345 research outputs found

    Evaluation of reward processes in an animal model of depression

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    Rationale: Anhedonia is a core symptom of major depression. Deficits in reward function, which underlie anhedonia, can be readily assessed in animals. Therefore, anhedonia may serve as an endophenotype for understanding the neural circuitry and molecular pathways underlying depression. Objective: Surprisingly, there is scant knowledge regarding alterations in brain reward function after olfactory bulbectomy (OB), an animal model which results in a behavioural syndrome responsive to chronic antidepressant treatment. Therefore, the present studies aimed to assess reward function after bulbectomy. Materials and methods: The present study utilized sucrose preference, cocaine-induced hyperlocomotion and intra-cranial self-stimulation (ICSS) responding to examine reward processes in the OB model. Results: Bulbectomized animals showed a marked preference (>90%) for 0.8% sucrose solution compared with water; similar to the preference exhibited by sham controls. Importantly, there were pronounced deficits in brain reward function, as assessed using ICSS, which lasted 8days before returning to baseline levels. Furthermore, bulbectomized animals were hyper-responsive to the locomotor stimulating properties of an acute and a repeated cocaine regimen. However, no difference in ICSS facilitation was observed in response to an acute cocaine injection. Conclusions: Taken together, these results suggest that bulbectomized rats display alterations in brain reward function, but these changes are not long-lasting and thus, not amenable to investigating the effects of pharmacological interventions. However, given that OB animals are hypersensitive to drugs of abuse, bulbectomy may be an appropriate inducing factor for the development of animal models of co-morbid depression and drug dependenc

    The effects of HIV-1 regulatory TAT protein expression on brain reward function, response to psychostimulants and delay-dependent memory in mice

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    Depression and psychostimulant abuse are common comorbidities among humans with immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease. The HIV regulatory protein TAT is one of multiple HIV-related proteins associated with HIV-induced neurotoxicity. TAT-induced dysfunction of dopamine and serotonin systems in corticolimbic brain areas may result in impaired reward function, thus, contributing to depressive symptoms and psychostimulant abuse. Transgenic mice with doxycycline-induced TAT protein expression in the brain (TAT+, TAT- control) show neuropathology resembling brain abnormalities in HIV+ humans. We evaluated brain reward function in response to TAT expression, nicotine and methamphetamine administration in TAT+ and TAT- mice using the intracranial self-stimulation procedure. We evaluated the brain dopamine and serotonin systems with high-performance liquid chromatography. The effects of TAT expression on delay-dependent working memory in TAT+ and TAT- mice using the operant delayed nonmatch-to-position task were also assessed. During doxycycline administration, reward thresholds were elevated by 20% in TAT+ mice compared with TAT- mice. After the termination of doxycycline treatment, thresholds of TAT+ mice remained significantly higher than those of TAT- mice and this was associated with changes in mesolimbic serotonin and dopamine levels. TAT+ mice showed a greater methamphetamine-induced threshold lowering compared with TAT- mice. TAT expression did not alter delay-dependent working memory. These results indicate that TAT expression in mice leads to reward deficits, a core symptom of depression, and a greater sensitivity to methamphetamine-induced reward enhancement. Our findings suggest that the TAT protein may contribute to increased depressive-like symptoms and continued methamphetamine use in HIV-positive individuals

    Patterns of responding differentiate intravenous nicotine self-administration from responding for a visual stimulus in C57BL/6J mice

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    Testing genetically engineered mice in a reliable nicotine self-administration procedure could provide important insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying nicotine reinforcement. We assessed operant responding for intravenous nicotine infusions in C57BL/6J male mice under a fixed-ratio 3 schedule of reinforcement in which a visual cue was contingently associated with drug delivery. Acquisition, dose-response function, extinction, and cue-induced reinstatement of operant behavior were characterized. Low nicotine doses (0.001-0.06 mg/kg/infusion) elicited response rates similar to those supported by saline, whereas a higher dose (0.1 mg/kg/infusion) decreased responding. Using an identical procedure to assess cocaine self-administration in an independent group of mice yielded an inverted U-shaped dose-response curve. Other mice trained to respond exclusively for the visual stimulus earned a similar number of reinforcers as mice self-administering saline or low nicotine doses, although with a lower selectivity for the active lever and their response rates were sensitive to the discontinuation and resumption of cue light presentation. Finally, patterns of responding for nicotine, cocaine, or the visual stimulus alone were analyzed using frequency distributions of inter-response intervals and extended return maps. These analyses revealed unique properties of nicotine, which dose-dependently delayed the first response post-timeout and increased the regularity of lever pressing activity. Nicotine did not enhance the reinforcing properties of the visual cue paired with drug delivery. Interestingly, however, patterns of responding could differentiate nicotine self-administration from responding for a visual stimulus or saline and indicated that nicotine functioned as a salient stimulus driving highly regular operant behavior

