24 research outputs found

    Methods for providing purified viral particles of semliki forest virus (sfv), preparations obtainable thereby, and uses thereof.

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    The invention relates to purified vaccine preparations and methods for providing them. Provided is a method for providing purified viral particles of SFV, comprising the steps of i) providing a preparation of SFV replicon particles; ii) subjecting said preparation to an endonuclease treatment under conditions allowing for degradation of exogenous/host cell DNA and RNA; iii) bringing said endonuclease-treated preparation with a zwitterionic buffer solution to a conductivity of up to about 5.5 mS/cm; iv) contacting the preparation obtained in step (iii) with a strong anion exchange resin; v) eluting the bound SFV replicon particles from said anion exchange resin; vi) bringing the eluted SFV particles to a conductivity in the range of 7.0 to 9.0 mS/cm; vii) contacting the preparation obtained in step (vi) with a strong cation exchange resin under conditions and for a time sufficient to bind to said resin; viii) eluting the bound SFV replicon particles from said cation exchange resin with a zwitterionic buffer solution and collecting at least one fraction containing purified SFV replicon particles; and ix) stabilizing the at least one purified fraction by adding human serum albumin (HSA) to a final concentration in the range of about 0.5 - 2 w/v%, preferably about 1 w/v%

    Numerical computation and prediction of electricity consumption in tobacco industry

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    Electricity is a key energy source in each country and an important condition for economic development. It is necessary to use modern methods and tools to predict energy consumption for different types of systems and weather conditions. In every industrial plant, electricity consumption presents one of the greatest operating costs. Monitoring and forecasting of this parameter provide the opportunity to rationalize the use of electricity and thus significantly reduce the costs. The paper proposes the prediction of energy consumption by a new time-series model. This involves time series models using a set of previously collected data to predict the future load. The most commonly used linear time series models are the AR (Autoregressive Model), MA (Moving Average) and ARMA (Autoregressive Moving Average Model). The AR model is used in this paper. Using the AR (Autoregressive Model) model, the Monte Carlo simulation method is utilized for predicting and analyzing the energy consumption change in the considered tobacco industrial plant. One of the main parts of the AR model is a seasonal pattern that takes into account the climatic conditions for a given geographical area. This part of the model was delineated by the Fourier transform and was used with the aim of avoiding the model complexity. As an example, the numerical results were performed for tobacco production in one industrial plant. A probabilistic range of input values is used to determine the future probabilistic level of energy consumption


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    Vaccines are diverse and complex biological molecules, complexes and particles. Different production technologies are used for vaccines manufacturing and every production process require somekind of vaccine purification. Purification of vaccines is technically challenging and was traditionally inefficient and partially neglected due to different economical and technical reasons. Density gradient ultracentrifugation, introduced in1960s is still a major purification step for many vaccines present on the market. As a complementary techniques, cross flow filtration and chromatography has been used. Conventional chromatography supports designed for protein purification have relatively small pore sizes with restricted access for large molecules and viruses. In addition mass transfer in resins is based on diffusion and as such is not optimal for large molecules. An alternative to conventional resins are monoliths characterized by large flow through channels and convective mass transfer which results in a high and flow-independent dynamic binding capacity and resolution. Together with high low rates these properties enable increased productivity which makes monoliths attractive chromatographic supports for viruses and plasmid DNA purification. The presentation will focus on development and optimization of a purification processes for influenza viruses, adenoviruses, bacteriophages, and plasmid DNA. The characteristics of plasmid DNA and viruses are peculiar obstacles for chromatography and inherent limitations will be presented. Chromatography methods with an emphasis on ion exchange and hydrophobic interaction monolithic chromatography will be discussed and impact of monolith chromatography on process economic will be presented


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    Electricity is a key energy source in each country and an important condition for economic development. It is necessary to use modern methods and tools to predict energy consumption for different types of systems and weather conditions. In every industrial plant, electricity consumption presents one of the greatest operating costs. Monitoring and forecasting of this parameter provide the opportunity to rationalize the use of electricity and thus significantly reduce the costs. The paper proposes the prediction of energy consumption by a new time-series model. This involves time series models using a set of previously collected data to predict the future load. The most commonly used linear time series models are the AR (Autoregressive Model), MA (Moving Average) and ARMA (Autoregressive Moving Average Model). The AR model is used in this paper. Using the AR (Autoregressive Model) model, the Monte Carlo simulation method is utilized for predicting and analyzing the energy consumption change in the considered tobacco industrial plant. One of the main parts of the AR model is a seasonal pattern that takes into account the climatic conditions for a given geographical area. This part of the model was delineated by the Fourier transform and was used with the aim of avoiding the model complexity. As an example, the numerical results were performed for tobacco production in one industrial plant. A probabilistic range of input values is used to determine the future probabilistic level of energy consumption

