34 research outputs found

    A potential collective defense of <i>Drosophila</i> larvae against the invasion of a harmful fungus

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    The establishment of a collective defense is an important means of controlling the spread of harmful microbes in group-living animals. Collective defenses are associated with costs resulting from the investment in resources and the risk taking of infections or the exposure to microbial toxins for the performing individual and are often assumed to have evolved in (eu)social insects, like bees and ants, as a result of close contact and pathogen transmission between nestmates.We hypothesize that collective antimicrobial defense mechanisms are potentially also found in insects that exhibit simpler forms of sociality or even mere aggregation behavior. The larvae of the saprophagous fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster develop in high-density aggregations on rotting fruits, which are often colonized by insecticidal filamentous fungi. Here we show that fruit fly larvae suppress the invasion of a harmful fungus not only by the summative effect of individuals at high densities but also because larger groups of larvae at the same density can control fungal growth more efficiently.We achieved the necessary manipulation of the group size by increasing the number of larvae in proportion to an increase in habitat size, thereby excluding the effect of density changes on fungal growth as a confounding factor. We found evidence that part of the variation in the ability to suppress the fungus in this group size-dependent manner can be explained by genetic variation at the insects’ foraging (for) locus. Group size therefore influences the extent to which the larval aggregates suppress the spread of a harmful fungus. This indicates a potential collective defense against habitat invasion by pathogenic fungi. The selection pressure on the efficiency of this potential defense strategy may contribute to the evolution of aggregation behavior in non-(eu)social insects

    Eine evolutionsökologische Analyse des Aggregations-Koexistenz-Modells fĂŒr Drosophila

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    Intraspezifische Aggregation ist als die wesentliche SteuergrĂ¶ĂŸe fĂŒr die lokale Artenvielfalt in vielen Insektengemeinschaften bekannt, in denen eine artspezifische Ressourcenaufteilung keine bedeutendende Rolle fĂŒr die Koexistenz mehrerer Arten spielt. Welche Faktoren jedoch eine BegĂŒnstigung von Eiaggregation durch Insektenweibchen auf nahrungslimitierten Ressourcen verursachen sind weitgehend unbekannt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde mit der Taufliege Drosophila subobscura die Hypothese der Existenz von Allee-Effekten getestet, welche einen höheren Entwicklungserfolg der Insektenlarven bei mittleren Larvaldichten ermöglichen. Durch den Einsatz einer Vielzahl von Entwicklungssubstraten der Fliegelarven (verfaulenden FrĂŒchte) konnte die Existenz von bottom-up vermittelten Allee-Effekten bestĂ€tigt werden, wobei maternale EinflĂŒsse durch das Übertragen von Hefen, als Nahrungsquelle fĂŒr die Larven, einen Überlebensvorteil fĂŒr die Nachkommen bieten. Des weiteren konnten top-down Allee-Effekte herausgearbeitet werden, indem nĂ€mlich die Fliegenlarven in grĂ¶ĂŸeren Gruppen in rĂ€umlichen Refugien gegenĂŒber parasitoiden Wespen fressen können. Es wurde eine sehr starke interindividuelle VariabilitĂ€t in den Eiablageentscheidungen der Fliegenweibchen beobachtet, die als adaptive Verhaltensantwort auf unvorhersehbare Entwicklungsbedingungen fĂŒr die Larven diskutiert wird. Sie beinhaltet Elemente aus sowohl bet-hedging (kleine Eigelege) als auch gambling (große Eigelege), wobei gambling von natĂŒrlicher Selektion favorisiert wird, wenn Allee-Effekte fĂŒr den Entwicklungserfolg der Nachkommen eine große Rolle spielen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit werden als evolutionĂ€re ErklĂ€rung fĂŒr die Artenkoexistenz durch Aggregation diskutiert

    Strip intercropping of wheat and oilseed rape enhances biodiversity and biological pest control in a conventionally managed farm scenario