    Effects of HIV/TAT protein expression and chronic selegiline treatment on spatial memory, reversal learning and neurotransmitter levels in mice

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    Neurotoxic viral protein TAT may contribute to deficits in dopaminergic and cognitive function in individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus. Transgenic mice with brain-specific doxycycline-induced TAT expression (TAT+, TAT- control) show impaired cognition. However, previously reported TAT-induced deficits in reversal learning may be compromised by initial learning deficits. We investigated the effects of TAT expression on memory retention/recall and reversal learning, and neurotransmitter function. We also investigated if TAT-induced effects can be reversed by improving dopamine function with selegiline, a monoamine oxidase inhibitor. Mice were tested in the Barnes maze and TAT expression was induced after the task acquisition. Selegiline treatment continued throughout behavioral testing. Dopamine, serotonin and glutamate tissue levels in the prefrontal/orbitofrontal cortex, hippocampus and caudate putamen were measured using high performance liquid chromatography. Neither TAT expression nor selegiline altered memory retention. On day 2 of reversal learning testing, TAT+ mice made fewer errors and used more efficient search strategies than TAT- mice. TAT expression decreased dopamine turnover in the caudate putamen, increased serotonin turnover in the hippocampus and tended to increase the conversion of glutamate to glutamine in all regions. Selegiline decreased dopamine and serotonin metabolism in all regions and increased glutamate levels in the caudate putamen. In the absence of impaired learning, TAT expression does not impair spatial memory retention/recall, and actually facilitates reversal learning. Selegiline-induced increases in dopamine metabolism did not affect cognitive function. These findings suggest that TAT-induced alterations in glutamate signaling, but not alterations in monoamine metabolism, may underlie the facilitation of reversal learning

    GABAB receptor allosteric modulators exhibit pathway-dependent and species-selective activity.

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    Positive modulation of the GABAB receptor (GABABR) represents a potentially useful therapeutic approach for the treatment of nicotine addiction. The positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) of GABABR GS39783 and BHF177 enhance GABA-stimulated [35S]GTP γS-binding, and have shown efficacy in a rodent nicotine self-administration procedure reflecting aspects of nicotine dependence. Interestingly, the structural related analog, NVP998, had no effect on nicotine self-administration in rats despite demonstrating similar pharmacokinetic properties. Extensive in vitro characterization of GS39783, BHF177, and NVP998 activity on GABABR-regulated signaling events, including modulation of cAMP, intracellular calcium levels, and ERK activation, revealed that these structurally related molecules display distinct pathway-specific signaling activities that correlate with the dissimilarities observed in rodent models and may be predictive of in vivo efficacy. Furthermore, these GABABR allosteric modulators exhibit species-dependent activity. Collectively, these data will be useful in guiding the development of GABABR allosteric modulators that display optimal in vivo efficacy in a preclinical model of nicotine dependence, and will identify those that have the potential to lead to novel antismoking therapies

    Adolescent Intermittent Ethanol Exposure Is Associated with Increased Risky Choice and Decreased Dopaminergic and Cholinergic Neuron Markers in Adult Rats

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    Background:Binge drinking is prevalent during adolescence and may have effects on the adult brain and behavior. The present study investigated whether adolescent intermittent ethanol exposure alters adult risky choice and prefrontal dopaminergic and forebrain cholinergic neuronal marker levels in male Wistar rats.Methods:Adolescent (postnatal day 28–53) rats were administered 5g/kg of 25% (vol/vol) ethanol 3 times/d in a 2-days–on/2-days–off exposure pattern. In adulthood, risky choice was assessed in the probability discounting task with descending and ascending series of large reward probabilities and after acute ethanol challenge. Immunohistochemical analyses assessed tyrosine hydroxylase, a marker of dopamine and norepinephrine in the prelimbic and infralimbic cortices, and choline acetyltransferase, a marker of cholinergic neurons, in the basal forebrain.Results:All of the rats preferred the large reward when it was delivered with high probability. When the large reward became unlikely, control rats preferred the smaller, safe reward, whereas adolescent intermittent ethanol-exposed rats continued to prefer the risky alternative. Acute ethanol had no effect on risky choice in either group of rats. Tyrosine hydroxylase (prelimbic cortex only) and choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity levels were decreased in adolescent intermittent ethanol-exposed rats compared with controls. Risky choice was negatively correlated with choline acetyltransferase, implicating decreased forebrain cholinergic activity in risky choice.Conclusions:The decreases in tyrosine hydroxylase and choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity suggest that adolescent intermittent ethanol exposure has enduring neural effects that may lead to altered adult behaviors, such as increased risky decision making. In humans, increased risky decision making could lead to maladaptive, potentially harmful consequences

    Long-Term Effects of Chronic Intermittent Ethanol Exposure in Adolescent and Adult Rats: Radial-Arm Maze Performance and Operant Food Reinforced Responding

