98 research outputs found

    Efekat teških metala (Cd, Fe, Ni, Zn) na klijanje semena robinia pseudoacacia l.

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    In our study we researched the inhibitory effect of different concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Fe, Ni, Zn) on germination and growth on Robinia pseudoacacia L. radicle. The results showed that the percentage of seed germination and growth of radicle is inversely correlated with the concentration of the investigated metals. The strongest inhibitory effect has cadmium and the weakest effect has nickle. Robinia pseudoakacia L. is tolerant, to some degree on the concentration of heavy metals of 1 mol /m3, 0.1 mol /m3 and 0.01 mol /m3.Matični supstrat je prirodni izvor teških metala u zemljištu. Ubrzanim tehnološkim razvojem antropogeni izvori teških metala su postali značajni zagađivači zemljišta. Robinia pseudoacacia L., invazivna vrsta flore Srbije, tolerantna je vrsta prema brojnim ekološkim faktorima što joj omogućava da sve više širi svoj areal. Prvi uslov prirodnog širenja populacija bagrema na različitim zemljištima je mogućnost klijanja semena. U radu smo ispitali sposobnost klijanja semena i rast korenka R. pseudoacacia L. u uslovima stresa izazvanim različitim koncentracijama teških metala Cd, Ni, Fe, Zn. Rezultati su pokazali da semena imaju izvesnu stopu tolerantnosti na ispitivane metale u koncentracijama 1mol/m3, 0,1mol/m3 i 0,01mol/m3 svih ispitivanih metala

    Wandering spleen-a possible cause of adrenal ”mass“-case report

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    Wandering spleen is a very rare clinical condition character-ized by spleen absence in the normal anatomical location in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen and its presence at another location in the abdomen or pelvis. The ectopic spleen is extremely rare in children, where its increased mobility is the result of a congenital disturbance of the fixation for the anterior wall due to the absence or weakness of the supporting ligaments. Wandering spleen is usually asymptomatic, but its torsion is possible, as well as infarction or rupture which demand an urgent diagnosis and surgical treatment. The diagnosis of wandering spleen can easily be overlooked due to low incidence and insufficient clinical experience, which multiplies patient's risk from life-threatening conditions. We present a case of wandering spleen in an 11-year-old girl with acute abdominal pain, which after ultrasound examination raised suspicion on the right adrenal gland tumor. Additional diagnostics verified an ectopic spleen in the right adrenal box, after which the recommended preventive splenopexy was seriously considered. Due to the fixation of the vital spleen in the new position, but also the negative attitude of the parents towards the surgical intervention, clinical monitoring was selected, with exclusion of intense physical activity that carries the risk of traumatization of the spleen. As the girl has been in good health for over 3 years and without symptoms, we consider that the selection of conservative access although difficult, was correct. We hope that our experience in treating wandering spleen in girls will increase the number of valid facts about this rare condition

    Intraductal papilloma of ectopic breast tissue in axillary lymph node of a patient with a previous intraductal papilloma of ipsilateral breast: a case report and review of the literature

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    The presence of ectopic breast tissue in axillary lymph nodes (ALN) is a benign condition that must be differentiated from primary or metastatic carcinoma. Here we report a patient who underwent excision of enlarged ALN 10 years after she had received surgical treatment of ipsilateral breast for an intracystic intraductal papilloma (IDP). Histological examination of the removed ALN revealed that the proliferative lesion consisted of papillary and tubular structures lined by luminal cuboidal cells and a distinct outer layer of myoepithelial cells resembling IDP of the breast. Immunostaining with a set of immunohistochemical markers including AE/AE3, alpha-smooth muscle actin and p63 in combination with estrogen and progesterone receptors confirmed the diagnosis of ectopic IDP

    Carvacrol Derivatives as Antifungal Agents: Synthesis, Antimicrobial Activity and in Silico Studies on Carvacryl Esters

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    Chemical modifications of natural monoterpenoids to various derivatives have been reported to result in enhancement of biological activities when compared to parent compounds. In this context a well-known biocide and food additive, carvacrol, served as a basic scaffold onto which a phenolic functionality transformation by introducing acyl groups was performed. By using this simple methodology, we obtained a small series of 25 esters. For each of the obtained compounds we have performed structural characterization, in vitro antimicrobial testing and in silico calculation of physico-chemical, pharmacokinetic and toxicological properties. Despite numerous data on the synthesis and bioactivity of carvacryl ester lower homologues, there are scarce data on esters with acid components higher than C9, so that among 25 compounds, 10 were reported for the first time (spectral characterization for 12 are herein the first reported). Our research is also the first comprehensive study of carvacryl esters antifungal and of medium/long chain fatty acid esters antibacterial activities. Interesting result is that all the synthesized esters, regardless the nature of the R residue, have shown activity on fungal strain Aspergilus niger and on yeast Candida albicans comparable to carvacrol. Besides presented experimental data, implementation of in silico calculation of physico-chemical, pharmacokinetic and toxicological properties on the prepared compounds, may be valuable information in further research

