53 research outputs found

    Écrire-rĂȘver le rapport Ă  la pratique professionnelle d’un coordonnateur d’ULIS collĂšge : la rĂ©pĂ©tition d’une rĂ©alitĂ© inrĂȘvĂ©e

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    Pour ma recherche doctorale, j’ai explorĂ© le rapport de certains coordonnateurs d’ULIS collĂšge (unitĂ© localisĂ©e pour l’inclusion scolaire) Ă  leurs propres pratiques professionnelles en France. Dans le cadre du projet nationale pour une Ă©cole inclusive, les coordonnateurs d’ULIS sont des enseignants spĂ©cialisĂ©s qui proposent un enseignement adaptĂ© auprĂšs des Ă©lĂšves reconnus en situation de handicap et mettent en Ɠuvre le PPS (projet personnalisĂ© de scolarisation), conçu pour chacun d’entre eux, en collaboration Ă©troite avec les autres enseignants et acteurs du mĂ©dico-social. À partir d’une approche clinique d'orientation psychanalytique en sciences de l’éducation et de la formation, j’ai souhaitĂ© explorer comment les enseignants spĂ©cialisĂ©s occupant cette fonction complexe vivaient leur mĂ©tier sur le plan psychique. Dans cette perspective, j’ai menĂ© des entretiens cliniques de recherche avec quatre professionnels. Ici, j’expose le dispositif d’analyse des entretiens mis en place dans l’aprĂšs-coup et la place particuliĂšre de l’écriture comme une modalitĂ© d’élaboration psychique. InspirĂ© des travaux de T. Ogden (1994, 2005), le terme « Ă©crire-rĂȘver » dĂ©signe la rĂȘverie sous-tendant le processus d’écriture dans ce dispositif, qui permet la reprĂ©sentabilitĂ© du lien interviewer-interviewĂ© en rapport avec la pratique professionnelle. Pour illustrer ce propos, je prĂ©sente l’analyse d’un seul entretien avec un coordonnateur, en restituant le chemin qui m’a amenĂ© Ă  l'hypothĂšse de l’actualisation d’une rĂ©alitĂ© « inrĂȘvĂ©e » (Ogden, 2005) dans l’entretien en rapport avec son lien aux autres enseignants du collĂšge. Para minha pesquisa de doutorado, explorei a relação de certos coordenadores das ULIS ColĂ©gio (Unidades Localizadas para a InclusĂŁo Escolar - em colĂ©gios) com suas prĂłprias prĂĄticas profissionais na França. No Ăąmbito do projeto nacional para uma escola inclusiva, os coordenadores das ULIS sĂŁo professores especializados que oferecem um ensino adaptado a alunos reconhecidos como portadores de necessidades especiais. Eles tambĂ©m implementam o PPS (Projeto Personalizado de Escolarização), concebido para cada aluno, em estreita colaboração com os outros professores e atores mĂ©dico-sociais. A partir de uma abordagem clĂ­nica de orientação psicanalĂ­tica em ciĂȘncias da educação e da formação, quis explorar como os professores especializados que ocupam essa função complexa vivenciam seu quotidiano no plano psĂ­quico. Nessa perspectiva, realizei entrevistas de pesquisa clĂ­nica com quatro profissionais. Aqui, exponho o dispositivo de anĂĄlise das entrevistas implementado no a posteriori e o lugar particular da escrita como modalidade de elaboração psĂ­quica. Inspirado no trabalho de T. Ogden (1994, 2005), o termo "escrever-como-sonhar" designa o devaneio [rĂȘverie] subjacente ao processo de escrita nesse dispositivo, o que permite a representatividade do vĂ­nculo entrevistador-entrevistado em relação Ă  prĂĄtica profissional. Para ilustrar esse ponto, apresento