3,997 research outputs found

    On the Correlation of Torque and Luminosity in GX 1+4

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    Over five years of daily hard X-ray (>20 keV) monitoring of the 2-min accretion-powered pulsar GX 1+4 with the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory/BATSE large-area detectors has found nearly continuous rapid spin-down, interrupted by a bright 200-d spin-up episode. During spin-down, the torque becomes more negative as the luminosity increases (assuming that the 20-60 keV pulsed flux traces bolometric luminosity), the opposite of what is predicted by standard accretion torque theory. No changes in the shape of the 20-100 keV pulsed energy spectrum were detected, so that a very drastic change in the spectrum below 20 keV or the pulsed fraction would be required to make the 20-60 keV pulsed flux a poor luminosity tracer. These are the first observations which flatly contradict standard magnetic disk accretion theory, and they may have important implications for understanding the spin evolution of X-ray binaries, cataclysmic variables, and protostars. We briefly discuss the possibility that GX 1+4 may be accreting from a retrograde disk during spin-down, as previously suggested.Comment: 10 pages including 3 PS figures. To appear in ApJ Letter

    FiberGLAST: a scintillating fiber approach to the GLAST mission

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    FiberGLAST is a scintillating fiber gamma-ray detector designed for the GLAST mission. The system described below provides superior effective area and field of view for modest cost and risk. An overview of the FiberGLAST instrument is presented, as well as a more detailed description of the principle elements of the primary detector volume. The triggering and readout electronics are described, and Monte Carlo Simulations of the instrument performance are presented

    Stent-graft repair of a splenic artery aneurysm

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    The Outbursts and Orbit of the Accreting Pulsar GS 1843-02 = 2S 1845-024

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    We present observations of a series of 10 outbursts of pulsed hard X-ray flux from the transient 10.6 mHz accreting pulsar GS 1843-02, using the Burst and Transient Source Experiment on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. These outbursts occurred regularly every 242 days, coincident with the ephemeris of the periodic transient GRO J1849-03 (Zhang et al. 1996), which has recently been identified with the SAS 3 source 2S 1845-024 (Soffitta et al. 1998). Our pulsed detection provides the first clear identification of GS 1843-02 with 2S 1845-024. We present a pulse timing analysis which shows that the 2S 1845-024 outbursts occur near the periastron passage of the neutron star's highly eccentric (e = 0.88+-0.01) 242.18+-0.01 day period binary orbit about a high mass (M > 7 solar masses) companion. The orbit and transient outburst pattern strongly suggest the pulsar is in a binary system with a Be star. Our observations show a long-term spin-up trend, with most of the spin-up occurring during the outbursts. From the measured spin-up rates and inferred luminosities we conclude that an accretion disk is present during the outbursts.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Overview and Guidance on Agile Development in Large Organizations

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    A continual debate surrounds the effectiveness of agile software development practices. Some organizations adopt agile practices to become more competitive, improve processes, and reduce costs. Other organizations are skeptical about whether agile development is beneficial. Large organizations face an additional challenge in integrating agile practices with existing standards and business processes. To examine the effects of agile development practices in large organizations, we review and integrate scientific literature and theory on agile software development. We further organize our theory and observations into a framework with guidelines for large organizations considering agile methodologies. Based on this framework, we present recommendations that suggest ways large organizations with established processes can successfully implement agile practices. Our analysis of the literature and theory provides new insight for researchers of agile software development and assists practitioners in determining how to adopt agile development in their organizations

