618 research outputs found

    Acculturative Stress and Latino Depression: The Mediating Role of Behavioral and Cognitive Resources

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    Although research has found that acculturative stress is significantly associated with adverse psychological adjustment among Latinos, the mechanism by which this relationship exists is not clearly understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of behavioral and cognitive resources—active coping and self-efficacy, respectively—as mediators of the relationship between acculturative stress and depression among a sample of Latina/o adults (N = 469). Multiple mediator analysis indicated that active coping partially mediated the relationship between acculturative stress and depression symptom severity. The indirect relationship of acculturative stress to depression symptom severity through self-efficacy was not significant. The results suggest that acculturative stress directly relates to Latino psychological adjustment, and lower behavioral active coping partially accounts for this relationship. Results are discussed in the context of culturally based stress and coping models, wherein the relationship between stressors and subsequent psychological adjustment is influenced by the degree of fit between stressor demands and individuals’ resources. Implications for treatment and theory are discussed

    Discrimination, Acculturation, Acculturative Stress, and Latino Psychological Distress: A Moderated-Mediational Model

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    Prior research has found that perceived discrimination is associated with adverse mental health outcomes among Latinos. However, the process by which this relationship occurs remains an understudied area. The present study investigated the role of acculturative stress in underlying the relationship between perceived discrimination and Latino psychological distress. Also examined was the ability of acculturation to serve as a moderator between perceived discrimination and acculturative stress. Among a sample of Latino adults (N = 669), moderated mediational analyses revealed that acculturative stress mediated the perceived discrimination-psychological distress relationship, and that the link between perceived discrimination and acculturative stress was moderated by Anglo behavioral orientation but not Latino behavioral orientation. The findings are discussed within a stress and coping perspective that identifies the psychological consequences associated with perceived discrimination and acculturative stress

    Microaggressions and Psychological Functioning among High Achieving African-Americans: A Mixed-Methods Approach

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    Racial microaggressions and their influence on mental health were examined among African American doctoral students and graduates of doctoral programs. Using a mixed-methods approach, the current study first identified the types of microaggressions reported by African American participants (N = 97) and then investigated the mechanism by which these experiences influence mental health over time with a separate sample of African Americans (N = 107). The qualitative findings revealed three categories of microaggressions including Assumption of Criminality/Second-Class Citizen, Underestimation of Personal Ability, and Cultural/racial Isolation. The quantitative analyses found support for a moderated-mediational model by which Underestimation of Personal Ability was associated with greater perceived stress at one-year follow-up, which in turn was related to greater depressive symptoms. Active coping was found to moderate the racial microaggression-perceived stress link such that individuals who endorse active coping behaviors reported lower perceived stress. These findings are discussed in terms of practical and theoretical implications regarding the role of racial micro-aggressions in the lives of high-achieving African Americans and the mechanisms by which these experiences contribute to mental health problems

    Stress-Generation Processes in Latinos: The Roles of Acculturation, Acculturative Stress, and Intercultural Competence

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    Using a brief longitudinal design, this study examined the role of cultural adaptation processes (acculturation, acculturative stress, and intercultural competence) in predicting depression symptoms among Latinos living in the United States. Based on previous research employing stress generation processes (e.g., Hammen, 2005), it was hypothesized that depression symptoms measured at baseline predicted dependent stressful life events measured at six-month follow-up. It was further hypothesized that depression symptoms measured at baseline predicted dependent stressful life events measured at six-month follow-up indirectly through acculturation, acculturative stress, and intercultural competence, also measured at six-month follow-up. Finally, it was hypothesized that six-month follow-up acculturation, acculturative stress, and intercultural competence predicted severity of six-month follow-up depression symptoms indirectly through dependent stressful life events. Although results did not support study hypotheses, supplementary analyses found support for a longitudinal relationship between baseline dependent stressful life events and six-month follow-up acculturative stress mediated by baseline depression. Supplementary analyses also found evidence of possible longitudinal relationship between Latino acculturation and six-month follow-up acculturative stress mediated by baseline depression at the trend level of significance. Results are discussed in the context of a transactional relationship between stress and depression and the possible corresponding influence of this relationship on the cultural adaptation experience of Latinos living in the United States

    The Protective Roles of Latinx Intercultural Competence and Acculturation on Acculturative Stress and Depression: A Brief Longitudinal Study

