131 research outputs found

    Numerical analysis of wet separation of particles by density differences

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    Wet particle separation is widely used in mineral processing and plastic recycling to separate mixtures of particulate materials into further usable fractions due to density differences. This work presents efforts aiming to numerically analyze the wet separation of particles with different densities. In the current study the discrete element method (DEM) is used for the solid phase while the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is used for modeling of the liquid phase. The two phases are coupled by the use of a volume averaging technique. In the current study, simulations of spherical particle separation were performed. In these simulations, a set of generated particles with two different densities is dropped into a rectangular container filled with liquid. The results of simulations with two different mixtures of particles demonstrated how separation depends on the densities of particles.Comment: This manuscript was accepted for the publication in the conference proceedings of ICNAAM 2016 conferenc

    Vectorization of human pelvis objects in X-ray images

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    In medical diagnostics visual evaluation of an object or its image is necessary but time consuming operation. Well-known computer vision algorithms or their compilation, or even some new methods should be the right tool in increasing the speed and reliability of this process. This paper introduces situation in this domain and some experiments and their results in extraction of biomechanical parameters of human pelvis from x-ray images using combination of Hough transform for a line, for a circle (arc) and Canny edge detector. The main idea of an algorithm, which was created during this experiment, is to use different levels of noise filter thus making a balance between leaving too much noise and removing too much actual data. The basic steps would be: filter out most of noise and noisy objects using high filter’s threshold value; find sharp and clear objects; narrow the set of possible parameters of noisy objects; apply noise filter with lower threshold value to the original image; find noisy objects. Experiment shows that algorithm works but it needs to be tested on reliability and some bindings with actual biomechanical parameters should be done (see [1–6])

    Investigation of rice grain flow by multi-sphere particle model with rolling resistance

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    A multi-sphere (MS) model combined with rolling friction was considered for modelling elongated particles of irregular shape. The performance of the model was investigated by numerical simulations of the rice grain flow. A set of 5000 poly-dispersed milled rice grains were selected for the investigation purposes. They were characterised by a constant aspect ratio 3.5, while their maximum size was ranging from 6.4 to 7.3 mm. Filling and discharge flow as well as piling were simulated numerically with and without rolling resistance of particles. Simulation results were validated on the basis of experimental results. Good agreement of numerical and experimental results in terms of the discharge time and repose angle of the pile was reached simultaneously, when rolling resistance was introduced

    The recognition and modelling of a backbone and its deformity

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    In this article the authors present a method for the backbone recognition and modelling. The process of recognition combines some classical techniques (Hough transformation, GVF snakes) with some new (authors present a method for initial curvature detection, which they call the Falling Ball method). The result enables us to identify high-quality features of the spine and to detect the major deformities of backbone: the intercrestal line, centre sacral vertical line, C7 plumbline; as well as angles: proximal thoracic curve, main thoracic curve, thoracolumbar/lumbar. These features are used for measure in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, especially in the case of treatment. Input data are just radiographic images, meet in everyday practice

    Konstitucinė teisė į nemokamą gydymą: interpretavimo problemos.

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    The right to free of charge treatment belongs to the group of social human rights. The implementation of this group of human rights usually depends on the economic situation of the state and its social policy, and, in particular, right to free charge treatment depends on the health protection policy of the state. Nevertheless, in lots of cases the right to free of charge treatment has constitutional basis, as the grounds for this human right are established in the constitutions of the states (e.g. Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Russia, etc.). In Lithuania the right to free of charge health protection is established in Article 53 of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, which establishes that the state shall take care of people’s health and shall guarantee medical aid and services in the event of sickness, and the procedure for providing medical aid to citizens free of charge at state health care institutions shall be established by law. In fact, the obligation of the state to take care of people’s health and guarantee medical aid and services in the event of sickness, includes the obligation to guarantee the right to the free of charge treatment, however, the extent of such free of charge treatment, and the procedure of the rendering of free of charge treatment shall be established by laws. In order to comply with the minimum standards of free of charge treatment, at least the essential medical aid shall be guaranteed to all persons, and such aid shall comply with accessability and acceptability principles.Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucijos 53 straipsnio 1 dalies nuostatos, įtvirtinančios, kad valstybė rūpinasi žmonių sveikata ir laiduoja medicinos pagalbą bei paslaugas žmogui susirgus, o įstatymas nustato piliečiams nemokamos medicinos pagalbos valstybinėse gydymo įstaigose teikimo tvarką, ir pateikiama šių Konstitucijos nuostatų interpretacija. Autorius analizuoja teisės į nemokamą gydymą įtvirtinimą Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucijoje ir kituose teisės aktuose, nagrinėja valstybės įsipareigojimų, nustatytų Konstitucijos 53 straipsnyje, pobūdį, kokiems asmenims turėtų būti taikoma ši teisė, kokia yra nemokamos medicinos pagalbos apimtis ir kaip užtikrinama teisė į nemokamą gydymą laikantis kai kurių Lietuvos Respublikos tarptautinių įsipareigojimų. Konstitucijos 53 straipsnyje iš esmės deklaruojama teisė į sveikatos priežiūrą bei įtvirtinta iš esmės blanketinė norma, nukreipianti į nemokamos medicinos pagalbos ir nemokamo gydymo reglamentavimą pagal įstatymą. Todėl nagrinėjant valstybės įsipareigojimus pagal Konstitucijos 53 straipsnio 1 dalį nemažai remiamasi ir atitinkamų įstatymų nuostatomis. Straipsnyje keliamos nemokamo gydymo taikymo užsienio valstybių piliečiams ir asmenims be pilietybės, valstybės laiduojamos (nemokamos) sveikatos priežiūros apimties, nemokamos sveikatos priežiūros reglamentavimo problemos

