777 research outputs found


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    The analysis of the incidence of diphtheria in the Russian Federation after the second revaccination of adults since 2005 to 2011 is presented. The level of the immunization and. the state of population immunity were studied. The high level of protection against diphtheria was established. It provides positive epidemiological situation against this infection in the country

    On electrical characteristics of comb-shaped microstrip antennas

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    © 2017 IEEE.The microstrip antennas with symmetrical comb-shaped radiator are considered. The influence of depth of the cuts on main electrical characteristics of four- and eight-comb antennas is researched. The resonance frequency, the bandwidth and reflection coefficient are chosen as characteristics. The graphs of unknown dependencies are constructed for the two basic frequencies

    Organization of medical aid with for the population with diseases of upper respiratory tract associated with chlamydia infection

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    At the same time optima organization and. measures of treatment of extra-urogenital forms of chlamydiosis aren't developed yet and. this problem is needed to be solved. The article presents scientific basis of necessity of developement of complex of measures and. main directions that contribute to the organization of medical aid. for the people with infections of upper respiratory tract associated with chlamydiosis. 1827 people were examineds. First group included. l8—60 years old. employees of several enterprises (846 people) and. 3—17 years old. children attending kindergarten and school (483 childern). Second group included patients of ENT-ward of institute's clinics with, inflammatory pathology of upper respiratory tract (498 people) of 3—60 years old. including 246 childern and. 252 adults. Programme of optimization of medical aid. for people with chlamydia infection of upper respiratory tract that included complex of measures with directions divided into 4 main parts (organization and. performing, information. and. analytics, treatment, diagnostics and. prophylactics, study and. methodology). This programme can be the basis of development of system of medical aid for people with respiratory chlamydiosis by public health service agencie of Russian Federation subjects that contributed to the increase of effectiveness of treatment, diagnostic and. preventive measured. Algrorhythms of diagnostics developed by the authors are offered to use as diagnostic standards of chlamydia infection of upper respiratory tract for phycisians of different duties (otolaryngologists, therapeutists, pediatritians, phycisians of common duty, infectionists etc.)

    Education management in Ukraine in the context of global economic transformations

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    The article identifies the features of the management of higher education in Ukraine and in Europe in the context of global economic transformations. In the process of analysis, it was determined that the financing of higher education in European countries is carried out almost equally: at the expense of the State budget and at the expense of individuals. At the same time, the outflow of students from the CIS countries to European countries can be explained by the proposed concepts of providing educational services, the main difference among which consists, firstly, in orientation towards the needs of the state, and secondly, in orientation towards the needs of business structures and various market subjects. It was also determined that the impact of economic factors on the level of education is rather low, and at the same time, this indicator largely depends on the indicator of the social capital. In this regard, the following social trends have been identified that need to be implemented for the successful education management: expanding the population education program, as well as providing lifelong education, ensuring equal access to quality education, strengthening the role of the state in ensuring equity in education, efficient and effective use of education costs, humanization and democratization of education, updating the content, forms, methods and means of training, enhancing the professional competence of teachers, transparency of education systems, the formation of state-public forms of education management.peer-reviewe

    Comprehensive Disposal of Decommissioned Vehicles

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    The article concerns the final stage of the life cycle of vehicles (on the example of Russia). The purpose of the study is to develop an organizational scheme for the gradual creation of a unified system for the disposal of all types of vehicles that are out of service. The study included a legal, technical, and territorial analysis. For territorial analysis, statistical data were taken for the following types of transport: buses, trucks and cars. The result of the work is the division of recycling enterprises by recycling levels, namely, the use of classification A, B, C, D. Recycling centers organization is usually considered within the Federal districts, which will lead to the dispersion of recycling capacities throughout Russia. The Federal district will have a radical ring system of organizing recycling centers at different levels. The State should create a unified recycling system with the adoption of regulatory documents on the interaction of participants in the disposal of vehicles, it should involve commercial organizations in recycling activities in future. The prospects of the study suggest 3 options for the placement of warehouses and recycling centers for their effective operation and address the issue of recycling of highly specialized transport. © 2021 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved

    Ecologo-faunistic review of lamellicorn beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) of urbocenosis of Kharkov city (Ukraine)