    Proračun intenziteta erozije zemljišta dela sliva Kamenice (Zapadna Srbija)

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    The aim is that based on the general conditions of the nameless brook catchment, natural and anthropogenic, calculate the intensity of soil erosion. The parameters, ie. factors for the calculation are: geological substrate, relief, soil, climate, vegetation, hydrography, man. The analysis defined the type of affiliation torrential watercourses. The nameless brook belongs to the type landslide (class E). It is established that the catchment landslide with mean annual erosion sediment (Wyr) 292.14 m3 year-1, a specific amount of the total annual erosion sediment (Gyr sp-1), which is to its mouth in Kamenica, on her right , 109,55 m3 km-2 yr-1.Cilj rada je da se na osnovu opštih uslova područja sliva bezimenog bujičnog potoka, prirodnih i antropogenog, izračuna intenzitet erozije zemljišta. Parametri, tj. činioci za proračun su: geološki supstrat, reljef, zemljište, klima, vegetacija, hidrografija, čovek. Analizom je definisana pripadnost tipu bijičnih tokova. Bezimeni bujični potok pripada tipu urvinskih tokova (klasa E). Proračunom je utvrđeno da je na slivu urvine srednja godišnja količina erozionog nanosa (Wgod) 292,14 m3 god-1, a specifična godišnja količina ukupnog erozionog nanosa (Ggod sp-1), koja dospeva do njegovog ušća u Kamenicu, sa njene desne strane, 109,55 m3 km-2 god-1

    The Effect of Gamma Radiation on the Ageing of Sulfur Cured Nr/Csm and Nbr/Csm Rubber Blends Reinforced By Carbon Black

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    In this work the effect of the gamma-radiation dose on ageing of carbon black reinforced elastomeric materials was studied. The compounds based on natural rubber/chlorosulfonated rubber blend (NR/CSM) and butadiene acrylonitrile rubber/chlorosulfonated rubber blend (NBR/CSM) (50 50 w/w) with different loadings (0, 20, 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100 phr) of the filler with the average particle size of 40 nm were cured by sulfur. The obtained elastomeric composites were subjected to radiation doses (100, 200, 300 and 400 kGy) in the presence of oxygen. The changes of material mechanical properties were estimated after radiation accelerated ageing. By using Fourier transform infrared measurements (ATR-FTIR) it was assessed that after exposure to doses of 100 kGy alcohols, ethers, lactones, anhydrides, esters and carboxylic acids are formed in materials. The formation of shorter polyene sequences and aromatic rings in aged samples are assumed on the basis of the obtained spectra

    Primena različitih tehnoloških procesa u doradi semena crvene deteline

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    This paper presents the results of the processing of natural red clover seed on the processing equipment using different technological methods. Red clover seed, for the establishment and crop utilization, must be of high purity, germination, and high genetic values. These requirements are achieved by processing, or removing impurities and poor quality seeds. Red clover seed processing involves a number of operations, of which the most important are: cleaning, packaging, labeling and storage. In the processing of seeds of this forage plant, the amounts of processed seed directly depends on the content of impurities that may be organic or inorganic, as well as the amount and type of present weed seed. The task is to clean the natural seeds of red clover and thus remove all traces of impurities and extract the basic seed of pure culture. The importance of processed seed is reflected in the fact that the seed must be timely prepared for the favorable condition for quality sowing, germination and emergence. The aim of the study was to determine relevant parameters of the processing equipment in the red clover seed processing. Parameters were: pure seed (%), weed seeds and seed of other crops (%), inert matter (%), the amount of processed seed (kg), seed processing time (h), losses of seeds (%), processing output (%) and the amount of materials consumed in the seed processing. Based on these results and their comparison, choice of appropriate technological processes for red clover seed can be made.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja pri doradi naturalnog semena crvene deteline na mašinama za doradu različitim tehnološkim postupcima. Seme za zasnivanje i korišćenje useva crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.) mora biti visoke čistoće, klijavosti, kao i visoke genetske vrednosti. Ovi zahtevi se ostvaruje doradom, odnosno odstranjivanjem nečistoća i semena lošijeg kvaliteta. Dorada semena crvene deteline obuhvata veći broj operacija od kojih su najznačajnije: čišćenje, pakovanje u ambalažu, deklarisanje i skladištenje. U procesu dorade semena ove krmne biljke količina dorađenog semena direktno zavisi od sadržaja primesa koje mogu biti organskog i neorganskog porekla, a takođe i od količine i vrste korova u semenu koje se dorađuje. Zadatak čišćenja je da se iz naturalnog semena crvene deteline sa primesama uklone sva zrna stranih primesa i razne nečistoće i izdvoji čisto zrno osnovne kulture. Značaj dorađenog semena se ogleda u tome da se seme blagovremeno pripremi u što povoljnije stanje za sejalicu i kvalitetnu setvu, klijanje i nicanje. Cilj ispitivanja bio je da se pri doradi semena crvene deteline odrede relevantni parametri na mašinama za doradu, a to su: čisto seme (%), seme korova i seme drugih kultura (%), inertne materije (%), količina dorađenog semena (kg), vreme dorade semena (h), gubici semena (%), randman dorade (%), kao i količina potrošenog materijala u tehnološkom procesu dorade semena. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata i njihovim poređenjem moguće je izvršiti izbor odgovarajućeg tehnološkog procesa za doradu semena crvene deteline