a anĂĄlise de uma Ășnica entrevista com um coordenador de uma ULIS. Mostro precisamente o caminho que me levou Ă  hipĂłtese da atualização de uma realidade “insonhĂĄvel” (Ogden, 2005) na entrevista, em relação ao vĂ­nculo do coordenador com os demais professores do colĂ©gio.Para mi investigaciĂłn de doctorado, explorĂ© la relaciĂłn de ciertos coordinadores universitarios de ULIS (unidad localizada para la educaciĂłn inclusiva) con sus propias prĂĄcticas profesionales en Francia. Como parte del proyecto nacional por una escuela inclusiva, los coordinadores de ULIS son docentes que ofrecen enseñanza adaptada a alumnos con discapacidad reconocida. TambiĂ©n implementan el PPS (proyecto de escolarizaciĂłn personalizada), diseñado para cada alumno, en estrecha colaboraciĂłn con otros docentes y actores mĂ©dico-sociales. Desde un enfoque clĂ­nico orientado psicoanalĂ­ticamente en ciencias de la educaciĂłn, quise explorar cĂłmo los profesores especializados que ocupan esta funciĂłn experimentan su vida cotidiana en el nivel psĂ­quico. En esta perspectiva, realicĂ© entrevistas de investigaciĂłn clĂ­nica con cuatro profesionales. AquĂ­ expongo el dispositivo de anĂĄlisis de las entrevistas y el lugar particular de la escritura como modalidad de elaboraciĂłn psĂ­quica. Inspirado en el trabajo de T. Ogden (1994, 2005), el tĂ©rmino "escribir-como-soñar" designa la ensoñaciĂłn que subyace al proceso de escritura, que permite la representabilidad del vĂ­nculo entrevistador-entrevistado en relaciĂłn con la prĂĄctica profesional. Para ilustrar este punto, presento el anĂĄlisis de una sola entrevista con un coordinador de ULIS. Precisamente muestro el camino que me llevĂł a la hipĂłtesis de una realidad “no soñada” (Ogden, 2005) que puede afectar la colaboraciĂłn del entrevistado con los demĂĄs profesores de su facultad.For my PhD research, I explored the relationship of certain ULIS coordinators (localized unit for inclusive education) to their own professional practices in French secondary school. As part of the national project for an inclusive school, coordinators of ULIS are teachers who offer adapted teaching to pupils with special educational needs. They also implement the PPS (personalized schooling project), designed for each pupil, in close collaboration with other teachers and medico-social actors. From a psychoanalytically oriented clinical approach in educational sciences, I wanted to explore how specialized teachers occupying this function experience their everyday life on the psychic level. In this perspective, I conducted clinical research interviews with four professionals. Here, I expose the device of interviews analysis and the particular place of writing as a modality of psychic elaboration. Inspired by the work of T. Ogden (1994, 2005), the term "writing-as-dreaming" designates the reverie underlying the process of writing, which allows representability of the interviewer-interviewee link in relation to the professional practice. To illustrate this point, I present the analysis of a single interview with a ULIS coordinator. I precisely show the path that led me to the hypothesis of an "undreamt" reality (Ogden, 2005) that may affect the interviewee’s collaboration with the other teachers of his college