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    This article presents a general overview of the superfamily Scarabaeoidea in five parks of Kharkov city and some adjacent agrocenosises. The species composition includes 32 species from four families of Scarabaeoidea. The Scarabaeidae family dominated in biodiversity and abundance (26 species from 16 genera). Six species (Dorcus parallelopipedus, Platyderes caraboides, Anoplotrupes stercorosus, Aphodius melanostictus, Pleurophorus caesus and Onthophagus coenobita) were sporadically registered as common, but in separate urban cenosises the number of species did not exceed one or three. The species composition and abundance of lamellicorn beetles was higher in large parks with only slight recreational disturbance. Here from 13 to 20 species were registered. On lawns in the center and in other districts of the city Scarabaeoidea species met very rarely. In the agrocenosises on the outskirts of Kharkov city – 16 species are noted, almost half of which were registered as common. The faunistic similarity of different urban cenosises was at low to medium levels (an average 0.20–0.47). These indices were slightly higher (0.38–0.67) for areas with lower recreational pressure. The indices of faunal similarity of separate parks and agrocenoses were lower (0.18–0.56, but on average – 0.33). At the level of common species, there was no faunistic similarity. The significance of such differences was due to both the low number of most Lamellicorn species and some of their ecological characteristics. The main differences were observed in the ratio of trophic groups and features of the spatial distribution of the dominant species. Smaller differences were observed on biotopic characteristic of most species. There were no differences in the hygropreference of the scarabeid species. In the parks herpetobiont saprophagous species dominated (mainly coprophagous and dendrophagous). In the agrocenoses, dendrochordobiontic phytophagous species predominated. The peculiarities of the ratio of different ecological groups of Scarabaeoidea in urban and agrocenosises are discussed.В результате исследований в пяти парках г. Харьков выявлено 32 вида из четырех семейств Scarabaeoidea. По видовому составу и численности доминировали представители семейства Scarabaeidae (26 видов из 16 родов). Обычными оказались шесть видов, причем в отдельных урбоценозах их число не превышало одного-трех видов. Видовой состав и численность скарабеоидных жуков оказались выше в крупных, рекреационно слабо нарушенных парках, где отмечено от 13 до 20 видов. На газонах как в центре города, так и в отдаленных микрорайонах, пластинчатоусые жуки встречались единично. В прилегающих к Харькову агроценозах отмечено 16 видов, из которых почти половина – обычны. Среднее фаунистическое сходство Scarabaeoidea в разных парках оказалось невелико (0,20 по Жаккару и 0,47 по Чекановскому – Серенсену). Эти показатели были чуть выше (0,38–0,50 / 0,61–0,67) для территорий с меньшей рекреационной нагруз­кой. Фаунистические индексы отдельных парков и агроценозов составляли 0,18–0,31 / 0,31–0,56 (в среднем – 0,33 / 0,50). На уровне обычных видов, фаунистическое сходство отсутствует. Значимость таких различий обусловлена как низкой численностью большинства видов, так и некоторыми экологическими характеристиками видов. Основные различия наблюдались в соотношении трофических групп и особенностях пространственного распределения доминантных видов. Меньшие различия отмечены при сравнении видов по биото­пической приуроченности и гигропреферендуму. По трофической специализации в парках доминировали герпетобионтные сапрофаги разной специализации (в основном копрофаги и дендрофаги), тогда как в агроценозах преобладали фитофаги – дендрохортобионты. Обсуждены особенности соотношения разных экологических групп Scarabaeoidea в урбо- и агроценозах.В результате исследований в пяти парках г. Харьков выявлено 32 вида из четырех семейств Scarabaeoidea. По видовому составу и численности доминировали представители семейства Scarabaeidae (26 видов из 16 родов). Обычными оказались шесть видов, причем в отдельных урбоценозах их число не превышало одного-трех видов. Видовой состав и численность скарабеоидных жуков оказались выше в крупных, рекреационно слабо нарушенных парках, где отмечено от 13 до 20 видов. На газонах как в центре города, так и в отдаленных микрорайонах, пластинчатоусые жуки встречались единично. В прилегающих к Харькову агроценозах отмечено 16 видов, из которых почти половина – обычны. Среднее фаунистическое сходство Scarabaeoidea в разных парках оказалось невелико (0,20 по Жаккару и 0,47 по Чекановскому – Серенсену). Эти показатели были чуть выше (0,38–0,50 / 0,61–0,67) для территорий с меньшей рекреационной нагруз­кой. Фаунистические индексы отдельных парков и агроценозов составляли 0,18–0,31 / 0,31–0,56 (в среднем – 0,33 / 0,50). На уровне обычных видов, фаунистическое сходство отсутствует. Значимость таких различий обусловлена как низкой численностью большинства видов, так и некоторыми экологическими характеристиками видов. Основные различия наблюдались в соотношении трофических групп и особенностях пространственного распределения доминантных видов. Меньшие различия отмечены при сравнении видов по биото­пической приуроченности и гигропреферендуму. По трофической специализации в парках доминировали герпетобионтные сапрофаги разной специализации (в основном копрофаги и дендрофаги), тогда как в агроценозах преобладали фитофаги – дендрохортобионты. Обсуждены особенности соотношения разных экологических групп Scarabaeoidea в урбо- и агроценозах

    Spatio-temporal mechanism of genetic homeostasis

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    The Effect of Surfactants on Equilibrium Wetting

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    Contact angles B0 of aqueous solutions contacting with hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces were studied as affected by various surfactants (alcohols, fatty acids, soaps) under conditions close to thermodynamic equilibrium (in the atmosphere saturated with the solution vapour). The conditions of transitions from limited wetting (Bo > 0) to complete wetting, i.e. spontaneous spreading were also studied. The effect of surfactants adsorption at the solid gas interface was estimated from the isotherms of wetting tension W = cr1g Cos B0 (cr1g is the surface tension of the solution) on the basis of equation describing W as a function of concentration. It is shown that adsorption of surfactants at the solid-gas interface markedly affects wetting of hydrophilic materials. For hydrophobic materials the effect is primarily due to adsorption of surfactants at the solid- solution and solution-gas interfaces. It was found that equilibrium wetting is affected by the type of adsorption at the solid surface (physical or chemical adsorption). The influence of hydrocarbon chain length in homological series of alcohols and fatty acids on equilibrium contact angles and on transition to spontaneous spreading was studied as well

    Magnetic phase diagram and first principles study of Pb3TeCo3V2O14

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    An antiferromagnetic ordering in Pb3TeCo3V2O14 takes place through formation of short range correlation regime with T* ~ 10.5 K and succession of second order phase transition at TN1 = 8.9 K and first order phase transition at TN2 = 6.3 K. An external magnetic field rapidly destroys magnetic structure at T < TN2 and influences the magnetic order at TN2 < T < TN1 resulting in complex magnetic phase diagram of Pb3TeCo3V2O14 as derived from magnetization and specific heat measurements. The first principles calculations indicate that in variance with layered crystal structure the magnetic subsystem of Pb3TeCo3V2O14 is quasi-one-dimensional and highly unusual consisting of weakly coupled triangular tubes.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure