14 research outputs found

    Quantum Clock Synchronization: a Multi-Party Protocol

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    We present a multi-party quantum clock synchronization protocol that utilizes shared prior entanglement and broadcast of classical information to synchronize spatially separated clocks. Notably, it is necessary only for any one party to publish classical information. Consequently, the efficacy of the method is independent of the relative location of the parties. The suggested protocol is robust and does not require precise sequencing of procedural steps.Comment: 3 page

    The Magnetic Field in Taurus Probed by Infrared Polarization

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    We present maps of the plane-of-sky magnetic field within two regions of the Taurus molecular cloud: one in the dense core L1495/B213 filament, the other in a diffuse region to the west. The field is measured from the polarization of background starlight seen through the cloud. In total, we measured 287 high-quality near-infrared polarization vectors in these regions. In L1495/B213, the percent polarization increases with column density up to Av ~ 9 mag, the limits of our data. The Radiative Torques model for grain alignment can explain this behavior, but models that invoke turbulence are inconsistent with the data. We also combine our data with published optical and near-infrared polarization measurements in Taurus. Using this large sample, we estimate the strength of the plane-of-sky component of the magnetic field in nine subregions. This estimation is done with two different techniques that use the observed dispersion in polarization angles. Our values range from 5-82 microgauss and tend to be higher in denser regions. In all subregions, the critical index of the mass-to-magnetic flux ratio is sub-unity, implying that Taurus is magnetically supported on large scales (~2 pc). Within the region observed, the B213 filament makes a sharp turn to the north and the direction of the magnetic field also takes a sharp turn, switching from being perpendicular to the filament to becoming parallel. This behavior can be understood if we are observing the rim of a bubble. We argue that it has resulted from a supernova remnant associated with a recently discovered nearby gamma-ray pulsar.Comment: Accepted into the Astrophysical Journal. 20 pages in emulateapj format including 10 figures and 4 table

    The Transition from Atomic to Molecular Hydrogen in Interstellar Clouds: 21cm Signature of the Evolution of Cold Atomic Hydrogen in Dense Clouds

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    We have investigated the time scale for formation of molecular clouds by examining the conversion of HI to H2 using a time-dependent model. H2 formation on dust grains and cosmic ray and photo destruction are included in one-dimensional model slab clouds which incorporate time-independent density and temperature distributions. We calculate 21cm spectral line profiles seen in absorption against a background provided by general Galactic HI emission, and compare the model spectra with HI Narrow Self-Absorption, or HINSA, profiles absorbed in a number of nearby molecular clouds. The time evolution of the HI and H2 densities is dramatic, with the atomic hydrogen disappearing in a wave propagating from the central, denser regions which have a shorter H2 formation time scale, to the edges, where the density is lower and the time scale for H2 formation longer. The model 21cm spectra are characterized by very strong absorption at early times, when the HI column density through the model clouds is extremely large. The minimum time required for a cloud to have evolved to its observed configuration, based on the model spectra, is set by the requirement that most of the HI in the outer portions of the cloud, which otherwise overwhelms the narrow absorption, be removed. The characteristic time that has elapsed since cloud compression and initiation of the HI to H2 conversion is a few x 10^{14} s or ~ 10^7 yr. This sets a minimum time for the age of these molecular clouds and thus for the star formation that may take place within them

    An Improved Technique for Measurement of Cold HI in Molecular Cloud Cores

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    The presence of atomic gas mixed with molecular species in a "molecular" cloud may significantly affect its chemistry, the excitation of some species, and can serve as probe of the cloud's evolution. Cold neutral atomic hydrogen (HI) in molecular clouds is revealed by its self absorption of background galactic HI 21-cm emission. The properties of this gas can be investigated quantitatively through observation of HI Narrow Self-Absorption (HINSA). In this paper, we present a new technique for measuring atomic gas physical parameters from HINSA observations that utilizes molecular tracers to guide the HINSA extraction. This technique offers a significant improvement in the precision with which HI column densities can be determined over previous methods, and it opens several new avenues of study of relevance to the field of star formation.Comment: Accepted for Astrophycal Journal 8/200

    The GALFA-HI Survey: Data Release 1

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    We present the Galactic Arecibo L-Band Feed Array HI (GALFA-HI) survey, and its first full data release (DR1). GALFA-HI is a high resolution (~ 4'), large area (13000 deg^2), high spectral resolution (0.18 km/s), wide band (-700 < v_LSR < +700 km/s) survey of the Galactic interstellar medium in the 21-cm line hyperfine transition of neutral hydrogen conducted at Arecibo Observatory. Typical noise levels are 80 mK RMS in an integrated 1 km/s channel. GALFA-HI is a dramatic step forward in high-resolution, large-area Galactic HI surveys, and we compare GALFA-HI to past, present, and future Galactic HI surveys. We describe in detail new techniques we have developed to reduce these data in the presence of fixed pattern noise, gain variation, and inconsistent beam shapes, and we show how we have largely mitigated these effects. We present our first full data release, covering 7520 square degrees of sky and representing 3046 hours of integration time, and discuss the details of these data.Comment: Accepted to the ApJ