    Sadržaj nikla u semenu ratarskih useva i poljoprivrednom zemljištu Centralne Srbije

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    Nickel (Ni) is an essential nutrient for animals and it has an important role in many physiological and biochemical processes in higher plants. At the same time, it belongs to the group of potentially toxic elements (PTEs). The aim of this study is to determine Ni concentrations in the soil-plant relationships between the main crops and agricultural land in Central Serbia. A total of 71 bulked soil samples are taken from the topsoil at the depth of 0–30 cm in an area belonging to 6 statistical districts of Central Serbia. A total of 71 seed samples are collected during harvest as an average sample of seed from each observed plot, of which 26 are corn, 19 sunflower, 17 wheat, and 9 soybean samples. Analysis of the collected samples includs the main soil parameters and Ni total and available concentrations in soil, as well as Ni total concentration in seeds. The median value of total Ni concentration in soil is 44.8 mg kg-1, close to MAC. The median nickel concentration in wheat and corn seeds is 0.5 mg kg-1, while soybean and sunflower seeds have higher median Ni content of 8.40 and 10.26 mg kg-1, respectively. Bioaccumulation factors in seeds (BAF) in the present study ranges from 0.013 (corn) to 0.256 (soybean). According to statistically significant differences, all crops have equal total NiT concentration in soil, while the available NiA concentration differs in soils under corn and sunflower cultivars. Based on Ni concentration in seed and BAF, two groups are distinguished − the group of soybeans and sunflowers with higher Ni content and the group of wheat and corn with lower Ni content in seed. The obtained differences confirm that plant species have a significant role in the bioaccumulation of Ni. The determined BAF parameter is in a statistically significant negative correlation with the total Ni content in soil in all observed crops except maize. However, the BAF parameter for maize alone is in a statistically significant negative correlation with the readily available Ni concentration in the soil. The obtained correlations indicate that higher Ni concentration in soil causes lower Ni concentration in seeds, which might be due to the activation of plant defense mechanism to preserve the reproductive organs ‒ seeds ‒ from harmful effects. Based on the obtained results, Ni concentration in seeds of the main field crops in Central Serbia is safe for feed and food usage. Increased content of Ni found in agricultural soils in Central Serbia requires constant monitoring for maintaining sustainable agriculture production.Nikal je esencijalni hranljivi element za životinje i ima važnu ulogu u brojnim fiziološkim i biohemijskim procesima viših biljaka, ali istovremeno pripada grupi potencijalno toksičnih elemenata (PTE). Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrde koncentracije Ni u relaciji zemljište–biljka između glavnih ratarskih biljnih vrsta i poljoprivrednog zemljišta za centralnu Srbiju. Ukupno je uzeto 71 uzorak zemljišta iz gornjeg sloja zemljišta 0–30 cm, s područja šest statističkih okruga centralne Srbije. Prikupljeno je ukupno 71 uzorak semena tokom žetve kao prosečan uzorak semena sa svake posmatrane parcele, od čega je 26 uzoraka bilo seme kukuruza, 19 suncokreta, 17 pšenice i devet soje. Prikupljeni uzorci analizirani su na osnovne parametra zemljišta i ukupnu i pristupačnu koncentraciju nikla u zemljištu, kao i ukupnu njegovu koncentraciju u semenu. Vrednost medijane za ukupnu koncentraciju nikla u zemljištu bila je 44,8 mg kg-1, što je blizu vrednosti MDK. Srednja koncentracija nikla u semenu pšenice i kukuruza bila je 0,5 mg kg-1, dok je seme soje i suncokreta imalo znatno veći sadržaj Ni od 8,40 odnosno 10,26 mg kg-1. Faktori bioakumulacije u semenu (BAF) u ovoj studiji kretali su se od 0,013 (kukuruz) do 0,256 (soja). Prema statistički značajnim razlikama, sve ratarske biljne vrste imale su jednaku ukupnu koncentraciju NiT u zemljištu, dok su se prema pristupačnoj koncentraciji NiA u zemljištu, međusobno razlikovala zemljišta pod kukuruzom i suncokretom. Na osnovu koncentracije Ni u semenu i BAF-a, jasno se izdvajaju dve grupe: u jednoj grupi su soja i suncokret sa većim sadržajem Ni, dok su u drugoj grupi pšenica i kukuruz sa nižim sadržajem Ni u semenu. Dobijene razlike potvrđuju da biljne vrste imaju značajnu ulogu u bioakumulaciji Ni. Utvrđeni parametar BAF bio je u statistički značajnoj, negativnoj korelaciji sa ukupnim sadržajem Ni u zemljištu za sve posmatrane useve, osim kukuruza. Međutim, vrednost BAF-a je samo za kukuruz bila u statistički značajnoj, negativnoj korelaciji sa pristupačnom koncentracijom Ni u zemljištu. Dobijene korelacije ukazuju da je veća koncentracija nikla u zemljištu uzrokovala njegovu manju koncentraciju u semenu, verovatno usled aktiviranja odbrambenih mehanizama biljaka za očuvanje reproduktivnih organa – semena, od štetnih uticaja. Na osnovu svih dobijenih rezultata, glavne ratarske biljne vrste u centralnoj Srbiji imale su bezbednu koncentraciju nikla u semenu za stočnu i ljudsku hranu. Povećan sadržaj nikla u poljoprivrednom zemljištu centralne Srbije zahteva stalno praćenje u cilju održive poljoprivredne proizvodnje