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    Background: Adolescence is not only a critical period of late-stage neurological development in humans, but is also a period in which ethanol consumption is often at its highest. Given the prevalence of ethanol use during this vulnerable developmental period we assessed the long-term effects of chronic intermittent ethanol (CIE) exposure during adolescence, compared to adulthood, on performance in the radial-arm maze (RAM) and operant food-reinforced responding in male rats. Methodology/Principal Findings: Male Sprague Dawley rats were exposed to CIE (or saline) and then allowed to recover. Animals were then trained in either the RAM task or an operant task using fixed- and progressive- ratio schedules. After baseline testing was completed all animals received an acute ethanol challenge while blood ethanol levels (BECs) were monitored in a subset of animals. CIE exposure during adolescence, but not adulthood decreased the amount of time that animals spent in the open portions of the RAM arms (reminiscent of deficits in risk-reward ntegration) and rendered animals more susceptible to the acute effects of an ethanol challenge on working memory tasks. The operant food reinforced task showed that these effects were not due to altered food motivation or to differential sensitivity to the nonspecific performance-disrupting effects of ethanol. However, CIE pre-treated animals had lower BEC levels than controls during the acute ethanol challenges indicating persistent pharmacokinetic tolerance to ethanol after the CIE treatment. There was little evidence of enduring effects of CIE alone on traditional measures of spatial and working memory. Conclusions/Significance: These effects indicate that adolescence is a time of selective vulnerability to the long-term effects of repeated ethanol exposure on neurobehavioral function and acute ethanol sensitivity. The positive and negative findings reported here help to further define the nature and extent of the impairments observed after adolescent CIE and provide direction for future research

    Primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease presenting with a unilateral adrenocortical nodule treated with bilateral laparoscopic adrenalectomy: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease is a rare cause of adrenocorticotropic hormone-independent Cushing's syndrome. We report an uncommon primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease case presenting with a unilateral adrenocortical nodule and provide a brief overview of the existing literature.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 27-year-old Caucasian woman was admitted to our Department with adrenocorticotropic hormone-independent Cushing's syndrome. Its cause was initially considered a left adrenocortical adenoma based on computer tomography imaging. The patient underwent left laparoscopic adrenalectomy and histological examination revealed pigmented micronodular adrenal hyperplasia. Evaluation for the presence of Carney complex was negative. Six months later recurrence of hypercortisolism was documented and a right laparoscopic adrenalectomy was performed further establishing the diagnosis of primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease. After a nine-year follow-up there is no evidence of residual disease.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Even though primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease is a rare cause of Cushing's syndrome, it should be included in the differential diagnosis of adrenocorticotropic hormone-independent Cushing's syndrome, especially because adrenal imaging can be misleading mimicking other adrenocortical diseases. Bilateral laparoscopic adrenalectomy is the preferred treatment in these subjects.</p

    Gene expression profile of circulating tumor cells in breast cancer by RT-qPCR

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) have been associated with prognosis especially in breast cancer and have been proposed as a liquid biopsy for repeated follow up examinations. Molecular characterization of CTCs is difficult to address since they are very rare and the amount of available sample is very limited.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We quantified by RT-qPCR <it>CK-19, MAGE-A3, HER-2, TWIST1, hTERT α+β+</it>, and <it>mammaglobin </it>gene transcripts in immunomagnetically positively selected CTCs from 92 breast cancer patients, and 28 healthy individuals. We also compared our results with the CellSearch system in 33 of these patients with early breast cancer.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>RT-qPCR is highly sensitive and specific and can detect the expression of each individual gene at the one cell level. None of the genes tested was detected in the group of healthy donors. In 66 operable breast cancer patients, <it>CK-19 </it>was detected in 42.4%, <it>HER-2 </it>in 13.6%, <it>MAGE-A3 </it>in 21.2%, <it>hMAM </it>in 13.6%, <it>TWIST-1 </it>in 42.4%, and <it>hTERT α+β+ </it>in 10.2%. In 26 patients with verified metastasis, <it>CK-19 </it>was detected in 53.8%, <it>HER-2 </it>in 19.2%, <it>MAGE-A3 </it>in 15.4%, <it>hMAM </it>in 30.8%, <it>TWIST-1 </it>in 38.5% and <it>hTERT </it>α<sup>+</sup>β<sup>+</sup>in 19.2%. Our preliminary data on the comparison between RT-qPCR and CellSearch in 33 early breast cancer patients showed that RT-qPCR gives more positive results in respect to CellSearch.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Molecular characterization of CTCs has revealed a remarkable heterogeneity of gene expression between breast cancer patients. In a small percentage of patients, CTCs were positive for all six genes tested, while in some patients only one of these genes was expressed. The clinical significance of these findings in early breast cancer remains to be elucidated when the clinical outcome for these patients is known.</p