651 research outputs found

    Dual Approach in the Application of Geometric Interpretation of Linear Programming on the Organisation of Goods Distribution

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    The topic of the paper is the application of dual approach in formulation and resolution of goods distribution tasks problems. The gap in previous goods distribution research is the absence of the methodologies and goods transportation calculation methods for manufacturing companies with not too large amount of goods distribution whereby goods distribution is not the core activity. The goal of this paper is to find a solution for transportation in such companies. In such cases it is not rational to procure a specific software for the improvement of goods transportation but rather apply the calculation presented in this paper. The aim of this paper from mathematical aspect is to show the convenience of switching from the basic geometric interpretation of linear programming applied on transportation tasks to dual approach for the companies with too many costs limitations per transport task but not enough available transportation means. Recent research studies that use dual approach in linear programming are generally not applied to transportation tasks although such approach is very convenient. The goal of the paper is also to resolve transportation tasks by both primal and dual approach in order to prove the correctness of the method


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    In a high-tech society, the main factor of economic development are activities related to research and development (R&D). The purpose of the paper is to rank all 27 countries of the European Union (EU) according to selected indicators of innovation potential. The author singled out five relevant indicators from the Eurostat database (section related to innovation) in the assessment of the conditions for innovation development in the EU using the MOORA (Multi-Objective Optimization on the basis of Ratio Analysis) method. Based on the conducted multi-criteria analysis, the author concludes that Germany, Sweden, France and the Netherlands have the best innovation performance, so that these countries are the closest to achieving the goals of a highly competitive economy and sustainable economic development. On the other hand, Romania, Cyprus, Slovakia and Croatia show the weakest innovation potential, followed by other newer EU members

    Constitutional Court Independence

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    The paper analyses the institute of compensation for wrongful conviction and deprivation of liberty in the common law legal systems. It points to the basic difference in approach between common law legal systems and civil law legal systems laws on this issue, where the common law regimes are much more restrictive. It analysed the specifics of the rules on compensation for damages in common law, which can have a negative impact on eligibility for damages to wrongfully convicted persons. The paper specially investigated under which conditions it is possible to achieve compensation for wrongful conviction from the state, as a rule, in the regime of non-legally binding payments, and, exceptionally, in a separate legal regime established by law.У раду је анализиран институт накнаде штете због неосноване осуде и неоснованог лишења слободе у англосаксонском праву. Указано је на основну разлику у приступу англосаконских и европскоконтиненталних законодавстава овом питању, где је режим англосаксонског права знатно рестриктивнији. Анализиране су специфичности правила о накнади штете у англосаксонском праву, која имају неповољан утицај на могућност остваривања права на накнаду штете неосновано осуђених лица. Посебно је истражено под којим условима је могуће право на накнаду штете због неосноване осуде остварити у односу на државу, по правилу у режиму правно необавезујућих исплата, те, изузетно, у посебним правним режимима одређеним законом. &nbsp

    Economic indicators of precision guidance in crop production in Agricultural Corporation Belgrade (PKB)

