27 research outputs found

    Représentation des connaissances scientifiques en vue de leur transfert vers l'industrie (Application à la valorisation des produits à base de bois en fin de vie)

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    La thèse s intéresse au transfert de connaissances scientifiques en valorisation des produits à base de bois en fin de vie vers les acteurs de la filière bois. La question de recherche est : Comment transférer les connaissances scientifiques (recueil et représentation des connaissances) sur la valorisation des produits à base de bois en fin de vie pour qu'elles puissent être assimilées et utilisées par les acteurs de la filière bois ? Le recueil des connaissances a combiné des séances d'interview de spécialistes avec l acquisition des connaissances à partir d articles scientifiques. Les connaissances recueillies ont été reformulées afin de faciliter leur transfert vers les acteurs de la filière bois : les concepts pertinents, relations d'influence entre les concepts et résultats scientifiques ont été respectivement représentés via des cartes conceptuelles, graphes d'influence, et fiches de connaissances. Un modèle canonique de cartes conceptuelles a été proposé afin de permettre une représentation homogène des concepts. La transmission, l assimilation et l'utilisation potentielle des connaissances à transférer ont été traitées comme suit : La transmission a été proposée via un livre électronique (hypermédia) de connaissances, L assimilation a été prise en compte via la reformulation des connaissances et une représentation graphique des connaissances suivant une carte conceptuelle canonique et un format prédéfini de fiches. L utilisation potentielle des connaissances transférées a été renforcée par la représentation des leviers d'action sur les concepts du domaine sous forme de graphes d'influence. Les performances de transfert à partir du livre ont été évaluées en fonction du degré de compréhension du contenu du livre, la charge cognitive de l utilisateur au cours de l utilisation du livre de connaissances et sa désorientation. L expérience a montré que la forme canonique développée est intuitive ; et, tout comme la navigation dans le livre, n'occasionne pas de désorientation ou surcharge cognitive de l'utilisateur. Les résultats obtenus montrent, au sein de la filière bois, tout l intérêt de la représentation proposée pour le transfert de connaissances scientifiques vers des professionnels.This thesis focuses on the transfer of scientific knowledge on recovered wood to practitioners of the wood sector. The research question is: how to transfer the scientific knowledge (collect and representation of knowledge and the transmission medium) on the recovered wood so that they may assimilate and used by non-scientific personnel of the wood sector ? Knowledge was first collected through interviews with specialists in the re-use of recovered wood and combined with acquisition of knowledge from scientific publications. The collected knowledge was then reformulated to facilitate its transfer to practitioners in the wood sector. The relevant concepts, the influences between concepts and relevant scientific results werere spectively represented via concept maps, influence graphs, and knowledge sheets. A canonical model of concept maps is proposed to enable a homogeneous representation of concepts. Transmission, assimilation and potential utilization of knowledge transfer were treated as follows : The transmission is proposed via an electronic (hypermedia) knowledge-book, the assimilation (absorption) has been taken into account through the reformulation of knowledge and a graphical representation of knowledge following a canonical concept map and sheets with a predefined format and The potential use of the transferred knowledge is facilitated by the representation of the action levers on the domain concepts in the form of influence graphs. The efficiency of knowledge transfer via the knowledge book has been evaluated according to the degree of understanding of the book content, the cognitive load of the user during use of the knowledge-book and the disorientation it caused. The experience has shown that the developed canonical form is intuitive and, like navigation in the book, does not cause disorientation or cognitive over load to the user. This promotes the assimilation and the use of the knowledge-book content. The obtained results indicate that the representation of relevant knowledge in a knowledge-book should facilitate for the transfer of scientific knowledge to professionals in the wood sector.NANTES-ENS Mines (441092314) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Improved extraction of pine bark for wood adhesives

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    Pine bark tannins must be subjected to sulphonation to have an acceptable solubility in water for the preparation of wood adhesives. In this study, several extraction variables (sodium sulphite and urea concentrations in the extraction white liquor, extraction time, bark/liquor ratio and temperature) were assessed for their effect on extraction yield, and on the phenol, sulphur and ash content of extracts. Temperature had the highest positive effect on extraction yield and on the yield of total phenols in the extract. Sulphur content (i.e., the degree of sulphonation) was influenced mostly by sulphite concentration in white liquor, as was ash content

    Recent Developments in the General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System

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    A discussion of many of the recently implemented features of GAMESS (General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System) and LibCChem (the C++ CPU/GPU library associated with GAMESS) is presented. These features include fragmentation methods such as the fragment molecular orbital, effective fragment potential and effective fragment molecular orbital methods, hybrid MPI/OpenMP approaches to Hartree-Fock, and resolution of the identity second order perturbation theory. Many new coupled cluster theory methods have been implemented in GAMESS, as have multiple levels of density functional/tight binding theory. The role of accelerators, especially graphical processing units, is discussed in the context of the new features of LibCChem, as it is the associated problem of power consumption as the power of computers increases dramatically. The process by which a complex program suite such as GAMESS is maintained and developed is considered. Future developments are briefly summarized