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    Conventional agriculture in the global north is typically characterized by large monocultures, commonly managed with high levels of pesticide or fertilizer input and mechanization. We tested the influence of strip intercropping of conventionally managed winter wheat with oilseed rape, using common machinery with 27–36 m broad strips, on arthropod predator diversity and biological pest control. We characterized spider and carabid beetle communities, calculated pest aphid and pollen beetle densities and recorded parasitism rates for both crops (number of mummified aphids on wheat and number of parasitized pollen beetle larvae on oilseed rape). We observed a significant reduction in the densities of wheat aphids (50% decrease) and pollen beetle larvae (20% decrease) in strip intercropping areas compared to monocultures.The number of parasitized pollen beetle larvae did not show the same pattern but was higher towards the centre of the oilseed rape strip. Overall, the composition of predator communities benefited from the close neighbourhood of the two crop species in the strips. Our study presents evidence of the benefits of adopting strip intercropping with relatively large strips (adapted to existing machinery) for natural predator diversity and biological pest control in a large‐scale conventionally managed farm scenario. Wheat–oilseed rape strip intercropping reduced pest densities, increased parasitism of wheat aphids and promoted equal representation of natural predator groups well beyond the areas of monoculture. Overall, by reducing the area dedicated to only one crop, the implementation of strip intercropping adapted to mechanized agricultural scenarios can be used to increase crop heterogeneity at regional scales and enhance biodiversity and biological control, even in simplified landscapes dominated by large‐scale conventional agriculture

    Recent and rapid reef recovery around Koh Phangan Island, Gulf of Thailand, driven by plate-like hard corals

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    Mass bleaching events and local anthropogenic influences have changed the benthic communities of many coral reefs with pronounced spatial differences that are linked to resilience patterns. The Gulf of Thailand is an under-investigated region with only few existing datasets containing long-term developments of coral reef communities using the same method at fixed sites. We thus analyzed benthic community data from seven reefs surrounding the island of Koh Phangan collected between 2014 and 2022. Findings revealed that the average live hard coral cover around Koh Phangan increased from 37% to 55% over the observation period, while turf algae cover decreased from 52% to 29%, indicating some recovery of local reefs. This corresponds to a mean increased rate of coral cover by 2.2% per year. The increase in live hard coral cover was mainly driven by plate-like corals, which quadrupled in proportion over the last decade from 7% to 28% while branching corals decreased in proportion from 9% to 2%. Furthermore, the hard coral genus richness increased, indicating an increased hard coral diversity. While in other reefs, increasing live hard coral cover is often attributed to fast-growing, branching coral species, considered more susceptible to bleaching and other disturbances, the reefs around Koh Phangan recovered mainly via growth of plate-like corals, particularly of the genus Montipora. Although plate-like morphologies are not necessarily more bleaching tolerant, they are important for supporting reef fish abundance and structural complexity on reefs, aiding reef recovery and sturdiness. Hence, our findings indicate that the intensity of local stressors around Kho Phangan allows reef recovery driven by some hard coral species

    <em>Aspergillus nidulans</em> Synthesize Insect Juvenile Hormones upon Expression of a Heterologous Regulatory Protein and in Response to Grazing by <em>Drosophila melanogaster</em> Larvae.

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    Secondary metabolites are known to serve a wide range of specialized functions including communication, developmental control and defense. Genome sequencing of several fungal model species revealed that the majority of predicted secondary metabolite related genes are silent in laboratory strains, indicating that fungal secondary metabolites remain an underexplored resource of bioactive molecules. In this study, we combine heterologous expression of regulatory proteins in Aspergillus nidulans with systematic variation of growth conditions and observe induced synthesis of insect juvenile hormone-III and methyl farnesoate. Both compounds are sesquiterpenes belonging to the juvenile hormone class. Juvenile hormones regulate developmental and metabolic processes in insects and crustaceans, but have not previously been reported as fungal metabolites. We found that feeding by Drosophila melanogaster larvae induced synthesis of juvenile hormone in A. nidulans indicating a possible role of juvenile hormone biosynthesis in affecting fungal-insect antagonisms

