30 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal Patterns in Nest Box Occupancy by Tree Swallows Across North America

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    Data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) suggest that populations of aerial insectivorous birds are declining, particularly in northeastern regions of the continent, and particularly since the mid-1980s. Species that use nest boxes, such as Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), may provide researchers with large data sets that better reveal finer-scale geographical patterns in population trends. We analyzed trends in occupancy rates for ca. 40,000 Tree Swallow nest-box-years from 16 sites across North America. The earliest site has been studied intensively since 1969 and the latest site since 2004. Nest box occupancy rates declined significantly at five of six (83%) sites east of -78° W longitude, whereas occupancy rates increased significantly at four of ten sites (40%) west of -78° W longitude. Decreasing box occupancy trends from the northeast were broadly consistent with aspects of a previous analysis of BBS data for Tree Swallows, but our finding of instances of increases in other parts of the continent are novel. Several questions remain, particularly with respect to causes of these broad-scale geographic changes in population densities of Tree Swallows. The broad geographic patterns are consistent with a hypothesis of widespread changes in climate on wintering, migratory, or breeding areas that in turn may differentially affect populations of aerial insects, but other explanations are possible. It is also unclear whether these changes in occupancy rates reflect an increase or decrease in overall populations of Tree Swallows. Regardless, important conservation steps will be to unravel causes of changing populations of aerial insectivores in North America

    Short Note: Monteiro’s Hornbills Tockus monteiri do not exhibit addition indeterminacy

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    Birds that respond to the addition/removal of eggs by laying fewer/extra eggs are known as indeterminate layers. Species that are insensitive to additions/removals are said to be determinate layers. Hornbills are an interesting group with which to investigate this phenomenon, because females are sealed into a small dark nest cavity and initiate continuous contact with eggs (incubation) with the laying of their first egg. However, because of their nest plug, they generally face neither partial clutch loss as a result of predation nor brood parasitism (factors hypothesised to influence the evolution of indeterminate laying). By providing Monteiro’s Hornbill Tockus monteiri females with three model eggs after they had laid the first egg of their clutch, I tested whether they exhibit ‘addition indeterminacy’. Females in the egg addition group and those in the control group did not differ significantly in the number of eggs laid. This finding suggests that Monteiro’s Hornbills do not exhibit addition indeterminacy. Keywords: indeterminate laying, clutch size, hornbills, supernumerary egg

    Eastern Bluebirds ( Sialia sialis

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