    Reklamos ir kitos informacijos apie prekes ir paslaugas santykis: teisinis aspektas

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    The author of the article analyzes the concept of advertising as a legal category as well as the problems of the distinction between advertising and other information on goods and services. The article deals with the discussion of the features of advertising (which are important in order to separate advertising from other information on goods and services), the case law of various Lithuanian courts regarding the recognition of the information on goods and services as advertising, and the analysis of certain provisions of Lithuanian laws related to the distinction between advertising and other information on goods and services. One of the forms of information which has specific features is advertising. The main feature which helps to distinguish between advertising and other information on goods and services and which is established in the laws and reflected in the Lithuanian case law is the special intention of advertising, i.e. to promote certain goods and services; however, some Lithuanian laws emphasize remuneration as a specific feature of certain advertising as well. The author of the article analyzes the importance of the abovementioned features of advertising when deciding on the recognition of certain information as advertising and their application in the Lithuanian case law. In the Lithuanian case law there is a tendency to construe as broad as possible definition of advertising and to recognize almost any information on goods and services as advertising. However, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania has declared that not all information on goods and services should be recognized as advertising, i.e. there exists non-advertising information on goods and services. Therefore, the author analyzes the Lithuanian case law in the context of the abovementioned interpretation of the Lithuanian Constitutional Court.Straipsnyje analizuojama reklamos kaip teisinės kategorijos samprata ir jos atskyrimo nuo kitos informacijos apie prekes ir paslaugas teisinė problematika. Aptariami reklamos požymiai, kurie yra reikšmingi siekiant atskirti reklamą nuo kitos informacijos apie prekes ir paslaugas, Lietuvos teismų praktika, susijusi su informacijos apie prekes ir paslaugas pripažinimu reklama, taip pat analizuojamos kai kurių Lietuvos Respublikos įstatymų nuostatos, susijusios su reklamos ir kitos informacijos atribojimu. Viena iš informacijos formų yra reklama. Jai būdingi specifiniai požymiai. Nors svarbiausias reklamos požymis, atskiriantis reklamą nuo kitos informacijos apie prekes ir paslaugas ir įtvirtintas teisės aktuose bei atskleidžiamas teismų praktikoje, yra specifinis reklamos tikslas – vartotojų skatinimas įsigyti reklamuojamų prekių arba paslaugų, kai kurie teisės aktai kaip specifinį tam tikros reklamos požymį numato ir atlygintinumą. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama nurodytų reklamos požymių reikšmė atitinkamą informaciją apie prekes ir paslaugas pripažįstant reklama ir jų taikymas teismų praktikoje. Lietuvos teismų praktikoje formuojasi tendencija reklamos sampratą aiškinti kiek įmanoma plačiau ir, galima sakyti, bet kokią informaciją apie prekes ir paslaugas pripažinti reklama. Tačiau Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucinis Teismas yra pažymėjęs, kad ne bet kokia skleidžiama informacija apie prekes arba paslaugas laikytina reklama, t. y. įmanomas ir nereklaminio pobūdžio informacijos apie prekes ar paslaugas skleidimas. Šiuo atžvilgiu straipsnyje nagrinėjama atitinkama teismų praktika analizuojama atsižvelgiant į nurodytą Konstitucinio Teismo išaiškinimą

    Investigation of adequacy of multi-sphere approximation of elliptical particles for DEM simulations

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    Adequacy of approximation of ellipsoidal particles composed of a set of sub-spheres for numerical Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations is examined. The algorithm of adaptive hierarchical multi-sphere (MS) model is suggested for composing elliptical particles. Numerical simulation of the piling problem is used as a test problem for evaluating the adequacy of MS model approximation in comparison to the model of smooth ellipses for multiparticle system. The accuracy of MS approximation with the increasing number of sub-spheres is examined in detail by comparison of macroscopic and microscopic parameters of granular dynamics. It was determined that the data on macroscopic parameters yielded by the MS model tend to converge to those of the smooth ellipsoid with the increasing number of the constituent sub-spheres, and the MS model approximates the smooth perfect ellipsoid with a reasonable number of sub-spheres within the limits of the appropriate tolerance. It can be concluded that a multi-sphere model remains a realistic and relatively simple particle model applicable to DEM simulations of the behaviour of the real smooth and rough elliptically shaped particles