    Identification et évaluation des différents types et niveaux des contaminants chimiques dans les bois recyclés

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    La première partie de ce travail est l étude de la disponibilité et de l utilisation des ressources de bois recyclé. 16millons de tonnes de résidus de bois sont récupérés chaque année dans les entreprises ou les points de collectes (déchèteries). Seuls moins de 14% de cette matière première sont recyclés, en partie en raison d un tri insuffisamment sélectif car souvent uniquement visuel. En effet les règlementations imposent le rejet de certaines ressources en raison de contaminations, volontaires ou involontaires, par des produits de préservation, peintures, etc. Il est évident que l augmentation de la valorisation des déchets bois passe par une analyse systématique des niveaux de contaminants chimiques. Les Normes Européennes DD CEN/TS 14778-1 et DD CEN/TS 14780 :2005 décrivent des protocoles de réduction d un gisement de bois recyclé de plusieurs centaines de tonnes à un échantillon représentatif de l ordre de quelques dizaines de kilogrammes. Une étape de broyage est ensuite nécessaire afin de réduire les tailles moyennes des particules d une dizaine de centimètre jusqu à une limite supérieure de 500 m pour extraire les produits chimiques et en mesurer les concentrations. Cette étape de préparation et d analyse est relativement couteuse car réalisée sur plus d une dizaine de kilogrammes L élaboration d un protocole robuste d analyse de cet échantillon est donc importante. La méthodologie retenue a consisté à simuler un échantillon de bois recyclé à partir d un mélange de particules propres et imprégnées (traitement de préservation par des sels métalliques) de répartition granulométrique connue, et à appliquer différents protocoles de prélèvement et d extraction. L analyse chimique a également fait l objet de comparaison de méthodes et d analyses statistiques. Si des techniques classiques d analyse en solution (ICP-AES et AAS) ont été retenues pour l élaboration du protocole, une étude par spectroscopie proche infra-rouge à transformée de Fourrier (SPIR-TF) a été étudiée afin de promouvoir une technologie plus rapide et potentiellement non destructive. Une méthode d analyse statistique multivariée des spectres proche infrarouge a mis en évidence la discrimination entre des bois traités avec des produits organiques et des sels métalliques mais aussi entre les sels eux même. Les niveaux de contamination, en particulier des sels de cuivre, sont évalués par modélisation et comparaison avec une base de données spectrale d échantillons contaminés connus (modèle PLS).The first part of this thesis is a market study of the availability of recycled wood. Each year, in France, 16 million tons of wood waste are collected by specialist companies and waste reception centres. Less than 14% of this is recycled, partially because regulations do not allow highly contaminated wood resources and also because of inadequate sorting techniques, which are often limited to visual assessment. Clearly, recycled wood should be analysed chemically. European standards DD CEN/TS 14778-1:2005 and DD CEN/TS 14780:2005 describe how to obtain samples weighing tens of kg from stockpiles of hundreds of tons. The particles in the sample, often with a top size of several centimetres, must be ground to a fine flour of less than 500 m. It is impractical to grind the whole sample and so a robust protocol which permits sub-sampling without introducing bias is necessary. A model sample of recycled wood was created using clean particles impregnated with different metals. Different sub-sampling protocols were applied to this model. The samples were analysed chemically in order to see differences via statistical analysis. Standard wet chemistry methods and analyses (ICP-AES and AAS) were used to measure metal contents. In addition, a potentially non-destructive technique based on Fourier Transform Near Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-NIRS) was used to characterize and to predict the presence of metals in wood samples. Multivariate statistical techniques permit the discrimination between particles containing different metals or organic preservatives. It is demonstrated that the level of contamination, particularly with copper slats, can be determined by comparing observations with a database of spectra obtained from known samples (PLS modelling).NANTES-Ecole Centrale (441092306) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Wood-based panel technology : an introduction for specialists