    Uređenje zemljišta pri podizanju vinograda na primeru Mlavskog vinogradarskog rejona

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    Glavni cilj ove publikacije je da posluži kao vodič i priručnik svim proizvođačima za usvajanje planskog pristupa pri podizanju vinograda sa aspekta uređenja zemljišta. Obrađeni materijal u drugom delu ove publikacije, iznet je na osnovu sprovedenih opsežnih terenskih, pedoloških i laboratorijskih istraživanja, koja su obuhvatila četiri lokacije vinogradarskog rejona Mlava. 1. Planski pristup pri podizanju vinograda 2. Regulacioni radovi 3. Meliorativne mere đubrenja uz rigolovanje, popravka fizičkih osobina zemljišta i kalcizacija 4. Ostali aspekti pri zasnivanju vinograda 5. Primenjene metode istraživanja 6. Tipovi zemljišta 7. Fizička i vodno-fizička svojstva zemljišta 8. Plodnost, kalcizacija i preporuka za đubrenje 9. Sadržaj opasnih i štetnih materija 10. Mikrobiološka svojstva zemljišta Prilog: Uputstvo za uzorkovanje zemljišta pod vinogradima Prilog: Pedološka karta sa granicama Mlavskog vinogradarskog rejona i vinogorj

    Uređenje zemljišta pri podizanju vinograda na primeru vinogradarskog rejona Vranje

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    Ova publikacija predstavlja svojevrsno reizdanje prethodne publikacije na temu uređenja zemljišta pri podizanju vinograda, a koja je urađena na primeru Mlavskog vinogradarskog rejona. Publikacija je nastala sa željom da se istakne važnost svih potrebnih mera uređenja zemljišta uz planski pristup pri zasnivanju vinograda široj publici i na osnovu velikog interesovanja proizvođača za prethodno izdanje. Prvi deo publikacije sadrži opis svih potrebnih mera uz dopunjen i poboljšan, sistematizovani pristup. Prikazani konkretni rezultati u drugom delu publikacije su rezultat opsežnih istraživanja u okviru Projekta pod nazivom: „Uređenje poljoprivrednog zemljišta pri zasnivanju vinograda u Vranjskom rejonu“

    Relative number of falls after initial and repeated treatment with R-ketamine, S-ketamine, and racemic ketamine.

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    Relative number of falls: comparing treatment groups with a control group during LOC1 (left) and LOC2 (right). * indicates a statistically significant difference, p p < 0.05. R5–5 mg/kg of R-ketamine; S5–5 mg/kg of S-ketamine; RS15–15 mg/kg of racemic ketamine; R15–15 mg/kg of R-ketamine; S15–15 mg/kg of S-ketamine; RS30–30 mg/kg of racemic ketamine; Sal—saline; RS30-L—last 15 minutes of 30 mg/kg of racemic ketamine.</p