9 research outputs found


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    Flood control structures play an important role in saving lives and property during floods, especially due to climate change issues. The construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of hydraulic structures are compliant with their maintenance and are performed periodically and preventively in order to achieve their required functional safety. However, over the years, investments in flood protection, i.e. the reduction of possible damage caused by the harmful effects of water, mostly implied investments in embankments. Investments in high dams are insufficient in terms of their importance, structure complexity, and failure risk

    Relationships between broiler final weights and microbiota of certain segments of the intestine

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    Only healthy animals can expect good production results. Gastrointestinal tract (GIT) health is of particular importance in broilers. GIT health has been protected by antibiotics as growth promoters for years. Since their use is forbidden, alternatives are required. One alternative is the use of medium chain fatty acid (MCFA) in broiler nutrition, in order to ensure the health of digestive tract, that is, prevent the activity of pathogenic bacteria, coccidias and viruses. Today, commercial MCFA supplement is used on the market in nutrition of broilers and piglets. Previous experiences of using MCFA in nutrition of broilers suggest that MCFA can be used as a substitute for antibiotics. In the duodenum of experimental broilers (a group of birds fed with added MCFA), the numbers of Enterococcus spp. and E. coli were significantly correlated with bird weight, but this was not the case in other intestinal segments (ileum or caecum)


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    In the past 30 years the efforts to protect river beds and banks have increased significantly. The selection and design of proper structural solution means finding a solution in accordance with construction principles, river geomorphology, avoiding channel aggradation, bed scour, bank erosion, resulting structure failure and significant harm to the stream and nearby property. On the other hand, the structure should be environmentally-friendly. Hydraulic structures generally have a strong impact on the environment, so providing ā€œthe right solutionā€ presents a real challenge to engineers.Ā U proteklih trideset godina ulažu se značajno veći napori da bi se zaÅ”titila rečna korita i obale reka. Izbor i projektovanje odgovarajucĢeg konstruktivnog reÅ”enja podrazumeva nalaženje reÅ”enja koje je skladu sa principima gradnje ali i geomorfologijom rečnog toka. Na ovaj način se izbegava mogućnost uruÅ”avanja regulisanog rečnog korita i vertikalna i bočna erozija rečnog korita čime bi doÅ”lo do loma konstrukcije, značajno ugrožavanje rečnog toka i okolnih poseda. S druge strane, konstrukcija treba da bude ekoloÅ”ki prihvatljiva. Hidrotehničke konstrukcije generalno imaju snažan uticaj na životnu sredinu, tako da nalaženje ā€žpravog reÅ”enjaā€œ predstavlja pravi izazov za inženjere

    Prevention Measures for Hydraulic Concrete Abrasion

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    Abrazivna erozija je povrÅ”inska erozija uzrokovana česticama koje su noÅ”ene vodom. OÅ”tećenja hidrotehničkih objekata od betona uzrokovana abrazijom javljaju se u različitoj meri, kod gotovo svih hidrotehničkih objekata. godiÅ”nji troÅ”kovi održavanja betonskih povrÅ”ina kanala, tunela, prelivnih objekata ili temeljnih ispusta visokih brana mogu biti jako visoki. Neophodno je detaljno proučiti mehanizam nastanka ovih oÅ”tećenja, utvrditi metode istraživanja, testirati različite materijale na abrazivnu otpornost , dati predloge kako sanirati postojeće oÅ”tećene hidrotehničke objekte i kako izvoditi nove. U ovom radu je dat kratak pregled metoda ispitivanja abrazivne otpornosti hidrotehničkih betona, sa posebnim osvrtom na tehnologiju betona radi postizanja bolje otpornosti na abraziju i mere za prevencije.Publishe

    Hladni test ā€“ Cold test, akreditovana metoda za ispitivanje vigora semena kukuruza