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    Reports on ten years experience with so-called 'second phase' rehabilitation facilities which provide integrated medical and vocational rehabilitation. For patients in residential programs, examples are given for occupational therapy and job- and family-related vocational assessment: prevocational programs, occupational analysis, vocational assessment, and individualized training. Beyond medical care, the 'second phase' centers were intended to provide vocational adjustment services; critical appraisal, however, reveals the degree of legal imprecision of this term, as well as its lack of factual delimitation from other forms of rehabilitative measures stipulated in rehabilitation legislation. Also, the vocational functions assigned to the 'second' and 'third' phase tend to overlap more and more, at least at the conceptual level. What is therefore needed is further development of the vocational tasks and functions to be integrated in the 'second' phase in a direction where a need does exist and where the specific potential of these centers can be used in a meaningful and economical way: care of the most severely disabled persons for whom vocational services require a special education emphasis.Die bisherigen Erfahrungen mit der sogenannten II. Phase der Rehabilitation werden erortert. Bei stationar behandelten Patienten werden Beispiele aus dem Sektor 'Arbeitstheorie und berufsfeldbezogene Belastungserprobung' aufgefuhrt (arbeitstherapeutische Vorprogramme, Berufsabklarung, Belastungserprobungen und Einzeltrainingsmassnahmen). Uber die Betreuung im klinischen Feld hinaus werden Massnahmen der 'beruflichen Anpassung' diskutiert. Eine kritische Prufung zeigt, wie juristisch unprazise dieser Terminus ist und wie wenig faktisch abgrenzbar von anderen forderungsrechtlichen Anspruchen. Auch uberschneiden sich die beruflichen Massnahmen zwischen II. und III. Phase immer mehr, zumindest begrifflich. Deswegen wird die Notwendigkeit der Weiterentwicklung der beruflichen Aufgabenfelder der II. Phase in eine Richtung betont, in der Bedarf besteht und das spezielle Leistungsvermogen dieser Zentren sinnvoll und okonomisch genutzt werden kann: namlich zur Betreuung der Schwerstbehinderten, die beruflich nur unter sonderpadagogischen Gesichtspunkten bildbar sind

    How to transfer scientific knowledge in recovered wood from research to industry

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    The creation and the use of scientific knowledge on recovered wood allow industry to refinetheir skills on recovered wood management and to propose an ecologically responsible choiceas the future of this waste respecting the environment. Nowadays, numerous scientific resultsare generated and published by university but little quantities are translated to the practice.This limitation is due to the difficulty to transfer this knowledge in its typical format i.e.scientific papers. In this paper, a new channel transfer in the form of the electronic knowledgebook (k-book) on the recovered wood is proposed which facilitate the transfer of scientificknowledge from research to industry. It contains a new approach for representing scientificknowledge adapted to the industrial word. The declarative scientific knowledge has beenrepresented by concepts maps and the procedural scientific knowledge has been representedby a knowledge-sheets.The tests realized have demonstrated that the user of the k-book experiences has a lowdisorientation and a cognitive load level, which promotes the absorption and the use of thetransferred scientific knowledge

    Formulating preliminary design optimization problems using expert knowledge: Application to wood-based insulating materials

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    The design of wood-fiber based thermal insulating material with optimized properties and characteristics requires a good scientific knowledge of the latter. Currently, the technical, economic and ecological characteristics of a wood-fiber based composite mat are not well known. This article presents a methodology for the acquisition of expert knowledge so that the properties and characteristics can be modeled. The knowledge domain is multidisciplinary and it was delimited and decomposed into disciplines and domains of expertise. A panel of seven experts was constituted to cover the various disciplines and domains of expertise of the knowledge domain. Knowledge acquisition sessions, guided by the estimated importance and the availability of knowledge, were conducted using semi-structured interviews and the mapping of the existing causal relations between variables. A causal map was established to represent the causal knowledge of each of the experts and then, the established causal maps were assembled into a unique global causal map, which was subsequently validated by the experts. It contains the information necessary for formulating the properties and characteristics to be optimized, which were: thermal conductivity; thickness recovery of the material; the manufacturing cost and the product's environmental impact. Properties and characteristics are function of raw material type, their morphological properties and the manufacturing process variables. This methodology makes it possible to establish which objectives to optimize and which variables influence each objective. Consequently, the objective functions of the optimization problem can be clarified, specified and modeled

    Effects of machining parameters on raised grain occurring after the application of water-based finishes

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    International audienceThe application of water-based finishes to wood surfaces is known to increase surface roughness by raising the grain. This phenomenon is detrimental in the appearance of the finished wood surface. To eliminate it, light denibbing is needed prior to applying the second coat of finish. The objective of this study is to optimize wood machining to minimize raised grain caused by water-based coatings and to avoid, or at least, to minimize the sanding operation between each coat of finish. Experiments were done on beech samples. Complete experimental design was defined to generate several surface qualities from \textquotedblleftsmooth\textquotedblright to \textquotedblleftrough\textquotedblright which are linked to the average thickness of the removed chips. The planing parameters were the cutting mode, cutting direction, feed speed, and rotation speed. To compare with existing practices in joinery industries, specimens were also sanded. Two layers of water based coating were applied. Half of the samples were sanded after the first coat and the other half were not. Following each coat, surface roughness was measured and raised grain was evaluated through tactile tests. Results show that sanding operation is responsible for more raised grain than planing. Whereas for planing, high chip removal thickness gives more raised grain after coating application. The effects of the other parameters on raised grain occurence are not found to be statistically significant. The average roughness (Sa), quadratic mean roughness (Sq), reduced peak height (Spk) and the material volume of the peak section (Vmp) are the roughness parameters best correlated with tactile evaluation of grain raising, but the correlations are weak