166 research outputs found

    Testing of site-specific yield in different harvest passes

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    U ovom radu analizirana je razlika u masenom prinosu vlažnog zrna uljane repice za 6 različitih prohoda žitnog kombajna duž parcele. Za potrebe analize korišten je Mann-Whitney U test i Z statistike. Za prvi i četvrti prohod je Z vrijednost svega 0,211, a razina statističke značajnost kojim se ovo tvrdi 0,8333, te nema statistički značajne razlike između vrijednosti prinosa u ovim prohodima. Utvrđeno je da postoji još tri para sličnih prohoda, od kojih su dva susjedna, dok su svi ostali prohodi statistički različiti u odnosu na prinos. Približna vrijednost statističkog pokazatelja effect size r primijenjena je za sve prohode kod kojih se ispostavilo da se statistički značajno razlikuju. Najveća razlika uočena je između drugog i trećeg prohoda za koje vrijednost effect size r iznosi 0,464 što bi se po Cohenov kriteriju smatralo srednjim utjecajem. Ovaj rad sugerira proširenje trenutne rutine analize prinosa ka automatiziranoj naknadnoj analizi.This paper analyzes the differences in mass yield of moist rapeseed grain for six different passes of combine harvester along the plot. The Mann-Whitney U test and Z-statistic are used for analysis needs. For harvest pass 1 and pass 4 the Z-value is only 0,211, whereas the statistical significance level to confirm this finding is 0,8333, therefore there is not statistically significant difference between yield levels in mentioned passes. It is established that there are another three pairs of similar harvest passes, of which two are adjacent, while all other passes exhibit statistical difference with respect to the yield. The approximate value of the effect size r indicator is applied for all passes, where a statistically significant difference turned out to exist between them. The highest difference is noted between pass 2 and pass 3, the effect size r value amounting to 0,464, which can be considered a large effect size according to Cohen’s criterion. This paper suggests extending the current routine implementation of yield analysis to an automated post-processing system

    Analiza ekonomskih pokazatelja u primeni GPS tehnologije u Poljoprivrednom kombinatu Beograd

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    This paper examined the level of savings in the application of modern technical systems for satellite guidance and control over performing agricultural operations throughout the season. The exemplary property was Agricultural Corporation Belgrade (PKB), which covers about 21.000 hectares of arable land. The effects of plot shape and direction of movement of tractor-attachment units in calculating the savings from reduced overlapping of adjacent passes were studied. The analysis was carried out of savings per crop (maize, wheat, soybean, sugar beet and alfalfa) and the operations for each crop separately, based on the manufacturing technology applied to an exemplary property. Detailed data are shown only for maize. Comparing the achieved level of savings, the application of guidance for the type of the most economically viable operations was found as well as the needed equipment level of guidance devices and management. In particular, the analysis involved the functional dependence of the economic savings in fuel and inputs for the operations such as mineral fertilizers distribution and chemical plant protection. Tabulated are the data estimates for the degree of anticipated savings for operations related to the five analyzed crops.U ovom radu ispitan je stepen ušteda pri primeni najsavremenijih tehničkih sistema za satelitsko navođenje i automatsko upravljanje pri obavljanju poljoprivrednih operacija tokom cele sezone. Uzorno imanje bila je Poljoprivredna korporacija Beograd koja se prostire na oko 21.000 hektara obradive površine. Analiziran je uticaj oblika parcele i pravca kretanja agregata traktor-priključna mašina pri kalkulisanju ušteda usled smanjenja preklopa susednih prohoda. Izvršena je analiza ušteda po kulturama (kukuruz, pšenica, soja, šećerna repa i detelina) i po operacijama za svaku kulturu pojedinačno, prema tehnologiji proizvodnje primenjenoj na uzornom imanju. Detaljno su prikazani podaci samo za kukuruz. Poređenjem ostvarenih stepena uštede zaključeno je pri kojim operacijama je primena navođenja ekonomski najopravdanija i koliki nivo opremljenosti uređajima za navođenje i upravljanje je potreban. Posebno je analizirana funkcionalna zavisnost ekonomskih ušteda u gorivu i inputima za operacije distribucije mineralnog hraniva i hemijske zaštite biljaka. Tabelarno je data procena stepena svih očekivanih ušteda za operacije koje se odnose na pet analiziranih kultura

