1,785 research outputs found

    Trust Investments in North Carolina

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    Why a Burden of Going Forward

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    Why a Burden of Going Forward

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    The Configuration of Performance Appraisal: Investigating the Impact of Leadership and Personality Using a Within- and Between-Supervisory Group Analysis

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    The key to improvfrig performance appraisals in organizations may be the leadership exchange processes that occur between managers and subordinates. We suggest two ways in which this might unfold: (a) the direct relationships among leadership attention, tenure with supervisor, and actual performance appraisal rating and (b) the cqnfiguration of these three variables around the organization\u27s structure in which differences between supervisory groups are highlighted. Our findings suggest that all three variables are significantly related. For leadership attention and performance appraisal, an individual-level model best applies. A group model is implied for leaders~ip attention and tenure with supervisor, whereby entire supervisory groups that have longer tenure with their supervisor also receive, on average, higher amounts of leadership attention

    Experimental demonstration of a graph state quantum error-correction code

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    Scalable quantum computing and communication requires the protection of quantum information from the detrimental effects of decoherence and noise. Previous work tackling this problem has relied on the original circuit model for quantum computing. However, recently a family of entangled resources known as graph states has emerged as a versatile alternative for protecting quantum information. Depending on the graph's structure, errors can be detected and corrected in an efficient way using measurement-based techniques. In this article we report an experimental demonstration of error correction using a graph state code. We have used an all-optical setup to encode quantum information into photons representing a four-qubit graph state. We are able to reliably detect errors and correct against qubit loss. The graph we have realized is setup independent, thus it could be employed in other physical settings. Our results show that graph state codes are a promising approach for achieving scalable quantum information processing

    Demonstration of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering Using Hybrid Continuous- and Discrete-Variable Entanglement of Light

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    Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering is known to be a key resource for one-sided device-independent quantum information protocols. Here we demonstrate steering using hybrid entanglement between continuous- and discrete-variable optical qubits. To this end, we report on suitable steering inequalities and detail the implementation and requirements for this demonstration. Steering is experimentally certified by observing a violation by more than 5 standard deviations. Our results illustrate the potential of optical hybrid entanglement for applications in heterogeneous quantum networks that would interconnect disparate physical platforms and encodings

    An Investigation of the Catalytic Mechanism of S-adenosylmethionine Synthetase by QM/MM Calculations

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    Catalysis by S-adenosylmethionine synthetase has been investigated by quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical calculations, exploiting structures of the active crystalline enzyme. The transition state energy of +19.1 kcal/mol computed for a nucleophilic attack of the methionyl sulfur on carbon-5′ of the nucleotide was indistinguishable from the experimental (solution) value when the QM residues were an uncharged histidine that hydrogen bonds to the leaving oxygen-5′ and an aspartate that chelates a Mg2+ ion, and was similar (+18.8 kcal/mol) when the QM region also included the active site arginine and lysines. The computed energy difference between reactant and product was also consistent with their equimolar abundance in co-crystals. The calculated geometrical changes support catalysis of a SN2 reaction through hydrogen bonding of the liberated oxygen-5′ to the histidine, charge neutralization by the 2 Mg2+ ions, and stabilization of the product sulfonium cation through a close, non-bonded, contact between the sulfur and the ribose 4′-oxygen
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