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    Ovim tehničkim reÅ”enjem opisan je metod ispitivanja vigora semena kukuruza hladnim testom. Postupak podrazumeva izlaganje semena stresnim uslovima za klijanje i nicanje kako bi se stekao bolji uvid o potencijalnom ponaÅ”anju i nicanju kukuruza u polju. Hladni test je pogodan za ispitivanje vigora jer istovremeno uključuje nekoliko stresnih faktora: temperaturu, povećanu vlažnost supstrata i prisustvo patogena. Prva faza ispitivanja se odvija na niskim temperaturama (7 dana na 10 Ā°C) nakon čeka se uzorci prebacuju u optimalne uslove za rast (7 dana na naizmeničnim temperaturama 20/30 Ā°C). Primena hladnog testa doprinosi sveobuhvatnom pristupu ispitivanja kvaliteta semena kukuruza. Dobijaju se dodatne informacije o ponaÅ”anju semena u suboptimalnim uslovima za klijanje i nicanje kukuruza Å”to je od značaja i za proizvođače semena, i za krajnje korisnike. Ispitivanjem vigora semena mogu se identifikovati visoko kvalitetne partije semena koje bolje podnose stresne uslove u polju i mogu se sejati ranije u proleće, i nasuprot njima one slabo vigorozne partije semena koje bi trebalo sejati u optimalnijim uslovima. Rana setva kukuruza omogućava duži vegetacioni period čime su obezbeđeni uslovi za veće i stabilnije prinose i veća je mogućnost izbegavanja letnje suÅ”e. Osim tolerantnosti na niske temperature vigor ukazuje i na mogućnost postizanja željenog sklopa useva Å”to je od izuzetne važnosti za postizanje visokih prinosa. Laboratorija za ispitivanje semena Instituta za kukuruz ā€žZemun Poljeā€œ sprovela je standardizaciju uslova ispitivanja i optimizaciju metode hladnog testa i jedina je laboratorija sa ovim testom u svom obimu akreditacije na nacionalnom nivou

    Uticaj dodavanja CLA u ishrani brojlera na vrednosti lipidnih indeksa u mesu

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    Ishrana životinja proÅ”la je u svom razvoju kroz nekoliko faza, počev od potpune empirije do savremenog koncepta ishrane koji počiva na vrlo preciznim istraživanjima metaboličkih i biohemijskih promena na nivou ćelije. Cilj tova brojlera je da se koriŔćenjem pretežno biljnih hraniva, uz manji dodatak animalnih, poveća telesna masa životinje. Razvojem svesti potroÅ”ača, imperativ u stočarstvu postala je ne samo količina proizvedene namirnice, nego i kvalitet proizvedene namirnice. Kod monogastričnih životinja masne kiseline prisutne u hrani apsorbuju se u gastrointestinalnom traktu uglavnom nepromenjene, Å”to znači da profil masnih kiselina tkiva direktno odražava profil masnih kiselina prisutnih u obroku životinja. Esencijalne masne kiseline služe kao gradivne jedinice brojnih hormona i veoma su važna komponenta ćelijskih membrane, a njihov nedostatak ili neadekvatan odnos u hrani može da dovede do negativnih efekata po zdravlje ljudi. Konjugovana linolna kiselina (CLA) predstavlja grupu izomera linolne kiseline (C18:2), a najzanimljivija je njena uloga u prevenciji tumoroznih oboljenja, areteroskleroze i dijabetesa. Nalaze se u mesu i mleku preživara, a s obzirom da živina nema sposobnost sinteze CLA, biotehnoloÅ”kim reÅ”enjima moguće ih je dodati u smeÅ”e. Naučna javnost nameće savremene parametre određivanja nutritivne vrednosti masnih kiselina u kome se izdvajaju AI ā€“ aterogeni indeks, TI ā€“ trombogeni indeks i h/H hipoholesterolemični/hiperholesterolemični indeks. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi efekat dodatka CLA u ishranu brojlera na lipidne indekse pojedinih kategorija mesa, sa aspekta zdravstvenih potreba potroÅ”ača. Utvrđen je značajan uticaj korekcije masnokiselinskog sastava hrane na vrednosti lipidnih indeksa.Zbornik radova i kratkih sadržaj

    Relationships between broiler final weights and histomorphometric parameters of certain segments of the intestine

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    The aim of this study was to determine relationships between final mass of broilers and the histomorphological properties of individual segments of the gastrointestinal tract. This is confirmed by the obtained results, which indicate a strong and significant correlation between compared parameters. A strong significant (p<0.05) correlation (r=0.866) was found between the broiler final weight and the duodenal villus length, and between the broiler final weight and the caecal villus length (r=0.918). Correlation between the broiler final weight and the duodenal villus width (r=0.841), as well the caecal villi width (r=0.918) was strongly significant (p<0.05). Between the crypt depths in caecum correlation was medium and significant (r=0.701, p<0.05). It was determined that between the broiler final weights and the ratio of villus length and crypt depth there is a significant medium correlation (r = 0.736, p<0.05). A strong (r = 0.924) significant (p <0.05) correlation was found between the broiler final weight and the ratio of villus length and caecal crypt depth. Between final mass of broilers and other histomorphological properties of individual segments of intestine there was no significant correlation

    Primena testova standardne klijavosti i vigor testova u proceni kvaliteta semena samooplodnih linija kukuruza

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    Information regarding the adaptation of maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines to various field conditions and seed longevity is essential for seed companies. The objective of this work was to evaluate different vigour tests for detecting differences among naturally aged seeds and to assess the relationship between seed quality parameters and pedigree data of maize inbred lines. A seed of 15 maize inbred lines, selected at Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje, belonging to different heterotic groups was produced during 2011. Seed quality was assessed in 2015 by standard ger mination, radical emergence, accelerated ageing, and cold test. Root length of 4-day old seedlings was measured in all applied tests. Analysis of variance showed that genotype and storage condi tions had a significant effect on all seed quality parameters. Large variation among inbred lines was detected in seed vigour determined by three tests, in particular by the accelerated ageing test. Cold test results showed very good chilling tolerance of tested genotypes, except two inbred lines with Lancaster background. The correlation between the cold test and the accelerated ageing test was significant, while the radical emergence test had a poor correlation with them. Obtained results indicate that the application of either cold test or accelerated ageing test is reliable for screening seed vigour of maize inbred lines.Semenskim kompanijama su od izuzetne važnosti informacije o adaptibilnosti samooplod- nih linija kukuruza (Zea mays L ) različitim uslovima u polju i dugovečnosti semena Cilj ovog rada bio je da se izvrÅ”i procena vigor testova za otkrivanje razlika između prirodno ostarelog semena u različitim uslovima čuvanja i da se proceni odnos između parametara kvaliteta semena i podataka o pedigreu samooplodnih linija kukuruza Seme 15 samooplodnih linija kukuruza selekcionisanih u ā€œInstitutu za kukuruzā€ - Zemun Polje, koje pripadaju različitim heterotičnim grupama, proizvedeno je 2011 godine Kvalitet semena je ocenjivan 2015 godine primenom standardnog testa za klijavost, testa za pojavu primarnog korena, ubrzanim starenjem i hlad- nim testom U svim primenjenim ispitivanjima merena je dužina korena klijanaca starih 4 dana Analiza varijanse je pokazala da genotip i uslovi čuvanja semena imaju značajan uticaj na sve parametre kvaliteta semena Samooplodne linije kukuruza su se značajno razlikovale u pogledu vigora semena na osnovu tri primenjena testa, a naročito testa ubrzanog starenja Rezultati hlad- nog testa su pokazali visoku tolerantnost ispitivanih genotipova na niske temperature prilikom nicanja, osim dve samooplodne linije Lancaster porekla Korelacija između hladnog testa i testa ubrzanog starenja bila je značajna, dok je test pojave primarnog korena imao slabu korelaciju sa njima Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je primena hladnog testa i testa ubrzanog starenja pouzdana za skrining vigora semena samooplodnih linija kukuruz

    Influence of CLA addition in non-ruminant diets on lipid index values

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    In monogastric animals, tissue fatty acid profile directly reflects the fatty acid profile present in the animal's diet. Inadequate ratio of fatty acids in food can lead to negative effects on human health. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a group of isomers of linoleic acid (C18:2), and its most interesting role is in the prevention of tumors, atherosclerosis and diabetes. CLA is found in ruminant meat and milk, and since pigs and poultry do not have the ability to synthesize CLA, it is possible to add them to animal feed with biotechnological solutions. The scientific public imposes modern parameters for determining the nutritional value of fatty acids, in which the AI ā€“ index of atherogenicity, TI ā€“ index of thrombogenicity and H/H - hypocholesterolemic/hypercholesterolemic ratio are distinguished. The aim of this study was to determine the effect CLA addition to the diet of non-ruminants on the lipid indices of certain categories of meat, from the aspect of consumer health needs. A significant influence of the correction of feed's fatty acid composition on the lipid indices in food of animal origin was determined