    Clash of kingdoms or why <it>Drosophila </it>larvae positively respond to fungal competitors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Competition with filamentous fungi has been demonstrated to be an important cause of mortality for the vast group of insects that depend on ephemeral resources (e.g. fruit, dung, carrion). Recent data suggest that the well-known aggregation of <it>Drosophila </it>larvae across decaying fruit yields a competitive advantage over mould, by which the larvae achieve a higher survival probability in larger groups compared with smaller ones. Feeding and locomotor behaviour of larger larval groups is assumed to cause disruption of fungal hyphae, leading to suppression of fungal growth, which in turn improves the chances of larval survival to the adult stage. Given the relationship between larval density, mould suppression and larval survival, the present study has tested whether fungal-infected food patches elicit communal foraging behaviour on mould-infected sites by which larvae might hamper mould growth more efficiently.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Based on laboratory experiments in which <it>Drosophila </it>larvae were offered the choice between fungal-infected and uninfected food patches, larvae significantly aggregated on patches containing young fungal colonies. Grouping behaviour was also visible when larvae were offered only fungal-infected or only uninfected patches; however, larval aggregation was less strong under these conditions than in a heterogeneous environment (infected and uninfected patches).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Because filamentous fungi can be deadly competitors for insect larvae on ephemeral resources, social attraction of <it>Drosophila </it>larvae to fungal-infected sites leading to suppression of mould growth may reflect an adaptive behavioural response that increases insect larval fitness and can thus be discussed as an anti-competitor behaviour. These observations support the hypothesis that adverse environmental conditions operate in favour of social behaviour. In a search for the underlying mechanisms of communal behaviour in <it>Drosophila</it>, this study highlights the necessity of investigating the role of inter-kingdom competition as a potential driving force in the evolution of spatial behaviour in insects.</p

    Mind the Wound!—Fruit Injury Ranks Higher than, and Interacts with, Heterospecific Cues for Drosophila suzukii Oviposition

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    Drosophila suzukii is a globally distributed insect that infests many economically important fruit varieties by ovipositing into ripening fruits. The mechanisms underlying host selection, in particular the fly’s preference for fresh, intact, and competitor-free fruits, are only partially understood. We hypothesize that D. suzukii females use cues of different fruit properties to rank potential host fruits in a hierarchical manner. We created four naturally occurring fruit (blueberries) categories: (1) intact; (2) artificially wounded; (3) wounded + containing eggs of different Drosophila species; and (4) intact + exposed to D. melanogaster. Individual D. suzukii females were offered several fruits in different two-way combinations of the fruit categories. Females showed a robust oviposition preference for intact vs. wounded + infested fruits, which was even stronger compared to the intact–wounded combination. Females preferred ovipositing into intact vs. intact + exposed blueberries; however, they preferred intact + exposed over wounded blueberries. This implies a hierarchical host preference in D. suzukii, which is determined by heterospecific cues (possibly fecal matter components) and an unknown “wounding factor” of fruits

    An evolutionary explanation of the aggregation model of species coexistence.

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    In ecology, the 'aggregation model of coexistence' provides a powerful concept to explain the unexpectedly high species richness of insects on ephemeral resources like dung pats, fruits, etc. It suggests that females aggregate their eggs across resource patches, which leads to an increased intraspecific competition within occupied patches and a relatively large number of patches that remain unoccupied. This provides competitor-free patches for heterospecifics, facilitating species coexistence. At first glance, deliberately causing competition among the females' own offspring and leaving resources to heterospecific competitors seems altruistic and incompatible with individual fitness maximization, raising the question of how natural selection operates in favour of egg aggregation on ephemeral resource patches. Allee effects that lead to fitness maxima at intermediate egg densities have been suggested, but not yet detected. Using drosophilid flies on decaying fruits as a study system, we demonstrate a hump-shaped relationship between egg density and individual survival probability, with maximum survivorship at intermediate densities. This pattern clearly selects for egg aggregation and resolves the possible conflict between the ecological concept of species coexistence on ephemeral resources and evolutionary theory