    Galactic Nuclei in the Near-IR Probing the impact of the central engines on their host galaxies

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    Galaxies are the building blocks of the large-scale structures of the Universe, but they are also very complicated structures at an individual level. They are observed to have a variety of morphologies, colors, sizes, and general properties. According to the, currently main- stream, Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmological model, structures in the Cosmos grow hierarchically. Within this framework, gas-rich, rotationally supported spiral/disk galaxies merge to form the fainter, rapidly rotating ellipticals, objects which are dynamically sup- ported by a combination of pressure due to random motions of stars and ordered rota- tional motions of the stars from the relic disks of the progenitor galaxies. Fainter elliptical galaxies then merge to form giant, slowly rotating, “red and dead” ellipticals, which are dynamically supported by the pressure of the highly randomized motions of their, mostly, old stars. Galaxy mergers, however, do much more than randomizing the orbits of stars, as they also introduce a variety of important implications to galaxy evolution. The “end story” of mergers is, inevitably, to create supermassive black hole (SMBH) binaries and, possibly, SMBH recoils, both of which can transform the central regions of the remnants. Moreover, tidal torques during mergers can remove angular momentum from the gas of the progenitor galaxies and drive it towards the center, a process which can initiate intense central starbursts, while it is also a very effective way to “turn on” their central engines, in a phenomenon known as an active galactic nucleus or AGN. An AGN, in turn, can pro- duce massive energy outflows (i.e. AGN feedback) both in the form of mechanical energy (e.g. winds and jets), as well as, in the form of intense radiation fields, which can affect the evolution of a galaxy, either in a negative (e.g. quenching nuclear star formation) or in a positive way (e.g. jet-induced star formation). In this thesis, I present the case studies of two objects, namely, NGC3718 and NGC5128, using near-infrared (NIR), high resolution, adaptive optics (AO) assisted data taken with the Subaru telescope and the High-Contrast Coronographic Imager for Adap- tive Optics (HiCIAO) instrument. NGC3718 is an exciting object. Its morphological properties point towards a classifi- cation as a polar ring galaxy, which is, likely, the product of a rare case of a galaxy merger, while it is also a low luminosity AGN (LLAGN). The analysis presented here, reveals strong indications for the presence of an SMBH recoil in NGC3718, which is further supported by results from previous studies. Evidence that an SMBH recoil is present include the observed NIR and radio emission spatial offsets, a candidate small-scale X-shaped radio source, an amount of “missing light” in its central region (i.e. ∌ 200 pc), and the relative shift between its broad and narrow H α lines. In an effort to incorporate all these findings into one physically consistent scheme, I extensively discuss a possible interpretation of these results. NGC5128 is also a very interesting object, since it is the host of the powerful radio source Centaurus A (Cen A). Here, I present the analysis of a field located near the northern middle lobe (NML) of the Cen A jet, at a distance of ∌ 15 kpc from the center of the galaxy. This region has long been suspected to have undergone a jet-induced star formation ∌ 10 − 15 Myr ago, which created young blue stars arranged in OB associations. Statistical and photometric analysis of high resolution images of the region reveals the presence of supergiants, with estimated ages consistent with the age of the jet-induced star formation. Finally, throughout this work I underline the great potential of high resolution, ground- based NIR observations in exploring our Cosmos, either regarding the physical processes that occur in the central regions of nearby galaxies, or in resolving extra-galactic dense stellar populations (e.g. OB associations) into individual stars in galaxies beyond our Local Group (LG)


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    In the last years resuspended dust is gaining more scientific attention as it is believed to be a significant source of particles. In many modeling studies exhaust-pipe emissions alone, are inadequate to explain the observed ambient concentrations values. In Greece, a country with PM10 concentrations well above the ambient threshold limits, resuspension could be the missing link between modeled and observed concentration levels. A quantification of dust resuspension emissions in the city of Thessaloniki was attempted based on real traffic counts and various statistical parameters and the influence of resuspended dust was investigated with the help of an emission model developed for this purpose. The results indicated that resuspension of dust emissions was several times more the exhaust part emissions. Moreover an evaluation method implemented in two measuring stations with different characteristics, showed a very good agreement with the ambient concentration measurements. As exhaust-pipe emissions are expected to go down during the next years due to the introduction of better engine technologies in the circulating fleet, non-exhaust sources are expected to raise due to the increased number of circulating vehicles

    Écrire-rĂȘver le rapport Ă  la pratique professionnelle d’un coordonnateur d’ULIS collĂšge : la rĂ©pĂ©tition d’une rĂ©alitĂ© inrĂȘvĂ©e

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    Pour ma recherche doctorale, j’ai explorĂ© le rapport de certains coordonnateurs d’ULIS collĂšge (unitĂ© localisĂ©e pour l’inclusion scolaire) Ă  leurs propres pratiques professionnelles en France. Dans le cadre du projet nationale pour une Ă©cole inclusive, les coordonnateurs d’ULIS sont des enseignants spĂ©cialisĂ©s qui proposent un enseignement adaptĂ© auprĂšs des Ă©lĂšves reconnus en situation de handicap et mettent en Ɠuvre le PPS (projet personnalisĂ© de scolarisation), conçu pour chacun d’entre eux, en collaboration Ă©troite avec les autres enseignants et acteurs du mĂ©dico-social. À partir d’une approche clinique d'orientation psychanalytique en sciences de l’éducation et de la formation, j’ai souhaitĂ© explorer comment les enseignants spĂ©cialisĂ©s occupant cette fonction complexe vivaient leur mĂ©tier sur le plan psychique. Dans cette perspective, j’ai menĂ© des entretiens cliniques de recherche avec quatre professionnels. Ici, j’expose le dispositif d’analyse des entretiens mis en place dans l’aprĂšs-coup et la place particuliĂšre de l’écriture comme une modalitĂ© d’élaboration psychique. InspirĂ© des travaux de T. Ogden (1994, 2005), le terme « Ă©crire-rĂȘver » dĂ©signe la rĂȘverie sous-tendant le processus d’écriture dans ce dispositif, qui permet la reprĂ©sentabilitĂ© du lien interviewer-interviewĂ© en rapport avec la pratique professionnelle. Pour illustrer ce propos, je prĂ©sente l’analyse d’un seul entretien avec un coordonnateur, en restituant le chemin qui m’a amenĂ© Ă  l'hypothĂšse de l’actualisation d’une rĂ©alitĂ© « inrĂȘvĂ©e » (Ogden, 2005) dans l’entretien en rapport avec son lien aux autres enseignants du collĂšge.