    XTE J1946+274 = GRO J1944+26: An Enigmatic Be/X-ray Binary

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    XTE J1946+274 = GRO J1944+26 is a 15.8 s Be/X-ray pulsar discovered simultaneously in 1998 September with the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) and the All-Sky Monitor (ASM) on the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). Here we present new results from BATSE and {\em RXTE} including a pulse timing analysis, spectral analysis, and evidence for an accretion disk. Our pulse timing analysis yielded an orbital period of 169.2 days, a moderate eccentricity of 0.33, and implied a mass function of 9.7 M_sun. We observed evidence for an accretion disk, a correlation between measured spin-up rate and flux, which was fitted to obtain a distance estimate of 9.5 +/- 2.9 kpc. XTE J1946+274 remained active from 1998 September - 2001 July, undergoing 13 outbursts that were not locked in orbital phase. Comparing RXTE PCA observations from the initial bright outburst in 1998 and the last pair of outbursts in 2001, we found energy and intensity dependent pulse profile variations in both outbursts and hardening spectra with increasing intensity during the fainter 2001 outbursts. In 2001 July, optical Halpha observations indicate a density perturbation appeared in the Be disk as the X-ray outbursts ceased. We propose that the equatorial plane of the Be star is inclined with respect to the orbital plane in this system and that this inclination may be a factor in the unusual outburst behavior of the system.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, To appear in ApJ v584, Feb 20, 2003 issu

    Beam test results for the FiberGLAST instrument

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    The FiberGLAST scintillating fiber telescope is a large-area instrument concept for NASA\u27s GLAST program. The detector is designed for high-energy gamma-ray astronomy, and uses plastic scintillating fibers to combine a photon pair tracking telescope and a calorimeter into a single instrument. A small prototype detector has been tested with high energy photons at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. We report on the result of this beam test, including scintillating fiber performance, photon track reconstruction, angular resolution, and detector efficiency

    Overview and Guidance on Agile Development in Large Organizations

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    A continual debate surrounds the effectiveness of agile software development practices. Some organizations adopt agile practices to become more competitive, improve processes, and reduce costs. Other organizations are skeptical about whether agile development is beneficial. Large organizations face an additional challenge in integrating agile practices with existing standards and business processes. To examine the effects of agile development practices in large organizations, we review and integrate scientific literature and theory on agile software development. We further organize our theory and observations into a framework with guidelines for large organizations considering agile methodologies. Based on this framework, we present recommendations that suggest ways large organizations with established processes can successfully implement agile practices. Our analysis of the literature and theory provides new insight for researchers of agile software development and assists practitioners in determining how to adopt agile development in their organizations

    Bdelloid rotifers deploy horizontally acquired biosynthetic genes against a fungal pathogen

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    Coevolutionary antagonism generates relentless selection that can favour genetic exchange, including transfer of antibiotic synthesis and resistance genes among bacteria, and sexual recombination of disease resistance alleles in eukaryotes. We report an unusual link between biological conflict and DNA transfer in bdelloid rotifers, microscopic animals whose genomes show elevated levels of horizontal gene transfer from non-metazoan taxa. When rotifers were challenged with a fungal pathogen, horizontally acquired genes were over twice as likely to be upregulated as other genes — a stronger enrichment than observed for abiotic stressors. Among hundreds of upregulated genes, the most markedly overrepresented were clusters resembling bacterial polyketide and nonribosomal peptide synthetases that produce antibiotics. Upregulation of these clusters in a pathogen-resistant rotifer species was nearly ten times stronger than in a susceptible species. By acquiring, domesticating, and expressing non-metazoan biosynthetic pathways, bdelloids may have evolved to resist natural enemies using antimicrobial mechanisms absent from other animals

    Development and testing of a fiber/multianode photomultiplier system for use on FiberGLAST

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    A scintillating fiber detector is currently being studied for the NASA Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) mission. This detector utilizes modules composed of a thin converter sheet followed by an x, y plane of scintillating fibers to examine the shower of particles created by high energy gamma-rays interacting in the converter material. The detector is composed of a tracker with 90 such modular planes and a calorimeter with 36 planes. The two major component of this detector are the scintillating fibers and their associated photodetectors. Here we present current status of development and test result of both of these. The Hamamatsu R5900-00-M64 multianode photomultiplier tube (MAPMT) is the baseline readout device. A characterization of this device has been performed including noise, cross- talk, gain variation, vibration, and thermal/vacuum test. A prototype fiber/MAPMT system has been tested at the Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices at Louisiana State University with a photon beam and preliminary results are presented