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    This study examined the ability of cognitive schemas of culturally based skills, or Latinx intercultural competence (LIC), and acculturation to influence later acculturative stress and depression symptom severity. Latinx adults (final n 98), recruited from national e-mail listings and organizations with a predominant Latinx cultural base, completed online self-report measures of Latinx and Anglo acculturation, acculturative stress, LIC, and depression symptom severity at baseline (T1) and 6-month follow-up (T2). Path analysis indicated that T1 LIC was significantly related to greater T1 Latinx and T1 Anglo acculturation, and that T1 LIC was significantly, indirectly related to lower T2 acculturative stress through greater T1 Latinx acculturation. Greater T1 Latinx acculturation, but not T1 Anglo acculturation, was significantly, indirectly related to lower T2 depression through lower T2 acculturative stress. For Latinx adults, LIC may guide the expression of culturally sanctioned behavior through greater Latinx and Anglo acculturation. Heritage-culture acculturation may be crucial in protecting against later acculturative stress and depression. Findings are discussed in the context of the person-environment fit for effective intercultural exchange, and the potential importance of strengthening ties to cultural heritage in promoting Latinx mental health

    Improving Teaching Effectiveness Through The Application Of SPC Methodology

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    One method used extensively to aid in determining instruction effectiveness is Student Evaluations of Instruction (SEI). This paper examines the use of statistical Process Control charts as a way to correctly measure teaching effectiveness. This field studying SEIs has produced a significant literature. It is not surprising that there is considerable controversy over the efficacy of such instruments in measuring instructor performance or student learning.  Numerous factors that may influence the outcome of SET score have been identified. These include: class size, workload level of subject taught, and the nature of the subject. Clayson’s (1999) review found a profound impact due to personality variables, such as instructors’ age, and teaching experience. It is clear that SEI results can be influenced by many factors. Interestingly, this extensive literature provides no clear guidance on how to interpret SET results in order to make comparative evaluations of instructors’ performance. The research proposed in this paper suggests that variations of Statistical Process Control methods could be used in such evaluations. Only one prior paper (Marks and O’Connell, 2003) has suggested this approach. Our research examines six semesters of SET responses for all courses in our business school – a data base of nearly 30,000 responses. The paper examines what measure should be used as the standard by which an instructor’s performance should be evaluated. Specifically, it evaluates whether a school-wide, department-wide or course specific measure should be used as the standard. Statistical analyses are conducted to determine if there are significant differences on a standard measure across departments and across semesters. The goal is to develop a system that can accurately gauge faculty members whose evaluations are statistically superior or inferior. Such a system would enable department chairs and the administration to determine the relative effectiveness of faculty in teaching particular courses

    Design, Optimization, and Evaluation of a Fusionless Device to Induce Growth Modulation and Correct Spinal Curvatures in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