    Curing and Mechanical Properties of Chlorosulphonated Polyethylene Rubber Blends

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    In this paper, the curing and mechanical properties of two series of prepared blends, i.e., chlorosulphonated polyethylene (CSM)/isobutylene-co-isoprene (IIR) rubber blends and chlorosulphonated polyethylene (CSM)/chlorinated isobutylene-co-isoprene (CIIR) rubber blends were carried out. Blends were prepared using a two-roll mill at a temperature of 40-50 degrees C. The curing was assessed using a Monsanto oscillating disc rheometer R-100. The process of vulcanization accelerated sulfur of pure rubbers and their blends was carried out in an electrically heated laboratory hydraulic press under a pressure of about 4 MPa and 160 degrees C. The stress-strain experiments were performed using a tensile tester machine (Zwick 1425). Results indicate that the scorch time, t(s2), and optimum cure time, t(c90), increase with increasing CSM content in both blends. The value of modulus at 100 and 300% elongation and tensile strength increases with increasing CSM content, whereas elongation at break shows a decreasing trend The enhancement in mechanical properties was supported by data of crosslink density in these samples obtained from swelling measurement and scanning electron microscopy studies of the rubber blends fractured surfaces

    First steps towards national radon action plan in Serbia

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    Radon problem has a special attention in many countries in the world and the most of them have established national radon programmes. The radon issues in Serbia have not been approached in a systematic and organized way. Currently, there are many research groups and institutions working in radon field, and it is a good basis to integrate all these activities into a comprehensive national programme to define the strategic objectives and action plan for the next few years. Also, Serbia as a candidate for membership in the EU is obliged to harmonize its legislation, including the field of radiation protection in which the radon issues has an important role. In this report, a brief history of radon research, present status and plans for the future activity on radon issues in Serbia are presented. Regarding the long-term plans, the establishment and implementation of the Radon Action Plan with the primary goal of raising awareness about the harmful effects of public exposure to radon and implementing a set of measures for its reduction. In that sense, the synergy between the national, regional and local organizations responsible for public health and radiation protection must be achieved

    Health-related quality of life in elderly patients hospitalized with chronic heart failure

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    Background: Chronic heart failure is a very common condition in the elderly, characterized not only by high mortality rates, but also by a strong impact on health-related quality of life (HRQOL). Previous studies of HRQOL in elderly heart failure subjects have included mostly outpatients, and little is known about determinants of HRQOL in hospitalized elderly population, especially in Serbia. In this study, we tried to identify factors that influence HRQOL in elderly patients hospitalized with chronic heart failure in Serbia. Methods: The study population consisted of 136 patients aged 65 years or older hospitalized for chronic heart failure. HRQOL was assessed using the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure questionnaire. Predictors of HRQOL were identified by multiple linear regression analysis. Results: Univariate analysis showed that patients with lower income, a longer history of chronic heart failure, and longer length of hospital stay, as well as those receiving aldosterone antagonists and digoxin, taking multiple medications, in a higher NYHA class, and showing signs of depression and cognitive impairment had significantly worse HRQOL. Presence of depressive symptoms (P<0.001), higher NYHA class (P=0.021), lower income (P=0.029), and longer duration of heart failure (P=0.049) were independent predictors of poor HRQOL. Conclusion: Depressive symptoms, higher NYHA class, lower income, and longer duration of chronic heart failure are independent predictors of poor HRQOL in elderly patients hospitalized with chronic heart failure in Serbia. Further, there is an association between multiple medication usage and poor HRQOL, as well as a negative impact of cognitive impairment on HRQOL. Hence, measures should be implemented to identify such patients, especially those with depressive symptoms, and appropriate interventions undertaken in order to improve their HRQOL.publishedVersio