    Re-engineering E. coli for in vivo production of fluorometabolites

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    Fluorinated products are widely used in pharmaceutical and agrochemical applications where a large portion of the commercial compounds being developed contain at least one atom of fluorine. Most of the conventional fluorination reactions require volatile chemicals and are highly exothermic requiring controlled procedures which are rather costly, produce low yields and exhibit low selectivity of the moiety accepting fluorine. As a result, much attention has been drawn on enzymatic fluorination in a quest to ameliorate these issues. The only characterized enzyme that mediates direct fluorination is the 5'-fluoro- 5'-deoxyadenosine (5'-FDA) synthase (a.k.a. fluorinase), which uptakes an S- adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) molecule and a fluorine atom as substrates and yields 5'-FDA and methionine. Variants of this enzyme have been extensively studied structurally and functionally with in vitro assays and they exhibit very high homology, and a similarly slow activity. In this work, a bacterial in vivo bioreactor is presented, based on a variant of the enzyme, which is found in Streptomyces sp. MA37 (FlA1). The base host that has been chosen for the implementation of modiflcations is Escherichia coli BL21(DE3), which is a host of choice for the over-expression of recombinant proteins and in some occasions utilized for the construction of novelty bioreactors. In the case of enzymatic fluorination, a few challenges had to be addressed. First of all, E. coli contains an ion channel protein, termed CrcB, which expels fluoride anions out of the cell. Secondly, SAM cannot passively enter E. coli cells rendering the intracellular molarity of SAM a bottleneck. Last but not least, the E. coli purine nucleoside phosphorylase, DeoD, has been suggested to degrade the fluorination product, 5'-FDA. Therefore, the modified E. coli strain, consists of 2 deleted genes (∆crcB∆deo∆), the expression of a SAM transporter from Rickettsia prowazekii and the over-expression of flA1. Using this strain, in vivo production of 5'-FDA to near millimolar concentrations has been confirmed using an array of chemical analysis methods including High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Fluorine Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (F-NMR) and High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS)

    A GIS based anthropogenic PM10 emission inventory for Greece

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    AbstractAn anthropogenic, chemically speciated PM10 emission inventory was compiled for Greece in 10km spatial resolution. The inventory comprises of all anthropogenic particulate matter sources and it was compiled using a Geographical Information System (GIS) integrated with SQL programming language. Input data from the national and international databases were used for the calculation of spatially and temporally resolved emissions for the road transport and all the subsectors of the other mobile sources and machinery sector using top–down or bottom–up methodologies. Annual data from existing emission databases were also used and were temporally and spatially disaggregated using source relevant statistical data and high resolution maps. The sectoral emission totals are compared with other emission databases or studies conducted in the area. Total anthropogenic emissions in Greece were estimated to be 182 219t for the base year 2003. The results indicate the industrial sector as the major PM10 emission source (39.9% contribution) with the major industrial units though to be situated inside the organised industrial areas of the country. The power generation sector (21.4%) is the second largest contributor in national level mostly derived from one specific industrial region at north. International cargo shipping activities (9.6%) is also an important source category for particles. Heat production and road transport are found to play a significant role inside the urban centres of the country

    Regular Matroids with Graphic Cocircuits

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    We introduce the notion of graphic cocircuits and show that a large class of regular matroids with graphic cocircuits belongs to the class of signed-graphic matroids. Moreover, we provide an algorithm which determines whether a cographic matroid with graphic cocircuits is signed-graphic or not