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    RÉSUMÉ La scoliose est une dĂ©formation musculo-squelettique complexe et tridimensionnelle de la colonne vertĂ©brale. Les mĂ©canismes de progression de la scoliose sont liĂ©s au principe de Hueter-Volkmann. Selon cette thĂ©orie, les chargements asymĂ©triques des plaques de croissance altĂšrent la croissance du rachis (cunĂ©iformisation des vertĂšbres). Une courbure scoliotique prĂ©sentant un angle de Cobb supĂ©rieur Ă  50° nĂ©cessite gĂ©nĂ©ralement une intervention chirurgicale avec fusion rachidienne. Cette chirurgie implique des procĂ©dures particuliĂšrement invasives et coĂ»teuses, ce qui a incitĂ© plusieurs chercheurs Ă  tenter de dĂ©velopper d‘autres alternatives. Des techniques minimalement invasives et sans fusion ont ainsi Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ©es pour contrĂŽler et corriger un mauvais alignement de la colonne vertĂ©brale avant qu'une progression trop importante des dĂ©formations scoliotiques ne se produise. Ces techniques tentent d'exploiter la croissance vertĂ©brale rĂ©siduelle afin de corriger la cunĂ©iformisation locale et d‘aboutir Ă  un rĂ©alignement progressif du rachis. Les traitements sans fusion semblent Ă©galement mettre en pĂ©ril la santĂ© du disque intervertĂ©bral Ă  long terme et se limitent Ă  une correction 2D (plan frontal) de dĂ©formations intrinsĂšquement 3D. Mieux comprendre biomĂ©caniquement la progression des dĂ©formations scoliotiques permettrait de dĂ©velopper des dispositifs sans fusion plus efficaces. Cela serait une contribution importante et innovatrice Ă  l'amĂ©lioration du traitement de la scoliose idiopathique adolescente (SIA). L'objectif global de cette thĂšse Ă©tait le dĂ©veloppement, l‘optimisation, et lâ€˜Ă©valuation expĂ©rimentale d'implants sans fusion afin de moduler la croissance et de corriger les dĂ©formations scoliotiques. Les objectifs spĂ©cifiques Ă©taient de 1) dĂ©velopper un modĂšle par Ă©lĂ©ments finis (MEF) de la colonne vertĂ©brale intĂ©grant une modĂ©lisation de la croissance; 2) exploiter ce MEF pour Ă©tudier les facteurs biomĂ©caniques impliquĂ©s dans les mĂ©canismes de progression de la SIA; 3) exploiter le MEF pour analyser la biomĂ©canique des dispositifs sans fusion existant actuellement et repĂ©rer les amĂ©liorations pouvant ĂȘtre apportĂ©es Ă  ces dispositifs; et 4) exploiter la plate-forme de conception conçue (analyses in silico, in situ, et in vivo) pour dĂ©velopper, optimiser, et valider de nouveaux dispositifs sans fusion modulateurs de croissance pour la correction des dĂ©formations de la SIA.----------ABSTRACT Scoliosis is a spinal musculoskeletal deformity defined by a 3D deformity of the spine. The pathomechanism of scoliotic progression may be in part explained by the Hueter-Volkmann principle. This theory describes how increased loading of growth plates will reduce regular growth rates while the converse is also accurate. Further, when extended to the pathogenesis of scoliosis, it defines how asymmetric loading of the vertebral bodies leads to the progression of the deformity via vertebral wedging. Currently, a scoliotic curve reaching a magnitude of 50° Cobb deformation requires surgical intervention involving instrumentation and spinal fusion. The process of fusion is among the most invasive and expensive procedures, which has motivated several researchers to develop other alternatives. The development of a less invasive technique, to control and correct a spinal misalignment before undesirable progression occurs, has subsequently been explored. Several fusionless devices have been developed that attempt to manipulate vertebral growth to correct vertebral wedging and, consequently, realign the spine. However, to date, these approaches have yet to be adopted in a clinical context. Moreover, devices actively pursued seemed to imperil the long term health of the intervertebral disc while corrective attempts are restricted to the unilateral manipulation of a 3D deformity. Therefore, enhanced biomechanical understanding of AIS pathomechanism in conjunction with the development of early and less invasive interventions would offer an important contribution to the improved treatment of AIS. The global objective of this thesis was to design, optimize, and evaluated experimentally fusionless device concepts to induce growth modulation and correct spinal curvatures in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). The specific objectives were to: 1) develop a FEM of the spine with integrated growth dynamics; 2) exploit the FEM to explore biomechanical factors involved in the pathomechanism of AIS; 3) exploit the FEM to analyze biomechanically current fusionless growth sparring devices to identify available avenues of improvement; and 4) exploit the devised developmental platform (in silico, in situ, and in vivo analyses) to develop, optimize, and validate novel and improved fusionless growth modulating devices for AIS

    Blacks weather, Whites climate

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    This essay explores the intersections of race, weather and climate. Earth science construes weather as the temperature and precipitation that impacts environments. Thinking about how this applies to bodies has come into vogue in trying to understand the disproportionate number of COVID-19 infections and deaths for Blacks and Latinx people. Arline Geronimus pioneered this in 1992 when she transposed the notion of “weathering” from its standard meaning of a process that decays wood onto the cumulative racism experienced by Black women resulting in excessive maternal death. Her “weathering hypothesis” tracks the assemblage of negative health outcomes for all African Americans caused by dangerous work environments and polluted neighborhoods. My essay shows how these embodied health effects are linked to larger histories of burning fossil fuels. We now know burning coal and oil transforms the climate by increasing the ratio of CO2 molecules. We also know that this shifting climate determines specific weather outcomes. However, we don’t yet have a full picture of the racial dynamic undergirding this. As a corollary to weathering, this essay proposes a “climating hypothesis” to help expose the power that Euro-descendant whites have wielded for centuries to intervene in the earth’s climate

    Structural characterisation and photophysical properties of lanthanoid complexes of a tetra-amide functionalised calix[4]arene

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    Lanthanoid complexes of a tetra-amide substituted calix[4]arene in the cone conformation are characterised by single crystal X-ray structure determination. The structural analysis shows that the metal ions are coordinated to the calixarene through the eight O donor atoms, along with one aqua ligand which is located within the cavity of the calixarene. The calixarene ligand was covalently incorporated into a polymethylmethacrylate monolith through p-allyl functional groups, followed by loading with a range of lanthanoid cations giving rise to light-emitting materials. The emission from the hydrid materials was found to be comparable to the solution phase emission