    Razvoj univerzalnih samohodnih šasija

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    This paper analyze possibility for development and reengineering old type of self propelled sugar beat harvesters and their application as all purpose self propelled chassis. Paper presents some new ideas how this new chassis can be used in completely new operating conditions.U radu je data analiza mogućnosti razvoja i reinženjeringa samohodnih šasija na bazi postojećih samohodnih kombajna za šećernu repu starije generacije i njihova primena kao univerzalne radne šasije. Prikazana su idejna rešenja reinženjeringa hidrostatičkih sistema za pogon šasije kao i hidrauličnih sistema u cilju primene u novim radnim uslovima

    Operativna gotovost setvospremača kao kriterijum uspešnosti održavanja

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    In this paper is analsed seed bed cultivator editing maintenance as well as their operational readiness as criteria quality of successful for prophylaxislz maintenance. It is refere system of maintenance and energy of system as well as their adventure and defaultes. Research was escorted on the farm. Results was presented ans analysed in this paper.U radu se analizira korektivno održavanje setvospremača, odnosno njegova operativna gotovost kao merilo kvaliteta uspešnosti preventivnog održavanja.Razmatrani su sistemi održavanja i efektivnost sistema kao i njihove prednosti i nedostaci. Istraživanje je vršeno na jednom poljoprivrednom imanju, a rezultati su prezentovani i analizirani u radu

    Operativna gotovost hidrauličnog podsistema agregata traktor-setvospremač

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    The paper consist specifics relating to the operation and maintenance of the hydraulic sub-aggregates tractor-cultivator. As the works in the seasonal character of agriculture and must be done in strictly defined time intervals, any notice element aggregates tractor-cultivator, may bring into question the performance of primary processing soil and great material losses. Therefore, the aggregate of the tractorcultivator requires very high reliability. The paper discusses the operational readiness of tractors as a measure of the effectiveness and quality of its maintenance. Also in the paper are the results of the research on the availability of aggregate tractor- cultivator on one agricultural good.U radu su date specifičnosti koje se odnose na eksploataciju i održavanje hidrauličnog podsistema agregata traktor-setvospremač. Kako su radovi u poljoprivredi sezonskog karaktera i moraju se obaviti u strogo termirinam vremenskim intervalima, to bilo koji otkaz elementa agregata traktor-setvospreemač, može dovesti u pitanje obavljanje dopunske obrade zemljišta, odnosno do velikih materijalnih gubitaka. Zbog toga se od agregata traktor-setvospremač zahteva i vrlo visoka operativna gotovost. U radu je razmatrana operativna gotovost kao merilo efektivnosti traktora i setvospremača, odnosno kvaliteta njihovog održavanja. Takođe u radu su dati rezultati istraživanja operativne gotovosti agregata traktor-setvospremač na jednom poljoprivrednom dobru

    Razvoj nove generacije univerzalnih samohodnih šasija

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    This paper analyzes presents further stage of development of self propelled chassis into universal platform, based on previous generation of sugar beat harvesters. Paper presents some original ideas of hydrostatic PTO drive and system for center of mass regulation. It is also presented a wide range of implement machine which can be attached on new platform.U radu je prikazan dalji razvoj samohodnih šasija na bazi postojećih samohodnih kombajna za šećernu repu starije generacije i njihova primena kao univerzalne radne šasije – nosača oruđa. Dato je originalno rešenje hidrostatičkog pogona PTO vratila i sistema za promenu težišta mašine, kao i spektar radnih oruđa koje ova platforma može da agregatira

