10 research outputs found

    Superconformal indices at large N and the entropy of AdS5 x SE5 black holes

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    The large N limit of the four-dimensional superconformal index was computed and successfully compared to the entropy of a class of AdS5 black holes only in the particular case of equal angular momenta. Using the Bethe ansatz formulation, we compute the index at large N with arbitrary chemical potentials for all charges and angular momenta, for general four-dimensional conformal theories with a holographic dual. We conjecture and bring some evidence that a particular universal contribution to the sum over Bethe vacua dominates the index at large N. For SYM, this contribution correctly leads to the entropy of BPS Kerr-Newman black holes in AdS5 x S5 for arbitrary values of the conserved charges, thus completing the microscopic derivation of their microstates. We also consider theories dual to AdS5 x SE5, where SE5 is a Sasaki-Einstein manifold. We first check our results against the so-called universal black hole. We then explicitly construct the near-horizon geometry of BPS Kerr-Newman black holes in AdS5 T^{1,1}, charged under the baryonic symmetry of the conifold theory and with equal angular momenta. We compute the entropy of these black holes using the attractor mechanism and find complete agreement with the field theory predictions

    Homewear in Brazil: evolution from 1976 to present

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    The traditional bride trousseau (homewear) was composed of bedding, table and bath textiles and household utensils that were necessary for her married life. Social changes and technological advances provided a new perspective and proportion for homewear textile sector. This study aimed to analyze the evolution of household linen (bedding, table and bath), from 1976 to 2019, in Brazil, related to composition of materials. Literature and magazines of this area were analyzed, notably Casa Vogue Brasil (“Vogue Home Brazil”) and Casa Claudia (“Claudia Home”) magazines. It concluded that the main employed material is cotton, followed in lesser extent by blends (notably cotton and polyester). The classic patterns predominate, especially the flat fabrics, ornamented with embroidery and classic design of flower and geometric prints, white and soft colors (clear beige, clear gray, etc.). These products represent the majority of sales in the domestic, but they could be non-competitive at the foreign market considering the price in relation to commodities from Asia and also lacking the necessary differentiation to meet these target publicsThe authors gratefully acknowledge the funding by CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (”Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education”) and and FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (“Minas Gerais State Research Support Foundation”)

    AdS black holes, holography and localization

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