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    U ovom radu ispitan je stepen ušteda pri primeni najsavremenijih tehničkih sistema za satelitsko navođenje i automatsko upravljanje pri obavljanju poljoprivrednih operacija tokom cele sezone. Ogledno imanje bila je Poljoprivredna korporacija Beograd koja se prostire na oko 21000 hektara obradive površine. Analiziran je uticaj oblika parcele i pravca kretanja agregata pri kalkulisanju ušteda usled smanjenja preklopa susednih prohoda. Izvršena je analiza ušteda po kulturama (kukuruz, pšenica, soja, šećerna repa i detelina) i po operacijama za svaku kulturu pojedinačno, prema tehnologiji proizvodnje primenjenoj na oglednom imanju. Poređenjem ostvarenih stepena uštede zaključeno je pri kojim operacijama je primena navođenja ekonomski najopravdanija i koliki nivo opremljenosti uređajima za navođenje i upravljanje je potreban. Posebno je analizirana funkcionalna zavisnost ekonomskih ušteda u gorivu i inputima za operacije distribucije hraniva i zaštite biljaka. Tabelarno je data procena stepena svih očekivanih ušteda za operacije koje se odnose na pet analiziranih kultura.This paper examined the level of savings in the application of modern technical systems for satellite guidance and control over performing agricultural operations throughout the season. The exemplary property was Agricultural Corporation Belgrade (PKB), which covers about 21,000 hectares of arable land. The effects of plot shape and direction of movement of tractor-attachment units in calculating the savings from reduced overlapping of adjacent passes were studied. The analysis was carried out of savings per crop (maize, wheat, soybean, sugar beet and alfalfa) and the operations for each crop separately, based on the manufacturing technology applied to an exemplary property. Comparing the achieved level of savings, the application of guidance for the type of the most economically viable operations was found as well as the needed equipment level of guidance devices and management. In particular, the analysis involved the functional dependence of the economic savings in fuel and inputs for the operations such as mineral fertilizers distribution and chemical plant protection. The estimates for the degree of anticipated savings for operations related to the five analyzed crops are tabulated

    Economic indicators of precision guidance in crop production in Agricultural Corporation Belgrade (PKB)

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    U ovom radu ispitan je stepen ušteda pri primeni najsavremenijih tehničkih sistema za satelitsko navođenje i automatsko upravljanje pri obavljanju poljoprivrednih operacija tokom cele sezone. Ogledno imanje bila je Poljoprivredna korporacija Beograd koja se prostire na oko 21000 hektara obradive površine. Analiziran je uticaj oblika parcele i pravca kretanja agregata pri kalkulisanju ušteda usled smanjenja preklopa susednih prohoda. Izvršena je analiza ušteda po kulturama (kukuruz, pšenica, soja, šećerna repa i detelina) i po operacijama za svaku kulturu pojedinačno, prema tehnologiji proizvodnje primenjenoj na oglednom imanju. Poređenjem ostvarenih stepena uštede zaključeno je pri kojim operacijama je primena navođenja ekonomski najopravdanija i koliki nivo opremljenosti uređajima za navođenje i upravljanje je potreban. Posebno je analizirana funkcionalna zavisnost ekonomskih ušteda u gorivu i inputima za operacije distribucije hraniva i zaštite biljaka. Tabelarno je data procena stepena svih očekivanih ušteda za operacije koje se odnose na pet analiziranih kultura.This paper examined the level of savings in the application of modern technical systems for satellite guidance and control over performing agricultural operations throughout the season. The exemplary property was Agricultural Corporation Belgrade (PKB), which covers about 21,000 hectares of arable land. The effects of plot shape and direction of movement of tractor-attachment units in calculating the savings from reduced overlapping of adjacent passes were studied. The analysis was carried out of savings per crop (maize, wheat, soybean, sugar beet and alfalfa) and the operations for each crop separately, based on the manufacturing technology applied to an exemplary property. Comparing the achieved level of savings, the application of guidance for the type of the most economically viable operations was found as well as the needed equipment level of guidance devices and management. In particular, the analysis involved the functional dependence of the economic savings in fuel and inputs for the operations such as mineral fertilizers distribution and chemical plant protection. The estimates for the degree of anticipated savings for operations related to the five analyzed crops are tabulated

    On Possible Cryptographic Optimization of Mobile Healthcare Application

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    The paper deals with a possible SOA based m-healthcare online system with secure mobile communication between patients and medical professionals with medical and insurance organizations. An example of an Android-based secure mobile client application is presented which can be used in the described secure m-healthcare model and it is experimentally evaluated. In the paper, we focus on possible optimization of cryptographic algorithms implemented in the secure Android mobile client application. The presented experimental results justify that security operations related to X.509v3 digital certificate generation and XML/WSS digital signature creation/verification are feasible on some current smart phones and justify the use of the proposed optimization techniques for implemented cryptographic algorithms

    Tehnologija i kvaliteta skorupa - tradicionalnog crnogorskog mliječnog proizvoda

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    Skorup is Montenegrin traditional dairy product. Its main characteristics are extremely high content of milk fat and centuries-old technology. Due to the specific technology, high nutritional value and its historical heritage, Skorup deserves to be labelled as product with protected designation of origin (PDO) or protected geographical indication (PGI). The purpose of this study was to collect the most important data about Skorup technology and quality and to launch the process of protection. The chemical quality of raw milk was analysed using IR spectrophotometry, the number of somatic cells and total bacteria count by flow cytometry, and Skorup composition by FTIR spectrophotometry. The presence of Escherichia coli, coagulase positive staphylococci and aerobic mesophilic bacteria in Skorup was detected by standard broth base methods. All Skorup samples contained more than 80 % of fat in dry matter, more than 70 % dry matter, approximately 60 % milk fat and 6 % proteins. The sensory characteristics of all samples were excellent, and according to sensory classification, they belong to the highest classes (I and IA). However, five out of twenty samples did not meet requirements for hygienic quality, which implies the urgent need for improvement of hygiene conditions during its production.Skorup je crnogorski tradicionalni mliječni proizvod. Njegove glavne karakteristike su izuzetno visok udjel mliječne masti i stoljećima stara tehnologija. Zbog specifične tehnologije, visoke hranjive vrijednosti i povijesne baštine, skorup zaslužuje da bude zaštićen kao PDO ili PGI. Svrha ovog istraživanja je prikupiti najvažnije podatke o tehnologiji skorupa i njegovoj kvaliteti kako bi se inicirao postupak zaštite. Kemijska kvaliteta sirovog mlijeka analizirana je pomoću IR spektrometrije, broj somatskih stanica i broj mikroorganizama protočnom citometrijom, a sastav skorupa FTIR spektrofotometrijom. Prisutnost Escherichia coli, koagulaza pozitivne stafilokoke i aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija u skorupu određena je standardnim mikrobiološkim metodama. Svi uzorci skorupa su sadržavali više od 80 % masti u suhoj tvari, više od 70 % suhe tvari, i oko 60 % mliječne masti i 6 % proteina. Prema senzorskoj ocjeni i klasifikaciji, svi uzorci su odlične kvalitete i pripadaju I i IA klasi. No, pet od dvadeset uzoraka nije zadovoljilo uvjete higijenske kvalitete, što ukazuje da je neophodno raditi na poboljšanju higijenskih uvjeta tijekom njegove proizvodnje

    Optimization of foil consumption for packing deep frozen fruit

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    Pri pakovanju duboko zamrznutog voća u PVC folije potrošnja folije je velika i računa se po jedinici mase ili po jedinici dužine. Merenje utroška folije podleže grešci usled brojnih tehnološko - tehničkih problema. Optimizacija rešenja za utrošak folije je bazirana na implementaciji enkodera na postojećim mašinama za pakovanje i ključna je za dobijanje relevantnih rezultata. U radu prikazan je novi model mernog sistema utroška folije koji obezbeđuje niže cene pakovanja.In the case of packing deep frozen fruit in PVC foil, the foil consumption is significant and it is calculated per unit of mass or per unit of length. The measurement of foil consumption can become inaccurate because there are many technological and technical problems. The optimization of solutions for foil consumption is based on the application of encoders on existing packing machines and it is the key for obtaining correct results. This paper shows a model of a foil consumption measuring system, which helps provide a lower price for packing

    Recent research on ductility of perforated shear connectors

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    Significant implementation of Perfobond shear connectors in construction of composite steel-concrete structures resluted in development of entirely new type of shear connectors, denoted as perforated shear connectors. Except the shear resistance of this type of shear connector, the overall behaviour of shear connection is strongly influenced by shear connector geometry. Ductility of shear connector, which is strongly influenced by connectors geometry, defines the behaviour of shear connection. The results of resent research on ductility of perforated shear connectors are obtained from numerical models which are calibrated with results of experimental investigation of this type of shear connector. The results of extensive numerical analysis were used for definition of direct relation between connectors ductility and geometry and presented in this paper