with ulcerated skin and nipple abnormalities. The core biopsy was performed and the patient was diagnosed with a benign tumor. Simple mastectomy was performed and final histopathological report revealed a borderline phyllodes tumor. Diagnosis and treatment of a giant phyllodes tumor remain a great challenge for the surgeons. Establishing the preoperative diagnosis based on histopathological findings is imperative to disease management. Surgery is the mainstay of treatment and mastectomy has been the traditional procedure; in cases where suspicious findings in the axilla are revealed, radical mastectomy is performed and the axilla is to be dissected


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    Sempervivum tectorum has a similar effect as aloe vera, which is known in the treatment of various skin diseases. This herb is considered one of the safest remedies for a wide range of skin diseases. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, it also serves as an excellent first aid for burns, stings and bites, because it provides quick relief and calming. Freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of the houseplant is used in the treatment of nervous disorders, epilepsy and restless dreams. The leaves are edible and can be used as an addition to salads or stews. They are not particularly tasty, but as they are rich in water, they can be put in a juicer together with other fruits or vegetables and become a refreshing drink. It is used in folk herbal medicine and as a medicine. The aim of this study was to determine the moisture content, total extracted substances, extract density, vitamin C, organic acids and proteins in house extracts.Publishe

    Nasal morphological characteristics of the serbian population

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    The aim of this study was to determine the nasal parameters in the population of central Serbia and to compare them with those determined in earlier studies in different populations. The research was conducted on 496 randomly selected persons (262 males and 234 females), aged 18-65 years. The measured parameters were nasal height and nasal breadth and the standard spreading caliper with scale was used for measurements. There were significant differences in the nasal parameters between male and female subjects. The nasal breadth was 34.72 mm in females, and in the male population it was 36.7 mm. The mean values of nasal height were 52.6 mm and 54.32 mm in females and males, respectively. The nasal index in females and males was 66.01 and 67.56, respectively, and the mean value of the nasal index of all respondents was 66.78. After conducting the research it was concluded that the dominant nasal type in the population of the central part of Serbia is leptorrhine. The present study showed the existence of sexual dimorphism in nasal morphology. The data obtained in our study may be useful in anthropological and forensic research, as well as in cosmetic planning and reconstructive surgery