    Academics perception of public areas video surveillance in smart cities

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    The growing trend of the urban population looks for the formation of the concept of Smart Cities, based on the principles of sustainable development, which will meet the needs of people who live in them. The city must develop its public service infrastructure to provide all the requirements for the population. One of the requirements, people living in cities is the security of public areas managed by the city. The system of video surveillance, public areas should contribute to the personal safety of citizens, children and traffic, reducing the rate of crime and more efficient operation of public services. This research aims to examine academics' opinions (perceptions) about the impact of security cameras on increasing security within the concept of Smart Cities. The research had conducted on the territory of Serbia through an online survey. The obtained data were processed statistically by Chi-square and T-test, ANOVA method, multiple regression and correlation using SPSS application. The research indicates that academics much more believe in the contribution of video surveillance, reducing the crime rate, than studies of the effectiveness of the use of video surveillance shows. Video camera monitoring accelerates the reactions of competent services, but video camera recordings have not always been accepted as evidence in court

    Optimizacija parametara radnih elemenata poljoprivrednih mašina za obradu zemljišta

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    This work presents possibilities of parameter optimization of tillage agricultural machine tools referring to the shape, dimesions, kinematics, material, mass, and price. These parameters are analized in connection with applying conditions, agicultural engineering demands, work quality, energetic parameters, as well as universality and accordance with production abilities of work and propelling machine.U radu su prikazane mogućnosti optimizacije parametara alata poljoprivrednih mašina za obradu zemljišta koje se odnose na oblik, dimenzije, kinematiku, materijal, masu i cenu. Ovi parametri su analizirani u zavisnosti od uslova primene, agrotehničkih zahteva, kvaliteta rada, energetskih pokazatelja kao i univerzalnosti i usklađenosti sa proizvodnim mogućnostima radne i pogonske mašine

    Application of Statistical Indicators for Digital Image Analysis and Segmentation in Sorting of Agriculture Products

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    Food processing industry is moving forward to a full automation of all processes, especially in technological line segments which represent critical control points of food safety. One of these points is color sorting by using machine vision, where inappropriate products are removed. Most important product appearance attributes are color and texture. During food processing, the product is captured by optical devices, mostly color cameras and lasers. The aim of this paper is to investigate new eligibility criteria for digital image segmentation by using only image from the camera. The goal is to describe the texture of the product, based on chosen mathematical measures, and to allow for recognition and then classification according to the predefined range of values in an appropriate class. Images of frozen raspberry were used. Image analysis of color parameters in RGB color space and statistical tests to examine normality of data were carried out. Thereafter, one-way Anova and correlation analysis was performed. Statistically significant difference was found for the values of two indicators: entropy and new criteria were derived from standard deviation, as well as mean values of pixels for every channel, and marked as L. After determining the range of these criteria, a new algorithm was developed for image segmentation written in Matlab. One of the results of applying this algorithm is that more than 80% of good products were recognized

    Uticaj radnih elemenata i koncepcija mašina na racionalnu obradu zemljišta

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    This paper analyzes working elements, which in the system of classic agricultural machines for soil cultivation and machines for performing multiple tasks in one pass. The objective of the paper are working elements, passive and active, and machine concepts, which enable to achieve required structure and water-air capacity during soil cultivation, together with appropriate tractor. Besides technological and technical requirements, the analysis of shape and parameters of working elements is given, which cause better economical efficiency, better quality and higher yield while reducing the costs.U radu su analizirani radni elementi koji čine sistem u okviru klasičnih mašina za obradu zemljišta i mašina za obavljanje nekoliko operacija u jednom prohodu. Prvenstveno su prikazani radni elementi, pasivni i aktivni i koncepcije mašina, koji omogućavaju da se ostvari željena struktura i vodno vazdušni kapacitet pri obradi zemljišta, uz odgovarajuću pogonsku mašinu. Data je osim tehnološko tehničkih zahteva i analiza oblika i parametara radnih elemenata koji uslovljavaju veću ekonomsku efikasnost, kvalitetniji i veći prinos uz manje troškove