    Reklamos kaip komercinės informacijos ribojimo doktrina Lietuvos Respublikos konstitucinio teismo jurisprudencijoje

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    The article analyzes the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania that deals with limitation of advertising, and discusses the terms and conditions of limitation of advertising, and interpretation thereof in the rulings of Constitutional Court. The article discusses freedom of information as one of the essential human rights and values of modern civilization, which at the same time is a precondition for materialization of other human rights and freedoms. One of the forms of information is advertising is information of commercial nature that promotes purchase of goods or services. The article discusses in brief the conception of advertising as one of the forms of information, as discussed in the Constitutional Court rulings, and conducts a short investigation into the difference that exists between advertising and other forms of information. Whereas advertising is information of a certain nature, the freedom of information is applicable to advertising as well, however, as regards advertising, this right is used by legal entities. Though this interesting aspect of freedom of information is not specially accentuated by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, it is nevertheless discussed in the article. The article focuses on the doctrine of limitation of advertising in the case practice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania – the article analyzes the conditions under which advertising is subject to limitation: the limitations of advertising shall be established by law, they shall have legitimate aim (protection of other constitutional values), they shall be necessary in democratic society, and they shall be proportionate. The article widely discusses each of the conditions necessary for limitation of advertising and analyzes how those conditions are interpreted by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania.Straipsnyje analizuojama Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucinio Teismo jurisprudencija bylose, kuriose buvo nagrinėjami reklamos ribojimo klausimai, aptariamos reklamos ribojimo sąlygos ir šių sąlygų interpretacija Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucinio Teismo nutarimuose. Straipsnyje aptariama informacijos laisvė, kaip viena iš esminių šiuolaikinės civilizacijos žmogaus teisių ir vertybių, kuri kartu yra ir kitų žmogaus teisių ir laisvių įgyvendinimo prielaida. Viena iš informacijos formų yra reklama. Ji gali būti socialinė, politinė ir komercinė. Straipsnyje trumpai aptariama komercinės reklamos, kaip vienos iš informacijos formų, samprata, pateikiama Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucinio Teismo nutarimuose, taip pat trumpai nagrinėjama, kuo reklama skiriasi nuo kitos informacijos. Reklama yra tam tikro pobūdžio informacija, todėl informacijos laisvė yra taikoma ir reklamai, tačiau reklamos atveju šia teise naudojasi ir juridiniai asmenys. Šis įdomus informacijos laisvės aspektas, nors nėra atskirai pabrėžiamas Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucinio Teismo, tačiau straipsnyje taip pat yra aptariamas.Didelis dėmesys straipsnyje skiriamas komercinės reklamos ribojimo doktrinai Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucinio Teismo nagrinėtose bylose – nagrinėjama, kokioms sąlygoms esant gali būti ribojama reklama, plačiai aptariama kiekviena tokių reklamai riboti būtinų sąlygų bei analizuojama, kaip šias reklamos ribojimui būtinas sąlygas interpretuoja Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucinis Teismas

    SENTIREC - The sentinel node mapping in women with cervical cancer study:Patient-reported early lymphedema and its impact on quality of life

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    Objective:  To evaluate patient-reported incidence and severity of early lymphedema and its impact on quality of life (QoL) after sentinel lymph node (SLN) mapping only and after SLN and pelvic lymphadenectomy (PL) in women undergoing surgery for early-stage cervical cancer. Methods:  In a national prospective multicenter study, we included women with early-stage cervical cancer from March 2017-January 2021 to undergo radical surgery including SLN mapping. Women with tumors >20 mm underwent completion PL. The incidence and severity of early lymphedema and its influence on QoL were evaluated using validated patient-reported outcome measures before surgery and three months postoperative. We investigated changes over time using linear regression. Results:  Two hundred of 245 (81.6%) included women completed questionnaires at baseline and three months postoperatively. The incidence of early lymphedema was 5.6% (95% CI 2.1-11.8%) and 32.3% (95% CI 22.9-42.7%) in women who underwent SLN mapping only and SLN + PL, respectively. Lymphedema symptoms in the legs, genitals, and groins increased in both groups postoperatively but three times more in women who underwent PL. Lymphedema symptoms after SLN + PL significantly impaired physical performance (p = 0.001) and appearance (p = 0.007). Reporting lymphedema was significantly associated with impaired body image, physical-, role-, and social functioning, and a high level of fatigue. Conclusions:  SLN mapping alone carries a low risk of lymphedema in women undergoing surgery for early-stage cervical cancer. In contrast, completion PL is associated with a high incidence of early lymphedema. Reporting lymphedema is associated with significant impairment of several physical, psychological, and social aspects of QoL